Kmeans,Kmeans++,Elkan Kmeans实现解析(Sklearn)

1 背景

2 Kmeans


  1. 随机找 k 个点作为质心(种子);
  2. 计算其他点到这 k 个种子的距离,选择最近的那个作为该点的类别;
  3. 更新各类的质心,迭代到质心的不变为止。

3 Kmeans++


  1. 输入n个点

  2. 随机一个点做c1

  3. 计算其余点和c1的距离,以距离大小为正比计算概率,选取下一个质心c

  4. 重复3,获得k个c

  5. 把每个点划分到最近的中心(分簇)

  6. 计算每个簇的中心,作为新的中心

  7. 重复 5,6,直到任意中心移动距离小于阈值(或重复M次)


#inlcude <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <io.h>

int select(double bit[]){
    double bet = (double)rand()/RAND_MAX
	int j = 0;
    double psum = 0.0;
    while(psum < bet) {
        psum += bet[j];
    return (j-1);

void main() {
    double bit[] = {0.1, 0.2, 0.05, 0.15, 0.11, 0.07, 0.04, 0.12, 0.09, 0.07};
    int i, j, k = 0;
    int num[10];
    for(i=0; i<10; i++) {
        num[i] = 0;
    for(j=1; j<=1000; j++) {
        k = select(bit);
        num[k] += 1;

3.1 Sklearn源码解析

Kmeans++对于质心的初始化进行了优化,在Sklearn Kmeans类的fit函数中可以找到初始化质心的方法:

def _init_centroids(self, X, x_squared_norms, init, random_state, init_size=None):
	n_samples = X.shape[0]
	n_clusters = self.n_clusters

	if init_size is not None and init_size < n_samples:
        init_indices = random_state.randint(0, n_samples, init_size)
        X = X[init_indices]
        x_squared_norms = x_squared_norms[init_indices]
        n_samples = X.shape[0]

	if isinstance(init, str) and init == "k-means++":
        centers, _ = _kmeans_plusplus(

     return centers


def _kmeans_plusplus(X, n_clusters, x_squared_norms, random_state, n_local_trials=None):
    """Computational component for initialization of n_clusters by
    k-means++. Prior validation of data is assumed.
    X : {ndarray, sparse matrix} of shape (n_samples, n_features)
        The data to pick seeds for.
    n_clusters : int
        The number of seeds to choose.
    x_squared_norms : ndarray of shape (n_samples,)
        Squared Euclidean norm of each data point.
    random_state : RandomState instance
        The generator used to initialize the centers.
        See :term:`Glossary <random_state>`.
    n_local_trials : int, default=None
        The number of seeding trials for each center (except the first),
        of which the one reducing inertia the most is greedily chosen.
        Set to None to make the number of trials depend logarithmically
        on the number of seeds (2+log(k)); this is the default.
    centers : ndarray of shape (n_clusters, n_features)
        The initial centers for k-means.
    indices : ndarray of shape (n_clusters,)
        The index location of the chosen centers in the data array X. For a
        given index and center, X[index] = center.
    n_samples, n_features = X.shape

    centers = np.empty((n_clusters, n_features), dtype=X.dtype)

    # Set the number of local seeding trials if none is given
    if n_local_trials is None:
        n_local_trials = 2 + int(np.log(n_clusters))

    # Pick first center randomly and track index of point
    center_id = random_state.randint(n_samples) #随机生成第一个质心的下标
    indices = np.full(n_clusters, -1, dtype=int) #下标列表
    centers[0] = X[center_id] #将第一个质心设置为选中的下标对应的样本值
    indices[0] = center_id #将对应的下标列表的第一个值设置为选中的样本下标

    # Initialize list of closest distances and calculate current potential
    # 下面调用_euclidean_distances来计算所有样本到当前第一个质心之间的欧式距离
    closest_dist_sq = _euclidean_distances(
        centers[0, np.newaxis], X, Y_norm_squared=x_squared_norms, squared=True
    # 计算所有距离的和,这个参数在进行轮盘赌选择时可以将random_sample得到的[0,1)的浮点数映射到[0,current_pot)的范围
    # 我们接下来称之为映射系数
    current_pot = closest_dist_sq.sum()

    # 以下的循环是在找出k-1个初始化质心,也就是Kmeans++的核心实现
    for c in range(1, n_clusters):
        # 这里的random_state其实是numpy库中的RandomState(htps://,这里的rand_vals的数量与n_local_trials相同
        rand_vals = random_state.random_sample(n_local_trials) * current_pot
        # 下面的searchsorted就是找到在累加列表中第一个累加值大于当前随机值的样本下标
        candidate_ids = np.searchsorted(stable_cumsum(closest_dist_sq), rand_vals)
        # XXX: numerical imprecision can result in a candidate_id out of range
        np.clip(candidate_ids, None, closest_dist_sq.size - 1, out=candidate_ids)

        # Compute distances to center candidates
        # 下面计算所有样本点到当前选中的候选质心的欧式距离
        distance_to_candidates = _euclidean_distances(
            X[candidate_ids], X, Y_norm_squared=x_squared_norms, squared=True

        # update closest distances squared and potential for each candidate
        # 更新欧式距离,用目前最小距离值(每个样本点到每个质心中距离最小的那个值)作为每个样本点到质心的距离
        np.minimum(closest_dist_sq, distance_to_candidates, out=distance_to_candidates)
        # 计算所有候选质心轮盘赌选择映射的范围值(因为上一步每个样本到质心的最小距离被更新了)
        candidates_pot = distance_to_candidates.sum(axis=1)

        # Decide which candidate is the best
        best_candidate = np.argmin(candidates_pot) #选择候选中距离和最小的样本点值在候选池中的下标
        current_pot = candidates_pot[best_candidate] #更新下一次迭代轮盘赌需要用到的
        closest_dist_sq = distance_to_candidates[best_candidate] #更新最佳的样本点到质心距离列表
        best_candidate = candidate_ids[best_candidate] #更新最佳质心在样本集中的下标

        centers[c] = X[best_candidate] #将当前寻找的质心更新为目前最佳的候选质心
        indices[c] = best_candidate #更新最佳质心对应到样本集中的下标

    return centers, indices



def _euclidean_distances(X, Y, X_norm_squared=None, Y_norm_squared=None, squared=False):
    """Computational part of euclidean_distances
    Assumes inputs are already checked.
    If norms are passed as float32, they are unused. If arrays are passed as
    float32, norms needs to be recomputed on upcast chunks.
    TODO: use a float64 accumulator in row_norms to avoid the latter.
    if X_norm_squared is not None:
        if X_norm_squared.dtype == np.float32:
            XX = None
            XX = X_norm_squared.reshape(-1, 1)
    elif X.dtype == np.float32:
        XX = None
        XX = row_norms(X, squared=True)[:, np.newaxis]

    if Y is X:
        YY = None if XX is None else XX.T
        if Y_norm_squared is not None:
            if Y_norm_squared.dtype == np.float32:
                YY = None
                YY = Y_norm_squared.reshape(1, -1)
        elif Y.dtype == np.float32:
            YY = None
            YY = row_norms(Y, squared=True)[np.newaxis, :]

    if X.dtype == np.float32:
        # To minimize precision issues with float32, we compute the distance
        # matrix on chunks of X and Y upcast to float64
        distances = _euclidean_distances_upcast(X, XX, Y, YY)
        # if dtype is already float64, no need to chunk and upcast
        distances = -2 * safe_sparse_dot(X, Y.T, dense_output=True)
        distances += XX
        distances += YY
    np.maximum(distances, 0, out=distances)

    # Ensure that distances between vectors and themselves are set to 0.0.
    # This may not be the case due to floating point rounding errors.
    if X is Y:
        np.fill_diagonal(distances, 0)

    return distances if squared else np.sqrt(distances, out=distances)

D ( X , Y ) = ∑ i = 0 m ( x i − y i ) 2 D(X,Y)=\sqrt{\sum_{i=0}^{m}(x_i-y_i)^2} D(X,Y)=i=0m(xiyi)2
D ( X , Y ) = ∑ i = 0 m x i 2 + ∑ i = 0 m y i 2 − 2 ∑ i = 0 m x i y i D(X,Y)=\sqrt{\sum_{i=0}^{m}x_i^2+\sum_{i=0}^{m}y_i^2-2\sum_{i=0}^{m}x_iy_i} D(X,Y)=i=0mxi2+i=0myi22i=0mxiyi

def row_norms(X, squared=False):
    """Row-wise (squared) Euclidean norm of X.
    Equivalent to np.sqrt((X * X).sum(axis=1)), but also supports sparse
    matrices and does not create an X.shape-sized temporary.
    Performs no input validation.
    X : array-like
        The input array.
    squared : bool, default=False
        If True, return squared norms.
        The row-wise (squared) Euclidean norm of X.
    if sparse.issparse(X):
        if not isinstance(X, sparse.csr_matrix):
            X = sparse.csr_matrix(X)
        norms = csr_row_norms(X)
        norms = np.einsum("ij,ij->i", X, X) #这一步就是取得X*X.T的迹,其实就是获取每一个样本各维度的平方和

    if not squared:
        np.sqrt(norms, norms)
    return norms


def safe_sparse_dot(a, b, *, dense_output=False):
    """Dot product that handle the sparse matrix case correctly.
    a : {ndarray, sparse matrix}
    b : {ndarray, sparse matrix}
    dense_output : bool, default=False
        When False, ``a`` and ``b`` both being sparse will yield sparse output.
        When True, output will always be a dense array.
    dot_product : {ndarray, sparse matrix}
        Sparse if ``a`` and ``b`` are sparse and ``dense_output=False``.
    if a.ndim > 2 or b.ndim > 2:
        if sparse.issparse(a):
            # sparse is always 2D. Implies b is 3D+
            # [i, j] @ [k, ..., l, m, n] -> [i, k, ..., l, n]
            b_ = np.rollaxis(b, -2)
            b_2d = b_.reshape((b.shape[-2], -1))
            ret = a @ b_2d
            ret = ret.reshape(a.shape[0], *b_.shape[1:])
        elif sparse.issparse(b):
            # sparse is always 2D. Implies a is 3D+
            # [k, ..., l, m] @ [i, j] -> [k, ..., l, j]
            a_2d = a.reshape(-1, a.shape[-1])
            ret = a_2d @ b
            ret = ret.reshape(*a.shape[:-1], b.shape[1])
            ret =, b) #根据上面的参数传入a=X[candidate_ids],b=Y.T
        ret = a @ b #计算点积

    if (
        and sparse.issparse(b)
        and dense_output
        and hasattr(ret, "toarray")
        return ret.toarray()
    return ret

4 Elkan Kmeans

在传统的K-Means算法中,我们在每轮迭代时,要计算所有的样本点到所有的质心的距离,这样会比较的耗时。elkan K-Means利用了两边之和大于等于第三边,以及两边之差小于第三边的三角形性质,来减少距离的计算。



4.1 Sklearn源码解析


def fit(self, X, y=None, sample_weight=None):
        """Compute k-means clustering.
        X : {array-like, sparse matrix} of shape (n_samples, n_features)
            Training instances to cluster. It must be noted that the data
            will be converted to C ordering, which will cause a memory
            copy if the given data is not C-contiguous.
            If a sparse matrix is passed, a copy will be made if it's not in
            CSR format.
        y : Ignored
            Not used, present here for API consistency by convention.
        sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None
            The weights for each observation in X. If None, all observations
            are assigned equal weight.
            .. versionadded:: 0.20
        self : object
            Fitted estimator.
       random_state = check_random_state(self.random_state)
       sample_weight = _check_sample_weight(sample_weight, X, dtype=X.dtype) #如果sample_weights是None那将赋值为全1的数组
       self._n_threads = _openmp_effective_n_threads()
       if self._algorithm == "full":
            kmeans_single = _kmeans_single_lloyd
            self._check_mkl_vcomp(X, X.shape[0])
           	kmeans_single = _kmeans_single_elkan

       for i in range(self._n_init):
            # Initialize centers
            centers_init = self._init_centroids(
                X, x_squared_norms=x_squared_norms, init=init, random_state=random_state
            if self.verbose:
                print("Initialization complete")

            # run a k-means once
            labels, inertia, centers, n_iter_ = kmeans_single(

            # determine if these results are the best so far
            # we chose a new run if it has a better inertia and the clustering is
            # different from the best so far (it's possible that the inertia is
            # slightly better even if the clustering is the same with potentially
            # permuted labels, due to rounding errors)
            if best_inertia is None or (
                inertia < best_inertia
                and not _is_same_clustering(labels, best_labels, self.n_clusters)
                best_labels = labels
                best_centers = centers
                best_inertia = inertia
                best_n_iter = n_iter_

        if not sp.issparse(X):
            if not self.copy_x:
                X += X_mean
            best_centers += X_mean

        distinct_clusters = len(set(best_labels))
        if distinct_clusters < self.n_clusters:
                "Number of distinct clusters ({}) found smaller than "
                "n_clusters ({}). Possibly due to duplicate points "
                "in X.".format(distinct_clusters, self.n_clusters),

        self.cluster_centers_ = best_centers
        self.labels_ = best_labels
        self.inertia_ = best_inertia
        self.n_iter_ = best_n_iter
        return self


def _kmeans_single_elkan(
    """A single run of k-means elkan, assumes preparation completed prior.
    X : {ndarray, sparse matrix} of shape (n_samples, n_features)
        The observations to cluster. If sparse matrix, must be in CSR format.
    sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,)
        The weights for each observation in X.
    centers_init : ndarray of shape (n_clusters, n_features)
        The initial centers.
    max_iter : int, default=300
        Maximum number of iterations of the k-means algorithm to run.
    verbose : bool, default=False
        Verbosity mode.
    x_squared_norms : array-like, default=None
        Precomputed x_squared_norms.
    tol : float, default=1e-4
        Relative tolerance with regards to Frobenius norm of the difference
        in the cluster centers of two consecutive iterations to declare
        It's not advised to set `tol=0` since convergence might never be
        declared due to rounding errors. Use a very small number instead.
    n_threads : int, default=1
        The number of OpenMP threads to use for the computation. Parallelism is
        sample-wise on the main cython loop which assigns each sample to its
        closest center.
    centroid : ndarray of shape (n_clusters, n_features)
        Centroids found at the last iteration of k-means.
    label : ndarray of shape (n_samples,)
        label[i] is the code or index of the centroid the
        i'th observation is closest to.
    inertia : float
        The final value of the inertia criterion (sum of squared distances to
        the closest centroid for all observations in the training set).
    n_iter : int
        Number of iterations run.
    n_samples = X.shape[0] #样本的数量
    n_clusters = centers_init.shape[0] #质心的数量

    # Buffers to avoid new allocations at each iteration.
    centers = centers_init
    centers_new = np.zeros_like(centers)
    weight_in_clusters = np.zeros(n_clusters, dtype=X.dtype)
    labels = np.full(n_samples, -1, dtype=np.int32) #每个样本对应的簇标签
    labels_old = labels.copy()
    center_half_distances = euclidean_distances(centers) / 2 #计算所有质心之间的欧式距离的一半,得到的结果应该是一个N*N的矩阵
    distance_next_center = np.partition(
        np.asarray(center_half_distances), kth=1, axis=0
    )[1] #找到与每个质心最近的其余质心的距离
    upper_bounds = np.zeros(n_samples, dtype=X.dtype) #存储每个样本点到最近的质心间的距离
    # 存储每个样本点到每一个质心的距离,但是这有一个前提也就是elkan算法的核心, 只有在D(x, u1) > D(u1, u2)/2时才有必要计算D(x, u2) 
    lower_bounds = np.zeros((n_samples, n_clusters), dtype=X.dtype) 
    center_shift = np.zeros(n_clusters, dtype=X.dtype) #上一次迭代到这一次迭代质心距离的偏移量
    init_bounds = init_bounds_dense
    elkan_iter = elkan_iter_chunked_dense
    _inertia = _inertia_dense

    init_bounds(X, centers, center_half_distances, labels, upper_bounds, lower_bounds)

    strict_convergence = False

    for i in range(max_iter):
        ) #第一次迭代时update_centers使用默认的True

        # compute new pairwise distances between centers and closest other
        # center of each center for next iterations
        center_half_distances = euclidean_distances(centers_new) / 2
        distance_next_center = np.partition(
            np.asarray(center_half_distances), kth=1, axis=0

        if verbose:
            inertia = _inertia(X, sample_weight, centers, labels, n_threads)
            print(f"Iteration {i}, inertia {inertia}")

        centers, centers_new = centers_new, centers

        if np.array_equal(labels, labels_old):
            # First check the labels for strict convergence.
            if verbose:
                print(f"Converged at iteration {i}: strict convergence.")
            strict_convergence = True
            # No strict convergence, check for tol based convergence.
            center_shift_tot = (center_shift ** 2).sum()
            if center_shift_tot <= tol:
                if verbose:
                        f"Converged at iteration {i}: center shift "
                        f"{center_shift_tot} within tolerance {tol}."

        labels_old[:] = labels

    if not strict_convergence:
        # rerun E-step so that predicted labels match cluster centers

    inertia = _inertia(X, sample_weight, centers, labels, n_threads)

    return labels, inertia, centers, i + 1


2.1 init_bounds_dense的实现

from cython cimport floating
from cython.parallel import prange, parallel
def init_bounds_dense(
        floating[:, ::1] X,                      # IN READ-ONLY
        floating[:, ::1] centers,                # IN
        floating[:, ::1] center_half_distances,  # IN
        int[::1] labels,                         # OUT
        floating[::1] upper_bounds,              # OUT
        floating[:, ::1] lower_bounds):          # OUT
    """Initialize upper and lower bounds for each sample for dense input data.
    Given X, centers and the pairwise distances divided by 2.0 between the
    centers this calculates the upper bounds and lower bounds for each sample.
    The upper bound for each sample is set to the distance between the sample
    and the closest center.
    The lower bound for each sample is a one-dimensional array of n_clusters.
    For each sample i assume that the previously assigned cluster is c1 and the
    previous closest distance is dist, for a new cluster c2, the
    lower_bound[i][c2] is set to distance between the sample and this new
    cluster, if and only if dist > center_half_distances[c1][c2]. This prevents
    computation of unnecessary distances for each sample to the clusters that
    it is unlikely to be assigned to.
    X : ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_features), dtype=floating
        The input data.
    centers : ndarray of shape (n_clusters, n_features), dtype=floating
        The cluster centers.
    center_half_distances : ndarray of shape (n_clusters, n_clusters), \
        The half of the distance between any 2 clusters centers.
    labels : ndarray of shape(n_samples), dtype=int
        The label for each sample. This array is modified in place.
    upper_bounds : ndarray of shape(n_samples,), dtype=floating
        The upper bound on the distance between each sample and its closest
        cluster center. This array is modified in place.
    lower_bounds : ndarray, of shape(n_samples, n_clusters), dtype=floating
        The lower bound on the distance between each sample and each cluster
        center. This array is modified in place.
        int n_samples = X.shape[0]
        int n_clusters = centers.shape[0]
        int n_features = X.shape[1]

        floating min_dist, dist
        int best_cluster, i, j
    # 下面利用prange进行并行计算每一个样本到每一个质心间的距离,并找到最佳的那个质心和距离以及簇标签
    for i in prange(n_samples, schedule='static', nogil=True):
        best_cluster = 0
        min_dist = _euclidean_dense_dense(&X[i, 0], &centers[0, 0],
                                          n_features, False)
        lower_bounds[i, 0] = min_dist
        for j in range(1, n_clusters):
            # 这里利用D(x, u1) > D(u1, u2)/2时才需要计算D(x, u2)来减少计算量
            if min_dist > center_half_distances[best_cluster, j]:
                dist = _euclidean_dense_dense(&X[i, 0], &centers[j, 0],
                                              n_features, False)
                lower_bounds[i, j] = dist
                if dist < min_dist:
                    min_dist = dist
                    best_cluster = j
        labels[i] = best_cluster #为当前遍历的样本设置标签(最佳的质心所在的下标)
        upper_bounds[i] = min_dist


cdef floating _euclidean_dense_dense(
        floating* a,  # IN
        floating* b,  # IN
        int n_features,
        bint squared) nogil:
    """Euclidean distance between a dense and b dense"""
        int i
        int n = n_features // 4
        int rem = n_features % 4
        floating result = 0

    # We manually unroll the loop for better cache optimization.
    for i in range(n):
        result += ((a[0] - b[0]) * (a[0] - b[0])
                  +(a[1] - b[1]) * (a[1] - b[1])
                  +(a[2] - b[2]) * (a[2] - b[2])
                  +(a[3] - b[3]) * (a[3] - b[3]))
        a += 4; b += 4

    for i in range(rem):
        result += (a[i] - b[i]) * (a[i] - b[i])

    return result if squared else sqrt(result)

2.2 elkan_iter_chunked_dense

def elkan_iter_chunked_dense(
        floating[:, ::1] X,                      # IN READ-ONLY
        floating[::1] sample_weight,             # IN READ-ONLY
        floating[:, ::1] centers_old,            # IN
        floating[:, ::1] centers_new,            # OUT
        floating[::1] weight_in_clusters,        # OUT
        floating[:, ::1] center_half_distances,  # IN
        floating[::1] distance_next_center,      # IN
        floating[::1] upper_bounds,              # INOUT
        floating[:, ::1] lower_bounds,           # INOUT
        int[::1] labels,                         # INOUT
        floating[::1] center_shift,              # OUT
        int n_threads,
        bint update_centers=True):
    """Single iteration of K-means Elkan algorithm with dense input.
    Update labels and centers (inplace), for one iteration, distributed
    over data chunks.
    X : ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_features), dtype=floating
        The observations to cluster.
    sample_weight : ndarray of shape (n_samples,), dtype=floating
        The weights for each observation in X.
    centers_old : ndarray of shape (n_clusters, n_features), dtype=floating
        Centers before previous iteration, placeholder for the centers after
        previous iteration.
    centers_new : ndarray of shape (n_clusters, n_features), dtype=floating
        Centers after previous iteration, placeholder for the new centers
        computed during this iteration.
    weight_in_clusters : ndarray of shape (n_clusters,), dtype=floating
        Placeholder for the sums of the weights of every observation assigned
        to each center.
    center_half_distances : ndarray of shape (n_clusters, n_clusters), \
        Half pairwise distances between centers.
    distance_next_center : ndarray of shape (n_clusters,), dtype=floating
        Distance between each center its closest center.
    upper_bounds : ndarray of shape (n_samples,), dtype=floating
        Upper bound for the distance between each sample and its center,
        updated inplace.
    lower_bounds : ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_clusters), dtype=floating
        Lower bound for the distance between each sample and each center,
        updated inplace.
    labels : ndarray of shape (n_samples,), dtype=int
        labels assignment.
    center_shift : ndarray of shape (n_clusters,), dtype=floating
        Distance between old and new centers.
    n_threads : int
        The number of threads to be used by openmp.
    update_centers : bool
        - If True, the labels and the new centers will be computed, i.e. runs
          the E-step and the M-step of the algorithm.
        - If False, only the labels will be computed, i.e runs the E-step of
          the algorithm. This is useful especially when calling predict on a
          fitted model.
        int n_samples = X.shape[0]
        int n_features = X.shape[1]
        int n_clusters = centers_new.shape[0]

        # hard-coded number of samples per chunk. Splitting in chunks is
        # necessary to get parallelism. Chunk size chosen to be same as lloyd's
        int n_samples_chunk = CHUNK_SIZE if n_samples > CHUNK_SIZE else n_samples
        int n_chunks = n_samples // n_samples_chunk
        int n_samples_rem = n_samples % n_samples_chunk
        int chunk_idx, n_samples_chunk_eff
        int start, end

        int i, j, k

        floating *centers_new_chunk
        floating *weight_in_clusters_chunk

    # count remainder chunk in total number of chunks
    n_chunks += n_samples != n_chunks * n_samples_chunk

    # number of threads should not be bigger than number of chunks
    n_threads = min(n_threads, n_chunks)

    if update_centers:
        memset(&centers_new[0, 0], 0, n_clusters * n_features * sizeof(floating))
        memset(&weight_in_clusters[0], 0, n_clusters * sizeof(floating))
    # 并行的处理每一个chunk内的样本
    with nogil, parallel(num_threads=n_threads):
        # thread local buffers
        centers_new_chunk = <floating*> calloc(n_clusters * n_features, sizeof(floating))
        weight_in_clusters_chunk = <floating*> calloc(n_clusters, sizeof(floating))

        for chunk_idx in prange(n_chunks, schedule='static'):
            start = chunk_idx * n_samples_chunk
            if chunk_idx == n_chunks - 1 and n_samples_rem > 0:
                end = start + n_samples_rem
                end = start + n_samples_chunk

                X[start: end],
                sample_weight[start: end],
                labels[start: end],
                upper_bounds[start: end],
                lower_bounds[start: end],

        # reduction from local buffers. The gil is necessary for that to avoid
        # race conditions.
        if update_centers:
            with gil:
                for j in range(n_clusters):
                    weight_in_clusters[j] += weight_in_clusters_chunk[j]
                    for k in range(n_features):
                        centers_new[j, k] += centers_new_chunk[j * n_features + k]


    if update_centers:
        _relocate_empty_clusters_dense(X, sample_weight, centers_old,
                                       centers_new, weight_in_clusters, labels)

        _average_centers(centers_new, weight_in_clusters)
        _center_shift(centers_old, centers_new, center_shift)

        # update lower and upper bounds
        for i in range(n_samples):
            upper_bounds[i] += center_shift[labels[i]]

            for j in range(n_clusters):
                lower_bounds[i, j] -= center_shift[j]
                if lower_bounds[i, j] < 0:
                    lower_bounds[i, j] = 0


cdef void _update_chunk_dense(
        floating[:, ::1] X,                      # IN READ-ONLY
        floating[::1] sample_weight,             # IN READ-ONLY
        floating[:, ::1] centers_old,            # IN
        floating[:, ::1] center_half_distances,  # IN
        floating[::1] distance_next_center,      # IN
        int[::1] labels,                         # INOUT
        floating[::1] upper_bounds,              # INOUT
        floating[:, ::1] lower_bounds,           # INOUT
        floating *centers_new,                   # OUT
        floating *weight_in_clusters,            # OUT
        bint update_centers) nogil:
    """K-means combined EM step for one dense data chunk.
    Compute the partial contribution of a single data chunk to the labels and
        int n_samples = labels.shape[0]
        int n_clusters = centers_old.shape[0]
        int n_features = centers_old.shape[1]

        floating upper_bound, distance
        int i, j, k, label

    for i in range(n_samples):
        upper_bound = upper_bounds[i] #当前样本到所在簇的距离
        bounds_tight = 0
        label = labels[i] #当前样本属于的簇标签

        # Next center is not far away from the currently assigned center.
        # Sample might need to be assigned to another center.
        # 当前样本距离目前所在簇的质心距离如果比当前簇质心和其最近的质心的距离还要大时,那么当前的样本点可能是属于另一个簇的
        if not distance_next_center[label] >= upper_bound:

            for j in range(n_clusters):

                # If this holds, then center_index is a good candidate for the
                # sample to be relabelled, and we need to confirm this by
                # recomputing the upper and lower bounds.
                if (j != label
                    and (upper_bound > lower_bounds[i, j]) #如果当前样本到其所在簇的距离大于当前样本到第j个簇的距离
                    and (upper_bound > center_half_distances[label, j])): #如果当前样本到其所在簇的距离大于当前样本所在簇质心到j簇质心的距离的一半

                    # Recompute upper bound by calculating the actual distance
                    # between the sample and its current assigned center.
                    if not bounds_tight: 
                        upper_bound = _euclidean_dense_dense(
                            &X[i, 0], &centers_old[label, 0], n_features, False)
                        lower_bounds[i, label] = upper_bound
                        bounds_tight = 1

                    # If the condition still holds, then compute the actual
                    # distance between the sample and center. If this is less
                    # than the previous distance, reassign label.
                    # 如果重新计算upper_bound和lower_bounds[i, label]后仍然能够满足上面的两个条件则修改当前样本所在的簇
                    if (upper_bound > lower_bounds[i, j]
                        or (upper_bound > center_half_distances[label, j])):

                        distance = _euclidean_dense_dense(
                            &X[i, 0], &centers_old[j, 0], n_features, False)
                        lower_bounds[i, j] = distance
                        if distance < upper_bound:
                            label = j
                            upper_bound = distance

            labels[i] = label
            upper_bounds[i] = upper_bound

        if update_centers:
            weight_in_clusters[label] += sample_weight[i]
            for k in range(n_features):
                centers_new[label * n_features + k] += X[i, k] * sample_weight[i]

2.3 _inertia_dense

_inertia_dense的实现就是在计算如下公式,其中C表示设定的簇的数量,i表示当前j簇内的第i个样本, μ j \mu_j μj表示第j个簇的质心:
∑ j = 0 C ∑ i = 0 ; i ∈ j ( x i − μ j ) 2 \sum_{j=0}^{C}\sum_{i=0 ;i\in j}\sqrt{(x_i-\mu_j)^2} j=0Ci=0;ij(xiμj)2

cpdef floating _inertia_dense(
        floating[:, ::1] X,           # IN READ-ONLY
        floating[::1] sample_weight,  # IN READ-ONLY
        floating[:, ::1] centers,     # IN
        int[::1] labels,              # IN
        int n_threads):
    """Compute inertia for dense input data
    Sum of squared distance between each sample and its assigned center.
        int n_samples = X.shape[0]
        int n_features = X.shape[1]
        int i, j

        floating sq_dist = 0.0
        floating inertia = 0.0

    for i in prange(n_samples, nogil=True, num_threads=n_threads,
        j = labels[i]
        sq_dist = _euclidean_dense_dense(&X[i, 0], &centers[j, 0],
                                         n_features, True)
        inertia += sq_dist * sample_weight[i]

    return inertia




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