

      this:[ðis]; these:[ði:z];Chinese:[tʃaɪˈni:z]; has:[hæz]; his:[hiz]; is:[iz]; does:[dʌz];


     Mr. [ˈmɪstə]; Miss:【mɪs】;Mrs:【ˈmɪsɪz

     se在一起,一般发z的音,如excuse,please, whose, these, Chinese,noise,cause, refuse。


     dormitory:[ˈdɔ:mitri]:宿舍; living room:客厅;bedroom:卧室;

     mustn't:[ˈmʌsnt]:t不发音。isn’t:[ˈiznt]; Yes,it is.



     skirt【skə:t】:裙子; shirt【ʃə:t】:衬衫; blouse【blauz】:女衬衫;tie【tai】:领带; trouser【ˈtrauzə】:裤子






     at noon/night/midnight、late in the afternoon; early in the morning;  tomorrow morning; yesterday evening;

     on the first/last day; the whole day/night/morning; all day/morning/night;

     next day = the following day

     a long time ago;  two years later; years ago; Nearly a week passed; for another two weeks.

     On Monday,Tuesday【ˈtju:zdei】,Wednesday【ˈwenzdei】,Thursday【ˈθə:zdei】,Friday,Saturday,Sunday。

     In January【ˈdʒænjuəri】,February【ˈfebruəri】,March【mɑ:tʃ】,April【ˈeiprəl】,May【mei】,June【dʒu:n】,July【dʒu:ˈlai】,August【ɔ:ˈɡʌst】,


     On June 5th,On May 31st(May the thirty first 读时要加the)

     On Sundays 每个星期天;on Wednesday eveming;in 2008; 

     once a week; 

     9:05: five minutes past nine; 8:50:ten minutes to nine.

    at that time/moment;  at any time:任何时间; during that time


     They both = Both of them; They each = each of them;  eg: They each thought the other was French.

     Neither ....nor...; Either... or....; Neither of us; 

     as soon as... = after

     ever since

     just、already、never、ever、yet、lately、recently、so far

     as usual; than usual;

     seldom, rarely, frequently.


    nephew:侄子、外甥; niece:侄女,外甥女;



    the police:警察; traffic police:交警; a traffic policeman:交警;eg:You will be lucky if he lets you go without a ticket.


    the shop assistant

    wallet【ˈwɔlit】= purse: 钱包;


     the Atlantic Ocean:大西洋;the Pacific Ocean:太平洋

     the South Pole:南极; the North Pole:北极

     the Olympic Games:奥运会


     turn round/around:转身;go to the cinema/theatre;

     look out of the window; walk out of the shop

     complain to sb:向....某人抱怨;complain about sth: 抱怨某事;

     talk loudly/quietly;

     wrap sth up: 包装

     for a living: 谋生

     hold the meeting

     found out: 发现某事

     throw sth at sb: 向某人扔某物

     call at sp: 拜访某地; call on sb:拜访某人; call out to sb:超某人喊叫

     park one's car; No parking: 禁止停车 

     be a person like him; What happened?  What  has happened to her?

     lend sb sth. make a big decision; 

     a great number of (+可数n) = a lot of(均可) = a great many;  a large crowd of people

     On my way home:在回家的路上;On the way to....;In this way, you can ....;

     sb. will soon do sth.  

     ask sb. for sth:向某人索要某物;ask me for a lift: 叫我载他(她)一程

     wave to sb:向某人挥手。

     stand on one’s head:倒立

     strike/hit the ball; 

     set out:出发;

     be asleep:熟睡着

     make a noise; You mustn't make so much noise.

     To one‘s surprise.

     in sight;  out of sight

     without paying

     regret doing sth: 后悔做某事

     a smiling person.

     be rude to sb: 对某人粗辱

     be caught in(a storm):陷入

     pay for sth.  pay back:偿还;pay the bill;

     be not allow to do sth.

     throw away; give away; give up doing sth;

     shopping list:购物单。shopping cart:购物车。

     up to now

     be proud of sb.

     Knock at the door, close/shut the door, the key to the door; 

     work overtime:加班;answer the phone:接电话;

     buy something on installments:分期付款;

     be not as good as: 不如.....好;

     What a pity:好可惜; 

     belong to me:属于我; 

     at once:立刻;

     Would you like something to drink? There is none left:一个不剩;lost one‘s way:迷路;

     take some medicine:吃药;in the crowd:在人群中;leave for ..:前往...; ten minutes slow/fast:慢/快十分钟;

     remind sb to do sth; be on holiday;

     His eight-year-old daughter; In his twenties;

     In spite of this:尽管如此; Because of this;

     wake sb up:叫醒某人;

     order sb to do sth: 命令某人做某事;

     give it back to me; 

     take a bath

     the ticket office:售票处

     create a new world record.

     all parts of the country: 全国各地

     apart from.../except

     might as well do sth: 还是做某事的好

     dream of doing sth;

     refuse to do sth;

     sleep soundly: 睡得很甜

     without difficulty.

     put off = postpone

     put away sth: 把东西收拾好

     as quickly as possible; as quickly as he could.

     lock the door; unlock the door.

     not only...but also... = not only ...but...as well


     It‘s none of your business.  It‘s a waste of time and money.

     I could not bear/stand it.  I can't stand/bear/put up with him any longer. In the end, it was more than he could bear.

     It obviously could not tell the difference between xx and xx.

     It's upside down. Isn't it upside down?

     But it hasn't had any effect.

     I can't afford it.

     We have sold out 

     A week is too long.

     She covered a distance of eight miles.

     I never expect my bicycle to be found.

     He was wanted by the police.

     It's a terrible day. =  What a terrible day (it is).

     I didn't understand a word.

     Have you ever been to xx?  The bus hasn't come yet. I haven't seen him lately/recently.

     It's far away from here.

     The car was badly damaged.

     Please move this chair. It's in the way.

     It doesn't suit me at all:它一点都不适合我;

     Do you work in the way I have taught you?

     Ten minutes passed, and nothing happened.

     Take off your shoes and put on your slippers.

     He is one of my father's friends. =  He is a friend of my father's.

     He gave away all his books.

     We will have plenty of time. = We will have enough time.

     I have never been abroad before.

     I'm going out now, and I'll be back at 6 o'clock./I won't be back until 6 o'clock. / If anyone telephones, tell him or her I will be out all morning.

     He will be absent from school for two weeks.

     I hope I can catch the 4 o'clock train.

     Apart from a few words, I don't know any Korean at all.

     Please don't disturb him if he is busy.

     Take an unbrella with you.

     I don't care.

     It's an experienced worker. This job requires a lot of experience.

     I must apologize for not letting you know early.

     Please concentrate on what you are doing. = Please pay attention to what you are doing.

     How far away is the railway station from here?  It's far away from here.

     What's the weather like?

     I don't know what I can do about it. I'm completely at a loss.








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