Multiversion Read Consistency

如果当前隔离级别为read committed且查询不是在事务中执行, 则查询结果与开始查询SCN一致; 如果当前隔离级别为read committed且查询在事务中执行,则查询结果与事务开始SCN一致;如在当前为serializable或read only隔离级别,这时查询也是事务,所以多个查询(中间没有commite或rollback)会跟第一次查询开始SCN一致

  1. Statement-Level Read Consistency

Oracle Database always enforces statement-level read consistency, which guarantees that data returned by a single query is committed and consistent for a single point in time.

The point in time to which a single SQL statement is consistent depends on the transaction isolation level and the nature of the query:

  1. In the read committed isolation level, this point is the time at which the statement was opened. For example, if a SELECT statement opens at SCN 1000, then this statement is consistent to SCN 1000.
  2. In a serializable or read-only transaction, this point is the time the transaction began. For example, if a transaction begins at SCN 1000, and if multiple SELECT statements occur in this transaction, then each statement is consistent to SCN 1000.
  3. In a Flashback Query operation (SELECT ... AS OF), the SELECT statement explicitly specifies the point in time. For example, you can query a table as it appeared last Thursday at 2 p.m.
  1. Transaction-Level Read Consistency

Oracle Database can also provide read consistency to all queries in a transaction, known as transaction-level read consistency.

In this case, each statement in a transaction sees data from the same point in time. This is the time at which the transaction began.

Queries made by a serializable transaction see changes made by the transaction itself. For example, a transaction that updates employees and then queries employees will see the updates. Transaction-level read consistency produces repeatable reads and does not expose a query to phantom reads.


Oracle Database achieves read consistency through undo data.

Whenever a user modifies data, Oracle Database creates undo entries, which it writes to undo segments. The undo segments contain the old values of data that have been changed by uncommitted or recently committed transactions. Thus, multiple versions of the same data, all at different points in time, can exist in the database. The database can use snapshots of data at different points in time to provide read-consistent views of the data and enable nonblocking queries.

This example shows a query that uses undo data to provide statement-level read consistency in the read committed isolation level.

As the database retrieves data blocks on behalf of a query, the database ensures that the data in each block reflects the contents of the block when the query began. The database rolls back changes to the block as needed to reconstruct the block to the point in time the query started processing.

In Figure 9-1, this SCN is 10023. The query only sees committed data with respect to SCN 10023.

In Figure 9-1, blocks with SCNs after 10023 indicate changed data, as shown by the two blocks with SCN 10024. The SELECT statement requires a version of the block that is consistent with committed changes. The database copies current data blocks to a new buffer and applies undo data to reconstruct previous versions of the blocks. These reconstructed data blocks are called consistent read (CR) clones.

In Figure 9-1, the database creates two CR clones: one block consistent to SCN 10006 and the other block consistent to SCN 10021. The database returns the reconstructed data for the query. In this way, Oracle Database prevents dirty reads.





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