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原创 Use bubble sort to sort the input intergers
Use bubble sort to sort the input intergers
2015-05-27 13:59:09
原创 Find all the narcissistic numbers from 100 to 999
In recreational number theory, a narcissistic number (also known as a pluperfect digital invariant (PPDI), an Armstrong number (after Michael F. Armstrong) or a plus perfect number) is a number that is
2015-05-24 10:13:02
转载 C语言main()函数详解
Source: http://c.biancheng.net/cpp/html/725.htmlC的设计原则是把函数作为程序的构成模块。main()函数称之为主函数,一个C程序总是从main()函数开始执行的。 一、main()函数的形式在C99 标准中,只有以下两种定义方式是正确的:int main( void ) /* 无参数形式 */{ ... return 0;}i
2015-05-22 21:22:59
原创 Integer Factorization
Every positive integer larger than 1 can be uniquely factorized into a product of prime numbers. These prime numbers are called the prime factors. Find all the prime factors of an input integer.
2015-05-14 13:11:58
原创 Check an input positive interger is a prime number or not
/* To check an input positive interger is a prime number */#include<iostream>#include<cmath>using namespace std;bool isPrime(int);int main(){ int y; cout<<"Please input a positive interger."<<end
2015-05-13 14:25:13
转载 gcc 编译器对 sqrt 未定义的引用
编译的时候也要在指令后面加 -lm: gcc -o abc abc.c -lm原因:缺少某个库,用 -l 参数将库加入。Linux的库命名是一致的, 一般为 libxxx.so, 或 libxxx.a, libxxx.la, 要链接某个库就用 -lxxx,去掉头 lib 及 "." 后面的 so, la, a 等即可。常见的库链
2014-10-03 09:48:22
原创 Exchange the values of two variables without using an extra variable
Exchange the values of two variables without using an extra variable
2014-09-24 20:17:12
转载 ubuntu分区方案
新分区的类型:Primary(主分区)单独安装Ubuntu到全新磁盘,/分区需要选择Primary,其它分区选择Logical逻辑分区就可以;如果将/boot单独分区,则/boot为主分区,而/分区不必是主分区。文件类型,我是全部选择Ext4。各个分区配额(硬盘大小320G)1.swap 交互分区(在文件系统栏中选择swap),本分区一般分1G就足够
2014-08-25 20:50:32
原创 Count the digits of any input integers
Given an interger,1) Count its digits2) Output its eve
2014-08-08 20:41:40
原创 Print the isosceles triangle using symbol "*"
Key Points:1) Use double "for" cycle2) Calculate the number of spaces before symbol "*"
2014-08-06 18:53:17
原创 Reverse an input character string
//Inverse an input charater string#includeint main(){ char a[50]; int l; char *p; printf("Please input a character string:\n"); gets(a); l = strlen(a); for (p = &a[l-1]; p >= a; p--)
2014-07-26 15:51:08
转载 (Matlab) simulink和m文件的相互调用
m文件对simulink的连接:1、在m文件中首先打开mdl文件,用open_system('model');2、现在可以在m文件中用set_param()和get_param()函数改变和获得simulink中模块的参数值;把m函数封装成simulink模块(matlab7.0):1、可以应用user-Defined Functions 里面的Embedded MATLA
2014-07-24 19:25:38
原创 Calculate the Greatest Commom Divisor (GCD) and Lowest Common Multiple (LCP) of Two Integers
2014-07-18 14:37:44
原创 Check whether two input intergers are the same without using comparison operator
//Check wheter two input intergers are the same without using the #includeint main(){ int a,b; printf("Please input two intergers:\n"); scanf("%d%d",&a,&b); if ((a^b) == 0) {
2014-07-18 09:26:19
转载 Interview Experience Sharing (Coding)
1. http://blog.renren.com/share/202294330/11212742322过去的一年多里,参加了一些面试,虽然面过的公司不多,但都从头一直走到尾。毕竟自己也是花了大量的时间和精力在这一场场的面试里。所以,就絮叨下自己的一些经验,希望能给在美国找实习找工作的同学们提供一点点帮助。开始前的一些说明:1. 笔者
2014-07-17 14:36:30
原创 Enumeration (C)
#includeint main(){ enum season {spring, summer, autumn, winter} s; for(s = spring; s <= winter; s++) { printf("s is %d\n",s); //Enumeration element is regarded as interger constant. }
2014-07-17 11:12:54
原创 Structure (C)
1.#include//Define a structurestruct Student{ int age;};void test(struct Student stu){ printf("The former parameter before revision is: %d\n", stu.age); //Revise the formal paramet
2014-07-17 10:59:23
原创 Header Files Inclusion (C)
文件包含//第一种形式 #include ,直接到C语言库函数头文件所在的目录寻找文件//第二种形式 #include “文件名” 系统现在源程序当前目录下寻找,若找不到,再到操作系统的path路径中查找,最后才到C语言库函数头文件所在目录中查找//#include指令允许嵌套包含,比如a.h包含b.h, b.h包含c.h,但是不允许递归包含,比如a.h 包含b.h, b.h包含a.
2014-07-16 11:05:56
原创 Static Variable, Auto Variable, Global Variable, Local Variable, Register Variable (C)
变量的作用域:(1)局部变量: 即在函数内部定义的变量,形式参数也属于局部变量。局部变量只在定义它的函数内部有效。(2)全局变量: 即所有函数外部定义的变量,其作用范围是从定义变量的位置开始到源程序结束。 变量的存储类型:(1) 自动变量,存储在堆栈中,被关键字auto修饰的局部变量是自动变量,所有的局部变量在默认情况夏都是自动变量。生命周期:在程序执行到声明自动变量的代码块(
2014-07-16 10:27:35
原创 Simple Exercises about Marco Definition (C)
1.//宏定义//带参数的宏定义,与函数很像,区别在于//(1)宏定义不涉及存储空间的分配、参数类型匹配、参数传递、返回值问题//(2)函数调用在程序运行时执行,而同替换只在编译预处理阶段进行。所以带参数的宏比函数有更高的执行效率。#include#define D(a) 2*aint main(){ int b = D(3+4); printf("%d\n",b)
2014-07-16 10:14:43
原创 Character String and Character String Array in C Programming
1.#includeint main(){ char b[] = {'R','O','H','E','\0','O','O','\0'}; char a[3] = {'H','E','\0'}; //Remember to add '\0' as the end of a string printf("The string a is %s\n",a); puts(a); /
2014-07-15 12:05:53
原创 Pointer that points to function (C)
//指向函数的指针//定义的形式:函数的返回值类型(*指针变量名) (形式参数1,形式参数2,...);#includeint sum(int a, int b){ return a + b;}int main(){ //定义一个指针变量p,指向sum函数 int (*p) (int a, int b) = sum; //或者 int (*p)(int,
2014-07-15 10:24:21
原创 The function that returns the pointer (C Programming)
//返回指针的函数//输入字符串,并将其中的小写字母改为大写字母char *upper(char *str){ char *dest = str; while(*str != '\0') { if(*str >= 'a' && *str <= 'z') { *str -= 'a' - 'A'; } str++; }
2014-07-15 10:09:18
原创 Some Exercises about Pointer (C Programming)
1.#includeint main(){ int i = 3; char c = 4; int *p = &c; printf("*p is %d\n",*p); return 0;}2.#includeint main(){ int a[4] = {1,2,3,4}; int *p = a; int i; printf("Use poi
2014-07-15 09:53:42
转载 面向过程和面向对象的比较
2013-09-25 20:52:44
原创 Bubble Sort
// Bubble Sort#includeint main(void){ int a[10]; int i,j,t; printf("Pls input 10 numbers:\n"); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) scanf("%d",&a[i]); printf("\n"); for (j = 0; j < 9; j++) { for (i
2013-09-25 19:17:39
原创 Find the sum of S = a + aa + aaa + aaaa + aaaaa +......+ aaa...aaa +...
// Find the sum of S = a + aa + aaa + aaaa + aaaaa +......+ aaa...aaa +...#include#includevoid main(){ int a, i, n; long s = 0, sum = 0; printf("Please input the value of a and n :\n"); scanf
2013-09-21 21:28:12
原创 Two Methods of Finding the sum of 1! + 2! +3! + 4! +...+ 20!
My Method: // Find the sum of 1! + 2! +3! + 4! +...+ 20!int term(int r){ int i; long t = 1; for (i = 1; i <= r; ++i) t = t * i; return t;}#includevoid main(){ int j, n = 20; long
2013-09-21 20:34:29
原创 Count the number of alphabets, spaces, digits and other characters in one line character
// Count the number of alphabets, spaces, digits and other characters in one line character#includevoid main(){ char c; int i = 0 ,j = 0, m = 0, n = 0; printf("Please input one line characters:
2013-09-21 17:05:12
原创 Telegram Encoding and Decoding
// Telegram Encoding#includevoid main(){ char c; while((c = getchar()) != '\n') { if((c >= 'a' && c = 'A' && c <= 'Z')) { c = c + 4; if ((c > 'z') || (c < 'z' && c <= 'Z'-4)) c =
2013-09-18 17:28:51
转载 谈谈工科学生如何学习数学
谈谈工科学生如何学习数学 邹谋炎 (中国科学院研究生院暑期讲座材料) 不少工科学生特别是工科研究生对数学基础不足感到压力。确实,缺乏数学的帮助会使得学生们的研究缺乏思路和工具,缺乏捕捉问题的敏感性,缺乏抽取问题本质的能力,缺乏处理问题的技巧和
2013-09-18 15:12:18
原创 为什么计算机网络要采用分层结构
为什么计算机网络要采用分层结构?1)各层之间相互独立:高层是不需要知道底层的功能是采取硬件技术来实现的,它只需要知道通过与底层的接口就可以获得所需要的服务; 2)灵活性好:各层都可以采用最适当的技术来实现,例如某一层的实现技术发生了变化,用硬件代替了软件,只要这一层的功能与接口保持不变,实现技术的变化都并不会对其他各层以及整个系统的工作产生影响; 3)易于实现和
2013-09-18 15:00:54
原创 Two Minor Questions
Question 1:We would like to assign rooms for students. Assume there are x students, each room could accommodate 6 students. Use one formula to find out how many rooms we needed in total.Ans
2013-09-17 22:35:41
原创 Find all the prime number between 1 and 100
/* Find all the prime number between 1 and 100 */#include#includeint main(){int i,n,j = 0;for (n = 2; n <= 100; ++n){bool isPrime = true;for (i = 2; i {if (n % i
2013-09-17 22:32:07
原创 Exchange the numbers of row and array of a two-dimensional array, and form a new two-dimensional ar
// Exchange the numbers of row and array of a two-dimensional array, and form a new two-dimensional array#includevoid main(){ int a[2][3]={{1,2,3},{4,5,6}}; int b[3][2],i,j; printf("arrary a:\n"
2013-09-17 21:16:47
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