VR系列——Oculus Audio sdk文档:九、发布说明——Audio SDK 0.11/0.10发布说明

Audio SDK 0.11发布说明

  本文档提供了新功能、改进点和最新版本的Oculus Audio SDK的补丁的概述。
  This document provides an overview of new features, improvements, and fixes included in the latest version of the Oculus Audio SDK.


BUG修复(Bug Fixes)

  • 修复在调试输出窗口的伪警告。(Fixed spurious warnings in debug output window)


主要变更概述(Overview of Major Changes)

  这次发布引入了OculusHQ空间化提供商,它结合了之前High Quality Provider的质量和Simple Provider的性能。插件不再需要对HQ或者Simple路径进行选择。旧的实现在反射可用下默认使用OHQ。
  This release introduces the OculusHQ spatializer provider, which combines the quality of the former High Quality Provider with the performance of the Simple Provider. Plugins no longer require the selection of HQ or Simple paths. Old implementations use OHQ by default, with reflections enabled.

新功能(New Features)

  • Minor VST修改。(Minor VST changes.)
  • 新增AAX。(Added AAX.)
  • 新增对Wwise 2015.1的支持。(Added Wwise 2015.1 support.)
  • 改进了PC和Android的性能。(Improved PC and Android perfomance.)

已知问题(Known Issues)

  • FastPath目前不支持Android。从这个版本起,它不能在Unity 5.1中禁用,这将导致声音时断时续的问题。要解决这一点,需使用Unity 4.6直到下一个5.1补丁发布。(• FastPath is currently not supported for Android. As of this release, it cannot be disabled in Unity 5.1 which will cause intermittent audio issues. To workaround this, use Unity 4.6 until the next 5.1 patch release.)

Audio SDK 0.10发布说明

  本文档提供了新功能、改进点和最新版本的Oculus Audio SDK的补丁的概述。
  This document provides an overview of new features, improvements, and fixes included in the latest version of the Oculus Audio SDK.


主要变更概述(Overview of Major Changes)

  Oculus Audio SDK包含了一套热门的中间件和引擎的插件;为内容作者提供的Oculus Spatializer VST插件;能够帮助想结合现实的立体音效和可用的VR应用和游戏的开发人员的文档。
  The Oculus Audio SDK consists of a set of plugins for popular middleware and engines; the Oculus Spatializer VST plugin for content authors; and documentation to assist developers that want to incorporate realistic spatialized audio in their VR-enabled applications and games.

  目前Oculus Audio SDK支持Mac, Windows和移动平台,并提供集成(Currently the Oculus Audio SDK supports Mac, Windows, and mobile platforms, and provides integrations with):

  • FMOD (Windows, Mac and mobile)
  • Audiokinetic Wwise (Windows)
  • Unity 4.6 and later (Windows, Mac, and mobile)

  通过直接联系开发人员支持,熟练的开发者可选择OVRAudio C/C++ SDK。
  The optional OVRAudio C/C++ SDK is available to qualified developers by contacting developer support directly.

新功能(New Features)

  • Unity Plugin(Unity Plugin)
    • Unity 4 Free可用 (Works with Unity 4 Free.)
    • 默认音频路径为’slow’以实现可靠性(Defaults to ‘slow’ audio path for reliability.)
  • Wwise插件(Wwise plugin)
    • 移除VS2013 CRTL的依赖(Removed dependency on VS2013 CRTL.)
  • FMOD插件(FMOD plugin)
    • 明显崩溃bug和可靠性改进(Significant crash bug/reliability improvements.)
    • 新增支持Mac(Added Mac support.)
    • 移除VS2013 CRTL的依赖(Removed dependency on VS2013 CRTL.)
  • VST
    • 完成用户界面(Finalized user interface.)
    • Mac可用(Now available for Mac.)
  • OVRAudio(仅供内部使用)
    • 修改从bool返回的错误码(Changed from bool returns to error code returns.)
    • 新增调试输出(Added debug output.)
    • 新增支持16kHz(Added 16 kHz support.)
    • 移除Bass Boost选项(Removed Bass Boost option.)

API差异(API Changes)

  • OVRAudio (仅供内部使用)
  • 新增ovrAudio_SetAudioSourcePropertyf().(Added ovrAudio_SetAudioSourcePropertyf().)
  • 新增ovrAudio_SetUserConfig().(Added ovrAudio_SetUserConfig().)

BUG修复(Bug Fixes)

  • Unity插件(Unity plugin)
    • 移除与用户已存在的清单存在冲突的AndroidManifest(Removed AndroidManifest, which was causing conflicts with user’s existing manifests.)
    • 修复各种bug(Fixed various bugs.)
  • Wwise插件(Wwise plugin)
    • 修复各种崩溃bug(Fixed various crash bugs.)

已知问题(Known Issues)

  • 这仍是一个预览版本,因此预计有很多bug和其他小问题!(This is still a preview release, so expect a lot of bugs and other minor issues!)

Audio SDK 开发参考(Audio SDK Developer Reference)

  Oculus Audio SDK的开发参考文档涵盖了数据结构以及SDK中所包含文档的详细信息。
  The Oculus Audio SDK Developer Reference contains detailed information about the data structures and files included with the SDK.

  Audio SDK 1.0相关参考请参见Oculus Audio SDK Reference Manual 1.0。
  For the Audio SDK 1.0 reference, see Oculus Audio SDK Reference Manual 1.0.





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