net programming for microsoft windows 读书笔记


socket modessocket I/O models

socket modes (每一个socket对象自己所具备的特性 ):

As we mentioned, Windows sockets perform I/O operations in two socket operating modes: blocking and non-blocking . In blocking mode, Winsock calls that perform I/O—such as send and recv— wait until the operation is complete before they return to the program. In non-blocking mode, the Winsock functions return immediately.

   Once a socket is placed in non-blocking mode(by calling the ioctlsocket()), Winsock API calls that deal with sending and receiving data or connection management return immediately. In most cases, these calls fail with the error WSAEWOULDBLOCK , which means that the requested operation did not have time to complete during the call. For example, a call to recv returns WSAEWOULDBLOCK if no data is pending in the system's input buffer. Often additional calls to the same function are required until it encounters a successful return code.

socket I/O models(管理多个sockets的方法) :

   对于一个socket,我们可以使用blocking or non-blocking mode去处理.


  1 可以使用blocking socket加多线程的方法来处理,即每一个线程来处理一个socket的操作. 这样做的缺点是太多的线程浪费系统资源而且影响系统效率.

  2 如果使用non-blocking方式来处理, 但是随着sockets个数的增多, 程序要用不断循环的方法来调用函数直到他们成功, 程序变得无法管理.所以这个模式不存在.

  3 select模型.

  4 WSAAsyncSelect模型.

  5 WSAEventSelect模型.

  6 overlapped 模型.

  7 completion port


  1 blocking socket + 多线程.

     这种模式的好处是简单,容易实现. 坏处是因为要为每个socket创建一个或者两个线程来对它进行处理.所以非常浪费系统资源, 这里所说的系统资源是内存, 包括物理内存和虚拟内存. 每创建一个线程,系统要为线程在虚拟内存中保留1M的栈(这个操作使用了虚拟内存,每一个只有2GB的地址空间是属于用户的.), 而且还要为其中的一些虚拟内存分配一部分物理内存(计算机上的RAM).况且在运行时由于频繁的线程切换会使CPU很累.

  2 select模型

     We call it the select model because it centers on using the select function to manage I/O.

The select function can be used to determine if there is data on a socket and if a socket can be written to. The reason for having this function is to prevent your application from blocking on an I/O bound call such as send or recv when a socket is in a blocking mode and to prevent the WSAEWOULDBLOCK error when a socket is in a non-blocking mode. The select function blocks for I/O operations until the conditions specified as parameters are met.

int select(

int nfds,

fd_set FAR * readfds,

fd_set FAR * writefds,

fd_set FAR * exceptfds,

const struct timeval FAR * timeout


书中说的不详细, 还有很多的疑问要在msdn中才能找到答案.

比如在 readfds中的socket, 在满足以下三种情况时,认为可以操作。

1 当该socket上有数据可以被读取的时候。2 当该socket被关闭的时候。 3 当有连接请求要连接到该socket 时。


区分的方法是: 如果在readfds中的socket处于listen状态但是没有调用accept时,那么这时肯定是有连接请求到达该socket,此时去accept的话,不会blocking.  如果在readfds中的socket已经是accept过的了,那么肯定是1或者2,那么怎么区别这两种情况呢,方法是直接调用recv函数,如果是1的情况,会成功收到数据。如果是2的情况,会返回一个错误值。


用一个链表来保存接收到的socket, 用多线程,其中一个线程负责accept链接,得到socket后加入到链表中去.另外一个线程中while(true)一直调用select. 在select之前,每次都检查链表,如果有新socket加入,则把它也加到fd_read中去.

3 WSAAsyncSelect模型

   Winsock provides a useful asynchronous I/O model that allows an application to receive Windows message–based notification of network events on a socket.This is accomplished by calling the WSAAsyncSelect function after creating a socket.

   To use the WSAAsyncSelect model, your application must first create a window using the CreateWindow function and supply a window procedure (winproc ) support function for it. You can also use a dialog box with a dialog procedure instead of a window because dialog boxes are windows.

   Once you have set up the window infrastructure, you can begin creating sockets and turning on window message notification by calling the WSAAsyncSelect function, which is defined as

   int WSAAsyncSelect( SOCKET s, HWND hWnd, unsigned int wMsg, long lEvent );

   The s parameter represents the socket we are interested in.

   The hWnd parameter is a window handle identifying the window or the dialog box that receives a message when a network event occurs.

    The wMsg parameter identifies the message to be received when a network event occurs.

    The last parameter, lEvent , represents a bitmask that specifies a combination of network events


当有connect,或fd_read,或fd_write,或fd_close这类的网络事件发生的时候, hwnd会收到一个WM_SOCKET事件, 而且在其中又可以根据lparam


This allows our application to get connect, send, receive, and socket-closure network event notifications on socket s . It is impossible to register multiple events one at a time on the socket. Also note that once you turn on event notification on a socket, it remains on unless the socket is closed by a call to closesocket or the application changes the registered network event types by calling WSAAsyncSelect (again, on the socket). Setting the lEvent parameter to 0 effectively stops all network event notification on the socket.

   When your application calls WSAAsyncSelect on a socket, the socket mode is automatically changed from blocking to the non-blocking mode that we described previously(why? ).

   How to design the windows procedure?

  A window procedure is normally defined as


HWND hWnd,

UINT uMsg,

WPARAM wParam,

 LPARAM lParam


The hWnd parameter is a handle to the window that invoked the window procedure.

The uMsg parameter indicates which message needs to be processed. In your case, you will be looking for the message defined in the WSAAsyncSelect call.

The wParam parameter identifies the socket on which a network event has occurred. This is important if you have more than one socket assigned to this window procedure.

The lParam parameter contains two important pieces of information—the low word of lParam specifies the network event that has occurred, and the high word of lParam contains any error code.

When network event messages arrive at a window procedure, the application should first check the lParam high-word bits to determine whether a network error has occurred on the socket. There is a special macro, WSAGETSELECTERROR , that returns the value of the high-word bits error information. After the application has verified that no error occurred on the socket, the application should determine which network event type caused the Windows message to fire by reading the low-word bits of lParam . Another special macro, WSAGETSELECTEVENT , returns the value of the low-word portion of lParam .

One final detail worth noting is how applications should process FD_WRITE event notifications. FD_WRITE notifications are sent under only three conditions:

  • After a socket is first connected with connect or WSAConnect

  • After a socket is accepted with accept or WSAAccept

  • When a send, WSASend , sendto , or WSASendTo operation fails with WSAEWOULDBLOCK and buffer space becomes available

Therefore, an application should assume that sends are always possible on a socket starting from the first FD_WRITE message and lasting until a send , WSASend , sendto , or WSASendTo returns the socket error WSAEWOULDBLOCK . After such failure, another FD_WRITE message notifies the application that sends are once again possible.

The WSAAsyncSelect model offers many advantages; foremost is the capability to handle many connections simultaneously without much overhead, unlike the select model's requirement of setting up the fd_set structures. The disadvantages are having to use a window if your application requires no windows (such as a service or console application). Also, having a single window procedure to service all the events on thousands of socket handles can become a performance bottleneck (meaning this model doesn't scale very well).

4 the WSAEventSelect model

Winsock provides another useful asynchronous event notification I/O model that is similar to the WSAAsyncSelect model that allows an application to receive event-based notification of network events on one or more sockets. This model is similar to the WSAAsyncSelect model because your application receives and processes the same network events listed in Table 5-3 that the WSAAsyncSelect model uses. The major difference with this model is that network events are notified via an event object handle instead of a window procedure.

The event notification model requires your application to create an event object for each socket used by calling the WSACreateEvent function, which is defined as  WSAEVENT WSACreateEvent(void);

The WSACreateEvent function simply returns a manual reset event object handle. Once you have an event object handle, you have to associate it with a socket and register the network event types of interest

int WSAEventSelect(


WSAEVENT hEventObject,

long lNetworkEvents


The s parameter represents the socket of interest.

The hEventObject parameter represents the event object—obtained with WSACreateEvent— to associate with the socket.

The last parameter, lNetworkEvents , represents a bitmask that specifies a combination of network event types that the application is interested in.

The event created for WSAEventSelect has two operating states and two operating modes. The operating states are known as signaled and non-signaled . The operating modes are known as manual reset and auto reset .WSACreateEvent initially creates event handles in a non-signaled operating state with a manual reset operating mode.As network events trigger an event object associated with a socket, the operating state changes from non-signaled to signaled.

Because the event object is created in a manual reset mode, your application is responsible for changing the operating state from signaled to non-signaled after processing an I/O request. This can be accomplished by calling the WSAResetEvent function, which is defined as

BOOL WSAResetEvent(WSAEVENT hEvent);

The function takes an event handle as its only parameter and returns TRUE or FALSE based on the success or failure of the call.

When an application is finished with an event object, it should call the WSACloseEvent function to free the system resources used by an event handle. The WSACloseEvent function is defined as      BOOL WSACloseEvent(WSAEVENT hEvent);

This function also takes an event handle as its only parameter and returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if the call fails.

Once a socket is associated with an event object handle, the application can begin processing I/O by waiting for network events to trigger the operating state of the event object handle. The WSAWaitForMultipleEvents function is designed to wait on one or more event object handles and returns either when one or all of the specified handles are in the signaled state or when a specified timeout interval expires. WSAWaitForMultipleEvents is defined as

DWORD WSAWaitForMultipleEvents(

DWORD cEvents,

const WSAEVENT FAR * lphEvents,

BOOL fWaitAll,

DWORD dwTimeout,

BOOL fAlertable


The cEvents and lphEvents parameters define an array of WSAEVENT objects in which cEvents is the number of event objects in the array and lphEvents is a pointer to the array. WSAWaitForMultipleEvents can support only a maximum of WSA_MAXIMUM_WAIT_EVENTS objects, which is defined as 64. Therefore, this I/O model is capable of supporting only a maximum of 64 sockets at a time for each thread that makes the WSAWaitForMultipleEvents call.

If you need to have this model manage more than 64 sockets, you should create additional worker threads to wait on more event objects.

The fWaitAll parameter specifies how WSAWaitForMultipleEvents waits for objects in the event array.

If TRUE , the function returns when all event objects in the lphEvents array are signaled. If FALSE , the function returns when any one of the event objects is signaled. In the latter case, the return value indicates which event object caused the function to return. Typically, applications set this parameter to FALSE and service one socket event at a time.

The dwTimeout parameter specifies how long (in milliseconds) WSAWaitForMultipleEvents will wait for a network event to occur.

The final parameter, fAlertable , can be ignored when you're using the WSAEventSelect model and should be set to FALSE . It is intended for use in processing completion routines in the overlapped I/O model, which will be described later in this chapter.

Note that by servicing signaled events one at a time (by setting the fWaitAll parameter to FALSE ), it is possible to starve sockets toward the end of the event array.(这是WSAEventSelect一项缺点)

This is clearly undesirable. Once an event within the loop is signaled and handled, all events in the array should be checked to see if they are signaled as well. This can be accomplished by using WSAWaitForMultipleEvents with each individual event handle after the first signaled event and specifying a dwTimeOut of zero.

When WSAWaitForMultipleEvents receives network event notification of an event object, it returns a value indicating the event object that caused the function to return. As a result, your application can determine which network event type is available on a particular socket by referencing the signaled event in the event array and matching it with the socket associated with the event. When you reference the events in the event array, you should reference them using the return value of WSAWaitForMultipleEvents minus the predefined value WSA_WAIT_EVENT_0 .

For example:

Index = WSAWaitForMultipleEvents(...);

MyEvent = EventArray[Index - WSA_WAIT_EVENT_0];

Once you have the socket that caused the network event, you can determine which

network events are available by calling the WSAEnumNetworkEvents


which is defined as

int WSAEnumNetworkEvents(


WSAEVENT hEventObject,



The s parameter represents the socket that caused the network event, and the hEventObject parameter is an optional parameter representing an event handle identifying an associated event object to be reset. Because our event object is in a signaled state, we can pass it in and it will be set to a non-signaled state. The hEventObject parameter is optional in case you wish to reset the event manually via the WSAResetEvent function. The final parameter, lpNetworkEvents , takes a pointer to a WSANETWORKEVENTS structure, which is used to retrieve network event types that occurred on the socket and any associated error codes. The WSANETWORKEVENTS structure is defined as

typedef struct _WSANETWORKEVENTS


long lNetworkEvents;

int iErrorCode[FD_MAX_EVENTS];



More than one network event type can occur whenever an event is signaled. For example, a busy server application might receive FD_READ and FD_WRITE notification at the same time.

The iErrorCode parameter is an array of error codes associated with the events in lNetworkEvents . For each network event type, there is a special event index similar to the event type names—except for an additional “_BIT” string appended to the event name. For example, for the FD_READ event type, the index identifier for the iErrorCode array is named FD_READ_BIT . The following code fragment demonstrates this for an FD_READ event:

// Process FD_READ notification

if (NetworkEvents.lNetworkEvents & FD_READ)


if (NetworkEvents.iErrorCode[FD_READ_BIT] != 0)


printf("FD_READ failed with error %d/n",




After you process the events in the WSANETWORKEVENTS structure, your application should continue waiting for more network events on all of the available sockets. The following example demonstrates how to develop a server and manage event objects when using the WSAEventSelect I/O model. The code highlights the steps needed to develop a basic server application capable of managing one or more sockets at a time.



SOCKADDR_IN InternetAddr;

SOCKET Accept, Listen;

DWORD EventTotal = 0;

DWORD Index, i;

// Set up a TCP socket for listening on port 5150 Listen = socket (PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);

InternetAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;

InternetAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);

InternetAddr.sin_port = htons(5150);

bind(Listen, (PSOCKADDR) &InternetAddr, sizeof(InternetAddr));

NewEvent = WSACreateEvent();

WSAEventSelect(Listen, NewEvent, FD_ACCEPT │ FD_CLOSE);

listen(Listen, 5);

SocketArray[EventTotal] = Listen; EventArray[EventTotal] = NewEvent;


while(TRUE) {

// Wait for network events on all sockets

Index = WSAWaitForMultipleEvents(EventTotal, EventArray, FALSE, WSA_INFINITE, FALSE);

Index = Index - WSA_WAIT_EVENT_0;

// Iterate through all events to see if more than one is signaled

for(i=Index; i < EventTotal ;i++)


Index = WSAWaitForMultipleEvents(1, &EventArray[i], TRUE, 1000, FALSE);

if ((Index == WSA_WAIT_FAILED) ││ (Index == WSA_WAIT_TIMEOUT))



{ Index = i; WSAEnumNetworkEvents( SocketArray[Index], EventArray[Index], &NetworkEvents);

// Check for FD_ACCEPT messages

if (NetworkEvents.lNetworkEvents & FD_ACCEPT)


if (NetworkEvents.iErrorCode[FD_ACCEPT_BIT] != 0)


printf("FD_ACCEPT failed with error %d/n", NetworkEvents.iErrorCode[FD_ACCEPT_BIT]);

break; }

// Accept a new connection, and add it to the

// socket and event lists

Accept = accept( SocketArray[Index], NULL, NULL);

// We cannot process more than

// WSA_MAXIMUM_WAIT_EVENTS sockets, so close

// the accepted socket



printf("Too many connections");




NewEvent = WSACreateEvent();

WSAEventSelect(Accept, NewEvent, FD_READ │ FD_WRITE │ FD_CLOSE);

EventArray[EventTotal] = NewEvent;

SocketArray[EventTotal] = Accept;


printf("Socket %d connected/n", Accept); }

// Process FD_READ notification

if (NetworkEvents.lNetworkEvents & FD_READ)


if (NetworkEvents.iErrorCode[FD_READ_BIT] != 0)

{ printf("FD_READ failed with error %d/n", NetworkEvents.iErrorCode[FD_READ_BIT]); break;


// Read data from the socket

recv(SocketArray[Index - WSA_WAIT_EVENT_0], buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0); }

// Process FD_WRITE notification

if (NetworkEvents.lNetworkEvents & FD_WRITE)


if (NetworkEvents.iErrorCode[FD_WRITE_BIT] != 0)

{ printf("FD_WRITE failed with error %d/n", NetworkEvents.iErrorCode[FD_WRITE_BIT]);



send(SocketArray[Index - WSA_WAIT_EVENT_0], buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0); }

if (NetworkEvents.lNetworkEvents & FD_CLOSE)


if (NetworkEvents.iErrorCode[FD_CLOSE_BIT] != 0)


printf("FD_CLOSE failed with error %d/n", NetworkEvents.iErrorCode[FD_CLOSE_BIT]);



closesocket(SocketArray[Index]); // Remove socket and associated event from // the Socket and Event arrays and decrement // EventTotal CompressArrays(EventArray, SocketArray, &EventTotal); } } } }


The WSAEventSelect

model offers several

advantages. It is conceptually simple and it does not require a windowed

environment. The only drawback is its limitation of waiting on only 64 events at

a time, which necessitates managing a thread pool when dealing with many

sockets. Also, because many threads are required to handle a large number of

socket connections, this model does not scale as well as the overlapped models




The Overlapped Model:

The overlapped I/O model in Winsock offers applications better system performance than any of the I/O models explained so far.

The overlapped model's basic design allows your application to post one or more asynchronous I/O requests at a time using an overlapped data structure.

At a later point, the application can service the submitted requests after they have completed. This model is available on all Windows platforms except Windows CE. The model's overall design is based on the Windows overlapped I/O mechanisms available for performing I/O operations on devices using the ReadFile and WriteFile functions.

  To use the overlapped I/O model on a socket, you must first create a socket that has the overlapped flag set.

After you successfully create a socket and bind it to a local interface, overlapped I/O operations can commence by calling the Winsock functions listed below and specifying an optional WSAOVERLAPPED structure.

  • WSASend

  • WSASendTo

  • WSARecv

  • WSARecvFrom

  • WSAIoctl

  • WSARecvMsg

  • AcceptEx

  • ConnectEx

  • TransmitFile

  • TransmitPackets

  • DisconnectEx

  • WSANSPIoctl

  To use overlapped I/O, each function takes a WSAOVERLAPPED structure as a parameter.

When these functions are called with a WSAOVERLAPPED structure, they complete immediately—regardless of the socket's mode.

They rely on the WSAOVERLAPPED structure to manage the completion of an I/O request.

There are essentially two methods for managing the completion of an overlapped I/O request: your application can wait for event object notification or it can process completed requests through completion routines .

The first six functions in the list have another parameter in common: a WSAOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE . This parameter is an optional pointer to a completion routine function that gets called when an overlapped request completes.

Event Notification

The event notification method of overlapped I/O requires associating Windows event objects with WSAOVERLAPPED


When I/O calls such as WSASend and WSARecv are made using a WSAOVERLAPPED structure, they return immediately.

Typically, you will find that these I/O calls fail with the return value SOCKET_ERROR and that WSAGetLastError reports a WSA_IO_PENDING error status.

This error status simply means that the I/O operation is in progress.

At a later time, your application will need to determine when an overlapped I/O request completes by waiting on the event object associated with the WSAOVERLAPPED structure.

The WSAOVERLAPPED structure provides the communication medium between the initiation of an overlapped I/O request and its subsequent completion, and is defined as

typedef struct WSAOVERLAPPED


DWORD Internal;

DWORD InternalHigh;

DWORD Offset;

DWORD OffsetHigh;



The Internal, InternalHigh, Offset , and OffsetHigh fields are all used internally by the system and an application should not manipulate or directly use them. The hEvent field, on the other hand, allows an application to associate an event object handle with this operation.

When an overlapped I/O request finally completes, your application is responsible for retrieving the overlapped results. In the event notification method, Winsock will change the event-signaling state of an event object that is associated with a WSAOVERLAPPED structure from non-signaled to signaled when an overlapped request finally completes. Because an event object is assigned to the WSAOVERLAPPED structure, you can easily determine when an overlapped I/O call completes by calling the WSAWaitForMultipleEvents function

Once you determine which overlapped request has completed, you need to determine the success or failure of the overlapped call by calling WSAGetOverlappedResult , which is defined as

BOOL WSAGetOverlappedResult(



LPDWORD lpcbTransfer,

BOOL fWait,

LPDWORD lpdwFlags


The s parameter identifies the socket that was specified when the overlapped operation was started.

The lpOverlapped parameter is a pointer to the WSAOVERLAPPED structure that was specified when the overlapped operation was started.

The lpcbTransfer parameter is a pointer to a DWORD variable that receives the number of bytes that were actually transferred by an overlapped send or receive operation.

The fWait parameter determines whether the function should wait for a pending overlapped operation to complete.

If fWait is TRUE , the function does not return until the operation has been completed. If fWait is FALSE and the operation is still pending, WSAGetOverlappedResult returns FALSE with the error WSA_IO_INCOMPLETE .Because in our case we waited on a signaled event for overlapped completion, this parameter has no effect(这个参数在其它的情况下有用,但是在我们这个model里用不上,因).

the completion port model:



   socket mode:

  socket s, s有两种类型,一个是blocking的,一个是non-blocking的。 如果是个人的话,那么这个人有两种, 一种是很执着的人(blocking),你派他去菜市场买菜,没卖菜的他就坐那等,一直等到买到菜。但是家里要做饭,都得等着他。另一种是会变通的人(non-blocking), 他去看到没有菜卖就会马上回家来,如果你想再让他买,就再让他去,一直到买到为止。

socket I/O models:

  比如你是个大家庭,有很多人,即你有很多个socket. 你需要一个方法来管理这些s.

1 blocking + 多线程

  你把这些S都设置成blocking mode的,每个S都用一个线程管理。

2 使用select模型:


The only I/O model that provides true scalability on Windows NT platforms is overlapped I/O using completion ports for notification . In Chapter 5, we covered the various methods of socket I/O and explained that for a large number of connections, completion ports offer the greatest flexibility and ease of implementation. Mechanisms like WSAAsyncSelect and select are provided for easier porting from Windows 3.1 and UNIX, respectively, but are not designed to scale. The event-based models are not scalable because of the operating system limit of simultaneous wait events.




难以理解的知识点 :


 int                  ClientAddrLen = sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN);




 if ((NewConnection = accept(ListeningSocket, (SOCKADDR *) &ClientAddr,&ClientAddrLen)) == INVALID_SOCKET)
      printf("accept failed with error %d/n", WSAGetLastError());//WSAEFault

如果把第一行改为:   int                  ClientAddrLen = sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN);

则accept()函数会一直返回invalid_socket. 并且调用WSAGetlastError()会返回0.一直不知道这个0是什么意思. 在网上看到其它人说他们的值是10014.

什么是spi?比如wsprecv(). 他们是比winsock API更底层一些的 service provider interface提供的,普通的api, 如send,由ws2_32.dll中来,

而spi api, 如wsprecv,则由mswsock.dll中来.

  上面的话题扯得比较远了,平时我们调用WINSOCK   API是这样的  
  winsock   api->SPI->驱动->网卡  
  int   WSPStartup   (  
      WORD                                           wVersionRequested,                                
      LPWSPDATAW                               lpWSPData,                                    
      LPWSAPROTOCOL_INFOW             lpProtocolInfo,        
      WSPUPCALLTABLE                       UpcallTable,                        
      LPWSPPROC_TABLE                     lpProcTable        





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


