
介绍 QScopedPointer

by Harald Fernengel on August 21,2009
Qt usually takes the boring memory allocation and deallocation from you, either through its implicitly shared containers, or with QObject’s parent child relationship model.
But every once in a while, we need to allocate something on the heap, and then the stress starts – where do we delete it, and how do we make sure to not leak the memory?
但是,每一次我们需要在堆上分配内存的时候,就有压力了 —— 我们需要在哪儿删除它,我们如何确保不会有内存泄露?
To fix this problem, QScopedPointer was born.
It will delete the object it is pointing to automatically when it goes out of scope:
为了解决这个问题,QScopedPointer 诞生了。
当要超出作用域时,QScopedPointer 便会自动的删除它所指向的对象(的内存):
void foo()
QScopedPointer<int> i(newint(42));
if (someCondition)
// 我们在堆上分配的一个整数将在这个位置,
// … 
} // 或者这个位置被自动的删除
A new exit condition in our function will not make it leak the integer that we allocated.
So how do we access the object that we are pointing to?
QScopedPointer implements operator* and operator->, so you it can be accessed just like any other pointer:
那么,我们该如何访问和使用 QScopedPointer所指向的对象呢?
QScopedPointer已经实现了 operator * 和 operator ->操作符重载,所以,就像普通指针一样的去用它吧:
QScopedPointer<int> i(newint(42));
*i = 43;
Some operators are missing by design, for example the assignment operator:
一些常有的操作(操作符重载),在设计上是有意没有实现,例如 赋值运算符( = );
QScopedPointer<int> i(newint(42));
i = newint(43);// 错误
i.reset(new int(43)); // 正确
We figured that “reset” looks scary enough to make the reader realize that the old object is deleted, and the QScopedPointer is now pointing to the new object.
我们设想:"reset" 看起来足够吓人了,以致于能够使读者认识到,这样会删除旧的对象,并使QScopedPointer指向新的对象.
Another operator that is missing by design is the operator T*() that would allow accessing the pointer directly.This prevents accidents like:
另一个在设计时就没打算实现的操作符是 T*(),那将导致直接访问我们的指针而不是指针管理的对象。这是用来阻止如下的情况:
QScopedPointer<int> i(newint(42));
return i; // thankfully, this does not compile.
Do you see the mistake?
The moment we return, our object will be deleted, because the scoped pointer goes out of scope.
We would return a dangling pointer, potentially leading to a nasty crash. However, we can tell QScopedPointer that its job is done and that we take ownership of the heap object by calling take(). Our function might look like this:
QScopedPointer<int> i(newint(42));

if (someError)
return 0; // our integer is deleted here
return i.take(); // from now on, our heap object is on its own.
But what about memory allocated with malloc, or the operator new[] for arrays?
For those cases, we introduced a second template parameter to QScopedPointer that defines the cleanup:
但是如果是通过malloc分配的内存,或者通过 new[] 分配的数组呢?
QScopedPointer<int, QScopedPointerPodDeleter> pod(static_cast<int*>(malloc(sizeofint)));
QScopedPointerPodDeleter (pod stands for “plain old data”) will call free on the object if our QScopedPointer goes out of scope.
For convenience, there is a QScopedArrayPointer that defaults to deleting the object it is pointing to with the delete[] operator.
It also features operator[] for convenience, so we can write:
当我们的QScopedPointer超出其作用域时,QScopedPointerPodDeleter(pod意为普通的旧数据(plain old data))将会为其指向的对象调用free()函数.
同样为了方便,它还具有operator [] 运算符重载(取数组成员) ,所以我们可以这样写:
void foo()
QScopedArrayPointer<int> i(newint[10]);
i[2] = 42;

return; // our integer array is now deleted using delete[]
Note that if you have a reference counted object, you can use QExplicitlySharedDataPointer to ensure that an object is deleted correctly when its reference count goes to 0.
注意:如果你需要管理那些采用了引用计数技术的对象,那么你可以使用 QExplicitlyShareDataPointer 来管理这些对象,让其在引用计数变为0时,保证对象的正确删除。
QScopedPointer and QExplicitlySharedDataPointer are already used all over the place in the Qt for S60 branch and will soon hit Qt’s master branch.
And the best part is that with the introduction of these smart pointers, we could remove lots of boring code and make Qt more readable without adding overhead – since all functions are inlined, the resulting binary using QScopedPointer is identical to the manual new/delete approach.
QScopedPointer 和 QExplicitlySharedDataPointer 已经被用于Qt开发S60分支的各个地方,很快的,它将进入Qt的主开发分支。
Happy developing
Qt智能指针--QScopedPointer ⽂章⽬录 概述 前⼀篇⽂章我们详细的介绍了的⽤法,那么,这⾥继续总结Qt的另⼀个智能指针QScopedPointer的⽤法。 QScopedPointerC++中的智能指针std::unique_ptr其概念是⼀样的,它包装了new操作符在堆上分配的动态对象,能够保证动态创建 的对象在任何时候都可以被正确地删除。但它有更严格的所有权,并且不能转让,⼀旦获取了对象的管理权,你就⽆法再从它那⾥取回来。 也就是说,只要出了作⽤域,指针就会被⾃动删除,因为它的拷贝构造和赋值操作都是私有的,与QObject及其派⽣类风格相同。 QScopedPointer ⾸先我们来看⼀个官⽅⽰例: 没有使⽤智能指针: void myFunction(bool useSubClass) { MyClass *p = useSubClass ? new MyClass() : new MySubClass; QIODevice *device = handsOverOwnership(); if (m_value > 3) { delete p; delete device; return; } try { process(device); } catch (...) { delete p; delete device; throw; } delete p; delete device; } 上⾯的写法,稍有不慎就会导致内存泄露,但是如果使⽤智能指针,就会变得很简单了: void myFunction(bool useSubClass) { QScopedPointer<MyClass> p(useSubClass ? new MyClass() : new MySubClass); QScopedPointer<QIODevice> device(handsOverOwnership()); if (m_value > 3) return; process(device); } 注意:因为拷贝构造和赋值操作私有的,所以不能⽤作容器的元素。 const 限制 C ++指针的const限定也可以⽤QScopedPointer表⽰: const QWidget *const p = new QWidget(); // 等同于: const QScopedPointer<const QWidget> p(new QWidget()); QWidget *const p = new QWidget(); // 等同于: const QScopedPointer<QWidget> p(new QWidget()); const QWidget *p = new QWidget(); // 等同于: QScopedPointer<const QWidget> p(new QWidget()); 考虑⼀种情况 上⾯说到,使⽤QScopedPointer智能指针动态创建的对象,⼀旦出了作⽤域就会 被⾃动释放并置空,那么如果需要函数返回值怎么办 呢? ⽐如下⾯这种情况: QLabel * createLabel() { QScopedPointer<QLabel> pLabel(new QLabel()); // return pLabel.data(); //invalid return pLabel.take(); //valid } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); QScopedPointer<QLabel> p1(createLabel()); p1->setText("hello"); p1->show(); return a.exec(); } 注意,我们在createLabel()函数中创建label对象并返回时,不能使⽤data(),⽽要使⽤take(); 因为 T *QScopedPointer::data() const返回指向对象的常量指针,QScopedPointer仍拥有对象所有权。 所以通过data()返回过后就被 ⾃动删除了,从⽽导致mian函数中的p1变成了野指针,程序崩溃。 ⽽使⽤T *QScopedPointer::take()也是返回对象指针,但QScopedPointer不再拥有对象所有权,⽽是转移到调⽤这个函数的caller,同 时QScopePointer对象指针置为NULL。 另外还有⼀个函数要注意。 void QScopedPointer::reset(T *other = Q_NULLPTR):delete⽬前指向的对象,调⽤其析构函数,将指针指向另⼀个对象other,所有 权转移到




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