set serveroutput on;
v_cnt type_file.num5%TYPE;
v_flag type_file.chr1%TYPE;
v_bma01 bma_file.bma01%TYPE;
v_bmb03 bmb_file.bmb03%TYPE;
type bma_cursor_type is ref cursor;
type bmb_cursor_type is ref cursor;
bma_cursor bma_cursor_type;
bmb_cursor bmb_cursor_type;
open bma_cursor for select bma01 from bma_file where substr(bma01,1,2)='01';
v_cnt := 0;
v_flag:= 'Y';
fetch bma_cursor into v_bma01;
exit when bma_cursor%notfound;
open bmb_cursor for select bmb03 from bmb_file where bmb01 = v_bma01 and (bmb05 is null or bmb05<to_date('2012/12/03','yyyy/mm/dd')) and substr(bmb03,1,2)='08';
fetch bmb_cursor into v_bmb03;
exit when bmb_cursor%notfound;
select count(1) into v_cnt from lee_tep where ima01 = v_bmb03;
if v_cnt = 0 then
v_flag:= 'N';
end if;
end loop;
if v_flag = 'Y' then
dbms_output.put_line(v_bma01 ||' Y');
end if;
v_cnt := 0;
v_flag:= 'Y';
end loop;