pyOCD - 用于调试烧写 Cortex-M 芯片环境成功搭建

pyOCD - 用于调试烧写 Cortex-M 芯片的开源 Python 包

      pyOCD 是一个开源 Python 软件包,用于多种受支持的硬件调试器(DAP-Link、J-Link、ST-Link,CMSIS-DAP v1(HID)、CMSIS-DAP v2(WinUSB)、SEGGER J-Link、ST-LINK v2和ST-LINK v3)下编程和调试Arm Cortex-M微控制器。它是完全跨平台的,并支持Linux,macOS和Windows。它内置支持多达70种流行的MCU。通过使用CMSIS-Pack,几乎支持市场上的所有Cortex-M设备。pyOCD还可以作为GDB Service配合GDB调试芯片。


       python 3.6.1,pyOCD  0.34.1,探针是DAP-LINK(CMSIS-DAP v2),MCU:stm32f103rc,64位的Win10操作系统。


pyOCD 允许用户通过命令来:烧录、擦除、单步、停止、设置断点、全速运行、芯片上锁、读写外设寄存器、读写存储空间等操作。

安装pyocd  cmd中输入pip install –U pyocd

安装 libusb库 cmd中输入 pip install –U libusb

退出 python cmd中输入 exit()

Cmd中输入pyocd 出现图16提示说明pyocd安装成功。
       pyOCD是一个python库,可用通过pip install pyocd就会自动安装pyOCD以及其依赖库。其中依赖库有:cmsis-pack-manger、intelhex、pyusb、pywinusb、pyelftools、pyyaml、six、pylink-square、prettytable、colorame和interbaltree。一般pip会去外网下库,速度很慢。我们可用借助国内的pip镜像网站下载。比如

  1. pip install -i pyocd


  1. C:\Users\lbaihao>pyocd --version



C:\Users\lbaihao>pyocd --help
usage: pyocd [-h] [-V] [--help-options]  ...

PyOCD debug tools for Arm Cortex devices

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -V, --version    show program's version number and exit
  --help-options   Display available session options.


    commander (cmd)
                   Interactive command console.
    erase          Erase entire device flash or specified sectors.
    load (flash)   Load one or more images into target device memory.
    gdbserver (gdb)
                   Run the gdb remote server(s).
    json           Output information as JSON.
    list           List information about probes, targets, or boards.
    pack           Manage CMSIS-Packs for target support.
    reset          Reset a target device.
    server         Run debug probe server.
    rtt            SEGGER RTT Viewer.




C:\Users\lbaihao>pyocd --help
usage: pyocd [-h] [-V] [--help-options]  ...

PyOCD debug tools for Arm Cortex devices

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -V, --version    show program's version number and exit
  --help-options   Display available session options.


    commander (cmd)
                   Interactive command console.
    erase          Erase entire device flash or specified sectors.
    load (flash)   Load one or more images into target device memory.
    gdbserver (gdb)
                   Run the gdb remote server(s).
    json           Output information as JSON.
    list           List information about probes, targets, or boards.
    pack           Manage CMSIS-Packs for target support.
    reset          Reset a target device.
    server         Run debug probe server.
    rtt            SEGGER RTT Viewer.

C:\Users\lbaihao>pyocd  erase  --help
usage: pyocd erase [-h] [-v] [-q] [-L LOGGERS=LEVEL]
                   [--color [{always,auto,never}]] [-j PATH] [--config PATH]
                   [--no-config] [--script PATH] [-O OPTION=VALUE]
                   [-da DAPARG [DAPARG ...]] [--pack PATH] [-u UNIQUE_ID]
                   [-t TARGET] [-f FREQUENCY] [-W] [-M MODE] [-c] [-s]
                   [<sector-address> [<sector-address> ...]]

positional arguments:
  <sector-address>      List of sector addresses or ranges to erase.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  -v, --verbose         Increase logging level. Can be specified multiple
  -q, --quiet           Decrease logging level. Can be specified multiple
                        Set log level of loggers whose name matches any of the
                        comma-separated list of glob-style patterns. Log level
                        must be one of (critical, error, warning, info,
                        debug). Can be specified multiple times. Example:
  --color [{always,auto,never}]
                        Control color logging. Default is auto.

  -j PATH, --project PATH, --dir PATH
                        Set the project directory. Defaults to the directory
                        where pyocd was run.
  --config PATH         Specify YAML configuration file. Defaults to
                        pyocd.yaml or pyocd.yml in the project directory.
  --no-config           Do not use a configuration file.
  --script PATH         Use the specified user script. Defaults to
               in the project directory.
  -O OPTION=VALUE       Set named option.
  -da DAPARG [DAPARG ...], --daparg DAPARG [DAPARG ...]
                        (Deprecated) Send setting to DAPAccess layer.
  --pack PATH           Path to the .pack file for a CMSIS Device Family Pack.

  -u UNIQUE_ID, --uid UNIQUE_ID, --probe UNIQUE_ID
                        Select the debug probe by its full or partial unique
                        ID. Optionally prefixed with '<probe-type>:' where
                        <probe-type> is the name of a probe plugin.
  -t TARGET, --target TARGET
                        Set the target type. See available target types with
                        'pyocd list --targets'.
  -f FREQUENCY, --frequency FREQUENCY
                        SWD/JTAG clock frequency in Hz. Accepts a float or int
                        with optional case-insensitive K/M suffix and optional
                        Hz. Examples: "1000", "2.5khz", "10m".
  -W, --no-wait         Do not wait for a probe to be connected if none are
  -M MODE, --connect MODE
                        Select connect mode from one of (halt, pre-reset,
                        under-reset, attach).

erase options:
  -c, --chip            Perform a chip erase.
  -s, --sector          Erase the sectors listed as positional arguments. This
                        is the default.
  --mass                Perform a mass erase. On some devices this is
                        different than a chip erase.

If no position arguments are listed, then no action will be taken unless the
--chip or --mass-erase options are provided. Otherwise, the positional
arguments should be the addresses of flash sectors or address ranges. The end
address of a range is exclusive, meaning that it will not be erased. Thus, you
should specify the address of the sector after the last one to be erased. If a
'+' is used instead of '-' in a range, this indicates that the second value is
a length rather than end address. Examples: 0x1000 (erase single sector
starting at 0x1000) 0x800-0x2000 (erase sectors starting at 0x800 up to but
not including 0x2000) 0+8192 (erase 8 kB starting at address 0)

   这个帮助信息里面有几个信息:usage、optional argument、configuration、connection、erase options。usage是基本使用方法介绍,里面详细标注pyocd erase可以带哪些类型的参数;optional argument是一些帮助信息等;configuration是一些配置信息,比如工程路径、软件包路径等信息;connection是一些连接的信息,比如探针ID、板对象、目标对象、SWD/JTAG通信频率和连接模式等信息;erase options是擦除相关的参数,里面有chip(擦除全部存储空间)、sector(擦除程序使用的空间)、mass。最简单的命令要包含connection和erase option,也就是操作对象的操作方法。下面列举一些擦除的操作:

  1. 擦除全部存储空间
  2.   pyocd erase --chip --target stm32f103rc
  3.   擦除程序使用的空间
  4.   pyocd erase --sector --target stm32f103rc
  5.   mass擦除
  6.   pyocd erase --mass --target stm32f103rc

  虽然可以用-c代替--chip,-t代替--target,也就是pyocd erase -c -t stm32f103rc。看起来简洁很多,但是这种非常不具备可读性,不建议这样干。下面是操作的执行结果:

  1. C:\Users\lbaihao> pyocd erase --chip --target stm32f103rc
  2. 0001520:INFO:eraser:Erasing chip...
  3. 0001612:INFO:eraser:Done


  1. C:\Users\lbaihao> pyocd flash --help
  2. usage: pyocd flash [-h] [-v] [-q] [-j PATH] [--config PATH] [--no-config] [--script PATH] [-O OPTION=VALUE]
  3.                    [-da DAPARG [DAPARG ...]] [--pack PATH] [-u UNIQUE_ID] [-b BOARD] [-t TARGET] [-f FREQUENCY] [-W]
  4.                    [-M MODE] [-e {auto,chip,sector}] [-a ADDR] [--trust-crc] [--format {bin,hex,elf}] [--skip BYTES]
  5.                    PATH
  6. optional arguments:
  7.   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  8.   -v, --verbose         More logging. Can be specified multiple times.
  9.   -q, --quiet           Less logging. Can be specified multiple times.
  10. configuration:
  11.   -j PATH, --dir PATH   Set the project directory. Defaults to the directory where pyocd was run.
  12.   --config PATH         Specify YAML configuration file. Default is pyocd.yaml or pyocd.yml.
  13.   --no-config           Do not use a configuration file.
  14.   --script PATH         Use the specified user script. Defaults to
  15.   -O OPTION=VALUE       Set named option.
  16.   -da DAPARG [DAPARG ...], --daparg DAPARG [DAPARG ...]
  17.                         Send setting to DAPAccess layer.
  18.   --pack PATH           Path to a CMSIS Device Family Pack.
  19. connection:
  20.   -u UNIQUE_ID, --uid UNIQUE_ID, --probe UNIQUE_ID
  21.                         Choose a probe by its unique ID or a substring thereof.
  22.   -b BOARD, --board BOARD
  23.                         Set the board type (not yet implemented).
  24.   -t TARGET, --target TARGET
  25.                         Set the target type.
  26.   -f FREQUENCY, --frequency FREQUENCY
  27.                         SWD/JTAG clock frequency in Hz. Accepts a float or int with optional case-insensitive K/M
  28.                         suffix and optional Hz. Examples: "1000", "2.5khz", "10m".
  29.   -W, --no-wait         Do not wait for a probe to be connected if none are available.
  30.   -M MODE, --connect MODE
  31.                         Select connect mode from one of (halt, pre-reset, under-reset, attach).
  32. flash options:
  33.   -e {auto,chip,sector}, --erase {auto,chip,sector}
  34.                         Choose flash erase method. Default is sector.
  35.   -a ADDR, --base-address ADDR
  36.                         Base address used for the address where to flash a binary. Defaults to start of flash.
  37.   --trust-crc           Use only the CRC of each page to determine if it already has the same data.
  38.   --format {bin,hex,elf}
  39.                         File format. Default is to use the file's extension.
  40.   --skip BYTES          Skip programming the first N bytes. This can only be used with binary files.
  41.   PATH                  File to program into flash.

   通过flash options知道可以烧录三种格式的文件:hex、bin和elf,其中bin和elf不带地址信息,需要在参数指定烧录起始地址。下面列举一些烧录的操作:

  1. 不擦除芯片,单纯烧录hex
  2. pyocd flash --target stm32f103rc template.hex
  3. 先擦除,再烧录hex
  4. pyocd flash --erase chip --target stm32f103rc template.hex
  5. 先擦除,再烧录bin,指定起始地址为0x8000000
  6. pyocd flash -erase chip --target stm32f103rc --base-address 0x8000000 template.bin


  1. C:\Users\lbaihao> pyocd flash --erase chip --target stm32f103rc template.hex
  2. [====================] 100%
  3. 0002818:INFO:loader:Erased chip, programmed 10240 bytes (5 pages), skipped 0 bytes (0 pages) at 13.31 kB/s


  1. C:\Users\lbaihao> pyocd reset --help
  2. usage: pyocd reset [-h] [-v] [-q] [-j PATH] [--config PATH] [--no-config] [--script PATH] [-O OPTION=VALUE]
  3.                    [-da DAPARG [DAPARG ...]] [--pack PATH] [-u UNIQUE_ID] [-b BOARD] [-t TARGET] [-f FREQUENCY] [-W]
  4.                    [-M MODE] [-m METHOD]
  5. optional arguments:
  6.   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  7.   -v, --verbose         More logging. Can be specified multiple times.
  8.   -q, --quiet           Less logging. Can be specified multiple times.
  9. configuration:
  10.   -j PATH, --dir PATH   Set the project directory. Defaults to the directory where pyocd was run.
  11.   --config PATH         Specify YAML configuration file. Default is pyocd.yaml or pyocd.yml.
  12.   --no-config           Do not use a configuration file.
  13.   --script PATH         Use the specified user script. Defaults to
  14.   -O OPTION=VALUE       Set named option.
  15.   -da DAPARG [DAPARG ...], --daparg DAPARG [DAPARG ...]
  16.                         Send setting to DAPAccess layer.
  17.   --pack PATH           Path to a CMSIS Device Family Pack.
  18. connection:
  19.   -u UNIQUE_ID, --uid UNIQUE_ID, --probe UNIQUE_ID
  20.                         Choose a probe by its unique ID or a substring thereof.
  21.   -b BOARD, --board BOARD
  22.                         Set the board type (not yet implemented).
  23.   -t TARGET, --target TARGET
  24.                         Set the target type.
  25.   -f FREQUENCY, --frequency FREQUENCY
  26.                         SWD/JTAG clock frequency in Hz. Accepts a float or int with optional case-insensitive K/M
  27.                         suffix and optional Hz. Examples: "1000", "2.5khz", "10m".
  28.   -W, --no-wait         Do not wait for a probe to be connected if none are available.
  29.   -M MODE, --connect MODE
  30.                         Select connect mode from one of (halt, pre-reset, under-reset, attach).
  31. reset options:
  32.   -m METHOD, --method METHOD
  33.                         Reset method to use ('hw', 'sw', and others). Default is 'hw'.

   从reset options知道复位有2种方式:sw(软复位)、hw(硬复位),区别就是hw是通过拉低目标芯片的reset引脚来让芯片产生硬件复位。下面列举一些复位的操作:

  1. 软复位
  2. pyocd reset --method sw --target stm32f103rc
  3. 硬复位
  4. pyocd reset -method hw --target stm32f103rc


  1. C:\Users\lbaihao> pyocd reset --method sw --target stm32f103rc


  1. C:\Users\lbaihao> pyocd list --help
  2. usage: pyocd list [-h] [-v] [-q] [-j PATH] [--config PATH] [--no-config] [--script PATH] [-O OPTION=VALUE]
  3.                   [-da DAPARG [DAPARG ...]] [--pack PATH] [-p] [-t] [-b] [-n NAME] [-r VENDOR] [-s {builtin,pack}]
  4.                   [-H]
  5. optional arguments:
  6.   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  7.   -v, --verbose         More logging. Can be specified multiple times.
  8.   -q, --quiet           Less logging. Can be specified multiple times.
  9. configuration:
  10.   -j PATH, --dir PATH   Set the project directory. Defaults to the directory where pyocd was run.
  11.   --config PATH         Specify YAML configuration file. Default is pyocd.yaml or pyocd.yml.
  12.   --no-config           Do not use a configuration file.
  13.   --script PATH         Use the specified user script. Defaults to
  14.   -O OPTION=VALUE       Set named option.
  15.   -da DAPARG [DAPARG ...], --daparg DAPARG [DAPARG ...]
  16.                         Send setting to DAPAccess layer.
  17.   --pack PATH           Path to a CMSIS Device Family Pack.
  18. list output:
  19.   -p, --probes          List available probes.
  20.   -t, --targets         List all known targets.
  21.   -b, --boards          List all known boards.
  22. list options:
  23.   -n NAME, --name NAME  Restrict listing to items matching the given name. Applies to targets and boards.
  24.   -r VENDOR, --vendor VENDOR
  25.                         Restrict listing to items whose vendor matches the given name. Applies to targets.
  26.   -s {builtin,pack}, --source {builtin,pack}
  27.                         Restrict listing to targets from the specified source. Applies to targets.
  28.   -H, --no-header       Don't print a table header.


  1. 列出可用的探针
  2. pyocd list --probes
  3. 列出所有支持的目标板
  4. pyocd list --targets
  5. 列出所有支持的开发板
  6. pyocd list --boards


C:\Users\lbaihao>pyocd list --probes
  #   Probe/Board    Unique ID                  Target
  0   STM32 STLink   2900240008000054574E514E   n/a


C:\Users\lbaihao>pyocd list --targets
  Name                      Vendor                  Part Number                  Families   Source
  cc3220sf                  Texas Instruments       CC3220SF                                builtin
  cortex_m                  Generic                 CoreSightTarget                         builtin
  cy8c64_sysap              Cypress                 cy8c64_sysap                            builtin
  cy8c64x5_cm0              Cypress                 cy8c64x5_cm0                            builtin
  cy8c64x5_cm0_full_flash   Cypress                 cy8c64x5_cm0_full_flash                 builtin
  cy8c64x5_cm4              Cypress                 cy8c64x5_cm4                            builtin
  cy8c64x5_cm4_full_flash   Cypress                 cy8c64x5_cm4_full_flash                 builtin
  cy8c64xa_cm0              Cypress                 cy8c64xA_cm0                            builtin
  cy8c64xa_cm0_full_flash   Cypress                 cy8c64xA_cm0_full_flash                 builtin
  cy8c64xa_cm4              Cypress                 cy8c64xA_cm4                            builtin
  cy8c64xa_cm4_full_flash   Cypress                 cy8c64xA_cm4_full_flash                 builtin
  cy8c64xx_cm0              Cypress                 cy8c64xx_cm0                            builtin
  cy8c64xx_cm0_full_flash   Cypress                 cy8c64xx_cm0_full_flash                 builtin
  cy8c64xx_cm0_nosmif       Cypress                 cy8c64xx_cm0_nosmif                     builtin
  cy8c64xx_cm0_s25hx512t    Cypress                 cy8c64xx_cm0_s25hx512t                  builtin
  cy8c64xx_cm4              Cypress                 cy8c64xx_cm4                            builtin
  cy8c64xx_cm4_full_flash   Cypress                 cy8c64xx_cm4_full_flash                 builtin
  cy8c64xx_cm4_nosmif       Cypress                 cy8c64xx_cm4_nosmif                     builtin
  cy8c64xx_cm4_s25hx512t    Cypress                 cy8c64xx_cm4_s25hx512t                  builtin
  cy8c6xx5                  Cypress                 CY8C6xx5                                builtin
  cy8c6xx7                  Cypress                 CY8C6xx7                                builtin
  cy8c6xx7_nosmif           Cypress                 CY8C6xx7_nosmif                         builtin
  cy8c6xx7_s25fs512s        Cypress                 CY8C6xx7_S25FS512S                      builtin
  cy8c6xxa                  Cypress                 CY8C6xxA                                builtin
  hc32f003                  HDSC                    HC32F003                                builtin
  hc32f005                  HDSC                    HC32F005                                builtin
  hc32f030                  HDSC                    HC32F030                                builtin
  hc32f072                  HDSC                    HC32F072                                builtin
  hc32f120x6                HDSC                    HC32F120x6TA                            builtin
  hc32f120x8                HDSC                    HC32F120x8TA                            builtin
  hc32f160xa                HDSC                    HC32F160xA                              builtin
  hc32f160xc                HDSC                    HC32F160xC                              builtin
  hc32f190                  HDSC                    HC32F190                                builtin
  hc32f196                  HDSC                    HC32F196                                builtin
  hc32f451xc                HDSC                    HC32F451xC                              builtin
  hc32f451xe                HDSC                    HC32F451xE                              builtin
  hc32f452xc                HDSC                    HC32F452xC                              builtin
  hc32f452xe                HDSC                    HC32F452xE                              builtin
  hc32f460xc                HDSC                    HC32F460xC                              builtin
  hc32f460xe                HDSC                    HC32F460xE                              builtin
  hc32f4a0xg                HDSC                    HC32F4A0xG                              builtin
  hc32f4a0xi                HDSC                    HC32F4A0xI                              builtin
  hc32l072                  HDSC                    HC32L072                                builtin
  hc32l073                  HDSC                    HC32L073                                builtin
  hc32l110                  HDSC                    HC32L110                                builtin
  hc32l130                  HDSC                    HC32L130                                builtin
  hc32l136                  HDSC                    HC32L136                                builtin
  hc32l190                  HDSC                    HC32L190                                builtin
  hc32l196                  HDSC                    HC32L196                                builtin
  hc32m120                  HDSC                    HC32M120                                builtin
  hc32m120x6                HDSC                    HC32M120                                builtin
  hc32m423xa                HDSC                    HC32M423xA                              builtin
  k20d50m                   NXP                     K20D50M                                 builtin
  k22f                      NXP                     K22F                                    builtin
  k22fa12                   NXP                     K22FA12                                 builtin
  k28f15                    NXP                     K28F15                                  builtin
  k32l2b3                   NXP                     K32L2B3                                 builtin
  k32w042s                  NXP                     K32W042S                                builtin
  k64f                      NXP                     K64F                                    builtin
  k66f18                    NXP                     K66F18                                  builtin
  k82f25615                 NXP                     K82F25615                               builtin
  ke15z7                    NXP                     KE15Z7                                  builtin
  ke17z7                    NXP                     KE17Z7                                  builtin
  ke18f16                   NXP                     KE18F16                                 builtin
  kinetis                   NXP                     Kinetis                                 builtin
  kl02z                     NXP                     KL02Z                                   builtin
  kl05z                     NXP                     KL05Z                                   builtin
  kl25z                     NXP                     KL25Z                                   builtin
  kl26z                     NXP                     KL26Z                                   builtin
  kl27z4                    NXP                     KL27Z4                                  builtin
  kl28z                     NXP                     KL28x                                   builtin
  kl43z4                    NXP                     KL43Z4                                  builtin
  kl46z                     NXP                     KL46Z                                   builtin
  kl82z7                    NXP                     KL82Z7                                  builtin
  kv10z7                    NXP                     KV10Z7                                  builtin
  kv11z7                    NXP                     KV11Z7                                  builtin
  kw01z4                    NXP                     KW01Z4                                  builtin
  kw24d5                    NXP                     KW24D5                                  builtin
  kw36z4                    NXP                     KW36Z4                                  builtin
  kw40z4                    NXP                     KW40Z4                                  builtin
  kw41z4                    NXP                     KW41Z4                                  builtin
  lpc11u24                  NXP                     LPC11U24                                builtin
  lpc11xx_32                NXP                     LPC11XX_32                              builtin
  lpc1768                   NXP                     LPC1768                                 builtin
  lpc4088                   NXP                     LPC4088                                 builtin
  lpc4088dm                 NXP                     LPC4088dm                               builtin
  lpc4088qsb                NXP                     LPC4088qsb                              builtin
  lpc4330                   NXP                     LPC4330                                 builtin
  lpc54114                  NXP                     LPC54114                                builtin
  lpc54608                  NXP                     LPC54608                                builtin
  lpc5526                   NXP                     LPC5526                                 builtin
  lpc55s28                  NXP                     LPC55S28                                builtin
  lpc55s36                  NXP                     LPC55S36                                builtin
  lpc55s69                  NXP                     LPC55S69                                builtin
  lpc800                    NXP                     LPC800                                  builtin
  lpc824                    NXP                     LPC824                                  builtin
  lpc845                    NXP                     LPC845                                  builtin
  m2354kjfae                Nuvoton                 M2354KJFAE                              builtin
  m252kg6ae                 Nuvoton                 M252KG6AE                               builtin
  m263kiaae                 Nuvoton                 M263KIAAE                               builtin
  m467hjhae                 Nuvoton                 M467HJHAE                               builtin
  m487jidae                 Nuvoton                 M487JIDAE                               builtin
  max32600                  Maxim                   MAX32600                                builtin
  max32620                  Maxim                   MAX32620                                builtin
  max32625                  Maxim                   MAX32625                                builtin
  max32630                  Maxim                   MAX32630                                builtin
  max32660                  Maxim                   MAX32660                                builtin
  max32670                  Maxim                   MAX32670                                builtin
  mimxrt1010                NXP                     MIMXRT1011xxxxx                         builtin
  mimxrt1015                NXP                     MIMXRT1015xxxxx                         builtin
  mimxrt1020                NXP                     MIMXRT1021xxxxx                         builtin
  mimxrt1024                NXP                     MIMXRT1024xxxxx                         builtin
  mimxrt1050                NXP                     MIMXRT1052xxxxB_hyperflash              builtin
  mimxrt1050_hyperflash     NXP                     MIMXRT1052xxxxB_hyperflash              builtin
  mimxrt1050_quadspi        NXP                     MIMXRT1052xxxxB_quadspi                 builtin
  mimxrt1060                NXP                     MIMXRT1062xxxxA                         builtin
  mimxrt1064                NXP                     MIMXRT1064xxxxA                         builtin
  mimxrt1170_cm4            NXP                     MIMXRT1176xxxxx_CM4                     builtin
  mimxrt1170_cm7            NXP                     MIMXRT1176xxxxx_CM7                     builtin
  mps3_an522                Arm                     AN522                                   builtin
  mps3_an540                Arm                     AN540                                   builtin
  musca_a1                  Arm                     MuscaA1                                 builtin
  musca_b1                  Arm                     MuscaB1                                 builtin
  musca_s1                  Arm                     MuscaS1                                 builtin
  ncs36510                  ONSemiconductor         NCS36510                                builtin
  nrf51                     Nordic Semiconductor    NRF51                                   builtin
  nrf51822                  Nordic Semiconductor    NRF51                                   builtin
  nrf52                     Nordic Semiconductor    NRF52832                                builtin
  nrf52832                  Nordic Semiconductor    NRF52832                                builtin
  nrf52833                  Nordic Semiconductor    NRF52833                                builtin
  nrf52840                  Nordic Semiconductor    NRF52840                                builtin
  rp2040                    Raspberry Pi            RP2040Core0                             builtin
  rp2040_core0              Raspberry Pi            RP2040Core0                             builtin
  rp2040_core1              Raspberry Pi            RP2040Core1                             builtin
  rtl8195am                 Realtek Semiconductor   RTL8195AM                               builtin
  s5js100                   Samsung                 S5JS100                                 builtin
  stm32f051                 STMicroelectronics      STM32F051                               builtin
  stm32f103rc               STMicroelectronics      STM32F103RC                             builtin
  stm32f412xe               STMicroelectronics      STM32F412xE                             builtin
  stm32f412xg               STMicroelectronics      STM32F412xG                             builtin
  stm32f429xg               STMicroelectronics      STM32F429xG                             builtin
  stm32f429xi               STMicroelectronics      STM32F429xI                             builtin
  stm32f439xg               STMicroelectronics      STM32F439xG                             builtin
  stm32f439xi               STMicroelectronics      STM32F439xI                             builtin
  stm32f767zi               STMicroelectronics      STM32F767xx                             builtin
  stm32l031x6               STMicroelectronics      STM32L031x6                             builtin
  stm32l432kc               STMicroelectronics      STM32L432xC                             builtin
  stm32l475xc               STMicroelectronics      STM32L475xC                             builtin
  stm32l475xe               STMicroelectronics      STM32L475xE                             builtin
  stm32l475xg               STMicroelectronics      STM32L475xG                             builtin
  w7500                     WIZnet                  W7500                                   builtin
  1. 七、json命令
  2.     输入帮助命令可以查看到如下信息:
  1. C:\Users\lbaihao> pyocd json --help
  2. usage: pyocd json [-h] [-j PATH] [--config PATH] [--no-config] [--script PATH] [-O OPTION=VALUE]
  3.                   [-da DAPARG [DAPARG ...]] [--pack PATH] [-p] [-t] [-b] [-f]
  4. optional arguments:
  5.   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  6. configuration:
  7.   -j PATH, --dir PATH   Set the project directory. Defaults to the directory where pyocd was run.
  8.   --config PATH         Specify YAML configuration file. Default is pyocd.yaml or pyocd.yml.
  9.   --no-config           Do not use a configuration file.
  10.   --script PATH         Use the specified user script. Defaults to
  11.   -O OPTION=VALUE       Set named option.
  12.   -da DAPARG [DAPARG ...], --daparg DAPARG [DAPARG ...]
  13.                         Send setting to DAPAccess layer.
  14.   --pack PATH           Path to a CMSIS Device Family Pack.
  15. json output:
  16.   -p, --probes          List available probes.
  17.   -t, --targets         List all known targets.
  18.   -b, --boards          List all known boards.
  19.   -f, --features        List available features and options.


  1. 以json格式列出可用的探针
  2. pyocd json --probes
  3. 以json格式列出所有支持的目标板
  4. pyocd json --targets
  5. 以json格式列出所有支持的开发板
  6. pyocd json --boards
  7. 以json格式列出所有支持的开发板
  8. pyocd json --features


  1. C:\Users\lbaihao> pyocd json --targets
  2. {
  3.     "pyocd_version": "0.27.2",
  4.     "version": {
  5.         "major": 1,
  6.         "minor": 2
  7.     },
  8.     "status": 0,
  9.     "targets": [
  10.         {
  11.             "name": "mps3_an522",
  12.             "vendor": "Arm",
  13.             "part_families": [],
  14.             "part_number": "AN522",
  15.             "source": "builtin"
  16.         },
  17.         {
  18.             "name": "mps3_an540",
  19.             "vendor": "Arm",
  20.             "part_families": [],
  21.             "part_number": "AN540",
  22.             "source": "builtin"
  23.         },
  24.         {
  25.             "name": "cortex_m",
  26.             "vendor": "Generic",
  27.             "part_families": [],
  28.             "part_number": "CoreSightTarget",
  29.             "source": "builtin"
  30.         },
C:\Users\lbaihao>pyocd  json --probes
    "pyocd_version": "0.34.1",
    "version": {
        "major": 1,
        "minor": 1
    "status": 0,
    "boards": [
            "unique_id": "2900240008000054574E514E",
            "info": "STMicroelectronics STM32 STLink",
            "board_vendor": null,
            "board_name": "Generic",
            "target": "cortex_m",
            "vendor_name": "STMicroelectronics",
            "product_name": "STM32 STLink"


  1. C:\Users\lbaihao> pyocd pack --help
  2. usage: pyocd pack [-h] [-v] [-q] [-c] [-u] [-s] [-f GLOB] [-i GLOB] [-n] [-H]
  3. optional arguments:
  4.   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  5.   -v, --verbose         More logging. Can be specified multiple times.
  6.   -q, --quiet           Less logging. Can be specified multiple times.
  7. pack operations:
  8.   -c, --clean           Erase all stored pack information.
  9.   -u, --update          Update the pack index.
  10.   -s, --show            Show the list of installed packs.
  11.   -f GLOB, --find GLOB  Report pack(s) in the index containing matching device part numbers.
  12.   -i GLOB, --install GLOB
  13.                         Download and install pack(s) containing matching device part numbers.
  14. pack options:
  15.   -n, --no-download     Just list the pack(s) that would be downloaded, don't actually download anything.
  16.   -H, --no-header       Don't print a table header.


  1. pyocd flash --erase chip --target gd32f103c8 --pack=./GigaDevice.GD32F10x_DFP.2.0.2.pack template.hex


  1. <blockquote>C:\Users\lbaihao> pyocd cmd --help

   从commander options,可以知道--halt这个命令被标记为弃用,也就是不建议使用。--command命令里面有其他操作,可以输入帮助信息查看:

  1. C:\Users\lbaihao> pyocd cmd --command help
  2. Commands:
  3. --------
  4. break                     ADDR                 Set a breakpoint address
  5. cmp, compare              ADDR [LEN] FILENAME  Compare a memory range against a binary file.
  6. core                      [NUM]                Select CPU core by number or print selected core
  7. d, disasm                 [-c/--center] ADDR [LEN] Disassemble instructions at an address
  8. erase                     [ADDR] [COUNT]       Erase internal flash sectors (performs mass erase if no arguments given)
  9. exit, quit                                     Quit pyocd-tool
  10. fill                      [SIZE] ADDR LEN PATTERN Fill a range of memory with a pattern
  11. find                      ADDR LEN BYTE...     Search for a value in memory within the given address range.
  12. gdbserver                 ACTION               Start or stop the gdbserver.
  13. c, continue, g, go                             Resume execution of the target
  14. h, halt                                        Halt the target
  15. ?, help                   [CMD]                Show help for commands
  16. initdp                                         Init DP and power up debug.
  17. list                                           Show available targets
  18. load                      FILENAME [ADDR]      Load a binary, hex, or elf file with optional base address
  19. loadmem                   ADDR FILENAME        Load a binary file to an address in memory (RAM or flash)
  20. lsbreak                                        List breakpoints
  21. lswatch                                        List watchpoints
  22. makeap                    APSEL                Creates a new AP object for the given APSEL.
  23. r16, read16, rh           ADDR [LEN]           Read 16-bit halfwords
  24. r32, read32, rw           ADDR [LEN]           Read 32-bit words
  25. r, rb, read, read8        ADDR [LEN]           Read 8-bit bytes
  26. rap, readap               [APSEL] ADDR         Read AP register
  27. rdp, readdp               ADDR                 Read DP register
  28. reg                       [-f] [REG]           Print core or peripheral register(s).
  29. reinit                                         Reinitialize the target object
  30. reset                     [-h/--halt]          Reset the target
  31. rmbreak                   ADDR                 Remove a breakpoint
  32. rmwatch                   ADDR                 Remove a watchpoint
  33. savemem                   ADDR LEN FILENAME    Save a range of memory to a binary file
  34. set                       NAME VALUE           Set an option value
  35. show                      INFO                 Report info about the target
  36. st, stat, status                               Show the target's current state
  37. s, step                                        Step one instruction
  38. symbol                    NAME                 Show a symbol's value.
  39. unlock                                         Unlock security on the target
  40. watch                     ADDR [r|w|rw] [1|2|4] Set a watchpoint address, and optional access type (default rw) and size (4).
  41. where                     [ADDR]               Show symbol, file, and line for address.
  42. wreg                      [-r] REG VALUE       Set the value of a core or peripheral register.
  43. w16, wh, write16          ADDR DATA...         Write 16-bit halfwords to memory (RAM or flash). The address may be unaligned. Flash writes are subject to minimum write size and alignment.
  44. w32, write32, ww          ADDR DATA...         Write 32-bit words to memory (RAM or flash). The address may be unaligned. Flash writes are subject to minimum write size and alignment.
  45. w, wb, write, write8      ADDR DATA...         Write 8-bit bytes to memory (RAM or flash). Flash writes are subject to minimum write size and alignment.
  46. wap, writeap              [APSEL] ADDR DATA    Write AP register
  47. wdp, writedp              ADDR DATA            Write DP register
  48. All register names are also available as commands that print the register's value.
  49. Any ADDR or LEN argument will accept a register name.
  50. Prefix line with $ to execute a Python expression.
  51. Prefix line with ! to execute a shell command.
  52. Info:
  53. ----
  54. cores                     Information about CPU cores in the target.
  55. fault                     Fault status information.
  56. graph                     Print the target object graph.
  57. hnonsec                   Display the current HNONSEC value used by the selected MEM-AP.
  58. hprot                     Display the current HPROT value used by the selected MEM-AP.
  59. locked                    Report whether the target is locked.
  60. map                       Target memory map.
  61. mem-ap                    Display the currently selected MEM-AP used for memory read/write commands.
  62. nreset                    Current nRESET signal state.
  63. option                    Show the current value of one or more user options.
  64. peripherals               List of target peripheral instances.
  65. si, step-into-interrupt   Display whether interrupts are enabled when single stepping.
  66. target                    General target information.
  67. uid                       Target's unique ID
  68. vc, vector-catch          Show current vector catch settings.
  69. Options:
  70. -------
  71. clock                     Set SWD or JTAG clock frequency in Hertz. A case-insensitive metric scale suffix of either 'k' or 'm' is allowed, as well as a trailing "Hz". There must be no space between the frequency and the suffix. For example, "2.5MHz" sets the clock to 2.5 MHz.
  72. hnonsec                   Set the current HNONSEC value used by the selected MEM-AP.
  73. hprot                     Set the current HPROT value used by the selected MEM-AP.
  74. log                       Set log level to one of debug, info, warning, error, critical
  75. mem-ap                    Select the MEM-AP used for memory read/write commands.
  76. nreset                    Set nRESET signal state. Accepts a value of 0 or 1.
  77. option                    Change the value of one or more user options.
  78. si, step-into-interrupt   Set whether to enable or disable interrupts when single stepping. Set to 1 to enable.
  79. vc, vector-catch          Control enabled vector catch sources.


  1. 加载hex文件
  2. pyocd cmd --command load template.hex --target stm32f103rc
  3. 复位芯片
  4. pyocd cmd --command reset --target stm32f103rc
  5. 擦除芯片
  6. pyocd cmd --command erase --target stm32f103rc
  7. 芯片暂停(然后就可用操作单步、打断点等)
  8. pyocd cmd --connect halt --target stm32f103rc
  9. 设置断点
  10. pyocd cmd --command break 0x0800029e  --target stm32f103rc
  11. 单步运行
  12. pyocd cmd --command step --target stm32f103rc
  13. 恢复执行
  14. pyocd cmd --command go --target stm32f103rc
  15. 查询芯片当前状态
  16. pyocd cmd --command status --target stm32f103rc
  17. 读取4个字节
  18. pyocd cmd --command read32 0x40010c00 12 --connect attach --target stm32f103rc
  19. 打印内核或者外设寄存器
  20. pyocd cmd --command reg  --connect attach --target stm32f103rc

   这些指令主要是电脑端GDB和pyOCD的GDB Service交互用的。当然自己也可以试着调试,一般调试都要先让芯片halt(暂停),然后才能插入断点、单步、读写寄存器、读写内存等操作。下面是一些简单的调试过程:

  1. C:\Users\lbaihao> pyocd cmd --command load template.hex --target stm32f103rc
  2. [====================] 100%
  3. PS C:\Users\86188\Desktop\test> pyocd cmd --connect halt --target stm32f103rc
  4. Connected to STM32F103RC [Halted]: 07000001066bff303631544157112037a5a5a5a597969908
  5. pyocd> step
  6. PC = 0x080015de
  7. pyocd> step
  8. PC = 0x080004ce
  9. pyocd> break 0x080004ce
  10. Set breakpoint at 0x080004ce
  11. pyocd> status
  12. Core 0:  Halted
  13. pyocd> reg
  14.      r0: 0x080004cf       r6: 0x00000000      r12: 0x00000001
  15.      r1: 0x40022000       r7: 0x00000000       sp: 0x20001788
  16.      r2: 0x00000001       r8: 0x00000000       lr: 0x080015e1
  17.      r3: 0x7a6a5aa8       r9: 0x20000200       pc: 0x080004ce
  18.      r4: 0x00000000      r10: 0x08002504     xpsr: 0x01000000
  19.      r5: 0x20001124      r11: 0x00000000  primask: 0x00000000
  20. pyocd> go
  21. Device is halted; a debug event may have occurred
  22. pyocd> lsbreak
  23. 5 hardware breakpoints available
  24. 0: 0x080004ce
  25. pyocd> rmbreak 0x080004ce
  26. Removed breakpoint at 0x080004ce
  27. pyocd> go
  28. Successfully resumed device
  29. pyocd> status
  30. Core 0:  Running
  31. pyocd>


开源pyOCD的使用介绍 - Cortex M3 M0 M4开发

二、Pyocd CMSIS-DAP调试仿真


pip install 时,报错 Cannot uninstall 'six' 的解决方案

 pip install six --upgrade --ignore-installed six




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