Chapter 11: Using Menu-Based Controls--PopUpMenuButton control

The PopUpMenuButton is a PopUpButton control whose secondary button pops up a Menu control. When the
user selects an item from the pop-up menu, the main button of the PopUpButton changes to show the icon and
label of the selected menu item. Unlike the Menu and MenuBar controls, the PopUpMenuButton supports only a
single-level menu.
For complete reference information, see the Adobe Flex Language Reference. For more information on the Menu
control, see Menu control events– on page 3. For more information on PopUpButton controls, see PopUp
Button control– on page 23.


About the PopUpMenuButton control
The following example shows a PopUpMenuButton control before and after clicking the secondary pop-up

The PopUpMenuButton works as follows. When you click the smaller button, which by default displays a v icon, the control displays a pop-up menu
below the button. When you select an item from the pop-up menu, the main PopUpMenuButton button label changes to show
the selected items label and the PopUpMenuButton control dispatches a
MenuEvent.CHANGE event. When you click the main button, the PopUpMenuButton control dispatches a MenuEvent.CHANGE event and
MouseEvent.ITEM_CLICK event.
For information on handling PopUpMenuButton events, see PopUpMenuButton control events– on page 3.
The PopUpMenuButton control lets users change the function of the main button by selecting items from the pop-
up menu. The most recently selected item becomes the main button item.
This behavior is useful for buttons when there are a number of user actions, users tend to select the same option
frequently, and the application developer cannot assume which option should be the default. Text editors often
use such controls in their control bar for options, such as spacing, for which a user is likely to have a preferred
setting, but the developer cannot determine it in advance. Microsoft Word, for example, uses such controls for
specifying line spacing, borders, and text and highlight color.
You can use the PopUpButton control to create pop-up menu buttons with behaviors that differ from those of the
PopUpMenuButton; for example, buttons that do not change the default action of the main button when the user
selects a menu item. For more information, see PopUpButton control– on page 2.
Creating a PopUpMenuButton control
You define a PopUpMenuButton control in MXML by using the <mx:PopUpMenuButton> tag. Specify an id value
if you intend to refer to a component elsewhere in your MXML application, either in another tag or in an Action-
Script block.
You specify the data for the PopUpMenuButton control by using the
dataProvider property. For information on
valid data providers, including their structure and contents, see Defining menu structure and data– on page 3.
By default, the initially selected item is the first item in the pop-up menu dataProvider, and the default main
button label is the items label, as determined by the
labelField or labelFunction property. To set the initial
main button label to a specific items label and functionality, write a listener for the PopUpMenuButton control
creationComplete event that sets the selectedIndex property of the Menu subcontrol, as follows:
You must cast the PopUpMenuButton controlspopUp property to a Menu because the property type is IUICom-
ponent, not Menu.
You can also use the
label property of the PopUpMenuButton control to set the main button label, as described
in Using the label property– on page 3.
When a popped up menu closes, it loses its selection and related properties.
Note: You must use the PopUpMenuButtonscreationComplete event, not the initialize event, to set the main
button label from the data provider.
Example: Creating a PopUpMenuButton control
The following example creates a PopUpMenuButton control by using an E4X XML data provider.

Because this example uses an E4X XML data source, you must specify the label field by using the E4X @ attribute
specifier syntax, and you must tell the control not to show the data provider root node.


Using the label property
The label property of the PopUpMenuButton control specifies the contents of the label on the main button, and
overrides any label from the pop-up menu that is determined by the
labelField or labelFunction property.
label property is useful for creating a main button label with fixed and a variable parts; for example, a mail
Send to:– button where only the destination text is controlled by the pop-up menu, so the main button could sa
Send to: Inbox– or Send to: Trash– based on the selection from a menu that lists Menu– and
To use a dynamic
label property, use a PopUpMenuButton control change event  listener to set the label based 
on the events
label property, as in the following example:




PopUpMenuButton user interaction
The user interaction of the PopUpMenuButton control main button and secondary button is the same as for the
PopUpButton control. The user interaction with the pop-up menu is the same as for the Menu control. For more
information on the PopUpButton user interaction, see User interaction– on page 2. For more information on
Menu control user interaction, see Menu control user interaction– on page 3.





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