

        python目前人气最高,功能最全,使用最灵活的智能相机编程语言,但是对于需要快速部署的自动化应用来说,还是太复杂。笔者最近发现了一款几乎不用写代码的可能是使用最简单功能却强大的开源Python智能相机CA020-X64,它一款具有200万彩色分辨率4核A53处理器,支持Python和Opencv及深度学习推理的网口智能相机。 开源硬件链接为 https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=684106700771



CA020-X64智能相机的软件分上位机和下位机软件2大类。下位机软件运行在相机中,分成网络管理软件gvcpServer和图像处理软件corence_vision_streamer.py 两个部分。上位机软件OpenMVS提供可视化有好的界面供普通用户使用。

2.1 网络管理软件gvcpserver

其中网络管理软件gvcpserver是遵循标准的gige vision的gvcp协议,可以实现相机发现、强制IP需改,相机状态查询等功能,被各种工业相机软件如海康、大恒的视觉软件发现。除了基本功能外,gvcpserver软件为了更好的补充python语言,还是实现了相机参数和模板文件的上传和下载功能,相机参数的文件命名位camera0.xml/camera1.xml,保存在/home/目录下,方便python程序查询。网络管理软件gvcpserver开机后自动运行,可以和上位机openMVS配合,实现gige vision的大部分功能,非常方便普通用户快捷直观的配置智能相机。开源地址GitHub - BigSensor/GvcpServer: This project implements a network port industrial camera based on GVCP protocol and MJPEG steamer. The GVCP protocol in GigE Vision is used to discover the camera, modify the IP and remote control functions, and mjpeg-steamer is used to transmit image data. Combined with the OpenMVS software on the PC side, it can easily find the camera, manage the camera, obtain images, save pictures and other functions. The tested open source camera hardware link is https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=652142910541 ;This project implements a network port industrial camera based on GVCP protocol and MJPEG steamer. The GVCP protocol in GigE Vision is used to discover the camera, modify the IP and remote control functions, and mjpeg-steamer is used to transmit image data. Combined with the OpenMVS software on the PC side, it can easily find the camera, manage the camera, obtain images, save pictures and other functions. The tested open source camera hardware link is https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=652142910541 ; - GitHub - BigSensor/GvcpServer: This project implements a network port industrial camera based on GVCP protocol and MJPEG steamer. The GVCP protocol in GigE Vision is used to discover the camera, modify the IP and remote control functions, and mjpeg-steamer is used to transmit image data. Combined with the OpenMVS software on the PC side, it can easily find the camera, manage the camera, obtain images, save pictures and other functions. The tested open source camera hardware link is https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=652142910541 ;icon-default.png?t=N7T8https://github.com/BigSensor/GvcpServer

2.2 图像处理软件corence_vision_streamer.py

图像处理软件corence_vision_streamer.py是个纯python程序,由于相机系统内置opencv,Scikit-Image,Scipy,numpy等各种算法,所以corence_vision_streamer.py实现了相机的所有图像采集、机器视觉处理和IO输出等功能,同时corence_vision_streamer.py把视觉处理后的图像通过mjpg-streamer推流到http服务上,上位机可以通过浏览器和OpenMVS就可以预览智能相机里的图像。corence_vision_streamer.py位于相机里的/home/pi/下,用户可以自己自行修改算法,已经实现的算法有lab色块blob识别算法、二维码识别算法,深度学习yolo等算法,开源地址 GitHub - BigSensor/OpenMVS: 本软件实现了一种工业相机的PC管理控制与播放软件,实现了GVCP的Client端和mjpeg-steamer的客户端。使用GigeVision中的gvcp协议来实现对相机的发现,修改IP和远程控制功能,使用http协议来读取并解码mjpeg-steamer传输图像数据。可以方便的查找相机、管理相机、获取图像,保存图片等功能。已测试通过的开源硬件链接为 https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=652142910541 ; This software implements a PC management control and playback software for industrial cameras, and implements Client side of GVCP and client side of mjpeg-steamer. Use GVCP protocol in GigeVision to discover cameras, modify IP and remote control functions, and use HTTP protocol to read and decode mjpeg-steamer image data for transmission. It can easily find cameras, manage cameras, get images, save pictures and other functions.本软件实现了一种工业相机的PC管理控制与播放软件,实现了GVCP的Client端和mjpeg-steamer的客户端。使用GigeVision中的gvcp协议来实现对相机的发现,修改IP和远程控制功能,使用http协议来读取并解码mjpeg-steamer传输图像数据。可以方便的查找相机、管理相机、获取图像,保存图片等功能。已测试通过的开源硬件链接为 https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=652142910541 ; This software implements a PC management control and playback software for industrial cameras, and implements Client side of GVCP and client side of mjpeg-steamer. Use GVCP protocol in GigeVision to discover cameras, modify IP and remote control functions, and use HTTP protocol to read and decode mjpeg-steamer image data for transmission. It can easily find cameras, manage cameras, get images, save pictures and other functions. - GitHub - BigSensor/OpenMVS: 本软件实现了一种工业相机的PC管理控制与播放软件,实现了GVCP的Client端和mjpeg-steamer的客户端。使用GigeVision中的gvcp协议来实现对相机的发现,修改IP和远程控制功能,使用http协议来读取并解码mjpeg-steamer传输图像数据。可以方便的查找相机、管理相机、获取图像,保存图片等功能。已测试通过的开源硬件链接为 https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=652142910541 ; This software implements a PC management control and playback software for industrial cameras, and implements Client side of GVCP and client side of mjpeg-steamer. Use GVCP protocol in GigeVision to discover cameras, modify IP and remote control functions, and use HTTP protocol to read and decode mjpeg-steamer image data for transmission. It can easily find cameras, manage cameras, get images, save pictures and other functions.icon-default.png?t=N7T8https://github.com/BigSensor/OpenMVS



3.1 OpenMVS的搜索和图像预览功能


3.2 ROI设置和色块识别设置




3.3 OpenMVS的IP修改功能


GitHub - BigSensor/OpenMVS: 本软件实现了一种工业相机的PC管理控制与播放软件,实现了GVCP的Client端和mjpeg-steamer的客户端。使用GigeVision中的gvcp协议来实现对相机的发现,修改IP和远程控制功能,使用http协议来读取并解码mjpeg-steamer传输图像数据。可以方便的查找相机、管理相机、获取图像,保存图片等功能。已测试通过的开源硬件链接为 https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=652142910541 ; This software implements a PC management control and playback software for industrial cameras, and implements Client side of GVCP and client side of mjpeg-steamer. Use GVCP protocol in GigeVision to discover cameras, modify IP and remote control functions, and use HTTP protocol to read and decode mjpeg-steamer image data for transmission. It can easily find cameras, manage cameras, get images, save pictures and other functions.本软件实现了一种工业相机的PC管理控制与播放软件,实现了GVCP的Client端和mjpeg-steamer的客户端。使用GigeVision中的gvcp协议来实现对相机的发现,修改IP和远程控制功能,使用http协议来读取并解码mjpeg-steamer传输图像数据。可以方便的查找相机、管理相机、获取图像,保存图片等功能。已测试通过的开源硬件链接为 https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=652142910541 ; This software implements a PC management control and playback software for industrial cameras, and implements Client side of GVCP and client side of mjpeg-steamer. Use GVCP protocol in GigeVision to discover cameras, modify IP and remote control functions, and use HTTP protocol to read and decode mjpeg-steamer image data for transmission. It can easily find cameras, manage cameras, get images, save pictures and other functions. - GitHub - BigSensor/OpenMVS: 本软件实现了一种工业相机的PC管理控制与播放软件,实现了GVCP的Client端和mjpeg-steamer的客户端。使用GigeVision中的gvcp协议来实现对相机的发现,修改IP和远程控制功能,使用http协议来读取并解码mjpeg-steamer传输图像数据。可以方便的查找相机、管理相机、获取图像,保存图片等功能。已测试通过的开源硬件链接为 https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=652142910541 ; This software implements a PC management control and playback software for industrial cameras, and implements Client side of GVCP and client side of mjpeg-steamer. Use GVCP protocol in GigeVision to discover cameras, modify IP and remote control functions, and use HTTP protocol to read and decode mjpeg-steamer image data for transmission. It can easily find cameras, manage cameras, get images, save pictures and other functions.icon-default.png?t=N7T8https://github.com/BigSensor/OpenMVS

4 总结


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