space management

prompt ++++ Temporary tablespace Usage Top 10 …
col program format a20
col terminal format a20
col “MB” format 999999
select sid,program,terminal,osuser,b.used “MB” from v s e s s i o n a , ( s e l e c t s e s s i o n a d d r , u s e d f r o m ( s e l e c t s e s s i o n a d d r , s u m ( b l o c k s ) ∗ 8192 / 1024 / 1024 u s e d f r o m v session a, (select session_addr,used from ( select session_addr,sum(blocks)*8192/1024/1024 used from v sessiona,(selectsessionaddr,usedfrom(selectsessionaddr,sum(blocks)8192/1024/1024usedfromvsort_usage
group by session_addr
order by 2 desc)
where rownum < 11
) b
where a.saddr=b.session_addr;

prompt ++++ Temporary tablespace Usage Top 10 …
col program format a20
col terminal format a20
col “MB” format 999999
set linesize 300
set pagesize 1000
select sid,sql_id,prev_sql_id,program,terminal,osuser,b.used “MB” from v s e s s i o n a , ( s e l e c t s e s s i o n a d d r , u s e d f r o m ( s e l e c t s e s s i o n a d d r , s u m ( b l o c k s ) ∗ 8192 / 1024 / 1024 u s e d f r o m v session a, (select session_addr,used from ( select session_addr,sum(blocks)*8192/1024/1024 used from v sessiona,(selectsessionaddr,usedfrom(selectsessionaddr,sum(blocks)8192/1024/1024usedfromvsort_usage
group by session_addr
order by 2 desc)
) b
where a.saddr=b.session_addr;

For DW
Select round(sum(blocks)*16/1024/1024) “TempUsed(GB)”, t.username, session_num, sid, b.hash_value, b.plan_hash_value, b.sql_text
from v t e m p s e g u s a g e t , v tempseg_usage t, v tempsegusaget,vsession s, v$sqlarea b
Where S.SERIAL# = t.session_num
and s.sql_address = b.address
group by t.username, session_num, sid, b.hash_value, b.plan_hash_value, b.sql_text order by 1 desc;

For DW
Select round(sum(blocks)*16/1024/1024) “TempUsed(GB)”, t.username, session_num, sid, b.hash_value, b.plan_hash_value, b.sql_text
from v t e m p s e g u s a g e t , v tempseg_usage t, v tempsegusaget,vsession s, v$sqlarea b
Where S.SERIAL# = t.session_num
and s.sql_address = b.address
group by t.username, session_num, sid, b.hash_value, b.plan_hash_value, b.sql_text order by 1 desc;

prompt +++++Undo Block Usage Top 5 …
select sid,used_ublk,used_urec,log_io,phy_io*8/1024,sql_id,prev_sql_id
from (select rownum,b.sid,used_ublk,used_urec,log_io,phy_io,b.sql_id,b.prev_sql_id
from v t r a n s a c t i o n a , v transaction a,v transactiona,vsession b
where a.addr = b.taddr
order by used_ublk desc) transize
where rownum <6;

prompt "Session/Process/Transaction: total "
prompt +++++ Session/Process/Transaction: total …
select ‘Session_Stats’ stats, to_char(sysdate, ‘RRRR-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS’) curr_time, inst_id, count(*) sess_num from gv$session group
by inst_id;

select ‘Process_Stats’ stats, to_char(sysdate, ‘RRRR-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS’) curr_time, inst_id, count(*) proc_num from gv$process group
by inst_id;

select ‘Trans_Stats’ stats, to_char(sysdate, ‘RRRR-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS’) curr_time, inst_id, count(*) tranc_num from gv$transaction group by inst_id;

prompt +++++ Tablespaces Usage …

set pagesize 1000
set linesize 120
select b.tablespace_name,c.extent_management,c.SEGMENT_SPACE_MANAGEMENT,
b.Tot_Size,b.Tot_Free,b.Pct_Used from
(select a.tablespace_name,round(sum(a.tots)/1024/1024,2) Tot_Size,
round(sum(a.sumb)/1024/1024,2) Tot_Free,
round(100-(sum(a.sumb)100/sum(a.tots)),2) Pct_Used
–, sum(a.largest) Max_Free,sum(a.chunks) Chunks_Free
select tablespace_name,0 tots,sum(bytes) sumb,
max(bytes) largest,count(
) chunks
from dba_free_space a
group by tablespace_name
select tablespace_name,sum(bytes) tots,0,0,0 from
group by tablespace_name) a
group by a.tablespace_name) b, dba_tablespaces c
where b.tablespace_name=c.tablespace_name
order by Pct_Used;

select * from (
select b.tablespace_name,c.extent_management,c.SEGMENT_SPACE_MANAGEMENT,
b.Tot_Size,b.Tot_Free,b.Pct_Used from
(select a.tablespace_name,round(sum(a.tots)/1024/1024,2) Tot_Size,
round(sum(a.sumb)/1024/1024,2) Tot_Free,
round(100-(sum(a.sumb)100/sum(a.tots)),2) Pct_Used
–, sum(a.largest) Max_Free,sum(a.chunks) Chunks_Free
select tablespace_name,0 tots,sum(bytes) sumb,
max(bytes) largest,count(
) chunks
from dba_free_space a
group by tablespace_name
select tablespace_name,sum(bytes) tots,0,0,0 from
group by tablespace_name) a
group by a.tablespace_name) b, dba_tablespaces c
where b.tablespace_name=c.tablespace_name) k
where k.tablespace_name=‘LOB2’

PROMPT “Wait Event”
prompt +++++ Wait Event…
select a.sid,a.event,a.p1,a.p2,a.p3,b.sql_id from v s e s s i o n w a i t a , v session_wait a,v sessionwaita,vsession b
where a.event not in
(‘queue messages’,‘pmon timer’,‘smon timer’,‘pipe get’,‘SQL*Net message from client’,‘rdbms ipc message’,‘wakeup time manager’)
and a.sid=b.sid order by event;

PROMPT “Wait Event”
prompt +++++ Wait Event…
select a.sid,a.event,a.p1,a.p2,a.p3,b.sql_id from v s e s s i o n w a i t a , v session_wait a,v sessionwaita,vsession b
where a.event not in
(‘queue messages’,‘pmon timer’,‘smon timer’,‘pipe get’,‘SQL*Net message from client’,‘rdbms ipc message’,‘wakeup time manager’)
and a.sid=b.sid order by event;

Prompt “Enqueue Info”
prompt +++++ Enqueue Info…
SELECT DECODE(request,0,'Holder: ‘,’ |–Waiter: ')||sid sess,
id1, id2, lmode, request, type,block,inst_id
FROM GV L O C K W H E R E ( i d 1 , i d 2 , t y p e ) I N ( S E L E C T i d 1 , i d 2 , t y p e F R O M G V LOCK WHERE (id1, id2, type) IN (SELECT id1, id2, type FROM GV LOCKWHERE(id1,id2,type)IN(SELECTid1,id2,typeFROMGVLOCK WHERE request>0 )
ORDER BY id1, request ;

Prompt “Cursor Monitoring”
prompt ++++ cursor info ++++
select max(cur) max_curs,min(cur) min_curs,avg(cur) avr_curs
from (select sid,count(*) cur from v$open_cursor
group by sid);

Prompt “Rpt User Usage”
prompt +++ rptuser usage ++++
select username,sid,module,program,machine,sql_id,prev_sql_id,status
from v$session where username=‘RPTUSER’;

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