



Initializes a semaphore. Semaphores are used when a task wants exclusive access to a resource,

needs to synchronize its activities with an ISR or a task, or is waiting until an event occurs.

You would use a semaphore to signal the occurrence of an event to one or multiple tasks, and

use mutexes to guard share resources. However, technically, semaphores allow for both.

void OSSemCreate (OS_SEM *p_sem,
 CPU_CHAR *p_name,
 OS_SEM_CTR cnt,
 OS_ERR *p_err)



is a pointer to the semaphore control block. It is assumed that storage for the semaphore

will be allocated in the application. In other words, you need to declare a “global”

variable as follows, and pass a pointer to this variable to OSSemCreate():



is a pointer to an ASCII string used to assign a name to the semaphore. The name can be

displayed by debuggers or µC/Probe.


specifies the initial value of the semaphore.

If the semaphore is used for resource sharing, you would set the initial value of the

semaphore to the number of identical resources guarded by the semaphore. If there is only

one resource, the value should be set to 1 (this is called a binary semaphore). For multiple

resources, set the value to the number of resources (this is called a counting semaphore).

If using a semaphore as a signaling mechanism, you should set the initial value to 0.

                                             /* ----------------------------- SEMAPHORES ---------------------------- */
#define OS_CFG_SEM_EN                   1u   /* Enable (1) or Disable (0) code generation for SEMAPHORES              */
#define OS_CFG_SEM_DEL_EN               1u   /*    Include code for OSSemDel()                                        */
#define OS_CFG_SEM_PEND_ABORT_EN        1u   /*    Include code for OSSemPendAbort()                                  */
#define OS_CFG_SEM_SET_EN               1u   /*    Include code for OSSemSet()                                        */



Used when a task wants exclusive access to a resource, needs to synchronize its activities with

an ISR or task, or is waiting until an event occurs.

When the semaphore is used for resource sharing, if a task calls OSSemPend() and the value of

the semaphore is greater than 0, OSSemPend() decrements the semaphore and returns to its

caller. However, if the value of the semaphore is 0, OSSemPend() places the calling task in the

waiting list for the semaphore. The task waits until the owner of the semaphore releases the

semaphore by calling OSSemPost(), or the specified timeout expires. If the semaphore is

signaled before the timeout expires, µC/OS-III resumes the highest-priority task waiting for the


When the semaphore is used as a signaling mechanism, the calling task waits until a task or an

ISR signals the semaphore by calling OSSemPost(), or the specified timeout expires.

A pended task that has been suspended with OSTaskSuspend() can obtain the semaphore.

However, the task remains suspended until it is resumed by calling OSTaskResume().

OSSemPend() also returns if the pend is aborted or, the semaphore is deleted.

OS_SEM_CTR OSSemPend (OS_SEM *p_sem,
 OS_TICK timeout,
 OS_OPT opt,
 CPU_TS *p_ts,
 OS_ERR *p_err)


allows the task to resume execution if a semaphore is not posted within the specified

number of clock ticks. A timeout value of 0 indicates that the task waits forever for the

semaphore. The timeout value is not synchronized with the clock tick. The timeout count

begins decrementing on the next clock tick, which could potentially occur immediately.


specifies whether the call is to block if the semaphore is not available, or not block.


to block the caller until the semaphore is available or a timeout occurs.


If the semaphore is not available, OSSemPend() will not block but return to the caller

with an appropriate error code.

p_ts 时间戳

is a pointer to a variable that will receive a timestamp of when the semaphore was posted,

pend aborted, or deleted. Passing a NULL pointer is valid and indicates that a timestamp is

not required.

A timestamp is useful when the task must know when the semaphore was posted or, how

long it took for the task to resume after the semaphore was posted. In the latter case, call

OS_TS_GET() and compute the difference between the current value of the timestamp and

*p_ts. In other words:

delta = OS_TS_GET() - *p_ts;



A semaphore is signaled by calling OSSemPost(). If the semaphore value is 0 or more, it is

incremented, and OSSemPost() returns to its caller. If tasks are waiting for the semaphore to be

signaled, OSSemPost() removes the highest-priority task pending for the semaphore from the

waiting list and makes this task ready-to-run. The scheduler is then called to determine if the

awakened task is now the highest-priority task that is ready-to-run.

OS_SEM_CTR OSSemPost (OS_SEM *p_sem,
 OS_OPT opt,
 OS_ERR *p_err)



is a pointer to the semaphore.


determines the type of post performed.


Post and ready only the highest-priority task waiting on the semaphore.


Post to all tasks waiting on the semaphore. You should only use this option if the

semaphore is used as a signaling mechanism and never when the semaphore is used

to guard a shared resource. It does not make sense to tell all tasks that are sharing a

resource that they can all access the resource.





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


