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大佬博客:传送门初期:一.基本算法:     (1)枚举. (poj1753,poj2965)     (2)贪心(poj1328,poj2109,poj2586)     (3)递归和分治法.     (4)递推.     (5)构造法.(poj3295)     (6)模拟法.(poj1068,poj2632,poj1573,poj2993,poj2996)二.图算法:     (1)图的深度...

2018-06-29 16:44:45 217

原创 最短路 Flyod

最短路 Flyod 时间复杂度 : n^3(n为点的个数)#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<string.h>#include<math.h>#include<algorithm>#include<queue>#include<stack>#inc

2018-06-15 15:35:57 265

原创 Dijkstra 有向图

Dijkstra 有向图#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<string.h>#include<math.h>#include<algorithm>#include<queue>#include<stack>#include<deque

2018-06-15 15:29:26 642

原创 Dijkstra 无向图

Dijkstra 无向图#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<string.h>#include<math.h>#include<algorithm>#include<queue>#include<stack>#include<deque

2018-06-15 15:28:07 526

原创 Bellman有向图


2018-06-14 20:43:56 312

原创 Bellman无向图


2018-06-14 20:43:01 491

原创 最小生成树 Prime Kruskal 算法


2018-06-02 08:55:43 376

原创 POJ 1611 The Suspects 并查集 详细题解

                                                         The SuspectsTime Limit:1000MS    Memory Limit:20000KB    64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64uDescription Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)...

2018-05-23 09:10:24 209

原创 并查集简单操作及经典例题题解

并查集包括并和查两部分。实际操作中有三个函数与两个数组构成。两个数组:int deep[N] //用来存储该门派的树的深度 int captain[n] //用来存储n的上级是谁三个函数:1、初始化函数void init(int n){ int i,j...

2018-05-19 15:26:11 992

原创 第九届山东省ACM竞赛总结

                                           第九届山东省ACM竞赛总结     时间飞逝,转眼间大一已经接近尾声了,我仍然记得刚开学时对ACM的崇敬之情,当时为能否进ACM而担心,然后为能否留在ACM而担心,后来为能否参加省赛而担心。     备战省赛。首先,我要感谢集训队的师哥们,我能感受到师哥们对这次省赛的看重,因为这会成为许多师哥的退役赛,在这样的情...

2018-05-13 07:44:46 404

原创 HDU - 6025 Coprime Sequence

                                            Coprime SequenceDo you know what is called ``Coprime Sequence''? That is a sequence consists of n positive integers, and the GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) o...

2018-05-03 21:26:01 260

原创 Marjar Cola

                                                        Marjar ColaMarjar Cola is on sale now! In order to attract more customers, Edward, the boss of Marjar Company, decides to launch a promotion: If...

2018-05-03 19:10:59 256

原创 Intervals

                                                                  Intervals Chiaki has n intervals and the i-th of them is [li, ri]. She wants to delete some intervals so that there does not exist thr...

2018-05-03 16:48:46 370

原创 Log Files

                                                                    Log Files Nikolay has decided to become the best programmer in the world! Now he regularly takes part in various prog...

2018-05-03 15:27:03 264

原创 Linearization of the kernel functions in SVM

                        Linearization of the kernel functions in SVM SVM(Support Vector Machine)is an important classification tool, which has a wide range of applications in cluster analysis, commun...

2018-05-03 09:01:16 250

原创 HDU Game with Pearls

                                                Game with Pearls Tom and Jerry are playing a game with tubes and pearls. The rule of the game is: 1) Tom and Jerry come up together with a number K. ...

2018-05-03 08:49:53 200

原创 Tic-Tac-Toe

Tic-Tac-Toe Kim likes to play Tic-Tac-Toe. Given a current state, and now Kim is going to take his next move. Please tell Kim if he can win the game in next 2 moves if both player are clever enough. ...

2018-05-03 08:37:39 523

原创 Game

                                                                                Game        Time limit  1000 ms              Memory limit262144 kB ...

2018-05-03 08:32:06 160

原创 第四届趣味编程大赛 小国的游戏

小国的游戏Time Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MBSubmit: 91  Solved: 24[Submit][Status][Discuss]Description可怜的小国和小辉在双十一过后,吃饭都吃不起了,只能在吃饭时间玩会游戏来打发时间。可是时间久了之后,他们各种游戏都玩了一遍,所以他们两个打算合作出一个新奇的游戏。最终,他们决定先做四个纸箱,每个纸箱里...

2018-04-25 09:19:32 544

原创 CF Mirrored String II

I. Mirrored String IItime limit per test1.0 smemory limit per test256 MBinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputNote: this is a harder version of Mirrored string I.The gorillas have recently discovere...

2018-04-25 09:06:10 187

原创 CF Make Cents?

M. Make Cents?time limit per test6.0 smemory limit per test256 MBinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputEvery year, an elephant qualifies to the Arab Collegiate Programming Competition. He graduated ...

2018-04-25 08:45:47 182

原创 经典博弈集合题解

一、威佐夫博弈有两堆石子,数量任意,可以不同。游戏开始由两个人轮流取石子。游戏规定,每次有两种不同的取法,一是可以在任意的一堆中取走任意多的石子;二是可以在两堆中同时取走相同数量的石子。最后把石子全部取完者为胜者。现在给出初始的两堆石子的数目,如果轮到你先取,假设双方都采取最好的策略,问最后你是胜者还是败者。                    核心:if((int((b-a)*c))==a)P...

2018-04-20 17:33:15 2523

原创 POJ 2393 Yogurt factory

Yogurt factoryTime Limit:1000MS    Memory Limit:65536KB    64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u Description The cows have purchased a yogurt factory that makes world-famous Yucky Yogurt. Over the next N...

2018-04-19 16:47:44 142

原创 CF Playing With Strings

    I. Playing With Stringstime limit per test    2.0 smemory limit per test    64 MBstandard outputDani and Mike are two kids ,They are playing games all day and when they don't find a game t...

2018-04-19 16:17:16 224

原创 HDU 1798 Tell me the area

 Tell me the area                        Time Limit:1000MS    Memory Limit:32768KB    64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64uDescription     There are two circles in the plane (shown in the below picture),...

2018-04-19 16:03:15 169

原创 abs fabs fabsf 用法

int abs(int i);    //处理int类型的取绝对值double fabs(double i);         //处理double类型的取绝对值float fabsf(float i);                //处理float类型的取绝对值还有些待学习的强大的函数,如:ssanf   swap  atof(这一类的函数);...

2018-04-19 15:41:42 2223

原创 HDU 1013 Digital Roots 九余定理

                                                                Digital Roots                                                    Time Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MBDescriptionThe digital root of a ...

2018-04-12 14:59:58 214

原创 KMP经典超简约模板

形象浅显的解释如何及为何应用KMP算法:传送门#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> char small[10009],big[1000009]; int check[10009]; int a,b; void preview() { int k=-1,j=0; check[0]=-1; ...

2018-04-07 17:38:17 174

原创 SDIBT 2322 Sorting a Three-Valued Sequence

Sorting a Three-Valued Sequence                            Time Limit:1000MS     Memory Limit:65536KB     64bit IO Format:%lld & %lluDescription排序是一种很频繁的计算任务。现在考虑最多只有三值的排序问题。一个实际的例子是,当我们给某项竞赛的优胜者按...

2018-04-04 21:50:28 158

原创 HDU 3951 Coin Game

                                                Coin Game                Time Limit:1000MS    Memory Limit:32768KB    64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64uDescription After hh has learned how to play Nim...

2018-03-31 10:05:20 343

原创 SDUT 3275 LCM的个数

LCM的个数                            Time Limit:1000MS    Memory Limit:65536KB    64bit IO Format:%lld & %lluDescription 对于我们来说求两个数的LCM(最小公倍数)是很容易的事,现在我遇到了一个问题需要大家帮助我来解决这问题,问题是:给你一个数n,然后统计有多少对(a&l...

2018-03-31 09:49:46 211

原创 SDUT 2886 Weighted Median

Weighted Median                    Time Limit:2000MS     Memory Limit:65536KB     64bit IO Format:%lld & %lluDescriptionFor n elements x1, x2, ..., xn with positive integer weights w1, w2, ..., wn...

2018-03-30 15:25:22 189

原创 CodeForces 939A(水题)

DescriptionAs you could know there are no male planes nor female planes. However, each plane on Earth likes some other plane. There are n planes on Earth, numbered from 1 to n, and the plane with numb...

2018-03-28 09:18:25 463

原创 Counting-out Rhyme 约瑟夫环

                                                                Counting-out Rhyme                Time Limit:1000MS     Memory Limit:262144KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64uSubmit Status Practic...

2018-03-28 08:48:56 286

原创 Codefroces194A Exams

H - ExamsTime Limit:2000MS     Memory Limit:262144KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64uSubmit Status Practice CodeForces 194A DescriptionOne day the Codeforces round author sat exams. He had n exam...

2018-03-11 10:27:13 207

原创 HDU 1009 FatMouse' Trade 贪心菜鸟题

FatMouse' TradeTime Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MBSubmit: 203  Solved: 160[Submit][Status][Discuss]DescriptionFatMouse prepared M pounds of cat food, ready to trade with the cats guarding the wareh...

2018-02-20 15:16:10 300

原创 POJ 1007 DNA Sorting 多个数组代替结构体

DNA SortingTime Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MBSubmit: 327  Solved: 140[Submit][Status][Discuss]DescriptionOne measure of ``unsortedness'' in a sequence is the number of pairs of entries that are ou...

2018-02-19 21:10:16 238

原创 Adding Reversed Numbers 数的反转

Adding Reversed NumbersTime Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MBSubmit: 300  Solved: 143[Submit][Status][Discuss]DescriptionThe Antique Comedians of Malidinesia prefer comedies to tragedies. Unfortunatel...

2018-02-18 16:49:00 509

原创 日常错误

第二届南晓程序设计竞赛新年赛-外网dalao狂欢    个人总结问题 A: 集训队日常之JBB的烦恼时间限制: 1 Sec  内存限制: 32 MB提交: 402  解决: 235[提交][状态][讨论]题目描述JBB一直有个大大的烦恼。她总是认为自己的才能适合行政工作,不适合写代码,不敢考卓工班。但是又怕跟BigBaiZhou说了以后会收到

2017-12-21 08:21:29 452



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