ServiceNow-Lists Sorting, Filtering, and Searching

Sorting, Filtering, and Searching

You can quickly find information in a list by sorting, filtering, and searching the list.


Sorting Lists - List v3

A. Sort by column name - Click a column heading to sort the list in ascending order. Click again to sort in descending order.

B. Sort by list context menu - Click the menu icon or right-click the column heading to access the list context menu. You can select Sort (a to z) or Sort (z to a).


Sorting Lists - List v2

A. Sort by column name - Click a column heading to sort the list in ascending order. Click again to sort in descending order.

B. Sort by list context menu - Click the menu icon or right-click the column heading to access the list context menu. You can select Sort (a to z) or Sort (z to a).


Filtering Lists - List v3

A. Filter by condition builder - To open the condition builder, click the filter icon by the breadcrumbs. Restrict what records appear by adding one or more conditions, which include fields, operators, and values. Click Save Filter to keep the filter for future use. Click Run to apply the filter.

B. Quick filters - To quickly filter a list using a value in a field, right-click in the field and select Show Matching or Filter Out. (For date fields, choose from Show BeforeShow After, and Filter Out.)


Filtering Lists - List v2

A. Filter by condition builder - To open the condition builder, click the filter icon by the breadcrumbs. Restrict what records appear by adding one or more conditions, which include fields, operators, and values. Click Save to keep the filter for future use. Click Run to apply the filter.

B. Quick filters - To quickly filter a list using a value in a field, right-click in the field and select Show Matching or Filter Out. (For date fields, choose from Show BeforeShow After, and Filter Out.)



Searching Lists - List v3 and List v2 

A. Search a list - Select a field to search and enter keywords in the adjacent search field. Press the Enter key to perform the search.

B. Search individual columns - Click the search icon to display a search field under each column. Enter keywords in the search field for one or more columns and press the Enter key. To clear a column search, delete the text in the search field and press the Enter key.





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