PBAS 背景建模源码浅析

  1. pbas.h

#include <iostream>
#include <cv.h>
#include <highgui.h>

#pragma once
class PBAS
    bool process(cv::Mat* input, cv::Mat* output);

    void setN(int);
    void setRaute_min(int);
    void setR_lower(double);
    void setR_incdec(double);
    void setR_scale(double);
    void setT_init(double);
    void setT_lower(double);
    void setT_upper(double);
    void setT_dec(double);
    void setT_inc(double);
    void setAlpha(double);
    void setBeta(double);

    bool isMovement();


    void calculateFeatures(std::vector<cv::Mat>* feature, cv::Mat* inputImage);
    void checkValid(int *x, int *y);
    void decisionThresholdRegulator(float* pt, float* meanDistArr);
    void learningRateRegulator(float* pt, float* meanDist, uchar* isFore);
    void init(cv::Mat*);
    void newInitialization();

    cv::Mat meanMinDist;
    float* meanMinDist_Pt;

    int width, height;
    int chans;

    //balance of feature pixel value to conture value 公式5
    double alpha, beta;

    double formerMeanNorm;

    //define value of foreground/background pixels
    int foregroundValue, backgroundValue;

    //random number parameters

    //random number generator
    cv::RNG randomGenerator;

    //length of random array initialization
    long countOfRandomNumb;

    //pre - initialize the randomNumbers for better performance
    std::vector<int> randomN, randomMinDist, randomX, randomY, randomT, randomTN;


    //check if something is moving
    bool isMove;

    //for init, count number of runs
    int runs;

    cv::Mat* resultMap;
    uchar* resultMap_Pt;

    std::vector<cv::Mat> currentFeatures;
    std::vector<float*> currentFeaturesM_Pt;
    std::vector<uchar*> currentFeaturesC_Pt;

    // background model
    std::vector<std::vector<cv::Mat> > backgroundModel;
    //背景模型 N 个features
    std::vector<std::vector<float*> >B_Mag_Pts;
    std::vector<std::vector<uchar*> >B_Col_Pts;

    double sumMagnitude;
    double formerMeanMag;
    float formerDistanceBack;

    //N - Number: Defining the size of the background-history-model
    // number of samples per pixel
    //size of background history B(x_i)
    int N;

    //R-Threshhold - Variables
    //minimal Threshold for foreground and initial value of R(x_i)
    // radius of the sphere -> lower border boundary
    double R_lower;

    //factor which defines new threshold of R(x_i) together with meanMinDist(x_i)
    // scale for the sphere threshhold to define pixel-based Thresholds
    double R_scale;

    //decreasing / increasing factor of R(x_i)
    // increasing/decreasing factor for the r-Threshold based on the result of rTreshScale * meanMinDistBackground
    double R_incdec;

    cv::Mat actualR;
    float* actualR_Pt; //new pixel-based r-threshhold -> pointer to arrays
    //counter for minimal distance to background
    // Defining the number of background-model-images, which have a lowerDIstance to the current Image than defined by the R-Thresholds, that are necessary
    // to decide that this pixel is background
    int Raute_min;
    //initial value of inverse update factor T(x_i)
    // Initialize the background-model update rate 
    double T_init;

    //increasing Factor of the update rate 1/T(x_i)
    // scale that defines the increasing of the update rate of the background model, if the current pixel is background 
    //--> more frequently updates if pixel is background because, there shouln't be any change
    double T_inc;

    //upper boundary of T(x_i)
    // defining an upper value, that nrSubsampling can achieve, thus it doesn't reach to an infinite value, where actually no update is possible 
    // at all
    double T_upper;

    //lower boundary of T(x_i)
    // defining a minimum value for nrSubsampling --> base value 2.0
    double T_lower;

    //decreasing factor of the update rate 1/T(x_i)
    // opposite scale to increasingRateScale, for decreasing the update rate of the background model, if the current pixel is foreground
    //--> Thesis: Our Foreground is a real moving object -> thus the background-model is good, so don't update it
    double T_dec;

    //holds update rate of current pixel
    cv::Mat actualT;
    float* actualT_Pt;


    cv::Mat sobelX, sobelY;

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#include "PBAS.h"   

PBAS::PBAS(void) : N(20), R_lower(18), Raute_min(2), T_lower(2), T_upper(200), R_scale(5), R_incdec(0.05), T_dec(0.05), T_inc(1.0)
    std::cout << "PBAS()" << std::endl;

    //feature vector
    alpha = 7.0;
    beta = 1.0;
    formerMeanNorm = 0;
    width = 0;

    //result image
    foregroundValue = 255;
    backgroundValue = 0;

    //length of random array
    countOfRandomNumb = 1000;

    //the T(x_i) value needs initiation 
    T_init = R_lower;

    //check if something is moving in the picture
    isMove = false;

    //for init, count number of runs
    runs = 0;

void PBAS::newInitialization()
    if (!randomN.empty())

    if (!randomX.empty())

    if (!randomY.empty())

    if (!randomMinDist.empty())

    if (!randomT.empty())

    if (!randomTN.empty())

    for (int l = 0; l < countOfRandomNumb; l++)
        randomN.push_back((int)randomGenerator.uniform((int)0, (int)N));
        randomX.push_back((int)randomGenerator.uniform(-1, +2));
        randomY.push_back((int)randomGenerator.uniform(-1, +2));
        randomMinDist.push_back((int)randomGenerator.uniform((int)0, (int)N));
        randomT.push_back((int)randomGenerator.uniform((int)0, (int)T_upper));
        randomTN.push_back((int)randomGenerator.uniform((int)0, (int)T_upper));

    std::cout << "~PBAS()" << std::endl;


    for (int k = 0; k < backgroundModel.size(); ++k)
        if (chans == 1)





bool PBAS::process(cv::Mat* input, cv::Mat* output)
    if (width != input->cols)
        width = input->cols;
        chans = input->channels();
        height = input->rows;

        if (input->rows < 1 || input->cols < 1)
            std::cout << "Error: Occurrence of to small (or empty?) image size in PBAS. STOPPING " << std::endl;
            return false;

    //iniate the background model,使用前N帧建立背景模型,次函数调用N次

    resultMap = new cv::Mat(input->rows, input->cols, CV_8UC1);

    //calculate features
    calculateFeatures(&currentFeatures, input);

    //set sumMagnitude to zero at beginning and then sum up in the loop
    sumMagnitude = 0;
    long glCounterFore = 0;
    isMove = false;

    //Here starts the whole processing of each pixel of the image
    // for each pixel
    for (int j = 0; j < resultMap->rows; ++j)
        resultMap_Pt = resultMap->ptr<uchar>(j);

        std::vector<float*> fT;
        std::vector<uchar*> uT;
        for (int z = 0; z < chans; ++z)
            //features vector中的梯度图的行指针
            //feature vector中的灰度图的行指针
            currentFeaturesC_Pt.push_back(currentFeatures.at(z + chans).ptr<uchar>(j));


        meanMinDist_Pt = meanMinDist.ptr<float>(j);
        actualR_Pt = actualR.ptr<float>(j);
        actualT_Pt = actualT.ptr<float>(j);

        //如果是彩色图像,B_Mag_Pts,B_Col_Pts就分别有3个vector<float*>, 3个vector<uchar*>
        for (int k = 0; k < runs; ++k)
            for (int z = 0; z < chans; ++z)
                B_Col_Pts.at(z).push_back(backgroundModel.at(k).at(z + chans).ptr<uchar>(j));

        for (int i = 0; i < resultMap->cols; ++i)
            //Compare each pixel to in the worst runtime-case each background model
            int count = 0;
            int index = 0;

            double norm = 0.0;
            double dist = 0.0;
            double minDist = 1000.0;
            int entry = randomGenerator.uniform(3, countOfRandomNumb - 4);

                if (chans == 3)
                    //R,G,B通道分别: 第index+1个背景图中的第i+1个位置依次与  当前图像的当前位置,比较梯度
                    //sqrt(Mr^2 + Mg^2 + Mb^2)   其中Mi表示对应通道的梯度差值
                    norm = sqrt(
                        (((double)B_Mag_Pts.at(0).at(index)[i] - ((double)*currentFeaturesM_Pt.at(0)))  *   ((double)B_Mag_Pts.at(0).at(index)[i] - ((double)*currentFeaturesM_Pt.at(0)))) +
                        (((double)B_Mag_Pts.at(1).at(index)[i] - ((double)*currentFeaturesM_Pt.at(1)))  *   ((double)B_Mag_Pts.at(1).at(index)[i] - ((double)*currentFeaturesM_Pt.at(1)))) +
                        (((double)B_Mag_Pts.at(2).at(index)[i] - ((double)*currentFeaturesM_Pt.at(2)))  *   ((double)B_Mag_Pts.at(2).at(index)[i] - ((double)*currentFeaturesM_Pt.at(2))))

                    dist = sqrt(
                        (((double)B_Col_Pts.at(0).at(index)[i] - ((double)*currentFeaturesC_Pt.at(0)))  *   ((double)B_Col_Pts.at(0).at(index)[i] - ((double)*currentFeaturesC_Pt.at(0)))) +
                        (((double)B_Col_Pts.at(1).at(index)[i] - ((double)*currentFeaturesC_Pt.at(1)))  *   ((double)B_Col_Pts.at(1).at(index)[i] - ((double)*currentFeaturesC_Pt.at(1)))) +
                        (((double)B_Col_Pts.at(2).at(index)[i] - ((double)*currentFeaturesC_Pt.at(2)))  *   ((double)B_Col_Pts.at(2).at(index)[i] - ((double)*currentFeaturesC_Pt.at(2))))
                else  //灰度图像

                    //比上面更简单  abs(Mb - Mc)^2
                    norm = abs(
                        (((double)B_Mag_Pts.at(0).at(index)[i] - ((double)*currentFeaturesM_Pt.at(0)))  *   ((double)B_Mag_Pts.at(0).at(index)[i] - ((double)*currentFeaturesM_Pt.at(0))))

                    dist = abs(
                        (((double)B_Col_Pts.at(0).at(index)[i] - ((double)*currentFeaturesC_Pt.at(0)))  *   ((double)B_Col_Pts.at(0).at(index)[i] - ((double)*currentFeaturesC_Pt.at(0))))

                dist = ((double)alpha*(norm / formerMeanMag) + beta*dist);

                if ((dist < *actualR_Pt))
                    if (minDist > dist)
                        minDist = dist;
                    sumMagnitude += (double)(norm);
            } while ((count < Raute_min) && (index < runs));  //当前匹配数小于2或者背景没有遍历完,循环以上过程

            //update backgroundmodel
            // is BACKGROUND    如果是背景       
            if (count >= Raute_min)
                *resultMap_Pt = 0;
                //比如T_upper=200, actualT=2;则ratio=100, 那么ratio小于 randomT的概率多大呢,1/2,对吧。  和咱们的
                //更新率1/T = 1/2  一样...其他数值同理
                double ratio = std::ceil((double)T_upper / (double)(*actualT_Pt));
                //in the first run every distance is zero, because there is no background model
                //in the secont run, we have already one image as background model, hence a 
                // reasonable minDist could be found -> because of the partly 1/run changing in the running average, we set in the first try meanMinDist to the actual minDist value

                if (runs < N && runs > 2)
                    *meanMinDist_Pt = ((((float)(runs - 1)) * (*meanMinDist_Pt)) + (float)minDist) / ((float)runs);
                else if (runs < N && runs == 2)
                    *meanMinDist_Pt = (float)minDist;

                //1. update model
                if (runs == N)
                    //Update current pixel
                    //check if random numer is smaller than ratio
                    if (randomT.at(entry) < ratio)
                        // replace randomly chosen sample
                        int rand = randomN.at(entry + 1); //randomGenerator.uniform((int)0,(int)N-1);
                        for (int z = 0; z < chans; ++z)
                            B_Mag_Pts.at(z).at(rand)[i] = (float)*currentFeaturesM_Pt.at(z);
                            B_Col_Pts.at(z).at(rand)[i] = (uchar)*currentFeaturesC_Pt.at(z);

                        *meanMinDist_Pt = ((((float)(N - 1)) * (*meanMinDist_Pt)) + (float)minDist) / ((float)N);

                    //Update neighboring pixel model
                    if (randomTN.at(entry) < ratio)
                        //choose neighboring pixel randomly
                        int xNeigh = randomX.at(entry) + i;
                        int yNeigh = randomY.at(entry) + j;
                        checkValid(&xNeigh, &yNeigh);

                        // replace randomly chosen sample
                        int rand = randomN.at(entry - 1);
                        for (int z = 0; z < chans; ++z)
                            (backgroundModel.at(rand)).at(z).at<float>(yNeigh, xNeigh) = currentFeatures.at(z).at<float>(yNeigh, xNeigh);
                            (backgroundModel.at(rand)).at(z + chans).at<uchar>(yNeigh, xNeigh) = currentFeatures.at(z + chans).at<uchar>(yNeigh, xNeigh);
            else  //前景
                // store pixel as foreground
                *resultMap_Pt = 255;

                //there is some movement
                isMove = true;

            //control loops
            //update R      
            //更新R, 另一个版本的是在背景中更新R....【未解决】
            decisionThresholdRegulator(actualR_Pt, meanMinDist_Pt);

            //update T
            learningRateRegulator(actualT_Pt, meanMinDist_Pt, resultMap_Pt);


            //jump to next pixel
            for (int z = 0; z < chans; ++z)



    //if there is no foreground -> no magnitudes fount
    //-> initiate some low value to prevent diving through zero
    double meanMag = sumMagnitude / (double)(glCounterFore + 1); //height*width);

    if (meanMag > 20)
        formerMeanMag = meanMag;
        formerMeanMag = 20;

    delete resultMap;

    for (int z = 0; z < chans; ++z)
        currentFeatures.at(z + chans).release();

    return true;

//公式(3),更新Decision Threshold图(Mat)
//Pt指向当前R(xi), meanDist既Dmin均值
void PBAS::decisionThresholdRegulator(float* pt, float* meanDist)
    //update R
    double tempR = *pt;
    double newThresh = (*meanDist)*R_scale;

    if (tempR < newThresh)
        tempR += tempR * R_incdec;
        tempR -= tempR * R_incdec;

    if (tempR >= R_lower)
        *pt = (float)tempR;
        *pt = (float)R_lower;

//公式4,pt存储是当前learning rate 图(Mat),  meanDist既Dmin均值,
void PBAS::learningRateRegulator(float* pt, float* meanDist, uchar* isFore)
    //time update
    double tempT = *pt;

    if ((int)*isFore < 128)
        tempT -= T_inc / (*meanDist + 1.0);
    else  //若是前景
        tempT += T_dec / (*meanDist + 1.0);

    //最后更新的T(xi)必须在T_lower 与 T_upper之间
    if (tempT > T_lower && tempT < T_upper)
        *pt = (float)tempT;

void PBAS::checkValid(int *x, int *y)
    if (*x < 0)
        *x = 0;
    else if (*x >= width)
        *x = width - 1;

    if (*y < 0)
        *y = 0;
    else if (*y >= height)
        *y = height - 1;

void PBAS::init(cv::Mat* input)
    //最后runs = N,不再变化
    if (runs < N)
        std::vector<cv::Mat> init;
        calculateFeatures(&init, input);

        if (chans == 1)


        if (runs == 0)
            meanMinDist.create(input->size(), CV_32FC1);
            meanMinDist.zeros(input->rows, input->cols, CV_32FC1);

            //当前Decision Threshold矩阵,每个“像素”点赋值为R_lower,一般为18
            actualR.create(input->rows, input->cols, CV_32FC1);
            //当前Update Learning Rate矩阵,每个“像素”点赋值为T_init,一般为18
            actualT.create(input->rows, input->cols, CV_32FC1);

            float* ptRs, *ptTs; //, *ptM;
            for (int rows = 0; rows < actualR.rows; ++rows)
                ptRs = actualR.ptr<float>(rows);
                ptTs = actualT.ptr<float>(rows);

                for (int cols = 0; cols < actualR.cols; ++cols)
                    ptRs[cols] = (float)R_lower;
                    ptTs[cols] = (float)T_init;


void PBAS::calculateFeatures(std::vector<cv::Mat>* feature, cv::Mat* inputImage)
    if (!feature->empty())

    cv::Mat mag[3], dir;

    if (inputImage->channels() == 3)
        //拆分为R G B通道
        std::vector<cv::Mat> rgbChannels(3);
        cv::split(*inputImage, rgbChannels);

        //R G B通道的梯度图像
        for (int l = 0; l < 3; ++l)
            cv::Sobel(rgbChannels.at(l), sobelX, CV_32F, 1, 0, 3, 1, 0.0);
            cv::Sobel(rgbChannels.at(l), sobelY, CV_32F, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0.0);

            // Compute the L2 norm and direction of the gradient
            cv::cartToPolar(sobelX, sobelY, mag[l], dir, true);

        //然后再把R G B通道的灰度值push到feature 中...

        //feature这个vector<Mat> 最后存了6个Mat,分别是梯度,梯度,梯度,灰度,灰度,灰度

        //只不过最后feature只存入2个Mat, 分别对应梯度图,灰度值
        cv::Sobel(*inputImage, sobelX, CV_32F, 1, 0, 3, 1, 0.0);
        cv::Sobel(*inputImage, sobelY, CV_32F, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0.0);

        // Compute the L2 norm and direction of the gradient
        cv::cartToPolar(sobelX, sobelY, mag[0], dir, true);

        cv::Mat temp;


void PBAS::setN(int temp)
    N = temp;
    newInitialization();     //因为N关系到随机数产生器

void PBAS::setRaute_min(int temp)
    Raute_min = temp;

void PBAS::setR_lower(double temp)
    R_lower = temp;

void PBAS::setR_incdec(double temp)
    R_incdec = temp;

void PBAS::setR_scale(double temp)
    R_scale = temp;

void PBAS::setT_init(double temp)
    T_init = temp;

void PBAS::setT_lower(double temp)
    T_lower = temp;

void PBAS::setT_upper(double temp)
    T_upper = temp;
    newInitialization();   //因为 T_upper关系到随机数产生器

void PBAS::setT_dec(double temp)
    T_dec = temp;

void PBAS::setT_inc(double temp)
    T_inc = temp;

void PBAS::setAlpha(double temp)
    alpha = temp;

void PBAS::setBeta(double temp)
    beta = temp;

bool PBAS::isMovement()
    return isMove;

//cv::Mat* PBAS::getR1_xi()
//  return &actualR;
//cv::Mat* PBAS::getT_xi()
//  return &actualT;

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#include <iostream>
#include "PBAS.h"
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    std::cout << "Using OpenCV " << CV_MAJOR_VERSION << "." << CV_MINOR_VERSION << "." << CV_SUBMINOR_VERSION << std::endl;

    /* Open video file */

    VideoCapture capture("H:\\D\\testVideo\\dataset2014\\highway.avi");
    if (!capture.isOpened())
        std::cerr << "Cannot open video!" << std::endl;
        return 1;

    PBAS pbas;

    std::cout << "Press 'q' to quit..." << std::endl;
    int key = 0;
    Mat img_input;
    while (key != 'q')
        capture >> img_input;

        cv::imshow("Input", img_input);

        cv::GaussianBlur(img_input, img_input, cv::Size(5, 5), 1.5);

        cv::Mat img_mask;
        double t = (double)cv::getTickCount();

        pbas.process(&img_input, &img_mask);

        t = (double)cv::getTickCount() - t;
        int fps = (int)(cv::getTickFrequency() / t);
        std::cout << fps << std::endl;

        cv::medianBlur(img_mask, img_mask, 5);
        imshow("img_mask", img_mask);

        key = cvWaitKey(1);

    return 0;





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