
1、瑞士伯尔尼大学Forensic医学研究所的Virtopsy项目成员就展示了Kinect在医学方面的应用蓝本。他们利用无线耳机的声控和Kinect 3D视频摄像机的手势控制,通过基于ofxKinect、libfreenect和开放架构的软件,来帮助医生解放双手,控制专为医疗图像浏览而设计的图像处理应用程序——OsiriX PACS(picture archiving and communication system:医学影像存档与通信系统)。在这一应用当中,用户可以使用声音来命令切换模式,并使用一两个手势缩放、移动图像进行浏览。虽然Virtopsy项目的重点是试图利用新技术来代替传统的尸体检查程序,不过这种非触摸的用户界面对于手术环境中需要导览医学图像的外科医生来说,也大有裨益。因为近30年来,在手术过程中医生需要参考的数字化图像和数据数量剧增,而手势和声音控制则可以让他们不再需要直接接触任何键盘、按钮、操纵杆或触摸屏,这样便可以保持工作过程的无菌化,避免交叉感染。


2、西京骨科医院 Kinect体感控制影像浏览系统


3、西雅图华盛顿大学Biorobotics实验室的研究人员则让Kinect传感器在远程手术过程中为外科医生提供触觉反馈。他们将商业应用的Phantom Omni触觉设备与Kinect连接,提供电阻式的反馈。Kinect可以帮助建立物体的3D模型,并将数据转换为触摸反馈。


Surgeons at Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto are using the Kinect video game controller to call up and manipulate medical images during surgery.

Typically, surgeons who want to consult images such as MRI or CT scans during surgery must leave the sterile area of the operating room to access the images on a computer. Then they must scrub back in, a process that can take several minutes.

Microsoft’s Kinect for Xbox 360 allows players to control video games by means of gestures that it reads via a 3-D infrared camera. A team at Sunnybrook has adapted Kinect to allow doctors to call up and control images with hand gestures. They don’t leave the sterile area and don’t touch anything, so no scrubbing is necessary.

The Canadian Press reports that Sunnybrook surgeons have successfully used the system six times. One of the engineers who worked on it, Jamie Tremaine, said Microsoft has no problem with Kinect being put to unusual uses “as long as they’re not for video games.”

According to DOTmed News, Kinect and medicine have hooked up in at least two other ways.

At the University of Zurich in Switzerland, the Virtopsy group has been experimenting with using Kinect for no-touch control of a PACS system during virtual autopsies.

And at the University of Washington in Seattle, electrical engineering graduate student Fredrik Ryden modified Kinect to allow surgeons performing robotic surgery to have tactile feedback through the joystick.

Said Howard Chizeck, ScD, professor of electrical engineering and adjunct professor of bioengineering:

We could define basically a force field around, say, a liver. If the surgeon got too close, he would run into that force field, and it would protect the object he didn’t want to cut.

Ryden both designed the system and wrote the code over a single weekend. “It’s really good for demonstration because it’s so low-cost and because it’s readily accessible,” he told The Daily, the university’s student paper. “You already have drivers, and you can just go in there and grab the data. It’s really easy to do fast prototyping because Microsoft’s already built everything.”

Without Kinect, creating such a system would have cost about $50,000, Dr. Chizeck estimated. Amazon is currently selling the top-of-the-line 250-gigabyte Xbox 360 with Kinect for $399.99.







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