An Email to my project manager to discuss project.


   Recently, I always think about why my company will use LISA. Who make the decision that we should use LISA? Because I think we need to make the one who can make the decision feel the advantage of LISA. Then we can get more business and more resources.

Who decide to use LISA?

l  We? I hope so, but of course not. We are developers, we only can wait for requirements and do the implementation.

l  Business support? No, they are support team, they involved into project after we implemented.

l  IT Director? He is the guy to manage all projects, and drive us the right way to go, but only on technique side.

l  Sales? Maybe. Sales can drive customer to use LISA, if they think LISA is a good product or platform.

l  Customer? Definitely that only customer can make final decision.


Pros and Cons

What is the pros and cons for Customer/Sales who can make the decision?






(Who should mostly focus on the UI and feature, but don’t care about which platform to use, who to develop.)

Low cost

No good user experience

No fantastic UI

Compared to the web site below:



Good example of succeed projects

Know all available feature

Limit features

Besides pre-defined feature, if customer has more requirements, we need more develop work.


What are we doing now?

·         Improvements for Back Office

·         Improvements for Control Panel

What we do is for Business Support, but customer will not know it and see it. If we have built-in UI (web part) with great animation effect, and show it to customer. If we have all features, compared to other systems, of course customer will like our system.

And good thing is that we develop one time (one web part), it can be shared with all programs.



About Team

Now team members are more focus on its own part, nobody knows the whole system. So we have a lot of duplicate logic, code in different place. It is a big problem when we do the maintains, and want to make feature more generic.

Also, if one developer leaves the team, we will lack of his knowledge and coding. I cannot image if Xu Zhen leaves the team, how can we deal with Dynamic Entity engine?

We need  knowledge share inside team. So that we can know how the feature implement, why we cannot share the same method/feature to other module or sub-system. And we can get more ideas to improve our current system.

And all team members lost power and energy. I felt tired and lost the attitude on LISA. Sometimes, you look at the code two years before, without any comments, it is very depressed for me. I know nobody want to go back to review and refine all the codes, but we have to. This time we managed the new Control Panel. It is a good opportunity to make CP code more clear and easy to read. We create base forms, base user controls and some standard. It’s good, but due to the time line, a lot of old forms and most of business logic is copied from old CP. And not all of team members know how to fully use the base forms and base user controls, because we don’t have knowledge share.


I really like LISA project and want it become more successful. I hope more and more projects will come and start to use LISA.


About myself

       It is half year passed from 2010. I don’t think I provide more things to LISA, to business support. I haven’t improved myself or give LISA more value. I was a bit disappointed. I don’t want to find that nothing changed by the end of this year. I am looking forward to a conversion with you.




LISA : A CRM system which can generate different UI to end-user, and with built-in features like member, transaction, point, redemption, report and so on.

### 回答1: 中国可以考虑以下几种策略来克服困难: 1. 加强内部建设,提高国内生产力和竞争力,更好地应对外部环境的变化。 2. 提升科技创新能力,加快研发进度,获得更多的国际市场份额。 3. 提高人力资本和经济结构的升级,推动产业升级,增加高端制造和服务业的比重。 4. 加强国际合作,扩大对外开放,建立更多的国际经济合作伙伴关系,提升自身的国际影响力。 5. 适应气候变化,推进可持续发展,改善环境质量,保护资源,降低经济发展对环境的影响。 这些策略都需要政府、企业和社会的共同努力,才能真正实现。 ### 回答2: 中国应该采取哪些可能的策略来克服这些困难?讨论。 中国面临着许多困难,如环境污染、贫富差距扩大和社会不稳定等。为了克服这些困难,中国可以采取以下策略: 首先,中国应该加强环境保护。采取严格的环保措施,限制工厂和企业的污染排放,鼓励使用清洁能源。此外,还应加大对环保技术研发和创新的投入,促进可持续发展。 其次,中国可以实施更加公平的收入分配政策,减少贫富差距。通过提高最低工资标准、改善社会保障制度、加强就业机会等来保障低收入人群的福利,同时限制高收入者的不合理获益和财富积累。 此外,政府还可以加强社会稳定的措施。加大对基础设施建设和社会福利的投资,提高民众的生活水平和幸福感。同时,建立更加开放和透明的政府机制,加强法治建设,以维护社会的公平和正义。 另外,中国应该促进科技创新和教育发展。加大对科研机构和高校的支持和投入,培养更多的科学家和创新人才。通过技术创新来提升经济实力和国际竞争力,从而克服经济上的困难。 最后,加强国际合作也是克服困难的重要策略。积极参与国际组织和合作机制,加强与其他国家的合作与交流。通过共同努力解决共同面临的问题,分享经验和资源,实现互利共赢。 总之,中国要克服困难,需要全面考虑各方面的因素。只有通过综合性的策略和措施,才能有效应对各种困难,实现国家的可持续发展和社会的和谐进步。
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