Input Filter to reduce Conducted Emissions


Design and Application Considerations of Input Filter to reduce Conducted Emissions caused by DC/DC converter

Reducing conducted emissions





 Depending upon both cost and application, for filter capacitor CF2 an MLCC or electrolytic capacitor can be selected. An electrolytic capacitor has the benefit of a high ESR, which is suitable for damping transient voltages on the power supply line. MLCCs are cheaper than electrolytic capacitors, but have a decreased capacitance as their DC bias voltage is increased.


 With respect to the voltage bias of MLCCs, the rated voltage of the MLCC is selected to achieve the required capacitance at an applied voltage. A general guideline is to select a capacitor rating 2 x higher than the highest occurring voltage on the capacitor.

Filter damping

The input filter has a Q factor (Q) and an output impedance (ZOutF), while the DC/DC converter has an input impedance (ZInCon), as shown in Figure 7.

 An LC input filter has an effect on the control loop of the DC-DC converter, because the output impedance ZOutF of the input filter influences the DC/DC converter input ZInCon impedance. The input filter decreases the phase margin and thus degrades the transient response performance.

When the input filter’s Q is too large, oscillations may occur whenever the input voltage changes at the DC/DC converter input, and its control loop can become unstable after applying.

The stability criterion that applies here is that the output impedance of the input filter ZoutF has to be lower than the input impedance of the DC/DC converter input Zin.

In addition, the corner frequency fc of the input filter should be much lower than the crossover frequency fCOCon of the DC/DC converter. 


The purpose of the resistor R is to damp the filter, and the purpose of the capacitor in series is to block the DC portion of the input voltage in order to reduce dissipation in the damping resistor.

Equation (7) is used for calculating the damping resistor Rd for a filter with a Q value of Qf = 1:

 A ceramic capacitor Cd in series with the R-C network has a factor of 5 to 10 of the filter-capacitor capacitance.

With respect to price and space, alternatively the filter could be damped by selecting an electrolytic capacitor that is connected in parallel to the filter output instead of the R-C network. However, it should be noted that the ESR value of the electrolytic capacitor is not sufficient to have adequate filter attenuation. 

Position of input filter

 Optimally, an input filter should be placed as close as possible to the input of the DC/DC converter.

In case the input filter is placed further away due to geometric circumstances, power traces may act as an antenna between the input filter and the DC/DC converter at higher frequencies. These power traces have a capacitive coupling to the housing, causing common mode noise, which leads to radiated emissions.

From another point of view, power trace inductance also acts as a coupling with the ceramic capacitor CF2, which is shown in Figure 8 as an LC filter. This reduces the voltage ripple to a certain low value, but is not efficient enough to reduce the conducted emissions to a required limit.


▪ An input filter is widely used to optimize the EMC of DC/DC SMPS. And in a proper design, the input filter should not cause a stability problem in the DC/DC converter’s control loop.

▪ Adding a π-type input filter limits conducted emission by reducing the DC/DC converter’s input voltage ripple.

▪ The output impedance of the input filter can be matched to the DC/DC converter’s input impedance in order to avoid instability.

▪ The Q factor of the input filter can be reduced with an RC-damping network.


1) Robert W. Erickson, and Maksimovic Dragan, Fundamentals of Power Electronics, Springer, 25. Mai 2012

2) R. D. Middlebrook, Null double injection and the extra element theorem, IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 167–180, Aug. 1998

3) Florian Hämmerle, Bode 100 - Application Note, Input Impedance & Filter Stability, OMICRON Lab, 2017

4) Capacitor characteristics from Specification of GCM-series, Murata Manufacturing

Input Filter Design for Switching Power Supplies

Input Filter Design for Switching Power Supplies


L-C FILTER The first simple passive filter solution is the undamped L-C passive filter shown in figure (1).

Ideally a second order filter provides 12dB per octave of attenuation after the cutoff frequency f0, it has no gain before f0, and presents a peaking at the resonant frequency f0.



 As the damping factor becomes smaller, the gain at the corner frequency becomes larger, the ideal limit for zero damping would be infinite gain, but the internal resistance of the real components limits the maximum gain. With a damping factor equal to one the imaginary component is null and there is no peaking. A poor damping factor on the input filter design could have other side effects on the final performance of the system. It can influence the transfer function of the feedback control loop, and cause some oscillations at the output of the power supply. The Middlebrook’s extra element theorem (paper [2]), explains that the input filter does not significantly modify the converter loop gain if the output impedance curve of the input filter is far below the input impedance curve of the converter. In other words to avoid oscillations it is important to keep the peak output impedance of the filter below the input impedance of the converter. (See figure 3)

 From a design point of view, a good compromise between size of the filter and performance is obtained with a minimum damping factor of 1/√2, which provides a 3 dB attenuation at the corner frequency and a favorable control over the stability of the final control system.


 The purpose of resistor Rd is to reduce the output peak impedance of the filter at the cutoff frequency. The capacitor Cd blocks the dc component of the input voltage and avoids the power dissipation on Rd.

The capacitor Cd should have lower impedance than Rd at the resonant frequency and be a bigger value than the filter capacitor in order not to affect the cutoff point of the main R-L filter.

The output impedance of the filter can be calculated from the parallel of the three block impedancesZ1, Z2, and Z3: The output impedance of the filter can be c


1. Rudolf P. Severns, Gordon E. Bloom “Modern DC to DC Switchmode Power Converter Circuits”

2. R.D. Middlebrook, “Design Techniques for Preventing Input Filter Oscillations in Switched-Mode Regulators”

3. Robert W. Erickson “Optimal Single Resistor Damping of Input Filters”.

4. H. Dean Venable “Minimizing Input Filter”

5. Jim Riche “Feedback Loop Stabilization on Switching Power Supply”

6. Bruce W. Carsten “Design Techniques for the Inherent of Power Converter EMI”

Analysis and Design of Input Filter for DC-DC Circuit

Analysis and Design of Input Filter for DC-DC Circuit (








 6 References

1. R.D. Middlebrook, “Input filter considerations, in design and application of switching regulators” 1976 IEEE

2. Texas Instruments, Input Filter Design for Switching Power Supplies application note

3. Texas Instruments, Low Pin Count, Low VIN (2.5V to 5.5V Synchronous Buck DC-to-DC Controller TPS40040/1 data sheet

4. Texas Instruments, AN-2162 Simple Success With Conducted EMI From DCDC Converters application report

5. R. Ahmadi, D. Paschedag, and M. Ferdowsi, “Closed-loop input and output impedances of DC-DC switching converters operating in voltage and current mode control,” Proc. IECON ’10, 2010, pp. 2311–2316.

6. R. W. Erickson and D. Maksimovic, Fundamentals of Power Electronics, 2nd ed. New York: Kluwer, 2001.

7. Marian K. Kazimierczuk, Pulse Width Modulated DC-DC Power Converters, 2nd ed. Ohio: Wiley, 2016.

Input Filter Design for Switching P

ower Supplies

Input Filter Design for Switching Power Supplies













1. Rudolf P. Severns, Gordon E. Bloom “Modern DC to DC Switchmode Power Converter Circuits”

2. R.D. Middlebrook, “Design Techniques for Preventing Input Filter Oscillations in Switched-Mode Regulators”

3. Robert W. Erickson “Optimal Single Resistor Damping of Input Filters”.

4. H. Dean Venable “Minimizing Input Filter”

5. Jim Riche “Feedback Loop Stabilization on Switching Power Supply” 6. Bruce W. Carsten “Design Techniques for the Inherent of Power Converter EMI” 

 Appendix: Design Examples













 AN-2162 Simple Success With Conducted EMI From DCDC Converters

1 Overview

To prevent electronics from interfering with the operation of other devices, EMI is regulated by the government where the electronic device is being sold. In Europe, there are the European norms, (EN55022, and so forth) and in the USA there is FCC part 15. EMI in SMPS is classified in two forms: conducted EMI and radiated EMI. They are differentiated by the manner in which the EM field propagates between circuits. For conducted EMI, noise is coupled via conductors or through parasitic impedances, or power and ground connections. While for radiated EMI, unwanted noise is coupled via radio transmission. This brief focuses on the theory and mitigation techniques of the conducted portion of EMI, specifically as generated by a step-down switcher

2 Conducted EMI

Conducted EMI arises from the normal operation of switching circuits. The ON and OFF actions of the power switches generate large discontinuous currents. The discontinuous currents are present at the input side of buck converters, the output side of boost converters and at both input and output ports of flyback and buck-boost topologies. Voltage ripple generated by discontinuous currents can be conducted to other systems via physical contact of the conductors. Without control, excessive input and/or output voltage ripple can compromise operation of the source, load or adjacent system. The discontinuous currents at the input port of a converter need to be filtered by an input filter to smooth out the voltage perturbations leading to the source. Meanwhile, the output side is usually well filtered by the existing output filter of the converter. Proper application of filtering leads to meeting regulatory requirements that allow the end product to be sellable in the marketplace.

Conducted EMI is sub-divided into differential-mode and common-mode categories as the two modes are similarly measured but controlled through different methods. The following schematic is a representation of a SMPS system showing common mode and differential mode signal locations. This configuration is generally found with the AC-DC type SMPS as well as galvanically isolated DC-DC converters, as shown in Figure 1.

where VLINE1 and VLINE2 are the noise voltages on line and return terminals, respectively. Common mode conducted noise is a signal which is found in-phase on both the line and return conductors with respect to safety ground. Common mode noise also typically has equal amplitude on both line and return conductors with respect to neutral. In contrast, differential mode interference is a noise signal which exists between the line and return conductors. (Line 1 and Line 2)

In a typical IC based non-isolated DC-DC SMPS, only two lines connect to the input port. So any current going in through one terminal has to go out through the other. In this configuration, the common mode noise VCOMM will always be zero.

Figure 2 represents a typical SMPS system that has differential mode noise only. This configuration is found with non-isolated DC-DC type SMPS. The balance of this application report focuses on the reduction of this type of differential mode conducted EMI.

3 Conducted EMI Characteristics And Mitigation Technique

Conducted EMI involves the normal operation of DC-DC converters. It does not involve circuit parasitics except input or output capacitor ESR and ESL. PCB layout itself is not going to help reduce conducted EMI. Further, conducted EMI is only related to the current level, not the voltage level at input or output ports. In another words, with the same power level buck converter, lower input voltage means higher input current, thus worse input conducted EMI.

Compliance with conducted EMI standards usually requires the addition of a low pass filter between a switching-mode power converter and the input power source. Typically this is a passive LC filter with the inductor placed on the “hot” input lead of the SMPS (LINE1 in Figure 2). The input port EMI noise comes from voltage ripple generated by the discontinuous current on the input capacitors. The fundamental frequency of the voltage ripple is the switching frequency of the converter. Higher order harmonics of the fundamental frequency also exist in the noise spectrum. Figure 3 represents a typical conducted differential-mode EMI plot of a DC-DC buck SMPS prior to the addition of the EMI filter. Note that the fundamental switching frequency and several harmonics extend above the regulatory limits. The height of the fundamental above the target limit line establishes the required additional filter attenuation needed in order to comply with the desired limit. Also note that from the standpoint of regulatory test requirements, the measurement frequency span extends from 10 kHz up to 30 MHz. However, there may be system requirements above the frequency range of the regulatory spec that fall into the scope of the SMPS input filter. These system requirements should also be considered and evaluated. It has been observed that keeping the conducted differential EMI performance in check above 30 MHz will assist in meeting the separately tested radiated EMI requirements. For a discussion of radiated EMI mitigation, see AN-2155 Layout Tips for EMI Reduction in DC / DC Converters Data Sheet (SNVA638). 

 Figure 4 shows the conventional circuit configuration with a DC power source, the LC EMI filter and the target SMPS. Note the EMI filter configuration is actually from the right to the left. In other words the filter “ac input” is VBand the filter “ac output” is VA. Filter design is accomplished by choosing the inductor Lf and the capacitor Cf .

 4.2 Inductor Selection: Lf

 The inductor defines the resonant frequency of the EMI filter hence its value (Lf ) is usually in the range of 1 µH to 10 µH for low and medium power applications. Choose the highest value in compliance with amperage and physical size requirements.

4.3 Capacitor Selection: Cf


5 Design Example



 In most cases, the LC design will benefit from iteration. In these examples, the SMPS system now passes required conducted compliance levels. The EMI measurements shown in this document are obtained using a LISN. The details of a LISN are discussed in Section 6.

 6 Line Impedance Stabilization Network (LISN)

 For consistent results, conducted EMI tests are performed using a temporarily installed passive device called a LISN. The LISN is connected in series with the power input lines to the SMPS under test. The LISN establishes consistent source and measurement impedance allowing for repeatability of test results. Conducted emissions are measured using a spectrum analyzer via an RF connection to a port on the LISN. The LISN is employed for both common mode and differential mode tests.

The schematic of a three-line SMPS test system with the LISN included is shown in Figure 13. Figure 14 shows the LISN equivalent circuit in a two-line SMPS. Run EMI scans with the spectrum analyzer connected first to Line 1 and then to Line 2 and select the scan with the highest graphical results. Note that average and quasi-peak limit lines are illustrated on the EMI plots. Consult the spectrum analyzer equipment operating manual for proper interpretation.

Regulatory standards suggest the required bench arrangement for location of source, LISN, SMPS under test, and their locations relative to the measurement bench top. These locations must certainly be observed for certified tests. However, there is notable freedom to depart from these positions for trial readings provided the power cables aren’t coiled up tightly. Tightly coiled power cords may contribute series cable inductance that may falsely lower the analyzer reading.


7 References

• Robert W. Erickson, “Optimal Single Resistor Damping for Input Filter”

• R.D. Middlebrook, “Design Techniques for preventing Input Filter Oscillations in Switched-mode regulators

• M. Sclocchi, “Input filter design for switching power supplies”

• Robert W. Erickson, “Fundamentals of Power Electronics”

• Mark J. Nave, “Power Line Filter Design for Switched- Mode Power Supplies 


Input and Output Capacitor Selection

AN-2155 Layout Tips for EMI Reduction in DC/ DC Converters (Rev. A)

Simple Solution for EMI Filter Stability Issue in DC/DC Converters (Rev. A)


Output Noise Filtering for DC/DC Power Modules

ANP005 EN EMC Filter for DCDC switching controller optimized 10,7k 4img










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