ACL 2016 会议论文全集

此资源为ACL 2016年度会议的论文全集,涵盖自然语言处理的多个领域,包括长篇论文、短篇论文、学生研究工作、系统演示等。内容涉及机器翻译、语义解析、情感分析、依存句法分析、知识图谱构建等。提供了论文下载链接,是了解和研究最新自然语言处理技术的重要资料。


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A Digital Archive of Research Papers in Computational Linguistics
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Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)
Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)
Proceedings of the ACL 2016 Student Research Workshop
Proceedings of ACL-2016 System Demonstrations

Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

P16-1 [bib]: Entire volume

P16-1000: Front Matter

P16-1001 [bib] [notes]: James Goodman; Andreas Vlachos; Jason Naradowsky
Noise reduction and targeted exploration in imitation learning for Abstract Meaning Representation parsing

P16-1002 [bib]: Robin Jia; Percy Liang
Data Recombination for Neural Semantic Parsing

P16-1003 [bib]: Panupong Pasupat; Percy Liang
Inferring Logical Forms From Denotations

P16-1004 [bib]: Li Dong; Mirella Lapata
Language to Logical Form with Neural Attention

P16-1005 [bib]: Dian Yu; Heng Ji
Unsupervised Person Slot Filling based on Graph Mining

P16-1006 [bib]: Di Lu; Xiaoman Pan; Nima Pourdamghani; Shih-Fu Chang; Heng Ji; Kevin Knight
A Multi-media Approach to Cross-lingual Entity Knowledge Transfer

P16-1007 [bib]: Joern Wuebker; Spence Green; John DeNero; Sasa Hasan; Minh-Thang Luong
Models and Inference for Prefix-Constrained Machine Translation

P16-1008 [bib]: Zhaopeng Tu; Zhengdong Lu; Yang Liu; Xiaohua Liu; Hang Li
Modeling Coverage for Neural Machine Translation

P16-1009 [bib]: Rico Sennrich; Barry Haddow; Alexandra Birch
Improving Neural Machine Translation Models with Monolingual Data

P16-1010 [bib]: Liangyou Li; Andy Way; Qun Liu
Graph-Based Translation Via Graph Segmentation

P16-1011 [bib]: Lanbo She; Joyce Chai
Incremental Acquisition of Verb Hypothesis Space towards Physical World Interaction

P16-1012 [bib]: Gerold Hintz; Chris Biemann
Language Transfer Learning for Supervised Lexical Substitution

P16-1013 [bib]: Yulia Tsvetkov; Manaal Faruqui; Wang Ling; Brian MacWhinney; Chris Dyer
Learning the Curriculum with Bayesian Optimization for Task-Specific Word Representation Learning

P16-1014 [bib]: Caglar Gulcehre; Sungjin Ahn; Ramesh Nallapati; Bowen Zhou; Yoshua Bengio
Pointing the Unknown Words

P16-1015 [bib]: Bernd Bohnet; Ryan McDonald; Emily Pitler; Ji Ma
Generalized Transition-based Dependency Parsing via Control Parameters

P16-1016 [bib]: Matthieu Constant; Joakim Nivre
A Transition-Based System for Joint Lexical and Syntactic Analysis

P16-1017 [bib]: Maximin Coavoux; Benoit Crabbé
Neural Greedy Constituent Parsing with Dynamic Oracles

P16-1018 [bib]: E.Dario Gutierrez; Ekaterina Shutova; Tyler Marghetis; Benjamin Bergen
Literal and Metaphorical Senses in Compositional Distributional Semantic Models

P16-1019 [bib]: Giancarlo Salton; Robert Ross; John Kelleher
Idiom Token Classification using Sentential Distributed Semantics

P16-1020 [bib]: Kazuma Hashimoto; Yoshimasa Tsuruoka
Adaptive Joint Learning of Compositional and Non-Compositional Phrase Embeddings

P16-1021 [bib] [notes]: Hyeju Jang; Yohan Jo; Qinlan Shen; Michael Miller; Seungwhan Moon; Carolyn Rose
Metaphor Detection with Topic Transition, Emotion and Cognition in Context

P16-1022 [bib]: Yunchuan Chen; Lili Mou; Yan Xu; Ge Li; Zhi Jin
Compressing Neural Language Models by Sparse Word Representations

P16-1023 [bib]: Yadollah Yaghoobzadeh; Hinrich Schütze
Intrinsic Subspace Evaluation of Word Embedding Representations

P16-1024 [bib]: Ivan Vulić; Anna Korhonen
On the Role of Seed Lexicons in Learning Bilingual Word Embeddings

P16-1025 [bib]: Lifu Huang; Taylor Cassidy; Xiaocheng Feng; Heng Ji; Clare R. Voss; Jiawei Han; Avirup Sil
Liberal Event Extraction and Event Schema Induction

P16-1026 [bib]: Deyu Zhou; Tianmeng Gao; Yulan He
Jointly Event Extraction and Visualization on Twitter via Probabilistic Modelling

P16-1027 [bib]: Karl Pichotta; Raymond J. Mooney
Using Sentence-Level LSTM Language Models for Script Inference

P16-1028 [bib]: Haoruo Peng; Dan Roth
Two Discourse Driven Language Models for Semantics

P16-1029 [bib]: Fangzhao Wu; Yongfeng Huang
Sentiment Domain Adaptation with Multiple Sources

P16-1030 [bib] [dataset]: Hannah Rashkin; Sameer Singh; Yejin Choi
Connotation Frames: A Data-Driven Investigation

P16-1031 [bib]: Guangyou Zhou; Zhiwen Xie; Jimmy Xiangji Huang; Tingting He
Bi-Transferring Deep Neural Networks for Domain Adaptation

P16-1032 [bib]: Eunsol Choi; Hannah Rashkin; Luke Zettlemoyer; Yejin Choi
Document-level Sentiment Inference with Social, Faction, and Discourse Context

P16-1033 [bib]: Zhenghua Li; Min Zhang; Yue Zhang; Zhanyi Liu; Wenliang Chen; Hua Wu; Haifeng Wang
Active Learning for Dependency Parsing with Partial Annotation

P16-1034 [bib]: Caio Corro; Joseph Le Roux; Mathieu Lacroix; Antoine Rozenknop; Roberto Wolfler Calvo
Dependency Parsing with Bounded Block Degree and Well-nestedness via Lagrangian Relaxation and Branch-and-Bound

P16-1035 [bib]: Fernando Diaz; Bhaskar Mitra; Nick Craswell
Query Expansion with Locally-Trained Word Embeddings

P16-1036 [bib]: Arpita Das; Harish Yenala; Manoj Chinnakotla; Manish Shrivastava
Together we stand: Siamese Networks for Similar Question Retrieval

P16-1037 [bib]: Hao Peng; Jing Liu; Chin-Yew Lin
News Citation Recommendation with Implicit and Explicit Semantics

P16-1038 [bib]: Aliya Deri; Kevin Knight
Grapheme-to-Phoneme Models for (Almost) Any Language

P16-1039 [bib] [dataset]: Deng Cai; Hai Zhao
Neural Word Segmentation Learning for Chinese

P16-1040 [bib]: Meishan Zhang; Yue Zhang; Guohong Fu
Transition-Based Neural Word Segmentation

P16-1041 [bib]: Adam Trischler; Zheng Ye; Xingdi Yuan; Jing He; Philip Bachman
A Parallel-Hierarchical Model for Machine Comprehension on Sparse Data

P16-1042 [bib]: Gabor Angeli; Neha Nayak; Christopher D. Manning
Combining Natural Logic and Shallow Reasoning for Question Answering

P16-1043 [bib]: Mrinmaya Sachan; Eric Xing
Easy Questions First? A Case Study on Curriculum Learning for Question Answering

P16-1044 [bib]: Ming Tan; Cicero dos Santos; Bing Xiang; Bowen Zhou
Improved Representation Learning for Question Answer Matching

P16-1045 [bib] [dataset]: Sujay Kumar Jauhar; Peter Turney; Eduard Hovy
Tables as Semi-structured Knowledge for Question Answering

P16-1046 [bib]: Jianpeng Cheng; Mirella Lapata
Neural Summarization by Extracting Sentences and Words

P16-1047 [bib]: Federico Fancellu; Adam Lopez; Bonnie Webber
Neural Networks For Negation Scope Detection

P16-1048 [bib]: Yashen Wang; Heyan Huang; Chong Feng; Qiang Zhou; Jiahui Gu; Xiong Gao
CSE: Conceptual Sentence Embeddings based on Attention Model

P16-1049 [bib]: Zhao Yan; Nan Duan; Junwei Bao; Peng Chen; Ming Zhou; Zhoujun Li; Jianshe Zhou
DocChat: An Information Retrieval Approach for Chatbot Engines Using Unstructured Documents

P16-1050 [bib]: Gabriel Doyle; Michael C. Frank
Investigating the Sources of Linguistic Alignment in Conversation

P16-1051 [bib]: Yang Xu; David Reitter
Entropy Converges Between Dialogue Participants: Explanations from an Information-Theoretic Perspective

P16-1052 [bib]: Sabine Janzen; Wolfgang Maaß; Tobias Kowatsch
Finding the Middle Ground - A Model for Planning Satisficing Answers

P16-1053 [bib]: Biao Liu; Minlie Huang
A Sentence Interaction Network for Modeling Dependence between Sentences

P16-1054 [bib]: Thiago Castro Ferreira; Emiel Krahmer; Sander Wubben
Towards more variation in text generation: Developing and evaluating variation models for choice of referential form

P16-1055 [bib]: Arun Chaganty; Percy Liang
How Much is 131 Million Dollars? Putting Numbers in Perspective with Compositional Descriptions

P16-1056 [bib]: Iulian Vlad Serban; Alberto García-Durán; Caglar Gulcehre; Sungjin Ahn; Sarath Chandar; Aaron Courville; Yoshua Bengio
Generating Factoid Questions With Recurrent Neural Networks: The 30M Factoid Question-Answer Corpus

P16-1057 [bib]: Wang Ling; Phil Blunsom; Edward Grefenstette; Karl Moritz Hermann; Tomáš Kočiský; Fumin Wang; Andrew Senior
Latent Predictor Networks for Code Generation

P16-1058 [bib]: Sina Zarrieß; David Schlangen
Easy Things First: Installments Improve Referring Expression Generation for Objects in Photographs

P16-1059 [bib]: Amir Globerson; Nevena Lazic; Soumen Chakrabarti; Amarnag Subramanya; Michael Ringaard; Fernando Pereira
Collective Entity Resolution with Multi-Focal Attention

P16-1060 [bib] [software]: Nafise Sadat Moosavi; Michael Strube
Which Coreference Evaluation Metric Do You Trust? A Proposal for a Link-based Entity Aware Metric

P16-1061 [bib]: Kevin Clark; Christopher D. Manning
Improving Coreference Resolution by Learning Entity-Level Distributed Representations

P16-1062 [bib] [dataset]: Catherine Finegan-Dollak; Reed Coke; Rui Zhang; Xiangyi Ye; Dragomir Radev
Effects of Creativity and Cluster Tightness on Short Text Clustering Performance

P16-1063 [bib]: Shaohua Li; Tat-Seng Chua; Jun Zhu; Chunyan Miao
Generative Topic Embedding: a Continuous Representation of Documents

P16-1064 [bib]: Bei Shi; Wai Lam; Lidong Bing; Yinqing Xu
Detecting Common Discussion Topics Across Culture From News Reader Comments

P16-1065 [bib] [notes]: Weiwei Yang; Jordan Boyd-Graber; Philip Resnik
A Discriminative Topic Model using Document Network Structure

P16-1066 [bib]: Nora Al-Twairesh; Hend Al-Khalifa; Abdulmalik AlSalman
AraSenTi: Large-Scale Twitter-Specific Arabic Sentiment Lexicons

P16-1067 [bib] [notes] [dataset]: Khaled Aldebei; Xiangjian He; Wenjing Jia; Jie Yang
Unsupervised Multi-Author Document Decomposition Based on Hidden Markov Model

P16-1068 [bib]: Dimitrios Alikaniotis; Helen Yannakoudakis; Marek Rei
Automatic Text Scoring Using Neural Networks

P16-1069 [bib]: I. Beltagy; Chris Quirk
Improved Semantic Parsers For If-Then Statements

P16-1070 [bib] [notes]: Yevgeni Berzak; Jessica Kenney; Carolyn Spadine; Jing Xian Wang; Lucia Lam; Keiko Sophie Mori; Sebastian Garza; Boris Katz
Universal Dependencies for Learner English

P16-1071 [bib]: Joachim Bingel; Maria Barrett; Anders Søgaard





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