/*This file has been prepared for Doxygen automatic documentation generation.*/
/*! \file *********************************************************************
* \brief Linear speed ramp controller.
* Stepper motor driver, increment/decrement the position and outputs the
* correct signals to stepper motor.
* - File: speed_cntr.c
* - Compiler: IAR EWAAVR 4.11A
* - Supported devices: All devices with a 16 bit timer can be used.
* The example is written for ATmega48
* - AppNote: AVR446 - Linear speed control of stepper motor
* \author Atmel Corporation: http://www.atmel.com \n
* Support email: avr@atmel.com
* $Name: RELEASE_1_0 $
* $Revision: 1.2 $
* $RCSfile: speed_cntr.c,v $
* $Date: 2006/05/08 12:25:58 $
#include <ioavr.h>
#include "global.h"
#include "sm_driver.h"
#include "speed_cntr.h"
#include "uart.h"
//! Cointains data for timer interrupt.
speedRampData srd;
/*! \brief Move the stepper motor a given number of steps.
* Makes the stepper motor move the given number of steps.
* It accelrate with given accelration up to maximum speed and decelerate
* with given deceleration so it stops at the given step.
* If accel/decel is to small and steps to move is to few, speed might not
* reach the max speed limit before deceleration starts.
* \param step Number of steps to move (pos - CW, neg - CCW).
* \param accel Accelration to use, in 0.01*rad/sec^2.
* \param decel Decelration to use, in 0.01*rad/sec^2.
* \param speed Max speed, in 0.01*rad/sec.
void speed_cntr_Move(signed int step, unsigned int accel, unsigned int decel, unsigned int speed)
//! Number of steps before we hit max speed.
unsigned int max_s_lim;
//! Number of steps before we must start deceleration (if accel does not hit max speed).
unsigned int accel_lim;
// Set direction from sign on step value.
if(step < 0){
srd.dir = CCW;
step = -step;
srd.dir = CW;
// If moving only 1 step.
if(step == 1){
// Move one step...
srd.accel_count = -1;
// ...in DECEL state.
srd.run_state = DECEL;
// Just a short delay so main() can act on 'running'.
srd.step_delay = 1000;
status.running = TRUE;
OCR1A = 10;
// Run Timer/Counter 1 with prescaler = 8.
TCCR1B |= ((0<<CS12)|(1<<CS11)|(0<<CS10));
// Only move if number of steps to move is not zero.
else if(step != 0){
// Refer to documentation for detailed information about these calculations.
// Set max speed limit, by calc min_delay to use in timer.
// min_delay = (alpha / tt)/ w
srd.min_delay = A_T_x100 / speed;
// Set accelration by calc the first (c0) step delay .
// step_delay = 1/tt * sqrt(2*alpha/accel)
// step_delay = ( tfreq*0.676/100 )*100 * sqrt( (2*alpha*10000000000) / (accel*100) )/10000
srd.step_delay = (T1_FREQ_148 * sqrt(A_SQ / accel))/100;
// Find out after how many steps does the speed hit the max speed limit.
// max_s_lim = speed^2 / (2*alpha*accel)
max_s_lim = (long)speed*speed/(long)(((long)A_x20000*accel)/100);
// If we hit max speed limit before 0,5 step it will round to 0.
// But in practice we need to move atleast 1 step to get any speed at all.
if(max_s_lim == 0){
max_s_lim = 1;
// Find out after how many steps we must start deceleration.
// n1 = (n1+n2)decel / (accel + decel)
accel_lim = ((long)step*decel) / (accel+decel);
// We must accelrate at least 1 step before we can start deceleration.
if(accel_lim == 0){
accel_lim = 1;
// Use the limit we hit first to calc decel.
if(accel_lim <= max_s_lim){
srd.decel_val = accel_lim - step;
srd.decel_val = -((long)max_s_lim*accel)/decel;
// We must decelrate at least 1 step to stop.
if(srd.decel_val == 0){
srd.decel_val = -1;
// Find step to start decleration.
srd.decel_start = step + srd.decel_val;
// If the maximum speed is so low that we dont need to go via accelration state.
if(srd.step_delay <= srd.min_delay){
srd.step_delay = srd.min_delay;
srd.run_state = RUN;
srd.run_state = ACCEL;
// Reset counter.
srd.accel_count = 0;
status.running = TRUE;
OCR1A = 10;
// Set Timer/Counter to divide clock by 8
TCCR1B |= ((0<<CS12)|(1<<CS11)|(0<<CS10));
/*! \brief Init of Timer/Counter1.
* Set up Timer/Counter1 to use mode 1 CTC and
* enable Output Compare A Match Interrupt.
void speed_cntr_Init_Timer1(void)
// Tells what part of speed ramp we are in.
srd.run_state = STOP;
// Timer/Counter 1 in mode 4 CTC (Not running).
TCCR1B = (1<<WGM12);
// Timer/Counter 1 Output Compare A Match Interrupt enable.
TIMSK = (1<<OCIE1A);
/*! \brief Timer/Counter1 Output Compare A Match Interrupt.
* Timer/Counter1 Output Compare A Match Interrupt.
* Increments/decrements the position of the stepper motor
* exept after last position, when it stops.
* The \ref step_delay defines the period of this interrupt
* and controls the speed of the stepper motor.
* A new step delay is calculated to follow wanted speed profile
* on basis of accel/decel parameters.
#pragma vector=TIMER1_COMPA_vect
__interrupt void speed_cntr_TIMER1_COMPA_interrupt( void )
// Holds next delay period.
unsigned int new_step_delay;
// Remember the last step delay used when accelrating.
static int last_accel_delay;
// Counting steps when moving.
static unsigned int step_count = 0;
// Keep track of remainder from new_step-delay calculation to incrase accurancy
static unsigned int rest = 0;
OCR1A = srd.step_delay;
switch(srd.run_state) {
case STOP:
step_count = 0;
rest = 0;
// Stop Timer/Counter 1.
TCCR1B &= ~((1<<CS12)|(1<<CS11)|(1<<CS10));
status.running = FALSE;
case ACCEL:
new_step_delay = srd.step_delay - (((2 * (long)srd.step_delay) + rest)/(4 * srd.accel_count + 1));
rest = ((2 * (long)srd.step_delay)+rest)%(4 * srd.accel_count + 1);
// Chech if we should start decelration.
if(step_count >= srd.decel_start) {
srd.accel_count = srd.decel_val;
srd.run_state = DECEL;
// Chech if we hitted max speed.
else if(new_step_delay <= srd.min_delay) {
last_accel_delay = new_step_delay;
new_step_delay = srd.min_delay;
rest = 0;
srd.run_state = RUN;
case RUN:
new_step_delay = srd.min_delay;
// Chech if we should start decelration.
if(step_count >= srd.decel_start) {
srd.accel_count = srd.decel_val;
// Start decelration with same delay as accel ended with.
new_step_delay = last_accel_delay;
srd.run_state = DECEL;
case DECEL:
new_step_delay = srd.step_delay - (((2 * (long)srd.step_delay) + rest)/(4 * srd.accel_count + 1));
rest = ((2 * (long)srd.step_delay)+rest)%(4 * srd.accel_count + 1);
// Check if we at last step
if(srd.accel_count >= 0){
srd.run_state = STOP;
srd.step_delay = new_step_delay;
/*! \brief Square root routine.
* sqrt routine 'grupe', from comp.sys.ibm.pc.programmer
* Subject: Summary: SQRT(int) algorithm (with profiling)
* From: warwick@cs.uq.oz.au (Warwick Allison)
* Date: Tue Oct 8 09:16:35 1991
* \param x Value to find square root of.
* \return Square root of x.
static unsigned long sqrt(unsigned long x)
register unsigned long xr; // result register
register unsigned long q2; // scan-bit register
register unsigned char f; // flag (one bit)
xr = 0; // clear result
q2 = 0x40000000L; // higest possible result bit
if((xr + q2) <= x)
x -= xr + q2;
f = 1; // set flag
f = 0; // clear flag
xr >>= 1;
xr += q2; // test flag
} while(q2 >>= 2); // shift twice
if(xr < x){
return xr +1; // add for rounding
return xr;
/*! \brief Find minimum value.
* Returns the smallest value.
* \return Min(x,y).
unsigned int min(unsigned int x, unsigned int y)
if(x < y){
return x;
return y;
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