Microsoft Atlas Doc 中英文对照(Over View)

Microsoft Atlas Doc 中英文对照
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Developers have wrestled constantly with the limits of the HTML UI experience, including the complexities of JavaScript and issues with cross-browser compatibility. In many cases, they have sacrificed a rich user experience for cross-browser compatibility by creating primarily server-based dynamic pages.
开发者不断的在 HTML 界面体验挣扎,包括 JavaScript ,问题的复杂性与跨浏览器兼容性。 多数情况下 , 他们牺牲了丰富的用户体验,为跨浏览器主要创建基于服务器的动态页。
In the last few years, new capabilities in browsers have encouraged Web developers to again explore the possibilities of creating client-based applications. All popular browsers now support a programmable document object model (DOM), and the last few versions of these browsers have added the capability to communicate directly between the client and the server, without a complete postback and round trip. The result is a new generation of Web applications like Microsoft Virtual Earth and Microsoft Windows Live that are responsive, that provide UI features like drag-and-drop, and that process data in real time.
在过去的几年里,浏览器新的功能,鼓励开发者再次探索建立基于客户端应用程序。目前主流的浏览器都支持可编程的文档对象模型( DOM ),其中一些浏览器在最近的版本中增加了客户端与服务器直接交互的能力,不用完全的回发和往返。这样就出现了像 Microsoft Virtual Earth Microsoft Windows Live 可响应的,可拖放的,实时数据处理的新一代 Web 应用程序。
The problem is that creating Web applications like these is not simple. You have to code in JavaScript and understand browser DOMs, which differ between browsers. And JavaScript does not offer the full range of object-oriented, type-safe features that .NET Framework developers are used to. In short, creating client-oriented Web applications requires expertise with a new programming language and a new development platform.
问题是创建 WEB 应用程序并不是想象的那样简单。你必须编写不同 Javascript 代码及理解不同浏览器的 DOM 。而且 Javascript 并不是完全面积对象的,也没有开发人员使用的 .NET Framework 里的类型安全的特性。总之,创建面向客户端的 WEB 应用程序需 , 需要有新的开发平台、新的程式语言。
This is where ASP.NET 'Atlas' comes in. 'Atlas' is a new ASP.NET Web development technology that integrates client script libraries with the ASP.NET 2.0 server-based development framework. 'Atlas' offers you the same type of development platform for client-based Web pages that ASP.NET offers for server-based pages. And because 'Atlas' is an extension of ASP.NET, it is fully integrated with server-based services. Using 'Atlas,' you can move significant portions of an application's processing to the client, while retaining the ability to communicate with the server in the background. The result is that you can create ASP.NET pages with a rich, responsive UI and server communication.
这就是 ASP.NET ‘Atlas’ 的由来。 'Atlas' 是整合了客户端脚本库和 ASP.NET 2.0 服务器开发框架的新型的开发技术。 'Atlas’ 提供相同类型的开发平台基于客户端的 Web 页面 ASP.NET 提供基于服务器的页面。因为 'Atlas' ASP.NET 的一个延伸,充分配合服务器上的服务。使用 'Atlas' ,你可以将一部分内容的执行移动到客户端,将与服务器的交互放动后台。因而你可以创建丰富的,快速响应的界面与服务器交互的 ASP.NET 页面。
'Atlas' 与 AJAX
In the world of Web development, the set of technologies available to create client-server communication and rich UI is collectively known as AJAX , for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML . AJAX is an approach to creating responsive and interactive Web pages that leverages the capabilities built into browsers. 'Atlas' enables you to create AJAX-style applications, and goes substantially beyond this to offer a complete framework for creating applications that can target the appropriate platform (client and server) for application tasks, providing the same level of programmability on both platforms . For more information about 'Atlas' and AJAX, see Understanding AJAX Applications and ASP.NET "Atlas".
Web 开发的世界里,大家都知道有 AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript and XML . AJAX )这样一套有用的技术用来建立客户端与服务器端通讯和丰富界面。 AJAX 是利用浏览器的内建功能创建可响应的和可交互的网页。 'Atlas' 使你建立 AJAX 风格的程序成为可能,这大大超过了提供完整框架建立程序指向调用平台程序任务。提供相同级别两个平台上的编程能力 。有关 'Atlas' AJAX 的更多信息请参考 Understanding AJAX Applications and ASP.NET "Atlas"
'Atlas' 提供什么
The primary goal of 'Atlas' is to integrate client script features with the features of ASP.NET on the server to provide a comprehensive development platform.
'Atlas' 的主要目标是整合客户端脚本和服务器端 ASP.NET 提供一个完整的开发平台。
For client-side development, 'Atlas' manages the complexity of JavaScript-based development and offers the following development features:
为客户端的开发, 'Atlas' 控制了 Javascript 开发的复制性及提供以下开发特性:
  • A consistent, object-oriented set of APIs for developing in JavaScript. You can create client code using OOP features that are familiar from working with the .NET Framework.
  • 用于Javascript开发的一套稳定的,面向对象API开发。你可以使用OOP创建客户端代码,就像使用.net framework那样。
  • Automatic browser compatibility, so that no special coding is required to make your applications run in multiple browsers.
  • 兼容各种浏览器,因此多种浏览器里的运行的应用程序并不需要编写特别的代码。
  • Client-script APIs and components that support rich UI features, such as drag-and-drop behavior. You can add these features to HTML controls with little or no coding.
  • 客户端脚本API和组件支持富态界面特性,像拖放行为。你可以把这此特性放到HTML控件里,只要编写一点代码,甚至不用编写代码。
  • A declarative model for client development that is similar to the declarative syntax for ASP.NET server controls.
  • 客户端开发定义模块和ASP.NET服务器控件定义语法相似。
'Atlas' also integrates client scripting with ASP.NET server-side development, so you can handle application tasks wherever it makes the most sense. ASP.NET provides the following server-side features for 'Atlas' applications:
'Atlas' 也整合客户端脚本和 ASP.NET 服务端开发,所以你无论怎么处理程序任务都有最好的感觉。 ASP.NET 'Atlas' 程序提供以下特性:
  • Web services that are useful to integrate with 'Atlas' applications, such as a profiles service.
  • Web服务结合'Atlas'程序是非常有用的,比如profiles服务。
  • ASP.NET Web server controls that automatically emit all the client script needed for 'Atlas' applications, so you do not need to write JavaScript code.
  • ASP.NET Web服务器控制自动发出所有'Atlas'程序需要的客户端脚本,所以你不需要编写Javascript代码。
  • Integrated Visual Studio development tools for client-side development, which gives you debugging, statement completion, and other productivity-enhancing features.
  • 客户端开发结合Visual Studio开发工具,来调试,完成代码块,提高生产率
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