

网址是  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Audio/InstallingLinuxAlsaDriverModules

The Ubuntu Kernel Team produces what they call "Crack of the Day" builds of alsa-driver code. This is the latestdevelopment code that is being worked on "upstream" and has all the most recent fixes to hardware issues. We askusers having audio problems to install these builds in order to help us identify whether the issue has alreadybeen fixed or if it's also an issue upstream.


Install with Command Line

Adding the ppa

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-audio-dev/ppa
sudo apt-get update

Install the linux-alsa-driver-modules package

sudo apt-get install linux-alsa-driver-modules-$(uname -r)

Note: After installing the linux-alsa-driver-modules package, your system needs to be rebooted.

Install with Synaptic Package Manager

Adding the ppa

  • Open up the "Synaptic Package Manager":
    • System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager

  • Bring up the "Software Sources" dialog in the "Synaptic Package Manager":
    • Settings -> Repositories

  • Select the "Other Software" tab in the "Software Sources" dialog.
  • Click the "+Add" button.
  • In the "APT line: " text input box type:
    • ppa:ubuntu-audio-dev/ppa
  • Click the "+Add Source" button.
  • Close the "Software Sources" dialog.
  • You may see a dialog box pop up which warns you that your "Repositories changed". This is a good thing and you can close the dialog.
  • Since we've just added a new repository we need to update that database that knows what packages are available and where from. Update the package information by:
    • Edit -> Reload Package Information

Determine the current version of kernel running (via command line)

uname -r

Install the linux-alsa-driver-modules package

  • Open up the "Synaptic Package Manager" if it isn't already open:
    • System -> Administration -> Synamptic Package Manager

  • Search for the "linux-alsa-driver-modules" package:
    • Edit -> Search

  • In the search results shown, find the package that matches up with the kernel version that you are running.
  • Select the "linux-alsa-driver-modules" package by checking the checkbox in the leftmost column of the search results.
  • Install the package:
    • Edit -> Apply Marked Changes

  • A dialog will come up asking if you want to "Apply the following changes?". Click the "Apply" button.
  • A dialog will appear showing the progress of applying the indicated changes. After it's complete another dialog appears stating the changes have been applied. That dialog can be closed by clicking on the "Close" button.
  • The "Synaptic Package Manager" can now be closed, the package has been installed.

Note: After installing the linux-alsa-driver-modules package, your system needs to be rebooted.


If you want to return to the original sound drivers, do the following (from the command line):

sudo apt-get remove linux-alsa-driver-modules-$(uname -r)

You can also uninstall from "Synaptic Package Manager":

Install the linux-alsa-driver-modules package (via Synaptic Package Manager)

  • Open up the "Synaptic Package Manager" if it isn't already open:
    • System -> Administration -> Synamptic Package Manager

  • Search for the "linux-alsa-driver-modules" package:
    • Edit -> Search

  • In the search results shown, find the package that matches up with the kernel version that you are running.
  • Right-click the "linux-alsa-driver-modules" package, and select "Mark for complete removal".
  • Uninstall the package:
    • Edit -> Apply Marked Changes

  • A dialog will come up asking if you want to "Apply the following changes?". Click the "Apply" button.
  • A dialog will appear showing the progress of applying the indicated changes. After it's complete another dialog appears stating the changes have been applied. That dialog can be closed by clicking on the "Close" button.
  • The "Synaptic Package Manager" can now be closed, the package has been uninstalled.

Note: After uninstalling the linux-alsa-driver-modules package, your system needs to be rebooted.

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你好!如果在 Ubuntu 上遇到没有声音的问题,可以尝试以下几个解决方法: 1. 检查音量设置:确保系统音量和应用程序音量都被调整到适当的水平。你可以点击系统右上角的音量图标来调整系统音量,并在应用程序中检查各个应用的音量设置。 2. 检查硬件连接:确保你的扬声器或耳机正确连接到计算机的音频插孔。如果你使用外部扬声器,请确保它们被正确连接和打开。 3. 检查默认输出设备:点击系统右上角的音量图标,选择“Sound Settings”(声音设置),确保正确选择了输出设备。有时候系统会默认选择错误的输出设备,导致没有声音。 4. 检查驱动程序:如果你的声卡驱动程序没有正确安或者已经损坏,可能导致没有声音。你可以尝试更新或重新安声卡驱动程序。在终端中运行以下命令可以更新所有已安的软件和驱动程序: sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade 5. 检查混音设置:有时候混音设置可能会阻止声音输出。在终端中运行 alsamixer 命令,检查各个通道的音量设置是否正常。使用左右方向键调整音量,并使用 m 键来切换静音状态。 6. 重启 PulseAudio:在终端中运行以下命令来重启 PulseAudio 服务: pulseaudio -k pulseaudio --start 这将重新启动声音服务并可能解决问题。 如果以上方法都不能解决问题,你可能需要进一步调查你的硬件设备、驱动程序或其他系统设置。希望这些方法对你有所帮助!如有其他问题,请随时提问。


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