ServiceNow-Support Essentials

Support Essentials

Learn the Connect Support essentials to stay on top of your help desk duties.

Common Connect Support Actions

A. Support menu - Provides support chat actions, such as EscalateTransfer, and Create Incident.

B. Comments and work notes - Switch between posting messages as customer-facing comments and internal work notes. Work notes are perfect for tracking research on an issue before you are ready to communicate with the customer.

C. Attach file - Attach and send a file. You can also add an attachment by dragging and dropping it directly in the conversation. In Chrome browsers, you can paste an image in a conversation.

D. End session - Stops the case timer and ends the session. The case remains in your list until you remove it.

Transferring or Escalating a Case

A. Initiate a case transfer - Begin the process of transferring a case to a different agent.

B. Transfer to an agent - Choose the agent you want to transfer the case to. Be sure to choose someone who is online, which is indicated by a green dot on their avatar. You will have the option to perform a warm or cold transfer when the agent accepts the transfer.

C. Cancel a transfer - Cancel a case transfer at any time before the agent accepts it.

D. Accept or decline a transfer - Accept or decline an incoming support transfer.

E. Choose between a warm or cold transfer - Click Stay to perform a warm transfer and remain in the conversation after the transfer completes. This option is ideal, as it enables you to provide the new agent with relevant details. Click Leave to perform a cold transfer and exit the conversation.

Searching the Knowledge Base and Sharing Solutions

A. Knowledge base - Search the knowledge base for solutions. Drag and drop an article title in the conversation to share the article instantly.

Creating an Incident from a Support Case

  1. Click the support menu icon and select Create Incident.
  2. In the Document panel that appears, fill out the Incident form and click Submit. A link to the new incident appears in the conversation. The conversation history is preserved as comments and work notes in the incident activity stream. 





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