from dronekit import connect, VehicleMode
import time
from dronekit import VehicleMode
# 串口连接字符串,根据实际串口设备和波特率修改
serial_connection_string = "/dev/ttyUSB0"
baud_rate = 921600
# 通过串口连接到无人机
vehicle = connect(serial_connection_string, baud=baud_rate, wait_ready=True)
# 打印无人机的状态
print("无人机版本: %s" % vehicle.version)
print("无人机模式: %s" %
print("电池信息: %s" % vehicle.battery)
# 等待无人机GPS锁定
while not vehicle.gps_0:
# 解锁无人机
vehicle.armed = True
# 等待无人机解锁
while not vehicle.armed:
# 起飞
# vehicle.mode = VehicleMode("GUIDED")
# 设置模式为 GUIDED
vehicle.mode = VehicleMode("OFFBOARD")
# vehicle.airspeed = 6
# for i in range(2):
target_alt = 3
vehicle.simple_takeoff(target_alt) # 10表示起飞到10米的高度
# time.sleep(3)
# while True:
# print("当前高度: %s" % vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt)
# if vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt >= target_alt * 0.95: # 设置目标高度为2.8米
# print("无人机已到达目标高度。")
# break
# else:
# vehicle.simple_takeoff(target_alt) # 10表示起飞到10米的高度
# time.sleep(6)
# time.sleep(1)
# time.sleep(4)
except Exception as e:
print("连接无人机失败: %s" % str(e))
if vehicle:
# from dronekit import connect
# vehicle = connect('COM4', wait_ready = True)
# # 飞控软件版本
# print ("Autopilot Firmware version: %s" % vehicle.version)
# # 全球定位信息(经纬度,高度相对于平均海平面)
# print ("Global Location: %s" % vehicle.location.global_frame)
# # 全球定位信息(经纬度,高度相对于home点)
# print ("Global Location (relative altitude): %s" % vehicle.location.global_relative_frame)
# # 相对home点的位置信息(向北、向东、向下);解锁之前返回None
# print ("Local Location: %s" % vehicle.location.local_frame)
# # 无人机朝向(欧拉角:roll,pitch,yaw,单位为rad,范围-π到+π)
# print ("Attitude: %s" % vehicle.attitude)
# # 三维速度(m/s)
# print ("Velocity: %s" % vehicle.velocity)
# # GPS信息
# print ("GPS: %s" % vehicle.gps_0)
# # 地速(m/s)
# print ("Groundspeed: %s" % vehicle.groundspeed)
# # 空速(m/s)
# print ("Airspeed: %s"% vehicle.airspeed)
# # 云台信息(得到的为当前目标的roll, pitch, yaw,而非测量值。单位为度)
# print ("Gimbal status: %s" % vehicle.gimbal)
# # 电池信息
# print ("Battery: %s" % vehicle.battery)
# # EKF(拓展卡曼滤波器)状态
# print ("EKF OK?: %s"% vehicle.ekf_ok)
# # 超声波或激光雷达传感器状态
# print ("Rangefinder: %s" % vehicle.rangefinder)
# # 无人机朝向(度)
# print ("Heading: %s" % vehicle.heading)
# # 是否可以解锁
# print ("Is Armable?: %s" % vehicle.is_armable)
# # 系统状态
# print ("System status: %s" % vehicle.system_status.state)
# # 当前飞行模式
# print ("Mode: %s" %
# # 解锁状态
# print ("Armed: %s" % vehicle.armed)
# from dronekit import connect
# #串口连接字符串,根据实际串口设备和波特率修改serial connection string="/dev/ttyUsBe"baud rate=57686
# try:
# #通过串口连接到无人机
# vehicle = connect('/dev/ttyUSB0', baud=921600, wait_ready=True)
# #打印无人机的状态
# print("无人机版本:%s"%vehicle.version)
# #print("无人机位置:%s"% frame)
# print("无人机模式:%s"
# # # 电池信息
# print ("Battery: %s" % vehicle.battery)
# except Exception as e:
# print("连接无人机失败:%s"%str(e))
# finally:
# if vehicle:
# vehicle.close()
# from dronekit import connect
# # from pymavlink import mavutil
# # import time, sys, argparse, math
# from dronekit import connect, Command, LocationGlobal
# from pymavlink import mavutil
# import time, sys, argparse, math
# # Connect to the Vehicle
# print("Connecting")
# vehicle = connect('/dev/ttyUSB0', wait_ready=True, baud=921600) #
# # Display basic vehicle state
# print(" Type: %s" % vehicle._vehicle_type)
# print(" Armed: %s" % vehicle.armed)
# print(" System status: %s" % vehicle.system_status.state)
# print(" GPS: %s" % vehicle.gps_0)
# print(" Alt: %s" % vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt)
# vehicle.close()
# from dronekit import connect
# import time
# # 串口连接字符串,根据实际串口设备和波特率修改
# serial_connection_string = "/dev/ttyUSB0"
# baud_rate = 921600
# try:
# # 通过串口连接到无人机
# vehicle = connect(serial_connection_string, baud=baud_rate, wait_ready=True)
# # 打印无人机的状态
# print("无人机版本: %s" % vehicle.version)
# print("无人机模式: %s" %
# print("电池信息: %s" % vehicle.battery)
# # 等待无人机GPS锁定
# while not vehicle.gps_0:
# print("等待GPS锁定...")
# time.sleep(1)
# # 解锁无人机
# vehicle.armed = True
# print("无人机已解锁。")
# # 等待无人机解锁
# while not vehicle.armed:
# print("等待无人机解锁...")
# time.sleep(1)
# # 起飞
# vehicle.mode = dronekit.VehicleMode("GUIDED")
# vehicle.simple_takeoff(10) # 10表示起飞到10米的高度
# print("无人机起飞中...")
# except Exception as e:
# print("连接无人机失败: %s" % str(e))
# finally:
# if vehicle:
# vehicle.close()
# print("无人机连接已关闭。")
Python DroneKit控制无人机起飞
最新推荐文章于 2024-10-15 05:03:34 发布