import sensor, image, time, math, pyb
from pyb import Pin, Timer, UART, LED
#the size of the image: QVGA
#--------------Camera setup-------------------
sensor.reset() # Initialize the camera sensor.
sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.GRAYSCALE) # use grayscale.
sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QVGA) # use QQVGA for speed.
sensor.skip_frames(time = 2000) # Let new settings take affect.
sensor.set_auto_gain(False) # must be turned off for color tracking
sensor.set_auto_whitebal(False) # must be turned off for color tracking
clock = time.clock() # Tracks FPS.
#--------------Camera setup finished-------------------
#--------------串口UART部分 START -------------------
uart = pyb.UART(3,9600,timeout_char = 1000) #串口初始化,9600bps@11.0592MHz for STC89c51
is_debug = True
#def data_format_wrapper(yaw_angle, sum_x, sum_y, cx_mean, cx, cy, is_left_angle, last_x, last_y):
def data_format_wrapper(cx_mean, cx, cy, is_turn_left, is_turn_right, is_t, is_cross):
TODO 重新编写通信协议 与配套C解析代码
yaw_angle,sum_x, sum_y 没有用到
cx_mean: roi 1 2 3 对应的bolb中心的x坐标加权平均, 如果没有就补32 都没有就赋值为原来的值
cx : roi 1 3 blob 中心坐标的加权平均, 如果一方丢失, 就赋值为另外一个 都没有就赋值为原来的值
cy : roi 4 5 blob 中心坐标的加权平均,如果一方丢失, 就赋值为另外一个, 都没有就赋值为原来的值
is_left_angle :代表是否有直角,!!! 信息丢失
其实,可以用一个字符来表示,是左转还是右转 T(T字形) L(Left) R(Right)
last_x, last_y 是两个直线的交叉点的坐标 改写为 intersect_x,intersect_y
args = [
#get_symbol(symbol), # 偏航角符号
#abs(int(yaw_angle)), # 偏航角
#get_symbol(sum_x) # 光流数据sum_x的符号
##abs(int(sum_x)), # 光流数据sum_x
#get_symbol(sum_y), # 光流数据sum_y的符号
#abs(int(sum_y)), # 光流数据 sum_y
int(cx_mean), # x的中心,三个取样区域色块中心x坐标的平均值
int(cx), # 检测到T形或者十字形路口后,停车并计算圆心坐标
int(cy), # 同上
#int(speed), # 测速
int(is_turn_left), # 是否左转(非T非十字)
int(is_turn_right), # 是否右转(非T非十字)
int(is_t), # 是否T形路口
int(is_cross), # 是否十字路口
# 将数值列表按照通信协议,转换为待发送的字符
#info = 's%c%.2d%c%.2d%c%.2d%.2d%.2d%.2d%.2d%.2d%.2d#'%tuple(args) #SOURCE
info = 's%.3d%.3d%.3d%d%d%d%d#'%tuple(args)
global is_debug
if is_debug:
print('s%.3d%.3d%.3d | %d%d | %d%d#'%tuple(args))
return info
#--------------串口UART部分 END -------------------
#--------------定时器部分 START -------------------
is_need_send_data = False # 是否需要发送数据的信号标志
def uart_time_trigger(timer):
global is_need_send_data
is_need_send_data = True
tim = Timer(4, freq=10)
#--------------定时器部分 END -------------------
#--------------直线与直角检测部分 START -------------------
ROIS = {
'down': (0, 210, 320, 30), # 横向取样-下方 1 # 左上角是起始点,方向是向下和向右增大
'middle': (0, 100, 320, 40), # 横向取样-中间 2 # 前两位数是区域起始坐标
'up': (0, 0, 320, 30), # 横向取样-上方 3 # 后两位数是宽/高度
'left': (0, 0, 30, 240), # 纵向取样-左侧 4
'right': (290, 0, 30, 240) # 纵向取样-右侧 5
def find_blobs_in_rois(img):
global ROIS
global is_debug
roi_blobs_result = {} # 在各个ROI中寻找色块的结果记录
for roi_direct in ROIS.keys():
roi_blobs_result[roi_direct] = {
'cx': -1,
'cy': -1,
'blob_flag': False
for roi_direct, roi in ROIS.items():
blobs=img.find_blobs(LINE_COLOR_THRESHOLD, roi=roi, merge=True, pixels_area=10)
if len(blobs) == 0:
largest_blob = max(blobs, key=lambda b: b.pixels())
x,y,width,height = largest_blob[:4]
roi_blobs_result[roi_direct]['cx'] =
roi_blobs_result[roi_direct]['cy'] =
roi_blobs_result[roi_direct]['blob_flag'] = True
if is_debug:
img.draw_rectangle((x,y,width, height), color=(255))
return roi_blobs_result
def visualize_result(canvas, cx_mean, cx, cy, is_turn_left, is_turn_right, is_t, is_cross):
if not(is_turn_left or is_turn_right or is_t or is_cross):
mid_x = int(canvas.width()/2)
mid_y = int(canvas.height()/2)
# 绘制x的均值点
canvas.draw_circle(int(cx_mean), mid_y, 5, color=(255))
# 绘制屏幕中心点
canvas.draw_circle(mid_x, mid_y, 8, color=(0))
canvas.draw_line((mid_x, mid_y, int(cx_mean), mid_y), color=(255))
turn_type = 'N' # 啥转角也不是
if is_t or is_cross:
# 十字形或者T形
canvas.draw_cross(int(cx), int(cy), size=10, color=(255))
canvas.draw_circle(int(cx), int(cy), 5, color=(255))
if is_t:
turn_type = 'T' # T字形状
elif is_cross:
turn_type = 'C' # 十字形
elif is_turn_left:
turn_type = 'L' # 左转
elif is_turn_right:
turn_type = 'R' # 右转
canvas.draw_string(0, 0, turn_type, color=(0), scale=3)
#--------------直线与直角检测部分 END -------------------
#--------------MAIN -------------------
last_cx = 0
last_cy = 0
while True:
if not is_need_send_data:
# 不需要发送数据
is_need_send_data = False
# 拍摄图片
img = sensor.snapshot()
# 创建画布
# canvas = img.copy()
# 为了IDE显示方便,直接在代码结尾 用IMG绘制
lines = img.find_lines(threshold=1000, theta_margin = 50, rho_margin = 50)
reslut = find_blobs_in_rois(img)
# 判断是否需要左转与右转
is_turn_left = False
is_turn_right = False
if (not reslut['up']['blob_flag'] ) and reslut['down']['blob_flag']:
if reslut['left']['blob_flag']:
is_turn_left = True
if reslut['right']['blob_flag']:
is_turn_right = True
# 判断是否为T形的轨道
is_t = False
# 判断是否十字形轨道
is_cross = False
c_num = 0
t_num = 0
for roi_direct in ['up', 'down', 'left', 'right']:
if reslut[roi_direct]['blob_flag']:
c_num += 1
is_cross = c_num == 4
for roi_direct in ['left', 'right']:
if reslut[roi_direct]['blob_flag']:
t_num += 1
is_t = t_num == 2
# cx_mean 用于确定视角中的轨道中心
# 用于表示左右偏移量
cx_mean = 0
for roi_direct in ['up', 'down', 'middle']:
if reslut[roi_direct]['blob_flag']:
cx_mean += reslut[roi_direct]['cx']
cx_mean += IMG_WIDTH / 2
cx_mean /= 3
# cx, cy 只有在T形区域检测出来的时候才有用,
# 用于确定轨道中圆形的大致区域, 用于定点, 是计算圆心的一种近似方法
# cx, cy 只有在T形区域检测出来的时候才有用,
# 用于确定轨道中圆形的大致区域, 用于定点, 是计算圆心的一种近似方法
cx = 0
cy = 0
if is_cross or is_t:
# 只在出现十字形或者T字形才计算圆心坐标
cnt = 0
for roi_direct in ['up', 'down']:
if reslut[roi_direct]['blob_flag']:
cnt += 1
cx += reslut[roi_direct]['cx']
if cnt == 0:
cx = last_cx
cx /= cnt
cnt = 0
for roi_direct in ['left', 'right']:
if reslut[roi_direct]['blob_flag']:
cnt += 1
cy += reslut[roi_direct]['cy']
if cnt == 0:
cy = last_cy
cy /= cnt
info = data_format_wrapper(cx_mean, cx, cy, is_turn_left, is_turn_right, is_t, is_cross)
last_cx = cx
last_cy = cy
if is_debug:
visualize_result(img, cx_mean, cx, cy, is_turn_left, is_turn_right, is_t, is_cross)
#print(clock.fps()) # Note: Your OpenMV Cam runs about half as fast while
# connected to your computer. The FPS should increase once disconnected.
最新推荐文章于 2024-11-05 21:58:11 发布