
13.5 Token_CarrierTOKEN 载体

Token data is typically carried as a modulated signal on a physical medium.
        Token data 在物理的媒体上当做一个被调整的信号来携带。
The Token_Carrier is defined as the carrier medium in the physical layer of the POS_to_Token_Carrier_Interface specification and in the Token_Carrier_to_Meter_Interface specification (see 13.4 and 13.6).
        Token_Carrier 在 POS_to_Token_Carrier_Interface 规格和在
Token_Carrier_to_Meter_Interface 中定义为物理层中的载体.(见 13.4 和 13.6)
Token carriers are classified into physical token carriers and virtual token carriers, each of which may provide for one-way or two-way communications (see 13.6).
        Token carriers 按类别分为 Physical token 和 Virtual token, 每类都提供单行道或者双行道的链接。 (看 13.6)
Physical token carrier examples are: printed numbers on paper, magnetic encoding on a magnetic card, printed bar coding on paper, electronic storage in memory devices such as smart cards and keys, audio messages dictated by interactive voice response equipment.
        物理 token 的例子是: 印在纸上的的数字, 磁卡上的磁性代码, 印在纸上的条形码, 可记忆的电子存储卡类似智能卡和钥匙,被记录下的声音信息。
Virtual token carrier examples are: PLC modems, PSTN modems, GSM modems, radio modems, infrared optical coupling, LAN, WAN, direct local connection, etc.
        虚拟 token 例子是: PLC 调制解调器, PSTN 调制解调器, GSM 调制解调器, 收音机, 调制解调器、红外线的光学联结、区域网络,广域网, 本地直接连接, 等等。

13.6 Token_Carrier_to_Meter_InterfaceTOKEN 载体到表计接口

The Token_Carrier_to_Meter_Interface function deals with all activities related to the reading of information from and also the writing of information to token carriers.
        Token_Carrier_to_Meter_Interface 的功能是处理所有涉及 token carriers 的读写活动。
It defines an application layer and physical layer in terms of the OSI reference model with possible intermediate layers, while the token carrier is defined as the carrier medium in the physical layer.
        它被定义为 OSI 叁考模型中的应用层和物理层, 当 token carrier 被定义为物理层的 carrier
medium 的时候。

13.6.1 Sub-classification of the Token_Carrier_to_Meter_Interface functions Token_Carrier_to_Meter_Interface 的分类

 Figure 5 – Sub-classification of the Token_Carrier_to_Meter_Interface functions
        图 5 为 Token_Carrier_to_Meter_Interface 的分类图
See also Figure 6 below for a functional block diagram of a single-part payment meter
        图 6 为单向付款表的功区图

The Token_Carrier_to_Meter_Interface functions are further sub-classified as shown in Figure 5 above and in Table 15 below.
        Token_Carrier_to_Meter_Interface 功能可以被分为图 5 和表 15 中的子功能

Token_Carrier_to_Meter _Interface function TOKEN 载体到表计接口功能

  • Virtual_Token_Carrier 虚拟 TOKEN 载体
  • Physical_Layer_Token_Carrier_Type 物理层 TOKEN 载体类型
  • Physical_Token_Carrier 物理 TOKEN 载体

Application_Layer_Security 应用层安全

  • Confidentiality 机密性
  • Authentication 证明
  • Validation 确认
  • Cancellation 取消 

Application_Layer_Token_Type 应用层 TOKEN 类型

  • Credit_Token CREDIT TOKEN
  • Management_Token 管理 TOKEN

Table 15 – Sub-classification of the Token_Carrier_to_Meter_Interface functions
        表 15 -Token_Carrier_to_Meter_Interface 的子功能 

[Application_Layer_Security] Functions used in the application layer that deal with securing the integrity of the token that is being transferred on the token carrier. These are further sub-classified into Confidentiality, Authentication, Validation and Cancellation functions
        应用层安全:功能是处理在应用层上的 token carrier 数据传递的数据的安全性。它又分为加密功能、鉴定功能、确认和取消。
[Confidentiality] Functions used in the application layer that deal with concealing and keeping the token information private in order to reduce the possibility of tampering and fraud.Examples are: using encryption algorithms such as DES, 3DES, AES and RSA with associated cryptographic keys
        机密性:功能是在应用层中对数据进行保密,避免数据被修改或错误。例如: 使用密码技术运算法则,像是 DES、3DES、AES 和 RSA 都用统一的密匙。
[Authentication] Functions used in the application layer that deal with assuring that messages are authentic.Examples are: Successful decryption of token. Cryptographic signature of token data using secret shared keys or private/public key infrastructure
        证明:功能是在应用层处理信息,保证信息的安全性。例如:成功解密 token。使用密码、私匙/公匙作为签字密码的 token data
[Validation] Functions used in the application layer that deal with assuring that tokens are valid. Examples are: By comparing token identifiers with those previously registered in the payment meter. CRC Check sum calculation on token data.
Checking of manufacturer codes contained in tokens for manufacturer-specific meter functions
确认:功能是在应用层保证 tokens 的有效性。例如:比较 token 的标识、CRC 校验计算 token 上的数据、为制作商检查特殊功能表 tokens中的厂商号码。
[Cancellation] Functions used in the application layer that deal with assuring that tokens are only used once if so intended. Examples are: Token cancellation by erasure of magnetic information or by registering token identifiers in the payment meter for later comparison
        取消:功能是在应用层保证 tokens 只能使用一次。
        例如:token 可以被磁性信清除息或者重新注册新的标识
[Application_Layer_Token_Type] Functions used in the application layer that deal with the
different types of tokens used in a payment meter. These are further sub-classified into Credit_Token and Management_Token functions
        应用层 TOKEN 类型:功能是在应用层处理各地区不同类型的表。它可以分为 Credit_Token
和 Management_Token 子功能。
[Credit_Token] Functions used in the application layer that deal with tokens that are intended for use in the transfer of credit from the point of sale to the payment meter.Examples are: purchased credit free issue credit, poverty grant credit.
        CREDIT TOKEN功能是在应用层处理 token 作为信用消费时,传递给付费表。例如:购买信用额度以消费,缺少授与信用
[Management_Token] Functions used in the application layer that deal with tokens, which are intended for use in the transfer of instructions and information (other than credit) to the payment meter, by means of which the payment meter configuration may be managed remotely.Examples are: initiation of test functions, initiation of display functions,setting of tariff and charge schedules, setting of other control parameters,retrieval of information from the payment meter
        TOKEN 管理功能是应用层处理 token 作为操作规程和资料时(不包括信用),可以给付费表
修改配置。例如:测试功能的初始化,显示功能的初始化,关税和费用的设定, 其他控制叁数的设定,付费表的数据回读。
[Physical_Layer_Token_Carrier_Type] Functions that deal with the different types of token
carriers for the transfer of tokens to the payment meter. These are further sub-classified into
Physical_Token_Carrier and Virtual_Token_Carrier functions.
        物理 TOKEN 载体类型功能是处理在不同类型的 token carriers 在付费表的传递。可以分成物理 TOKEN 载体和虚拟 Token 载体子分类。
[Physical_Token_Carrier] Functions that deal with physically transportable token carrier
devices.Examples are: magnetic card readers, barcode readers, keypads, readers for smart cards memory key readers and other memory devices.
        物理 TOKEN 载体功能是传递 token carrier 的设备。例如:磁卡读卡器、条形码读卡器、智能卡读卡器、可记忆卡读卡器和其他可记忆的设备。
[Virtual_Token_Carrier] Functions that deal with all token carriers other than physical token carriers. These include all the OSI layers of local and remote connection communications protocols.Examples are: PSTN modem, ISDN modem, GSM modem, radio modem,PLC modem, Infrared, direct local connection, LAN and WAN connections.
        虚拟 TOKEN 载体功能是处理 physical token carriers以外的其它 token carriers。这些包括
本地所有的 OSI 层和远程连接沟通记录。例如:PSRN 调制解调器、ISDN 调制解调器、GSM 调制解调器、收音机调制解调器、PLC 调制解调器、使用红外线的本地链接、LAN 和 WAN 的链接。
[NOTE ]A given payment meter may implement any one or more combinations of these functions.





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