- 通过New 关键字 创建对象,将对象分配到内存中。
- 构造函数和默认构造函数
- 对象用户通常希望用户在使用对象之前献给对象的字段数据赋相关值。通过NEW进行间接调用。
- C# 默认内建了一个贡藕早函数,它允许创建对象的时候创建其状态,默认狗仔函数不解释偶惨呼, 乌返回值,确保所有字段数据都设置为正确的默认值。
- This 解决了当传入参数和这个类的数据字段重名时造成的作用域歧义。提供对当前对象的访问。
- 使用This串联构造函数
- static 静态数据和非静态数据
非静态数据就会每个对象一个副本, 相会之间不影响。
class SavingsAccount
// Instance level data. 非静态数据
public double currBalance;
// A static point of data. 静态数据
public static double currInterestRate;
public static double InterestRate
get { return currInterestRate; }
set { currInterestRate = value; }
public SavingsAccount( double balance )
currBalance = balance;
// A static constructor!
static SavingsAccount()
Console.WriteLine("In static ctor!");
currInterestRate = 0.04;
// Static members to get/set interest rate.
public static void SetInterestRate( double newRate )
{ currInterestRate = newRate; }
public static double GetInterestRate()
{ return currInterestRate; }
一、 封装 encapsulation
- 核心的概念是对象内部的数据不应该从实例直接访问。
- 对象的数据应该定义为私有的,如果调用者想改变对象的状态,就要间接使用公共成员。
- 提供了一种保护状态数据完整性的方法。
- 封装的形式-- 使用属性封装数据–使用单个命名的项来控制内部数据点。
项目 | Value |
method | Get / Set Method |
访问器 | Accessor (get method)/Mutator (set method) |
Properties | Properties , Automatic properties! public string PetName { get; set; } |
class Employee
// Field data.
private string empName;
private int empID;
private float currPay;
private int empAge;
#region Constructors
public Employee() { }
public Employee( string name, int id, float pay )
: this(name, 0, id, pay) { }
public Employee( string name, int age, int id, float pay )
// Better! Use properties when setting class data.
// This reduces the amount of duplicate error checks.
Name = name;
Age = age;
ID = id;
Pay = pay;
#region Methods
public void GiveBonus( float amount )
currPay += amount;
public void DisplayStats()
Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", Name);
Console.WriteLine("ID: {0}", ID);
Console.WriteLine("Age: {0}", Age);
Console.WriteLine("Pay: {0}", Pay);
#region Get / Set Method
// Accessor (get method) 访问器
public string GetName()
return empName;
// Mutator (set method)
public void SetName( string name )
// Do a check on incoming value
// before making assignment.
if (name.Length > 15)
Console.WriteLine("Error! Name must be less than 15 characters!");
empName = name;
#region Properties
// Properties!
public string Name
get { return empName; }
if (value.Length > 15)
Console.WriteLine("Error! Name must be less than 16 characters!");
empName = value;
// We could add additional business rules to the sets of these properties,
// however there is no need to do so for this example.
public int ID
get { return empID; }
set { empID = value; }
public float Pay
get { return currPay; }
set { currPay = value; }
public int Age
get { return empAge; }
set { empAge = value; }
namespace AutoProps
#region Car class with automatic properties
class Car
// Automatic properties!
public string PetName { get; set; }
public int Speed { get; set; }
public string Color { get; set; }
public void DisplayStats()
Console.WriteLine("Car Name: {0}", PetName);
Console.WriteLine("Speed: {0}", Speed);
Console.WriteLine("Color: {0}", Color);
#region Garage class
class Garage
// The hidden int backing field is set to zero!
public int NumberOfCars { get; set; }
// The hidden Car backing field is set to null!
public Car MyAuto { get; set; }
// Must use constructors to override default
// values assigned to hidden backing fields.
public Garage()
MyAuto = new Car();
NumberOfCars = 1;
public Garage( Car car, int number )
MyAuto = car;
NumberOfCars = number;
class Program
static void Main( string[] args )
Console.WriteLine("***** Fun with Automatic Properties *****\n");
// Make a car.
Car c = new Car();
c.PetName = "Frank";
c.Speed = 55;
c.Color = "Red";
// Put car in the garage.
Garage g = new Garage();
g.MyAuto = c;
Console.WriteLine("Number of Cars in garage: {0}", g.NumberOfCars);
Console.WriteLine("Your car is named: {0}", g.MyAuto.PetName);
二、继承 inherit
继承财产 inherit property;
- 继承 is-a 关系
class Manager : Employee
- 包含/委托 has-a 关系
public class Driver {
private String name;
private String number;
private int drinkStatus;
public class Car {
private String number;
private int speed;
private Driver driver;
- use-a
- 表示使用关系,依然是其中一个拥有另外一个,但是不负责销毁,也就是声明周期不一样。
`public class Police {
public void check(Car car){
if(car.getSpeed() > 100){
if(car.getDriver().getDrinkStatus() == 1){
IS-A 用于继承
两个类 ,一个是汽车类,一个是主类(包含main方法的类);
三、多态 polymorphic
abstract 抽象类
as/is 类型检查
// The abstract base class of the hierarchy.
abstract class Shape
public Shape( string name = "NoName" )
{ PetName = name; }
public Shape() {}
public string PetName { get; set; }
// A single virtual method.
// Force all child classes to define how to be rendered. 强制所有子类定义如何呈现。
public abstract void Draw();
// Circle DOES NOT override Draw().
// If we did not implement the abstract Draw() method, Circle would also be
// considered abstract, and would have to be marked abstract!
class Circle : Shape
public Circle() { }
public Circle( string name ) : base(name) { }
public override void Draw()
Console.WriteLine("Drawing {0} the Circle", PetName);
// Hexagon DOES override Draw().
class Hexagon : Shape
public Hexagon() { }
public Hexagon( string name ) : base(name) { }
public override void Draw()
Console.WriteLine("Drawing {0} the Hexagon", PetName);
// This class extends Circle and hides the inherited Draw() method.
class ThreeDCircle : Circle
// Hide the PetName property above me.
public new string PetName { get; set; }
// Hide any Draw() implementation above me.
public new void Draw()
Console.WriteLine("Drawing a 3D Circle");
static void Main( string[] args )
Console.WriteLine("***** Fun with Polymorphism *****\n");
// Make an array of Shape-compatible objects.
Shape[] myShapes = {new Hexagon(), new Circle(), new Hexagon("Mick"),
new Circle("Beth"), new Hexagon("Linda")};
// Loop over each item and interact with the
// polymorphic interface.
foreach (Shape s in myShapes)
// This calls the Draw() method of the ThreeDCircle.
ThreeDCircle o = new ThreeDCircle();
// This calls the Draw() method of the parent!
- 接口可以被定义为抽象成员的集合。
- 因为接口不提供任何实现细节,通常把接口看做某个类型或者结构支持的行为。
- 如果两个或者更多类实现相同的接口,我们就可以以相同方式对待两个类型(又叫基于接口的多态),即使类型定义在独立的类继承体系中。
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace CustomInterface
// Models the ability to render a type in stunning 3D.建模以惊人的3D渲染类型的能力。
public interface IDraw3D
void Draw3D();
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace CustomInterface
// This interface defines the behavior of "having points."
public interface IPointy
// Implicitly public and abstract.
byte GetNumberOfPoints();
// The pointy behavior as a read-only property.
public interface IPointy
// A read-write property in an interface would look like:
// retType PropName { get; set; }
// while a write-only property in an interface would be:
// retType PropName { set; }
byte Points { get; }
- 接口有较高的多态性。(它可以被任何层次结构、任何命名空间活任何程序集中的任何类型活结构实现)
- 抽象类只有派生类才支持有抽象父类定义的成员
- 抽象类定义了一组抽象成员和构造函数、字段数据、非抽象成员等。接口只能包含抽象成员。
- 接口不能实例化因为他只是抽象成员的集合,所以我们不能像类和结构一样分配接口类型。
- 实现接口是一个要么全要要么全不要的命题。
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace CustomInterface
// The abstract base class of the hierarchy. 层次结构的抽象基类。
abstract class Shape
public Shape( string name = "NoName" )
{ PetName = name; }
public Shape() {}
public string PetName { get; set; }
// A single virtual method.
// Force all child classes to define how to be rendered.
public abstract void Draw();
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace CustomInterface
// New Shape derived class named Triangle.
//名为Triangle的新Shape派生类。 三角形
class Triangle : Shape, IPointy
public Triangle() { }
public Triangle( string name ) : base(name) { }
public override void Draw()
{ Console.WriteLine("Drawing {0} the Triangle", PetName); }
// IPointy Implementation.
public byte Points
get { return 3; }
// Circle DOES NOT override Draw().
// If we did not implement the abstract Draw() method, Circle would also be
// considered abstract, and would have to be marked abstract!
class Circle : Shape
public Circle() { }
public Circle( string name ) : base(name) { }
public override void Draw()
Console.WriteLine("Drawing {0} the Circle", PetName);
// Hexagon now implements IPointy. Hexagon 六角形
class Hexagon : Shape, IPointy, IDraw3D
public Hexagon() { }
public Hexagon( string name ) : base(name) { }
public override void Draw()
{ Console.WriteLine("Drawing {0} the Hexagon", PetName); }
// IPointy Implementation.
public byte Points
get { return 6; }
public void Draw3D()
Console.WriteLine("Drawing Hexagon in 3D!");
// This class extends Circle and hides the inherited Draw() method.
class ThreeDCircle : Circle, IDraw3D
// Hide the PetName property above me.
public new string PetName { get; set; }
// Hide any Draw() implementation above me.
public new void Draw()
Console.WriteLine("Drawing a 3D Circle");
public void Draw3D()
{ Console.WriteLine("Drawing Circle in 3D!"); }
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace CustomInterface
class Program
static void Main( string[] args )
Console.WriteLine("***** Fun with Interfaces *****\n");
// Make an array of Shapes.
Shape[] myShapes = { new Hexagon(), new Circle(),
new Triangle("Joe"), new Circle("JoJo")};
for (int i = 0; i < myShapes.Length; i++)
// Recall the Shape base class defines an abstract Draw()
// member, so all shapes know how to draw themselves.
// Who's pointy?
if (myShapes[i] is IPointy)
Console.WriteLine("-> Points: {0}", ((IPointy)myShapes[i]).Points);
Console.WriteLine("-> {0}\'s not pointy!", myShapes[i].PetName);
// Can I draw you in 3D?
if (myShapes[i] is IDraw3D)
// Get first pointy item.
// To be safe, you'd want to check firstPointyItem for null before proceeding.
IPointy firstPointyItem = FindFirstPointyShape(myShapes);
Console.WriteLine("The item has {0} points", firstPointyItem.Points);
// This array can only contain types that
// implement the IPointy interface.
IPointy[] myPointyObjects = {new Hexagon(), new Knife(),
new Triangle(), new Fork(), new PitchFork()};
foreach (IPointy i in myPointyObjects)
Console.WriteLine("Object has {0} points.", i.Points);
static void DrawIn3D( IDraw3D itf3d )
Console.WriteLine("-> Drawing IDraw3D compatible type");
// This method returns the first object in the
// array that implements IPointy.
static IPointy FindFirstPointyShape( Shape[] shapes )
foreach (Shape s in shapes)
if (s is IPointy)
return s as IPointy;
return null;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace CustomEnumerator
// This seems reasonable...
public class Program
static void Main( string[] args )
Console.WriteLine("***** Fun with IEnumerable / IEnumerator *****\n");
Garage carLot = new Garage();
// Hand over each car in the collection?
foreach (Car c in carLot)
Console.WriteLine("{0} is going {1} MPH",
c.PetName, c.CurrentSpeed);
// Manually work with IEnumerator.
IEnumerator i = carLot.GetEnumerator();
Car myCar = (Car)i.Current;
Console.WriteLine("{0} is going {1} MPH", myCar.PetName, myCar.CurrentSpeed);
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace CustomEnumerator
// Garage contains a set of Car objects.
// 车库包含一组汽车对象
public class Garage : IEnumerable
private Car[] carArray = new Car[4];
// Fill with some Car objects upon startup.
public Garage()
carArray[0] = new Car("Rusty", 30);
carArray[1] = new Car("Clunker", 55);
carArray[2] = new Car("Zippy", 30);
carArray[3] = new Car("Fred", 30);
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
// Return the array object's IEnumerator.
return carArray.GetEnumerator();
方式二:使用Yield 关键字构建迭代器方法
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace CustomEnumeratorWithYield
// Garage contains a set of Car objects.
public class Garage : IEnumerable
private Car[] carArray = new Car[4];
// Fill with some Car objects upon startup.
public Garage()
carArray[0] = new Car("Rusty", 30);
carArray[1] = new Car("Clunker", 55);
carArray[2] = new Car("Zippy", 30);
carArray[3] = new Car("Fred", 30);
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
foreach (Car c in carArray)
yield return c;
public IEnumerable GetTheCars( bool ReturnRevesed )
// Return the items in reverse.
if (ReturnRevesed)
for (int i = carArray.Length; i != 0; i--)
yield return carArray[i - 1];
// Return the items as placed in the array.
foreach (Car c in carArray)
yield return c;