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转载 Sqlite LIMIT / OFFSET的疑问

问:I have simple question with Sqlite. What is the difference between this:Select * from Animals LIMIT 100 OFFSET 50andSelect * from Animals LIMIT 100,50答:The two syntax forms

2011-10-31 13:49:25 945

转载 iOS中的事件

About Events in iOSEvents are objects sent to an application to inform it of user actions. In iOS, events can take many forms: multitouch events, motion events—for example, from device accelerom

2011-10-30 12:55:34 616

转载 iPhone开发随想:rand()还是arc4random()

今天在iPhone开发过程中,遇到一个需要生成随机数的问题。很快rand()和arc4random()都进入了考虑范围,但选择的时候感觉有点为难。之前的时候可能没有思索就随便挑一个用了,不过这次良心发现不能太随便了。rand() 和arc4random()到底应该如何取舍呢?调查了下,发现下文很好地解答了这个问题。在iPhone中有几个内嵌的随机数发生器,很多人的第一反应可能就是在调用如下函数

2011-10-29 10:17:58 657

转载 音频采位数、采样和速率


2011-10-28 23:54:35 2363

转载 Echo cancellation

'The term echo cancellation' is used in telephony to describe the process of removing echo from a voice communication in order to improve voice quality on a telephone call. In addition to improvin

2011-10-27 08:53:35 1487

转载 使用一个手指旋转UIView的代码

Code Snippet for rotating a view with single finger.-(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event{    UITouch *touch = [touches anyObject];    touch1=[touch l

2011-10-26 13:45:23 970

转载 How to use the PECL HTTP (PECL_HTTP) Extension to make HTTP requests from PHP

源自:http://www.mkfoster.com/2009/01/04/how-to-use-the-pecl-http-pecl_http-extension-to-make-http-requests-from-php/PECL HTTP is a feature-rich PHP extension that allows you to make HTTP and

2011-10-25 18:21:48 1097

转载 How to install a PHP PECL extension/module on Ubuntu

PHP PECL extensions provide additional functionality over the base PHP install. You can browse the PHP PECL extensions available at the PECL repository here. The following steps show how to instal

2011-10-25 18:20:23 1309

转载 写plist文件

以写App的Info.plist为例:NSString* plistPath = nil;NSFileManager* manager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];if (plistPath = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Content

2011-10-19 20:24:43 548

转载 读取Info.plist中的内容

例子:NSDictionary* infoDict = [[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary];NSString* version = [infoDict objectForKey:@"CFBundleVersion"];关于NSBundel的infoDictionary:Returns a dictionary that contains

2011-10-19 20:22:59 1193

转载 Eclipse3.6.2 简单安装SVN等插件

最新版的eclipse在线安装插件和老版本稍有不同 这里既然是说了简单安装,就不再介绍下载拷贝这种安装方式了。 http://subclipse.tigris.org/update 这个就是svn的更新地址 在eclipse中选择help --> Install ne

2011-10-19 13:49:00 965

转载 如何获取系统的音量大小

Float32 volume;        UInt32 dataSize = sizeof(Float32);               AudioSessionGetProperty (

2011-10-17 17:44:59 3345

转载 输入某年某月某日,判断这一天是这一年的第几天?

main(){int day,month,year,sum,leap;printf("\nplease input year,month,day\n");scanf("%d,%d,%d",&year,&month,&day);switch(month)/*先计算某月以前

2011-10-17 17:43:59 772

转载 如何获取年、月、日、时、分、秒、星期几等

使用类似下面的方法即可实现:NSCalendar *gregorian = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSGregorianCalendar];NSDateComponents *dateCompone

2011-10-17 16:01:25 676

转载 Xcode4中如何访问编译设置

Xcode 4: Accessing Build SettingsTo access build settings in Xcode 4, select the project file from the project navigator on the left sid

2011-10-15 11:38:25 717

转载 iOs下生成随机数的最简的单方法

f you need to generate a random number within your iPhone application, you have to push aside Objective-C, as there is not a class with a me

2011-10-14 18:26:07 932

转载 如何判断一个静态库(.a文件)所支持的架构(平台)

问:How do I determine the target architecture of static library (.a) on Mac OS X?I'm interested in verifying if a given iPhon

2011-10-14 10:37:17 13571

转载 objective-c protocols详解

ProtocolsProtocols declare methods that can be implemented by any class. Protocols are useful in at least three situations:To

2011-10-13 21:39:46 1133

转载 开发技巧: 利用lipo 编译合并iPhone模拟器和真机通用的静态类库

如何编译静态类库,大家已经比较熟悉了,而且现在网上也有很多教程,就不多罗唆了. 现在问题是, 我们编译好了会是两个版本的.a文件 分别用于模拟器和iPhone真机, 因为Mac和iPhone的CPU不同, 才造成了这样的情况. 有点像 PowerMac 和 Inter

2011-10-13 18:33:58 589

转载 Xcode4中如何设置Company Name

选择菜单View > Utilities > Show File Inspector [option + command + 1]. Organization entry is there available for each new project.

2011-10-12 20:47:52 919

原创 如何创建用git管理的项目

用ssh从本地登陆到远程服务器$ ssh userName@远程主机ip  #例如:$ ssh lisi@输入密码登陆到远程服务器后,执行下列操作创建用git管理的项目MyProject$ cd repository/

2011-10-12 20:04:15 844

转载 如何在程序中判读程序是运行在真机上还是在模拟器上

Compiling Source Code Conditionally for iOS ApplicationsThere may be times when you need to run code on the simulator but not on a device, a

2011-10-12 13:25:58 662

转载 Removing .DS_Store files on Macintosh OS

IssueMany users have experienced and been puzzled by the .DS_Store files, which exist on Macintosh OS X machines and some web servers. T

2011-10-10 16:31:08 953

转载 Building OpenCV for iPhone

OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) is a library of programming functions for real time computer vision. This library has a huge number of

2011-10-09 12:54:54 2058

转载 C++和Objective-C混编

Using C++ With Objective-C苹果的Objective-C编译器允许用户在同一个源文件里自由地混合使用C++和Objective-C,混编后的语言叫Objective-C++。有了它,你就可以在Objective-C应用程序中使用已有的C++类库。

2011-10-09 12:29:33 681

转载 Using OpenCV on iPhone

Posted by Yoshimasa Niwa on 03/14, 2009OpenCV is a library of computer vision developed by Intel, we can easily detect faces usi

2011-10-09 09:31:00 710

转载 尝试真机调试时,Xcode报这样的错:putpkt: write failed, broken pipe

To fix this, there's no need to delete the app, clean or rebuild. Just need to restart the device.

2011-10-06 10:47:26 802

转载 A Little About Digital Audio and Linear PCM

A Little About Digital Audio and Linear PCMMost Core Audio services use and manipulate audio in linear pulse-code-modulated (linear PCM)

2011-10-01 19:48:10 956

TR069客户端 Android版本 源码 并含开发过程中收集的TR069协议开发资料集合

TR069客户端 Android版本 源码 并含开发过程中收集的TR069协议开发资料集合 CWMP


2503 2593,MTK META工具最新版本

META原名MTK Engineering Testing Architecture,即联发科工程测试架构,通过META,开发者可以查看比如MT2502或MT2503 Soc的FAT使用情况



MTK MT2503AVE最新资料datasheet文档, 带低功耗蓝牙BLE


OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming Guide[pdf和源代码]

详细讲解OpenGL ES 2.0 的使用; 有针对下列平台的配套代码: iOS Android Windows Web


Programming Web Services with SOAP

讲解: Wes Services SOAP WSDL 如何部署Web Services 言简意赅。


iPhone OpenGL ES 2D游戏范例-《Sir Lamorak’s Quest》

Iphone OpenGL 2D游戏范例-《Sir Lamorak’s Quest》。 《Sir Lamorak’s Quest》是一个完整可运行的游戏,目前它已在苹果的App Store发售。 《Sir Lamorak’s Quest》有配套书籍《Learning iOS Game Programming》详细讲解它是怎么做出来的。


Quartz 2D Graphics For Mac OS X Developers

详细讲解mac的Quartz 2D 库的书籍,英文版。


iTunesConnect_DeveloperGuide 英文版



learn iphone and ipad cocos2d game development

iphone 2D游戏开发教程,使用cocos2D游戏引擎。 一本详细介绍如何使用cocos2D游戏引擎开发iphone游戏的数据。 英文版。


iPhone SDK Programming A.Beginner's Guide




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