VCL Component Messages

VCL Control Messages (values):     parameters:              comments:





CM_ACTIVATE                                 no params                   used when app is actived or a

  (CM_BASE + 0)                                                                 custom form is modally shown 


CM_DEACTIVATE                             no params                    counter part to CM_ACTIVATE 

  (CM_BASE + 1)


CM_GOTFOCUS                              no params                    not used 

  (CM_BASE + 2)


CM_LOSTFOCUS                             no params                   not used 

  (CM_BASE + 3)


CM_CANCELMODE                          TCMCancelMode          used to stop special behaviour of

  (CM_BASE + 4)                                                                controls like TDBLookup 


CM_DIALOGKEY                             TCMDialogKey             used in the KeyPreview chain of a

  (CM_BASE + 5)                                                                form to determin whether a child

                                                                                         control processes special keys like

                                                                                         TAB, arrow keys etc.


CM_DIALOGCHAR                          TCMDialogChar             same as CM_DIALOGKEY but for

  (CM_BASE + 6)                                                                characters 


CM_FOCUSCHANGED                     TCMFocusChanged      used in forms when the active

  (CM_BASE + 7)                                                                control changes 


CM_PARENTFONTCHANGED           if wParam = 1 then lParam

  (CM_BASE + 8)                             contains a TFont else just

                                                       use the font of the parent

                                                       used in all controls 


CM_PARENTCOLORCHANGED        if wParam = 1 then

  (CM_BASE + 9)                              lParam contains a color

                                                       else just use the color of

                                                       the parent used in all



CM_HITTEST                                   TCMHitTest                  used only at design time (and only  

  (CM_BASE + 10)                                                               in ControlAtPos) to determine the

                                                                                          control at the current mouse

                                                                                          Message.Result = 0 if control

                                                                                          considers itself as not hit else 1 


CM_VISIBLECHANGED                   wParam = 1 if visible,     used when a control's visibility is

  (CM_BASE + 11)                           lParam contains             changed by its Visible property 

CM_ENABLEDCHANGED                 no params                    used when a control is enabled or

  (CM_BASE + 12)                                                              disabled by its Enabled property 


CM_COLORCHANGED                    no params                    used when a control's color is

  (CM_BASE + 13)                                                              changed by its Color property 


CM_FONTCHANGED                      no params                     used in the TFont.OnChange  

  (CM_BASE + 14)                                                              event of a control's font 


CM_CURSORCHANGED                 no params                         used when a control's cursor is

  (CM_BASE + 15)                                                              changed by its Cursor property 


CM_CTL3DCHANGED                    no params                    used when control's Ctrl3D

  (CM_BASE + 16)                                                             property is changed 


CM_PARENTCTL3DCHANGED       no params                    used with ActiveX control

  (CM_BASE + 17)                                                             (OnAmbientPropertyChange), in

                                                                                         response to a

                                                                                        CM_CTRL3DCHANGED message

                                                                                        and used when reading a

                                                                                        TWinControl from a stream


CM_TEXTCHANGED                      no params                    used when a control's text is

  (CM_BASE + 18)                                                             changed


CM_MOUSEENTER                       wParam = 0,

  (CM_BASE + 19)                        lParam = sometimes

                                                   a reference of the control

                                                   having the mouse pointer

                                                   over it sent by TApplication

                                                   and used internally by



CM_MOUSELEAVE                     as in                                   counterpart to

  (CM_BASE + 20)                      CM_MOUSEENTER             CM_MOUSEENTER


CM_MENUCHANGED                  no params                           internal message for TMenu

  (CM_BASE + 21)                                                                 (when merging or an item has



CM_APPKEYDOWN                   wParam = KeyCode,            sent only when determining

  (CM_BASE + 22)                      lParam = KeyData (like in     whether a key is a menu key 



CM_APPSYSCOMMAND            wParam = 0,                         sent in response to a

  (CM_BASE + 23)                     lParam = @Message              WM_SYSCOMMAND message                                                                                                                                          (received by a TWinControl)

                                                                                             passing the entire Message record

                                                                                             in lParam (used in hint windows

                                                                                             and by the application to focus



CM_BUTTONPRESSED              wParam = group index,         used internally by TSpeedButton

  (CM_BASE + 24)                      lParam = button reference     to implement button groups 


CM_SHOWINGCHANGED           no params                          sent by TWinControl on various

  (CM_BASE + 25)                                                                events (window creation, loading

                                                                                           from stream, new parent

                                                                                           assignment), used in TCoolBand

                                                                                           on destroy and by TMemoStrings

                                                                                           on UpdateState change 

CM_ENTER                               TCMEnter                            sent by TForm when the focus

  (CM_BASE + 26)                                                               changes to another child control

                                                                                          and by TApplication when it gets

                                                                                          the focus 


CM_EXIT                                   TCMExit                             sent by TForm when the focus

  (CM_BASE + 27)                                                               changes to another child 


CM_DESIGNHITTEST                 TCMDesignHittest               special message never sent from

  (CM_BASE + 28)                                                                within the VCL (but from a

                                                                                           designer DLL), used only at

                                                                                          design time to determine whether

                                                                                           a control wants mouse and key

                                                                                           input. Message.Result = 1 if the

                                                                                          control behaves like at runtime

                                                                                           else 0 


CM_ICONCHANGED                   no params                          sent by TApplication from its

  (CM_BASE + 29)                                                                FIcon.OnChange event 


CM_WANTSPECIALKEY            TCMWantSpecialKey           sent by TControl in response to

  (CM_BASE + 30)                                                               CN_KEYDOWN and CN_KEYUP 


CM_INVOKEHELP                     wParam = command,           sent by TApplication to the main

  (CM_BASE + 31)                     lParam = Data                     form on help invoking (nowhere



CM_WINDOWHOOK                  wParam = 0 if hooking          sent by TApplication when a form

  (CM_BASE + 32)                     = 1 if unhooking                    hooks or unhooks the main

                                                 lParam = @@Hook              window proc 


CM_RELEASE                            no params                           sent by TForm on release of itself  

  (CM_BASE + 33)                                                                and by TFindDialog when to notify

                                                                                           its redirector 


CM_SHOWHINTCHANGED         no params                           used when a control's ShowHint

  (CM_BASE + 34)                                                                property is changed 


CM_PARENTSHOWHINTCHANGED   no params                   used at various places (in

  (CM_BASE + 35)                                                               response to a


                                                                                          message, when reading a controls

                                                                                          data from a stream etc.)


CM_SYSCOLORCHANGE           no params                          sent in response to a

  (CM_BASE + 36)                                                               WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE

                                                                                          message (by TWinControl) 


CM_WININICHANGE                  TWMWinIniChange              sent by TWinControl in response  

  (CM_BASE + 37)                                                                to WM_WININICHANGE 


CM_FONTCHANGE                    no params                          sent by TWinControl in response  

  (CM_BASE + 38)                                                               to WM_FONTCHANGE 


CM_TIMECHANGE                     no params                          sent by TWinControl in response  

  (CM_BASE + 39)                                                                to WM_TIMECHANGE 


CM_TABSTOPCHANGED           no params                          used when a control's TabStop

  (CM_BASE + 40)                                                               property is changed 

CM_UIACTIVATE                      no params                           sent by TCustomForm when the

  (CM_BASE + 41)                                                               active control changes and is used

                                                                                          primarily for OLE controls 


CM_UIDEACTIVATE                   no params                          counterpart to CM_UIACTIVATE 

  (CM_BASE + 42)


CM_DOCWINDOWACTIVATE    wParam = active,                 sent by TCustomForm on

  (CM_BASE + 43)                     lParam = 0                          activation/deactivation to the

                                                                                          current OLE control if there's one 


CM_CONTROLLISTCHANGE      wParam = Control,              sent by TWinControl on inserting/

  (CM_BASE + 44)                     lParam = 1 if inserting          removing a child control

                                                else 0


CM_GETDATALINK                    no params                         sent by TDBCtrlGrid to retrieve an

  (CM_BASE + 45)                                                               eventual data link of a control

                                                                                          (Message.Result returns the link if



CM_CHILDKEY                          TCMChildKey                      sent by TWinControl in response

   (CM_BASE + 46)                                                              to CN_KEYDOWN and

                                                                                         CN_SYSKEYDOWN and by

                                                                                          TActiveXControl when translating                                                                                                accelerator keys


CM_DRAG                                  TCMDrag                          sent by internal drag routines

  (CM_BASE + 47)                                                               (Controls.pas) and used by

                                                                                          TWinControl to trigger the 
                                                                                           various drag and dock events 


CM_HINTSHOW                          wParam = 0,                     sent by TApplication on hint

  (CM_BASE + 48)                       lParam = @THintInfo            activation and on mouse



CM_DIALOGHANDLE                  wParam = 0,                      sent by TApplication when

  (CM_BASE + 49)                       lParam = Handle when         DialogHandle is read or written to

                                                  setting                               and the applications handle has

                                                  wParam = 1,                      not yet been created, when

                                                 lParam = 0 when reading      reading the dialog handle then

                                                                                           Message.Result contains the new



CM_ISTOOLCONTROL              no params                           sent by TOLEForm to determine if

  (CM_BASE + 50)                                                                its child controls are tool controls,

                                                                                           used only by TCustomPanel 


CM_RECREATEWND                  no params                          sent by

  (CM_BASE + 51)                                                               TWinControl.RecreateWnd and



CM_INVALIDATE                        wParam = 1 if repaint is       sent by TWinControl.Invalidate

  (CM_BASE + 52)                      required else 0,                     to notify itself and its parent

                                                 lParam = 0                           of the invalidation request 


CM_SYSFONTCHANGED           no params                            sent by TScreen if its IconFont is

  (CM_BASE + 53)                                                                 changed and by TControl when

                                                                                            reading properties from stream or      

                                                                                            changing DesktopFont 

CM_CONTROLCHANGE             TCMControlChange              sent by TWinControl when

  (CM_BASE + 54)                                                                 inserting or removing a child



CM_CHANGED                           wParam = 0,                       sent by TControl.Changed

  (CM_BASE + 55)                     lParam = Self


CM_DOCKCLIENT                    TCMDockClient                     sent by TWinControl.DockDrop to

  (CM_BASE + 56)                                                                determine whether docking is

                                                                                            allowed or not


CM_UNDOCKCLIENT                 TCMUndockClient                 sent by TControl on Destroy, by

  (CM_BASE + 57)                                                                TWinControl.DoUnDock and

                                                                                            TCustomDockForm on removing a

                                                                                           child control


CM_FLOAT                                 TCMFloat                          sent by internal drag/dock routines

  (CM_BASE + 58)                                                               to make a control floating 


CM_BORDERCHANGED             no params                         sent by TWinControl when

  (CM_BASE + 59)                                                              BorderWidth or BevelWidth styles

                                                                                         are changed 


CM_BIDIMODECHANGED           no params                       sent by TControl.SetBiDiMode 

  (CM_BASE + 60)


CM_PARENTBIDIMODECHANGED     no params                sent at various places (in

  (CM_BASE + 61)                                                             response to

                                                                                       CM_BIDIMODECHANGED, when

                                                                                       reading a control from a stream,

                                                                                       when reading a custom from from

                                                                                       a stream, when BiDiMode of 

                                                                                       TApplication changes and when

                                                                                       TCustomRichEdit is created) 


CM_ALLCHILDRENFLIPPED             no params                 sent by

  (CM_BASE + 62)                                                            TWinControl.DoFlipChildren


CM_ACTIONUPDATE                       wParam = 0,              sent by TContainedAction.Update

  (CM_BASE + 63)                            lParam = Action


CM_ACTIONEXECUTE                     wParam = 0,                 sent by TContainedAction.Execute

  (CM_BASE + 64)                           lParam = Action


CM_HINTSHOWPAUSE                  wParam = 1 if hint was     sent by TApplication on mouse

  (CM_BASE + 65)                          active                              messages,when there's a new                                      
lParam = time interval        control under the mouse and has

                                                     when to show new hint      ShowHint set to True 


CM_DOCKNOTIFICATION               TCMDocNotification          sent by

  (CM_BASE + 66)                                                                 TControl.SendDockNotification

                                                                                            which is executed in response to

                                                                                           CM_VISIBLECHANGED and



CM_MOUSEWHEEL                     TCMMouseWheel                general mousewheel message

  (CM_BASE + 67)                                                                 generated either by the registered

                                                                                            mouse wheel message or

                                                                                            WM_MOUSEWHEEL  (not

                                                                                            Win95) and sent by TWInControl


VCL Control Notifications


VCL Control Notifications are just reflections of the corresponding WM_xxx messages. They are sent by a window to their parent  window (not VCL but Windows). This makes in Delphi no sense as the parent knows basically nothing about its child windows  and can therefore not handle them. Each of these messages contains in its lParam the handle of the child window which  has sent the message.  The VCL does nothing else then to add CN_BASE to the message value and sends the message then to the  window which created it originally. This way windows can handle their special messages themselves.


Control Notification                          Value


CN_BASE                                         $BC00

CN_CHAR                                         CN_BASE + WM_CHAR

CN_CHARTOITEM                             CN_BASE + WM_CHARTOITEM

CN_COMMAND                                 CN_BASE + WM_COMMAND

CN_COMPAREITEM                          CN_BASE + WM_COMPAREITEM

CN_CTLCOLORBTN                          CN_BASE + WM_CTLCOLORBTN

CN_CTLCOLORDLG                          CN_BASE + WM_CTLCOLORDLG






CN_DELETEITEM                              CN_BASE + WM_DELETEITEM

CN_DRAWITEM                                CN_BASE + WM_DRAWITEM

CN_KEYDOWN                                  CN_BASE + WM_KEYDOWN

CN_KEYUP                                        CN_BASE + WM_KEYUP

CN_HSCROLL                                    CN_BASE + WM_HSCROLL

CN_MEASUREITEM                           CN_BASE + WM_MEASUREITEM

CN_NOTIFY                                      CN_BASE + WM_NOTIFY


CN_SYSKEYDOWN                             CN_BASE + WM_SYSKEYDOWN

CN_SYSCHAR                                    CN_BASE + WM_SYSCHAR

CN_VKEYTOITEM                              CN_BASE + WM_VKEYTOITEM

CN_VSCROLL                                   CN_BASE + WM_VSCROLL

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