

前面介绍的 P \mathbf{P} P P d \mathbf{Pd} Pd,及其对应的同参等值延伸及投影自然延伸,对于曲面上有限元方法的理论分析起着至关重要的作用。



因为同参映射 P \mathbf{P} P的双利普希茨性,存在一个常数 L L L,使得
 (64)  L − 1 ∣ x 1 − x 2 ∣ ≤ ∣ x ~ 1 − x ~ 2 ∣ ≤ L ∣ x 1 − x 2 ∣ , x ~ i = P ( x i ) , i = 1 , 2 \begin{array}{ll}{\text { (64) }} & {L^{-1}\left|\mathrm{x}_{1}-\mathrm{x}_{2}\right| \leq\left|\widetilde{\mathrm{x}}_{1}-\widetilde{\mathrm{x}}_{2}\right| \leq L\left|\mathrm{x}_{1}-\mathrm{x}_{2}\right|, \quad \tilde{\mathrm{x}}_{i}=\mathrm{P}\left(\mathrm{x}_{i}\right), i=1,2}\end{array}  (64) L1x1x2x 1x 2Lx1x2,x~i=P(xi),i=1,2

定义 T T T周围区域macro patches如下,这里 T T T表示的是 γ \gamma γ的一次逼近曲面 Γ \Gamma Γ的每个分片。
( 65 ) ω T = ∪ { T ′ : T ′ ∩ T ≠ ∅ } , ω ~ T = P ( ω T ) (65) \quad \omega_{T}=\cup\left\{T^{\prime}: T^{\prime} \cap T \neq \emptyset\right\}, \quad \tilde{\omega}_{T}=\mathbf{P}\left(\omega_{T}\right) (65)ωT={T:TT=},ω~T=P(ωT)

定义形正则化常数,这里 h T : = ∣ T ∣ 1 n h_{T}:=|T|^{\frac{1}{n}} hT:=Tn1,从表达式可以看出来,这个值越大,正则性越差。
( 66 ) σ : = sup ⁡ T max ⁡ T ∈ T diam ⁡ ( T ) h T (66) \quad \sigma:=\sup _{\mathcal{T}} \max _{T \in \mathcal{T}} \frac{\operatorname{diam}(T)}{h_{T}} (66)σ:=TsupTTmaxhTdiam(T)

我们用 T ^ \widehat{T} T 来表示参考单元单纯形。用 T = X T ( T ^ ) T=\mathbf{X}_{T}(\widehat{T}) T=XT(T )来表示逼近曲面的参数化。从(66)可以看得出来下式。这个很重要,要怎么理解呢? D X T D \mathbf{X}_{T} DXT就是一个线性变换,它的算子至于映射到 T T T上,模和 diam ⁡ ( T ) \operatorname{diam}(T) diam(T)同阶,那么 D X T D \mathbf{X}_{T} DXT就是 h T h_T hT阶的。
 (67)  h T ∣ w ∣ ≲ ∣ D X T w ∣ ≲ h T ∣ w ∣ , ∀ w ∈ R n \begin{array}{ll}{\text { (67) }} & {h_{T}|\mathrm{w}| \lesssim\left|D \mathrm{X}_{T} \mathrm{w}\right| \lesssim h_{T}|\mathrm{w}|, \quad \forall \mathrm{w} \in \mathbb{R}^{n}}\end{array}  (67) hTwDXTwhTw,wRn

D \chi_{T} 和 和 h_{T}$是同阶的。
( 68 ) h T ∣ w ∣ ≲ ∣ D χ T ( y ) w ∣ ≲ h T ∣ w ∣ ∀ w ∈ R n , y ∈ T ^ (68) \quad h_{T}|\mathrm{w}| \lesssim\left|D \chi_{T}(\mathrm{y}) \mathrm{w}\right| \lesssim h_{T}|\mathrm{w}| \quad \forall \mathrm{w} \in \mathbb{R}^{n}, \mathrm{y} \in \widehat{T} (68)hTwDχT(y)whTwwRn,yT

我们依然用tilde符号来表示在曲面 γ \gamma γ上,hat符号表示在参数域是(参考单元)上。 Γ \Gamma Γ的参数化表示为 X T \mathbf{X}_{T} XT γ \gamma γ的参数化表示为 χ T = P ∘ X T \chi_{T}=\mathbf{P} \circ \mathbf{X}_{T} χT=PXT,那么在macro patches上,有,
 (69)  L − 1 h T ∣ y 1 − y 2 ∣ ≤ ∣ x ~ 1 − x ~ 2 ∣ ≤ L h T ∣ y 1 − y 2 ∣ \begin{array}{ll}{\text { (69) }} & {L^{-1} h_{T}\left|\mathbf{y}_{1}-\mathbf{y}_{2}\right| \leq\left|\widetilde{\mathbf{x}}_{1}-\widetilde{\mathbf{x}}_{2}\right| \leq L h_{T}\left|\mathbf{y}_{1}-\mathbf{y}_{2}\right|}\end{array}  (69) L1hTy1y2x 1x 2LhTy1y2

 (70)  v ^ T ( y ) : = v ~ T ( χ T ( y ) ) ∀ x ^ ∈ T ^  and  v T ( x ) : = v ~ T ( P ( x ) ) ∀ x ∈ T \begin{array}{ll}{\text { (70) } \quad \widehat{v}_{T}(\mathbf{y}):=\tilde{v}_{T}\left(\chi_{T}(\mathbf{y})\right) \quad \forall \widehat{\mathbf{x}} \in \widehat{T}} & {\text { and } \quad v_{T}(\mathbf{x}):=\tilde{v}_{T}(\mathbf{P}(\mathbf{x})) \quad \forall \mathbf{x} \in T}\end{array}  (70) v T(y):=v~T(χT(y))x T  and vT(x):=v~T(P(x))xT


 (71)  g T : = ( D X T ) t D X T , q T : = det ⁡ g T , ∀ T ∈ T \begin{array}{ll}{\text { (71) }} & {\mathrm{g}_{T}:=\left(D \mathrm{X}_{T}\right)^{t} D \mathrm{X}_{T}, \quad q_{T}:=\sqrt{\operatorname{det} \mathrm{g}_{T}}, \quad \forall T \in \mathcal{T}}\end{array}  (71) gT:=(DXT)tDXT,qT:=detgT ,TT

 (72)   eigen  ( g T ) ≈ h T 2 , q T ≈ h T n , ∀ T ∈ T \begin{array}{ll}{\text { (72) }} & {\text { eigen }\left(\mathrm{g}_{T}\right) \approx h_{T}^{2}, \quad q_{T} \approx h_{T}^{n}, \quad \forall T \in \mathcal{T}}\end{array}  (72)  eigen (gT)hT2,qThTn,TT

因为 D X T D \mathbf{X}_{T} DXT D χ T D \mathbf{\chi}_{T} DχT的同阶性,所以稳定化常数其实和网格尺寸是没有关系的,即
( 73 ) S χ ≈ 1 (73) \quad S_{\chi} \approx 1 (73)Sχ1

因为(72)我们知道 q q q q Γ q_\Gamma qΓ是同阶的,即
C 1 ≤ q q Γ ≤ C 2 C_{1} \leq \frac{q}{q_{\Gamma}} \leq C_{2} C1qΓqC2

 (75)  ∇ v ^ = ( D X ) t ∇ T v , ∇ T v = ( D X ) g Γ − 1 ∇ v ^ \begin{array}{ll}{\text { (75) }} & {\nabla \widehat{v}=(D \mathrm{X})^{t} \nabla_{\mathrm{T}} v, \quad \nabla_{\mathrm{T}} v=(D \mathrm{X}) \mathrm{g}_{\mathrm{\Gamma}}^{-1} \nabla \widehat{v}}\end{array}  (75) v =(DX)tTv,Tv=(DX)gΓ1v
 (76)  Δ Γ v = 1 q Γ div ⁡ ( q Γ g Γ − 1 ∇ v ^ ) \begin{array}{ll}{\text { (76) }} & {\Delta_{\Gamma} v=\frac{1}{q_{\Gamma}} \operatorname{div}\left(q_{\Gamma} \mathbf{g}_{\Gamma}^{-1} \nabla \widehat{v}\right)}\end{array}  (76) ΔΓv=qΓ1div(qΓgΓ1v )

∫ Γ ∇ Γ v ⋅ ∇ Γ w = ∑ T ∈ T − ∫ T w Δ Γ v + ∫ ∂ T w ∇ Γ v ⋅ μ T = ∑ T ∈ T − ∫ T w Δ Γ v + ∑ S ∈ S ∫ S w [ ∇ Γ v ] \begin{aligned} \int_{\Gamma} \nabla_{\Gamma} v \cdot \nabla_{\Gamma} w &=\sum_{T \in \mathcal{T}}-\int_{T} w \Delta_{\Gamma} v+\int_{\partial T} w \nabla_{\Gamma} v \cdot \boldsymbol{\mu}_{T} \\ &=\sum_{T \in \mathcal{T}}-\int_{T} w \Delta_{\Gamma} v+\sum_{S \in \mathcal{S}} \int_{S} w\left[\nabla_{\Gamma} v\right] \end{aligned} ΓΓvΓw=TTTwΔΓv+TwΓvμT=TTTwΔΓv+SSSw[Γv]
( 77 ) [ ∇ Γ v ] : = ∇ Γ v + ⋅ μ + + ∇ Γ v − ⋅ μ − (77) \quad\left[\nabla_{\Gamma} v\right]:=\nabla_{\Gamma} v_{+} \cdot \mu_{+}+\nabla_{\Gamma} v_{-} \cdot \mu_{-} (77)[Γv]:=Γv+μ++Γvμ


所谓的参数化有限元方法就是,寻找 U : = U T ∈ V # ( T ) U:=U_{\mathcal{T}} \in \mathbb{V}_{\#}(\mathcal{T}) U:=UTV#(T),使得,
 (78)  ∫ Γ ∇ Γ U ⋅ ∇ Γ V = ∫ Γ F V ∀ V ∈ V # ( T ) \begin{array}{ll}{\text { (78) }} & {\int_{\Gamma} \nabla_{\Gamma} U \cdot \nabla_{\Gamma} V=\int_{\Gamma} F V \quad \forall V \in \mathbb{V}_{\#}(\mathcal{T})}\end{array}  (78) ΓΓUΓV=ΓFVVV#(T)
这里的 F ∈ L 2 , # ( Γ ) F \in L_{2, \#}(\Gamma) FL2,#(Γ)。这里定义了分片线性连续空间,及其对应的零均值空间:
V ( T ) : = { V ∈ C 0 ( Γ ) ∣ V ∣ T = V ^ ∘ X − 1  for some  V ^ ∈ P , T ∈ T } \mathbb{V}(\mathcal{T}):=\left\{V \in C^{0}(\Gamma)|V|_{T}=\widehat{V} \circ \mathrm{X}^{-1} \text { for some } \widehat{V} \in \mathcal{P}, T \in \mathcal{T}\right\} V(T):={VC0(Γ)VT=V X1 for some V P,TT}
V # ( T ) : = V ( T ) ∩ L 2 , # ( Γ ) \mathbb{V}_{\#}(\mathcal{T}):=\mathbb{V}(\mathcal{T}) \cap L_{2, \#}(\Gamma) V#(T):=V(T)L2,#(Γ)
P \mathcal{P} P是线性多项式空间。

因为 F ∈ L 2 , # ( Γ ) F \in L_{2, \#}(\Gamma) FL2,#(Γ),那么,我们也有:
 (79)  ∫ Γ ∇ Γ U ⋅ ∇ Γ V = ∫ Γ F V ∀ V ∈ V ( T ) \text { (79) } \quad \int_{\Gamma} \nabla_{\Gamma} U \cdot \nabla_{\Gamma} V=\int_{\Gamma} F V \quad \forall V \in \mathbb{V}(\mathcal{T})  (79) ΓΓUΓV=ΓFVVV(T)

证明:用一下误差矩阵的定义以及(78),再用一下 γ \gamma γ上的弱形式,并放到 Γ \Gamma Γ上,我们有,
∫ Γ ∇ Γ ( u − U ) ⋅ ∇ Γ V = ∫ γ ∇ γ u ~ ⋅ ∇ γ V ~ + ∫ Γ ∇ Γ u ⋅ E Γ ∇ Γ V − ∫ Γ F V \int_{\Gamma} \nabla_{\Gamma}(u-U) \cdot \nabla_{\Gamma} V=\int_{\gamma} \nabla_{\gamma} \widetilde{u} \cdot \nabla_{\gamma} \widetilde{V}+\int_{\Gamma} \nabla_{\Gamma} u \cdot \mathbf{E}_{\Gamma} \nabla_{\Gamma} V-\int_{\Gamma} F V ΓΓ(uU)ΓV=γγu γV +ΓΓuEΓΓVΓFV


Γ \Gamma Γ上的一致庞加莱估计

 (82)  ∥ v ∥ L 2 ( Γ ) ≲ ∥ ∇ v ∥ L 2 ( Γ ) ∀ v ∈ H # 1 ( Γ ) \begin{array}{ll}{\text { (82) }} & {\|v\|_{L_{2}(\Gamma)} \lesssim\|\nabla v\|_{L_{2}(\Gamma)} \quad \forall v \in H_{\#}^{1}(\Gamma)}\end{array}  (82) vL2(Γ)vL2(Γ)vH#1(Γ)


 (83)  λ T : = ∥ D ( P − I T P ) ∥ L ∞ ( T ) = ∥ D P − I ∥ L ∞ ( T ) ∀ T ∈ T \text { (83) } \quad \lambda_{T}:=\left\|D\left(\mathbf{P}-\mathcal{I}_{\mathcal{T}} \mathbf{P}\right)\right\|_{L_{\infty}(T)}=\|D \mathbf{P}-\mathbf{I}\|_{L_{\infty}(T)} \quad \forall T \in \mathcal{T}  (83) λT:=D(PITP)L(T)=DPIL(T)TT

 (84)  λ T ( Γ ) : = max ⁡ T ∈ T λ T \begin{array}{ll}{\text { (84) }} & {\lambda_{\mathcal{T}}(\Gamma):=\max _{T \in \mathcal{T}} \lambda_{T}}\end{array}  (84) λT(Γ):=maxTTλT

( 85 ) max ⁡ y ∈ T ˉ ∣ D ( χ T − X T ) ( y ) ∣ min ⁡ { ∣ D − χ T ( y ) ∣ , ∣ D − X T ( y ) ∣ } ≤ S χ λ T ∀ T ∈ T (85) \quad \max _{\mathbf{y} \in \bar{T}} \frac{\left|D\left(\chi_{T}-\mathbf{X}_{T}\right)(\mathbf{y})\right|}{\min \left\{\left|D^{-} \chi_{T}(\mathbf{y})\right|,\left|D^{-} \mathbf{X}_{T}(\mathbf{y})\right|\right\}} \leq S_{\chi} \lambda_{T} \quad \forall T \in \mathcal{T} (85)yTˉmaxmin{DχT(y),DXT(y)}D(χTXT)(y)SχλTTT

另外定义两个量,他们是 h T h_T hT的高阶无穷小量,
 (86)  β T : = ∥ P − I T P ∥ L ∞ ( T ) , β T ( Γ ) : = max ⁡ T ∈ T β T \begin{array}{ll}{\text { (86) }} & {\beta_{T}:=\left\|\mathbf{P}-\mathcal{I}_{\mathcal{T}} \mathbf{P}\right\|_{L_{\infty}(T)}, \quad \beta_{\mathcal{T}}(\Gamma):=\max _{T \in \mathcal{T}} \beta_{T}}\end{array}  (86) βT:=PITPL(T),βT(Γ):=maxTTβT
( 87 ) μ T : = β T + λ T 2 , μ T ( Γ ) : = max ⁡ T ∈ T μ T (87) \quad \mu_{T}:=\beta_{T}+\lambda_{T}^{2}, \quad \mu_{\mathcal{T}}(\Gamma):=\max _{T \in \mathcal{T}} \mu_{T} (87)μT:=βT+λT2,μT(Γ):=TTmaxμT


 Corollary  32  (geometric consistency errors for  C 1 , α  surfaces). If  X  and  χ  satisfy  ( 67 )  and  ( 68 ) ,  then for all  T ∈ T  we have   (88)  ∥ 1 − q − 1 q Γ ∥ L ∞ ( T ^ ) , ∥ I − grg ⁡ − 1 ∥ L ∞ ( T ^ ) , ∥ ν Γ − ν ∥ L ∞ ( T ) ≲ λ T  where the hidden constants depend on  S χ ≈ 1  defined in  ( 38 ) .  Moreover,   (89)  ∥ E ∥ L ∞ ( T ^ ) + ∥ E Γ ∥ L ∞ ( T ^ ) ≲ λ T ∀ T ∈ T \begin{array}{l}{\text { Corollary } 32 \text { (geometric consistency errors for } C^{1, \alpha} \text { surfaces). If } \mathrm{X} \text { and } \chi \text { satisfy }} \\ {(67) \text { and }(68), \text { then for all } T \in \mathcal{T} \text { we have }} \\ {\begin{array}{ll}{\text { (88) }\left\|1-q^{-1} q_{\Gamma}\right\|_{L_{\infty}(\widehat{T})},\left\|\mathbf{I}-\operatorname{grg}^{-1}\right\|_{L_{\infty}(\widehat{T})},\left\|\nu_{\Gamma}-\nu\right\|_{L_{\infty}(T)} \lesssim \lambda_{T}} \\ {\text { where the hidden constants depend on } S_{\chi} \approx 1 \text { defined in }(38) . \text { Moreover, }} \\ {\text { (89) }} & {\|\mathbf{E}\|_{L_{\infty}(\widehat{T})}+\left\|\mathbf{E}_{\Gamma}\right\|_{L_{\infty}(\widehat{T})} \lesssim \lambda_{T} \quad \forall T \in \mathcal{T}}\end{array}}\end{array}  Corollary 32 (geometric consistency errors for C1,α surfaces). If X and χ satisfy (67) and (68), then for all TT we have  (88) 1q1qΓL(T ),Igrg1L(T ),νΓνL(T)λT where the hidden constants depend on Sχ1 defined in (38). Moreover,  (89) EL(T )+EΓL(T )λTTT
这个证明和自然而然。用一下引理16和24。(88)的表达通通小于 λ ∞ \lambda_\infty λ,用(85)放一下即可。 E E E的估计用(47)。


 (90)  β T ( Γ ) < 1 2 K ∞ ⇒ Γ ⊂ N \begin{array}{ll}{\text { (90) }} & {{ \beta }_\mathcal{T}(\Gamma)<\frac{1}{2 K_{\infty}} \Rightarrow \Gamma \subset \mathcal{N}}\end{array}  (90) βT(Γ)<2K1ΓN
其次,要让两个不同的投影走一个来回还是属于一个macro patches。
( 91 ) P d ∘ P − 1 ( T ~ ) ⊂ ω ~ T ∀ T ∈ T (91) \quad \mathrm{P}_{d} \circ \mathrm{P}^{-1}(\widetilde{T}) \subset \widetilde{\omega}_{T} \quad \forall T \in \mathcal{T} (91)PdP1(T )ω TTT
( 92 ) ∣ x ~ − P d ∘ P − 1 ( x ~ ) ∣ = ∣ P ( x ) − P d ( x ) ∣ ≤ 2 β T ∀ x ∈ T (92) \quad\left|\widetilde{\mathbf{x}}-\mathbf{P}_{d} \circ \mathbf{P}^{-1}(\widetilde{\mathbf{x}})\right|=\left|\mathbf{P}(\mathbf{x})-\mathbf{P}_{d}(\mathbf{x})\right| \leq 2 \beta_{T} \quad \forall \mathbf{x} \in T (92)x PdP1(x )=P(x)Pd(x)2βTxT

 Corollary  33  (geometric consistency errors for  C 2  surfaces). If  ( 90 )  and  ( 74 )  hold, then so do the following estimates for all  T ∈ T  (93)  ∥ d ∥ L ∞ ( T ) ≲ β T , ∥ ν − ν Γ ∥ L ∞ ( T ) ≲ λ T , ∥ 1 − q − 1 q Γ ∥ L ∞ ( T ) ≲ μ T  where all the geometric quantities are defined using the parametrizations  χ = P d ∘ X  and  X .  Moreover,   (94)  ∥ E ∥ L ∞ ( T ) , ∥ E Γ ∥ L ∞ ( T ) ≲ μ T ∀ T ∈ T \begin{array}{l}{\text { Corollary } 33 \text { (geometric consistency errors for } C^{2} \text { surfaces). If }(90) \text { and }(74)} \\ {\text { hold, then so do the following estimates for all } T \in \mathcal{T}} \\ {\text { (93) }\|d\|_{L_{\infty}(T)} \lesssim \beta_{T}, \quad\left\|\nu-\nu_{\Gamma}\right\|_{L_{\infty}(T)} \lesssim \lambda_{T}, \quad\left\|1-q^{-1} q_{\Gamma}\right\|_{L_{\infty}(T)} \lesssim \mu_{T}} \\ {\text { where all the geometric quantities are defined using the parametrizations } \chi=\mathbf{P}_{d} \circ \mathbf{X}} \\ {\text { and } \mathbf{X} . \text { Moreover, }} \\ {\begin{array}{llll}{\text { (94) }} & {\|\mathbf{E}\|_{L_{\infty}(T)},\left\|\mathbf{E}_{\Gamma}\right\|_{L_{\infty}(T)}} & {\lesssim \mu_{T}} & {\forall T \in \mathcal{T}}\end{array}}\end{array}  Corollary 33 (geometric consistency errors for C2 surfaces). If (90) and (74) hold, then so do the following estimates for all TT (93) dL(T)βT,ννΓL(T)λT,1q1qΓL(T)μT where all the geometric quantities are defined using the parametrizations χ=PdX and X. Moreover,  (94) EL(T),EΓL(T)μTTT
由上可以得到一些有用的结果,利用 ω ~ \tilde \omega ω~的利普希茨性质,可以有,
∣ w ~ ( x ~ ) − w ~ ( P d ∘ P − 1 ( x ~ ) ) ∣ ≤ ∥ ∇ γ w ~ ∥ L ∞ ( ω ~ T ) ∣ x ~ − P d ∘ P − 1 ( x ~ ) ∣ ≤ 2 ∥ ∇ γ w ~ ∥ L ∞ ( ω ~ T ) β T \left|\widetilde{w}(\widetilde{\mathbf{x}})-\widetilde{w}\left(\mathbf{P}_{d} \circ \mathbf{P}^{-1}(\widetilde{\mathbf{x}})\right)\right| \leq\left\|\nabla_{\gamma} \widetilde{w}\right\|_{L_{\infty}\left(\widetilde{\omega}_{T}\right)}\left|\widetilde{\mathbf{x}}-\mathbf{P}_{d} \circ \mathbf{P}^{-1}(\widetilde{\mathbf{x}})\right| \leq 2\left\|\nabla_{\gamma} \widetilde{w}\right\|_{L_{\infty}\left(\widetilde{\omega}_{T}\right)} \beta_{T} w (x )w (PdP1(x ))γw L(ω T)x PdP1(x )2γw L(ω T)βT

 Proposition 34 (mismatch between  P  and  P d  ). Assume that (67) as well as the   assumptions (74), (90) and (91) hold. Then there exists  λ ∗ > 0  such for  w ~ ∈ H 1 ( γ )  and  T ∈ T  we have  ∥ w ~ − w ~ ∘ P d ∘ P − 1 ∥ L 2 ( T ~ ) ≲ β T ∥ w ~ ∥ H 1 ( ω ~ T )  provided  λ T ≤ λ ∗  and  ω ~ T  is a patch in  γ  around  T ~ . \begin{array}{l}{\text { Proposition 34 (mismatch between } \mathbf{P} \text { and } \mathbf{P}_{d} \text { ). Assume that (67) as well as the }} \\ {\text { assumptions (74), (90) and (91) hold. Then there exists } \lambda_{*}>0 \text { such for } \widetilde{w} \in H^{1}(\gamma)} \\ {\text { and } T \in \mathcal{T} \text { we have }} \\ {\qquad\left\|\widetilde{w}-\widetilde{w} \circ \mathbf{P}_{d} \circ \mathbf{P}^{-1}\right\|_{L_{2}(\widetilde{T})} \lesssim \beta_{T}\|\widetilde{w}\|_{H^{1}\left(\widetilde{\omega}_{T}\right)}} \\ {\text { provided } \lambda_{T} \leq \lambda_{*} \text { and } \widetilde{\omega}_{T} \text { is a patch in } \gamma \text { around } \widetilde{T} .}\end{array}  Proposition 34 (mismatch between P and Pd ). Assume that (67) as well as the  assumptions (74), (90) and (91) hold. Then there exists λ>0 such for w H1(γ) and TT we have w w PdP1L2(T )βTw H1(ω T) provided λTλ and ω T is a patch in γ around T .

  • reduce到 R n \mathbb{R}^{n} Rn
  • 光滑化
  • 估计各项
  • ϵ \epsilon ϵ的界

∥ w ~ − w ~ ∘ ψ ∥ L 2 ( T ~ ) ≲ h T n / 2 ∥ w ^ − w ^ ∘ ψ ^ ∥ L 2 ( T ^ ) \|\widetilde{w}-\widetilde{w} \circ \psi\|_{L_{2}(\widetilde{T})} \lesssim h_{T}^{n / 2}\|\widehat{w}-\widehat{w} \circ \widehat{\psi}\|_{L_{2}(\widehat{T})} w w ψL2(T )hTn/2w w ψ L2(T )

∥ w ^ − w ^ ∘ ψ ^ ∥ L 2 ( T ^ ) ≲ ∥ w ^ − w ^ ε ∥ L 2 ( T ^ ) + ∥ w ^ ε − w ^ ε ∘ ψ ^ ∥ L 2 ( T ^ ) + ∥ w ^ ε ∘ ψ ^ − w ^ ∘ ψ ^ ∥ L 2 ( T ^ ) \|\widehat{w}-\widehat{w} \circ \widehat{\psi}\|_{L_{2}(\widehat{T})} \lesssim\left\|\widehat{w}-\widehat{w}_{\varepsilon}\right\|_{L_{2}(\widehat{T})}+\left\|\widehat{w}_{\varepsilon}-\widehat{w}_{\varepsilon} \circ \widehat{\psi}\right\|_{L_{2}(\widehat{T})}+\left\|\widehat{w}_{\varepsilon} \circ \widehat{\psi}-\widehat{w} \circ \widehat{\psi}\right\|_{L_{2}(\widehat{T})} w w ψ L2(T )w w εL2(T )+w εw εψ L2(T )+w εψ w ψ L2(T )

∥ w ^ − w ^ ε ∥ L 2 ( T ^ ) ≲ ε ∣ w ^ ∣ H 1 ( R n ) ≲ ε ∣ w ^ ∣ H 1 ( ω ^ T ) \left\|\widehat{w}-\widehat{w}_{\varepsilon}\right\|_{L_{2}(\widehat{T})} \lesssim \varepsilon|\widehat{w}|_{H^{1}\left(\mathbb{R}^{n}\right)} \lesssim \varepsilon|\widehat{w}|_{H^{1}\left(\widehat{\omega}_{T}\right)} w w εL2(T )εw H1(Rn)εw H1(ω T)

∥ ( w ^ ε − w ^ ) ∘ ψ ^ ∥ L 2 ( T ^ ) ≲ ∥ w ^ ε − w ^ ∥ L 2 ( ω ^ T ) ≲ ε ∣ w ^ ∣ H 1 ( ω ^ T ) \left\|\left(\widehat{w}_{\varepsilon}-\widehat{w}\right) \circ \widehat{\psi}\right\|_{L_{2}(\widehat{T})} \lesssim\left\|\widehat{w}_{\varepsilon}-\widehat{w}\right\|_{L_{2}\left(\widehat{\omega}_{T}\right)} \lesssim \varepsilon|\widehat{w}|_{H^{1}\left(\widehat{\omega}_{T}\right)} (w εw )ψ L2(T )w εw L2(ω T)εw H1(ω T)

∥ w ^ ε − w ^ ε ∘ ψ ^ ∥ L 2 ( T ^ ) 2 ≲ ε n ∑ i ∥ w ^ ε − w ^ ε ∘ ψ ^ ∥ L ∞ ( B ( y i , ε ) ∩ T ^ ) ≲ ε 2 ∑ i ∣ w ^ ∣ H 1 2 ( B ( y i , 3 ε ) ) ≲ ε 2 ∣ w ^ ∣ H 1 ( R n ) 2 ≲ ε 2 ∣ w ^ ∣ H 1 ( ω ^ T ) 2 \begin{aligned}\left\|\widehat{w}_{\varepsilon}-\widehat{w}_{\varepsilon} \circ \widehat{\psi}\right\|_{L_{2}(\widehat{T})}^{2} & \lesssim \varepsilon^{n} \sum_{i}\left\|\widehat{w}_{\varepsilon}-\widehat{w}_{\varepsilon} \circ \widehat{\psi}\right\|_{L_{\infty}\left(B\left(\mathbf{y}_{i}, \varepsilon\right) \cap \widehat{T}\right)} \\ & \lesssim \varepsilon^{2} \sum_{i}|\widehat{w}|_{H^{1}}^{2}\left(B\left(\mathbf{y}_{i}, 3 \varepsilon\right)\right) \lesssim \varepsilon^{2}|\widehat{w}|_{H^{1}\left(\mathbb{R}^{n}\right)}^{2} \lesssim \varepsilon^{2}|\widehat{w}|_{H^{1}\left(\widehat{\omega}_{T}\right)}^{2} \end{aligned} w εw εψ L2(T )2εniw εw εψ L(B(yi,ε)T )ε2iw H12(B(yi,3ε))ε2w H1(Rn)2ε2w H1(ω T)2

估计 ϵ \epsilon ϵ……
ε ≤ 2 L h T − 1 β T \varepsilon \leq 2 L h_{T}^{-1} \beta_{T} ε2LhT1βT

∥ w ~ − w ~ ∘ ψ ∥ L 2 ( T ~ ) 2 ≲ h T n ∥ w ^ − w ^ ∘ ψ ^ ∥ L 2 ( T ^ ) 2 ≲ h T n ε 2 ∣ w ^ ∣ H 1 ( ω ^ T ) 2 ≲ h T n h T − 2 β T 2 h T 2 − n ∣ w ~ ∣ H 1 ( w ~ T ) 2 = β T 2 ∣ w ~ ∣ H 1 ( ω ~ T ) 2 \begin{aligned}\|\widetilde{w}-\widetilde{w} \circ \psi\|_{L_{2}(\widetilde{T})}^{2} & \lesssim h_{T}^{n}\|\widehat{w}-\widehat{w} \circ \widehat{\psi}\|_{L_{2}(\widehat{T})}^{2} \lesssim h_{T}^{n} \varepsilon^{2}|\widehat{w}|_{H^{1}\left(\widehat{\omega}_{T}\right)}^{2} \\ & \lesssim h_{T}^{n} h_{T}^{-2} \beta_{T}^{2} h_{T}^{2-n}|\widetilde{w}|_{H^{1}\left(\widetilde{w}_{T}\right)}^{2}=\beta_{T}^{2}|\widetilde{w}|_{H^{1}\left(\widetilde{\omega}_{T}\right)}^{2} \end{aligned} w w ψL2(T )2hTnw w ψ L2(T )2hTnε2w H1(ω T)2hTnhT2βT2hT2nw H1(w T)2=βT2w H1(ω T)2

 Proposition 35 (Lipschitz perturbation). Let  Ω 1 , Ω 2 ⊂ ⊂ Ω ⊂ R n + 1  be Lipschitz  bounded domains and  L : Ω 1 → Ω 2  be a bi-Lipschitz isomorphism. If  r : = max ⁡ x ∈ Ω 1 ∣ L ( x ) − x ∣  is sufficiently small so that  ( Ω 1 ∪ Ω 2 ) + B ( 0 , r ) ⊂ Ω  then for all  g ∈ H 1 ( Ω )  we have  ∥ g − g ∘ L ∥ L 2 ( Ω 1 ) ≲ r ∥ g ∥ H 1 ( Ω ) \begin{array}{l}{\text { Proposition 35 (Lipschitz perturbation). Let } \Omega_{1}, \Omega_{2} \subset \subset \Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^{n+1} \text { be Lipschitz}} \\ {\text { bounded domains and } \mathbf{L}: \Omega_{1} \rightarrow \Omega_{2} \text { be a bi-Lipschitz isomorphism. If }} \\ {\qquad r:=\max _{\mathbf{x} \in \Omega_{1}}|\mathbf{L}(\mathbf{x})-\mathbf{x}|} \\ {\text { is sufficiently small so that }\left(\Omega_{1} \cup \Omega_{2}\right)+B(0, r) \subset \Omega \text { then for all } g \in H^{1}(\Omega) \text { we have }} \\ {\qquad\|g-g \circ \mathbf{L}\|_{L^{2}\left(\Omega_{1}\right)} \lesssim r\|g\|_{H^{1}(\Omega)}}\end{array}  Proposition 35 (Lipschitz perturbation). Let Ω1,Ω2ΩRn+1 be Lipschitz bounded domains and L:Ω1Ω2 be a bi-Lipschitz isomorphism. If r:=maxxΩ1L(x)x is sufficiently small so that (Ω1Ω2)+B(0,r)Ω then for all gH1(Ω) we have ggLL2(Ω1)rgH1(Ω)



 Lemma  36  (approximability in  H 1 ( Γ ) ) .  Let  γ  be a surface of class  C 2  and  u ~ ∈ H 2 ( γ ) .  Let  K ∞  be defined in  ( 30 )  and  β T ( Γ )  be given in  ( 86 ) .  Then we have   (95)  inf ⁡ V ∈ V ( T ) ∥ ∇ Γ ( u ~ ∘ P d − V ) ∥ L 2 ( Γ ) ≲ h T ∣ u ~ ∣ H 2 ( γ ) + β T ( Γ ) K ∞ ∥ ∇ γ u ~ ∥ L 2 ( γ ) \begin{array}{l}{ \text { Lemma }\left.36 \text { (approximability in } H^{1}(\Gamma)\right) . \text { Let } \gamma \text { be a surface of class } C^{2} \text { and } \widetilde{u} \in} \\ {H^{2}(\gamma) . \text { Let } K_{\infty} \text { be defined in }(30) \text { and } \beta_{\mathcal{T}}(\Gamma) \text { be given in }(86) . \text { Then we have }} \\ {\begin{array}{llll}{\text { (95) }} & {\inf _{V \in \mathrm{V}(\mathcal{T})}\left\|\nabla_{\Gamma}\left(\widetilde{u} \circ \mathbf{P}_{d}-V\right)\right\|_{L_{2}(\Gamma)}} & {\lesssim h_{\mathcal{T}}|\widetilde{u}|_{H^{2}(\gamma)}+\beta_{\mathcal{T}}(\Gamma) K_{\infty}\left\|\nabla_{\gamma} \widetilde{u}\right\|_{L_{2}(\gamma)}}\end{array}}\end{array}  Lemma 36 (approximability in H1(Γ)). Let γ be a surface of class C2 and u H2(γ). Let K be defined in (30) and βT(Γ) be given in (86). Then we have  (95) infVV(T)Γ(u PdV)L2(Γ)hTu H2(γ)+βT(Γ)Kγu L2(γ)
这个引理告诉我们的是,解在 H 1 H^1 H1空间中逼近的下界是可控的。
( 96 ) inf ⁡ V ∈ V ( T ) ∥ ∇ Γ ( u ~ ∘ P d − V ) ∥ L 2 ( Γ ) 2 ≲ ∑ T ∈ T inf ⁡ V T ∈ V ( T ) ∥ ∇ Γ ( u ~ ∘ P d − V T ) ∥ L 2 ( T ) 2 (96) \quad \inf _{V \in \mathbf{V}(\mathcal{T})}\left\|\nabla_{\Gamma}\left(\widetilde{u} \circ \mathbf{P}_{d}-V\right)\right\|_{L_{2}(\Gamma)}^{2} \lesssim \sum_{T \in \mathcal{T}} \inf _{V_{T} \in \mathbf{V}(T)}\left\|\nabla_{\Gamma}\left(\widetilde{u} \circ \mathbf{P}_{d}-V_{T}\right)\right\|_{L_{2}(T)}^{2} (96)VV(T)infΓ(u PdV)L2(Γ)2TTVTV(T)infΓ(u PdVT)L2(T)2

下面是 H 1 H^1 H1先验误差估计:
 Theorem  37 ( H 1  a-priori error estimate for  C 2  surfaces). Let  γ  be of class  C 2 f ~ ∈ L 2 , # ( γ )  and  u ~ ∈ H 2 ( γ )  be the solution of  ( 18 ) .  Let  U ∈ V # ( T )  be the solution   to  ( 78 )  with  F = f ~ ∘ P q q r  defined via the lift  P .  If the geometric assumptions  ( 69 ) ,  (90), and (91) are valid, then  ∥ ∇ Γ ( u ~ ∘ P − U ) ∥ L 2 ( Γ ) ≲ ( h T + λ τ ( Γ ) ) ∥ f ~ ∥ L 2 ( γ ) ≲ h τ ∥ f ~ ∥ L 2 ( γ )  as well as  ∥ ∇ Γ ( u ~ ∘ P d − U ) ∥ L 2 ( Γ ) ≲ ( h T + μ T ( Γ ) ) ∥ f ~ ∥ L 2 ( γ ) ≲ h T ∥ f ~ ∥ L 2 ( γ ) \begin{array}{l}{\text { Theorem } 37\left(H^{1} \text { a-priori error estimate for } C^{2} \text { surfaces). Let } \gamma \text { be of class } C^{2}\right.} \\ {\tilde{f} \in L_{2, \#}(\gamma) \text { and } \widetilde{u} \in H^{2}(\gamma) \text { be the solution of }(18) . \text { Let } U \in \mathbb{V}_{\#}(\mathcal{T}) \text { be the solution }} \\ {\text { to }(78) \text { with } F=\widetilde{f} \circ \mathbf{P} \frac{q}{q_{\mathrm{r}}} \text { defined via the lift } \mathbf{P} . \text { If the geometric assumptions }(69),} \\ {\text { (90), and (91) are valid, then }} \\ {\qquad\left\|\nabla_{\Gamma}(\widetilde{u} \circ \mathbf{P}-U)\right\|_{L_{2}(\Gamma)} \lesssim(h _\mathcal{T}+\lambda \tau(\Gamma))\|\widetilde{f}\|_{L_{2}(\gamma)} \lesssim h \tau\|\widetilde{f}\|_{L_{2}(\gamma)}} \\ {\text { as well as }} \\ {\qquad\left\|\nabla_{\Gamma}\left(\widetilde{u} \circ \mathbf{P}_{d}-U\right)\right\|_{L_{2}(\Gamma)} \lesssim\left(h_{\mathcal{T}}+\mu_{\mathcal{T}}(\Gamma)\right)\|\tilde{f}\|_{L_{2}(\gamma)} \lesssim h_{\mathcal{T}}\|\tilde{f}\|_{L_{2(\gamma)}}}\end{array}  Theorem 37(H1 a-priori error estimate for C2 surfaces). Let γ be of class C2f~L2,#(γ) and u H2(γ) be the solution of (18). Let UV#(T) be the solution  to (78) with F=f Pqrq defined via the lift P. If the geometric assumptions (69), (90), and (91) are valid, then Γ(u PU)L2(Γ)(hT+λτ(Γ))f L2(γ)hτf L2(γ) as well as Γ(u PdU)L2(Γ)(hT+μT(Γ))f~L2(γ)hTf~L2(γ)
这个估计表明了参数化方法在 H 1 H^1 H1空间中的一阶收敛性。

L 2 L^2 L2空间中,我们也有相应的估计:
 Theorem 38 (  L 2  a-priori error estimate for  C 2  surfaces). Let  γ  be of class  C 2  and   be described by a generic lift  P  of class  C 2 .  Let the geometric conditions  ( 69 ) ,  ,   and  ( 91 )  be satisfied. Let  u ~ ∈ H # 1 ( γ )  solve  ( 19 )  and  U ∈ V # ( T )  solve  ( 78 )  with  F = f ~ ∘ P q q T .  Then   (97)  ∥ u ~ ∘ P − U ∥ L 2 ( Γ ) ≲ h T 2 ∥ f ~ ∥ L 2 ( γ ) \begin{array}{l}{\text { Theorem 38 ( } L_{2} \text { a-priori error estimate for } C^{2} \text { surfaces). Let } \gamma \text { be of class } C^{2} \text { and }} \\ {\text { be described by a generic lift } \mathbf{P} \text { of class } C^{2} . \text { Let the geometric conditions }(69), \text { , }} \\ {\text { and }(91) \text { be satisfied. Let } \widetilde{u} \in H_{\#}^{1}(\gamma) \text { solve }(19) \text { and } U \in \mathbb{V}_{\#}(\mathcal{T}) \text { solve }(78) \text { with }} \\ {F=\widetilde{f} \circ \mathbf{P} \frac{q}{q_{\mathrm{T}}} . \text { Then }} \\ {\begin{array}{ll}{\text { (97) }} & {\|\widetilde{u} \circ \mathbf{P}-U\|_{L_{2}(\Gamma)} \lesssim h_{\mathcal{T}}^{2}\|\widetilde{f}\|_{L_{2}(\gamma)}}\end{array}}\end{array}  Theorem 38 ( L2 a-priori error estimate for C2 surfaces). Let γ be of class C2 and  be described by a generic lift P of class C2. Let the geometric conditions (69), ,  and (91) be satisfied. Let u H#1(γ) solve (19) and UV#(T) solve (78) with F=f PqTq. Then  (97) u PUL2(Γ)hT2f L2(γ)
∫ γ ∇ γ z ~ ⋅ ∇ γ w ~ = ∫ γ ( u ~ − U ~ # ) w ~ ∀ w ~ ∈ H # 1 ( γ ) \int_{\gamma} \nabla_{\gamma} \widetilde{z} \cdot \nabla_{\gamma} \widetilde{w}=\int_{\gamma}\left(\widetilde{u}-\widetilde{U}_{\#}\right) \widetilde{w} \quad \forall \widetilde{w} \in H_{\#}^{1}(\gamma) γγz γw =γ(u U #)w w H#1(γ)
∫ Γ ∇ Γ Z ⋅ ∇ Γ W = ∫ Γ ( u # − U ) W , ∀ W ∈ V ( T ) \int_{\Gamma} \nabla_{\Gamma} Z \cdot \nabla_{\Gamma} W=\int_{\Gamma}\left(u_{\#}-U\right) W, \quad \forall W \in \mathbb{V}(\mathcal{T}) ΓΓZΓW=Γ(u#U)W,WV(T)
∥ u ~ − U ~ # ∥ L 2 ( γ ) 2 = ∫ γ ∇ γ ( u ~ − U ~ ) ⋅ ∇ γ ( z ~ − Z ~ ) + ∫ γ f ~ ( Z ∘ P d − 1 − Z ∘ P − 1 ) + ∫ γ ∇ γ U ~ ⋅ E ∇ γ Z ~ \begin{aligned}\left\|\widetilde{u}-\widetilde{U}_{\#}\right\|_{L_{2}(\gamma)}^{2} &=\int_{\gamma} \nabla_{\gamma}(\widetilde{u}-\widetilde{U}) \cdot \nabla_{\gamma}(\widetilde{z}-\widetilde{Z}) \\ &+\int_{\gamma} \widetilde{f}\left(Z \circ \mathbf{P}_{d}^{-1}-Z \circ \mathbf{P}^{-1}\right) \\ &+\int_{\gamma} \nabla_{\gamma} \widetilde{U} \cdot \mathbf{E} \nabla_{\gamma} \widetilde{Z} \end{aligned} u U #L2(γ)2=γγ(u U )γ(z Z )+γf (ZPd1ZP1)+γγU EγZ
上面的结论是对于 C 2 C^2 C2曲面的,我们相信,对于 C 3 C^3 C3曲面,取 P = P d \mathbf{P}=\mathbf{P}_{d} P=Pd,我们有更好的结论如下:
 (99)  ∥ u ~ ∘ P − U ∥ L 2 ( Γ ) ≲ h T 2 ∣ d ∣ W ∞ 2 ( N ) ∥ f ~ ∥ L 2 ( γ ) \begin{array}{ll}{\text { (99) }} & {\|\widetilde{u} \circ \mathbf{P}-U\|_{L_{2}(\Gamma)} \lesssim h_{\mathcal{T}}^{2}|d|_{W_{\infty}^{2}(\mathcal{N})}\|\widetilde{f}\|_{L_{2}(\gamma)}}\end{array}  (99) u PUL2(Γ)hT2dW2(N)f L2(γ)


对于C1曲面,我们同样有 H 1 H^1 H1空间中的逼近性质:
 Lemma  39  (approximability in  H 1 ( Γ ) ) .  Let  γ  be a surface of class  C 1 , α  and  u ~ ∈ H 1 + s ( γ ) ,  where  0 < s < α < 1  or  0 < s ≤ α = 1.  Then we have   (100)  inf ⁡ V ∈ V ( T ) ∥ ∇ Γ ( u ~ ∘ P − V ) ∥ L 2 ( Γ ) ≲ h T s ∣ u ~ ∣ H 1 + s ( γ ) \begin{array}{l}{ \text { Lemma }\left.39 \text { (approximability in } H^{1}(\Gamma)\right) . \text { Let } \gamma \text { be a surface of class } C^{1, \alpha} \text { and }} \\ {\widetilde{u} \in H^{1+s}(\gamma), \text { where } 0<s<\alpha<1 \text { or } 0<s \leq \alpha=1 . \text { Then we have }} \\ {\begin{array}{lll}{\text { (100) }} & {\inf _{V \in \mathbb{V}(\mathcal{T})}\left\|\nabla_{\Gamma}(\widetilde{u} \circ \mathbf{P}-V)\right\|_{L_{2}(\Gamma)} \lesssim h_{\mathcal{T}}^{s}|\widetilde{u}|_{H^{1+s}(\gamma)}}\end{array}}\end{array}  Lemma 39 (approximability in H1(Γ)). Let γ be a surface of class C1,α and u H1+s(γ), where 0<s<α<1 or 0<sα=1. Then we have  (100) infVV(T)Γ(u PV)L2(Γ)hTsu H1+s(γ)

那么C1曲面的 H 1 H^1 H1先验误差估计就变成了:
 Theorem  40 ( H 1  a-priori error estimate for  C 1 , α  surfaces). Let  γ  be of class  C 1 , α , 0 < α ≤ 1 ,  and assume that the geometric assumptions  ( 69 ) , ( 90 ) ,  and  ( 91 )  are   valid. Let  f ^ ∈ L 2 , # ( γ )  and  u ~ ∈ H 1 + s ( γ )  be the solution of  ( 18 )  and satisfy  \begin{array}{l}{\text { Theorem } 40\left(H^{1} \text { a-priori error estimate for } C^{1, \alpha} \text { surfaces). Let } \gamma \text { be of class } C^{1, \alpha},\right.} \\ {0<\alpha \leq 1, \text { and assume that the geometric assumptions }(69),(90), \text { and }(91) \text { are }} \\ {\text { valid. Let } \widehat{f} \in L_{2, \#}(\gamma) \text { and } \widetilde{u} \in H^{1+s}(\gamma) \text { be the solution of }(18) \text { and satisfy }}\end{array}  Theorem 40(H1 a-priori error estimate for C1,α surfaces). Let γ be of class C1,α,0<α1, and assume that the geometric assumptions (69),(90), and (91) are  valid. Let f L2,#(γ) and u H1+s(γ) be the solution of (18) and satisfy 
∥ u ~ ∥ H 1 + s ( γ ) ≲ ∥ f ~ ∥ L 2 ( γ )  provided  0 < s < α < 1  or  0 < s ≤ α = 1.  If  U ∈ V # ( T )  is the solution to  ( 78 )  with  F = f ~ ∘ P q q r  defined via the lift  P ,  then  ∥ ∇ Γ ( u ~ ∘ P − U ) ∥ L 2 ( Γ ) ≲ h T s ∥ u ~ ∥ H 1 + s ( γ ) + λ T ( Γ ) ∥ f ~ ∥ L 2 ( γ ) ≲ h T s ∥ f ~ ∥ L 2 ( γ ) \begin{array}{l}{\qquad\|\widetilde{u}\|_{H^{1+s}(\gamma)} \lesssim\|\tilde{f}\|_{L_{2}(\gamma)}} \\ {\text { provided } 0<s<\alpha<1 \text { or } 0<s \leq \alpha=1 . \text { If } U \in \mathbb{V}_{\#}(\mathcal{T}) \text { is the solution to }(78)} \\ {\text { with } F=\widetilde{f} \circ \mathbf{P} \frac{q}{q_{\mathrm{r}}} \text { defined via the lift } \mathbf{P}, \text { then }} \\ {\quad\left\|\nabla_{\Gamma}(\widetilde{u} \circ \mathbf{P}-U)\right\|_{L_{2}(\Gamma)} \lesssim h_{\mathcal{T}}^{s}\|\widetilde{u}\|_{H^{1+s}(\gamma)}+\lambda_{\mathcal{T}}(\Gamma)\|\tilde{f}\|_{L_{2}(\gamma)} \lesssim h_{\mathcal{T}}^{s}\|\tilde{f}\|_{L_{2}(\gamma)}}\end{array} u H1+s(γ)f~L2(γ) provided 0<s<α<1 or 0<sα=1. If UV#(T) is the solution to (78) with F=f Pqrq defined via the lift P, then Γ(u PU)L2(Γ)hTsu H1+s(γ)+λT(Γ)f~L2(γ)hTsf~L2(γ)


后验误差估计依赖于数值解 U U U和数据,但是不用到精确解 u ~ \tilde u u~

I T s z : H 1 ( Γ ) → V ( T ) \mathcal{I}_{\mathcal{T}}^{\mathrm{sz}}: H^{1}(\Gamma) \rightarrow \mathbb{V}(\mathcal{T}) ITsz:H1(Γ)V(T)
( 101 ) ∥ v − I T s z v ∥ L 2 ( T ) ≲ h T ∥ ∇ Γ v ∥ L 2 ( ω T ) , ∥ ∇ Γ I T s z v ∥ L 2 ( T ) ≲ ∥ ∇ Γ v ∥ L 2 ( ω T ) (101) \quad\left\|v-\mathcal{I}_{\mathcal{T}}^{\mathrm{sz}} v\right\|_{L^{2}(T)} \lesssim h_{T}\left\|\nabla_{\Gamma} v\right\|_{L^{2}\left(\omega_{T}\right)}, \quad\left\|\nabla_{\Gamma} \mathcal{I}_{\mathcal{T}}^{\mathrm{sz}} v\right\|_{L^{2}(T)} \lesssim\left\|\nabla_{\Gamma} v\right\|_{L^{2}\left(\omega_{T}\right)} (101)vITszvL2(T)hTΓvL2(ωT),ΓITszvL2(T)ΓvL2(ωT)

R T ( V ) : = F ∣ T + Δ Γ V ∣ T ∀ T ∈ T J S ( V ) : = ∇ Γ V + ∣ S ⋅ μ S + + ∇ Γ V − ∣ S ⋅ μ S − ∀ S ∈ S T \begin{aligned} R_{T}(V) &:=\left.F\right|_{T}+\left.\Delta_{\Gamma} V\right|_{T} \quad \forall T \in \mathcal{T} \\ J_{S}(V) &:=\left.\nabla_{\Gamma} V^{+}\right|_{S} \cdot \boldsymbol{\mu}_{S}^{+}+\left.\nabla_{\Gamma} V^{-}\right|_{S} \cdot \boldsymbol{\mu}_{S}^{-} \quad \forall S \in S_{\mathcal{T}} \end{aligned} RT(V)JS(V):=FT+ΔΓVTTT:=ΓV+SμS++ΓVSμSSST
η T ( V , T ) 2 : = h T 2 ∥ R T ( V ) ∥ L 2 ( T ) 2 + h T ∥ J ∂ T ( V ) ∥ L 2 ( ∂ T ) 2 ∀ T ∈ T \eta _\mathcal{T}(V, T)^{2}:=h_{T}^{2}\left\|R_{T}(V)\right\|_{L^{2}(T)}^{2}+h_{T}\left\|J_{\partial T}(V)\right\|_{L^{2}(\partial T)}^{2} \quad \forall T \in \mathcal{T} ηT(V,T)2:=hT2RT(V)L2(T)2+hTJT(V)L2(T)2TT
η T ( V ) 2 : = ∑ T ∈ T η T ( V , T ) 2 \eta_{\mathcal{T}}(V)^{2}:=\sum_{T \in \mathcal{T}} \eta \mathcal{T}(V, T)^{2} ηT(V)2:=TTηT(V,T)2

 Theorem  41  (a-posteriori upper bound for  C 1 , α  surfaces). Let  γ  be of class  C 1 , α ,  be parametrized by  χ = P ∘ X  and satisfy the geometric assumption (69). Let  u ~ ∈ H 1 ( γ )  be the solution to  ( 18 )  and  U ∈ V # ( T )  be the solution to (78) with  F = f ~ ∘ P q q r ∈ L 2 , # ( Γ ) .  Then, for  U ~ : = U ∘ P − 1 : γ → R  we have  ∥ ∇ γ ( u ~ − U ~ ) ∥ L 2 ( γ ) 2 ≲ η T ( U ) 2 + λ T 2 ( Γ ) ∥ f ~ ∥ L 2 ( γ ) 2 \begin{array}{l}{\text { Theorem } 41 \text { (a-posteriori upper bound for } C^{1, \alpha} \text { surfaces). Let } \gamma \text { be of class } C^{1, \alpha},} \\ {\text { be parametrized by } \chi=\mathbf{P} \circ \mathbf{X} \text { and satisfy the geometric assumption (69). Let }} \\ {\widetilde{u} \in H^{1}(\gamma) \text { be the solution to }(18) \text { and } U \in \mathbb{V}_{\#}(\mathcal{T}) \text { be the solution to (78) with }} \\ {F=\tilde{f} \circ \mathbf{P} \frac{q}{q_{\mathrm{r}}} \in L_{2, \#}(\Gamma) . \text { Then, for } \tilde{U}:=U \circ \mathbf{P}^{-1}: \gamma \rightarrow \mathbb{R} \text { we have }} \\ {\qquad\left\|\nabla_{\gamma}(\widetilde{u}-\widetilde{U})\right\|_{L^{2}(\gamma)}^{2} \lesssim \eta_{\mathcal{T}}(U)^{2}+\lambda_{\mathcal{T}}^{2}(\Gamma)\|\widetilde{f}\|_{L_{2}(\gamma)}^{2}}\end{array}  Theorem 41 (a-posteriori upper bound for C1,α surfaces). Let γ be of class C1,α, be parametrized by χ=PX and satisfy the geometric assumption (69). Let u H1(γ) be the solution to (18) and UV#(T) be the solution to (78) with F=f~PqrqL2,#(Γ). Then, for U~:=UP1:γR we have γ(u U )L2(γ)2ηT(U)2+λT2(Γ)f L2(γ)2
( 102 ) ∫ γ ∇ γ ( u ~ − U ~ ) ⋅ ∇ γ v ~ = I 1 + I 2 + I 3 (102) \quad \int_{\gamma} \nabla_{\gamma}(\widetilde{u}-\widetilde{U}) \cdot \nabla_{\gamma} \widetilde{v}=I_{1}+I_{2}+I_{3} (102)γγ(u U )γv =I1+I2+I3
I 1 = − ∫ Γ ∇ Γ U ⋅ ∇ Γ ( v − V ) + ∫ Γ F ( v − V ) I 2 = ∫ γ ∇ γ U ~ ⋅ E ∇ γ v ~ I 3 = ∫ γ f ~ v ~ − ∫ Γ F v \begin{aligned} I_{1} &=-\int_{\Gamma} \nabla_{\Gamma} U \cdot \nabla_{\Gamma}(v-V)+\int_{\Gamma} F(v-V) \\ I_{2} &=\int_{\gamma} \nabla_{\gamma} \widetilde{U} \cdot \mathbf{E} \nabla_{\gamma} \widetilde{v} \\ I_{3} &=\int_{\gamma} \widetilde{f} \widetilde{v}-\int_{\Gamma} F v \end{aligned} I1I2I3=ΓΓUΓ(vV)+ΓF(vV)=γγU Eγv =γf v ΓFv
( 103 ) I 1 = ∑ T ∈ T ∫ T R T ( U ) ( v − V ) + ∑ S ∈ S ∫ S J S ( U ) ( v − V ) (103) \quad I_{1}=\sum_{T \in \mathcal{T}} \int_{T} R_{T}(U)(v-V)+\sum_{S \in \mathcal{S}} \int_{S} J_{S}(U)(v-V) (103)I1=TTTRT(U)(vV)+SSSJS(U)(vV)
( 104 ) I 1 ≲ η T ( U ) ∥ ∇ Γ v ∥ L 2 ( Γ ) ≲ η T ( U ) ∥ ∇ γ v ~ ∥ L 2 ( γ ) (104) \quad I_{1} \lesssim \eta_{\mathcal{T}}(U)\left\|\nabla_{\Gamma} v\right\|_{L^{2}(\Gamma)} \lesssim \eta_{\mathcal{T}}(U)\left\|\nabla_{\gamma} \tilde{v}\right\|_{L^{2}(\gamma)} (104)I1ηT(U)ΓvL2(Γ)ηT(U)γv~L2(γ)


 Theorem  42  (a-posteriori lower bound for  C 1 , α  surfaces). Under the same condi-   tions of Theorem  41  (a-posteriori upper bound for  C 1 , α  surfaces), we have  η T ( U , T ) 2 ≲ ∥ ∇ γ ( u ~ − U ~ ) ∥ L 2 ( ω ~ T ) 2 + osc ⁡ T ( F , ω T ) 2 + λ T 2 ( ω T ) \begin{array}{l}{\text { Theorem } 42 \text { (a-posteriori lower bound for } C^{1, \alpha} \text { surfaces). Under the same condi- }} \\ {\text { tions of Theorem } 41 \text { (a-posteriori upper bound for } C^{1, \alpha} \text { surfaces), we have }} \\ {\qquad \eta_{\mathcal{T}}(U, T)^{2} \lesssim\left\|\nabla_{\gamma}(\widetilde{u}-\widetilde{U})\right\|_{L^{2}\left(\widetilde{\omega}_{T}\right)}^{2}+\operatorname{osc}_{\mathcal{T}}\left(F, \omega_{T}\right)^{2}+\lambda_{\mathcal{T}}^{2}\left(\omega_{T}\right)}\end{array}  Theorem 42 (a-posteriori lower bound for C1,α surfaces). Under the same condi-  tions of Theorem 41 (a-posteriori upper bound for C1,α surfaces), we have ηT(U,T)2γ(u U )L2(ω T)2+oscT(F,ωT)2+λT2(ωT)

osc ⁡ T ( F , T ) 2 : = h T 2 ∥ F − F ˉ ∥ L 2 ( T ) 2 , osc ⁡ T ( F ) 2 : = ∑ T ∈ T osc ⁡ T ( F , T ) 2 \operatorname{osc} \mathcal{T}(F, T)^{2}:=h_{T}^{2}\|F-\bar{F}\|_{L^{2}(T)}^{2}, \quad \operatorname{osc} \mathcal{T}(F)^{2}:=\sum_{T \in \mathcal{T}} \operatorname{osc} \mathcal{T}(F, T)^{2} oscT(F,T)2:=hT2FFˉL2(T)2,oscT(F)2:=TToscT(F,T)2

 Theorem  43  (a-posteriori upper bound for  C 2  surfaces). Let  γ  be of class  C 2  and  ( 67 ) , ( 74 ) , ( 90 ) ,  and (91) hold. Let  u ~  be the solution of  ( 18 )  with  f ~ ∈ L 2 , # ( γ )  and  U ∈ V ( T )  be the solution to  ( 78 )  with  F = f ~ ∘ P q q r ,  where  q  corresponds to the   parametrization  χ = P ∘ X  of  γ  . Then  ∥ ∇ γ ( u ~ − U ∘ P d − 1 ) ∥ L 2 ( γ ) 2 ≲ η T ( U ) 2 + μ T 2 ( Γ ) ∥ f ~ ∥ L 2 ( γ ) 2 \begin{array}{l}{\text { Theorem } 43 \text { (a-posteriori upper bound for } C^{2} \text { surfaces). Let } \gamma \text { be of class } C^{2} \text { and }} \\ {(67),(74),(90), \text { and (91) hold. Let } \widetilde{u} \text { be the solution of }(18) \text { with } \widetilde{f} \in L_{2, \#}(\gamma) \text { and }} \\ {U \in \mathbb{V}(\mathcal{T}) \text { be the solution to }(78) \text { with } F=\widetilde{f} \circ \mathrm{P} \frac{q}{q_{\mathrm{r}}}, \text { where } q \text { corresponds to the }} \\ {\text { parametrization } \chi=\mathrm{P} \circ \mathrm{X} \text { of } \gamma \text { . Then }} \\ {\qquad\left\|\nabla_{\gamma}\left(\widetilde{u}-U \circ \mathbf{P}_{d}^{-1}\right)\right\|_{L_{2}(\gamma)}^{2} \lesssim \eta _\mathcal{T}(U)^{2}+\mu_{\mathcal{T}}^{2}(\Gamma)\|\tilde{f}\|_{L_{2}(\gamma)}^{2}}\end{array}  Theorem 43 (a-posteriori upper bound for C2 surfaces). Let γ be of class C2 and (67),(74),(90), and (91) hold. Let u  be the solution of (18) with f L2,#(γ) and UV(T) be the solution to (78) with F=f Pqrq, where q corresponds to the  parametrization χ=PX of γ . Then γ(u UPd1)L2(γ)2ηT(U)2+μT2(Γ)f~L2(γ)2
( 105 ) ∫ γ ∇ γ ( u ~ − U ~ ) ⋅ ∇ γ v ~ = I 1 + I 2 + I 3  with  I 1 = − ∫ Γ ∇ Γ U ⋅ ∇ Γ ( v − V ) + ∫ Γ F ( v − V ) I 2 = ∫ γ ∇ γ U ~ ⋅ E ∇ γ v ~ I 3 = ∫ γ f ~ v ~ − ∫ Γ F v \begin{array}{l}{(105) \quad \quad \int_{\gamma} \nabla_{\gamma}(\widetilde{u}-\widetilde{U}) \cdot \nabla_{\gamma} \widetilde{v}=I_{1}+I_{2}+I_{3}} \\ {\text { with }} \\ {\qquad \begin{aligned} I_{1} &=-\int_{\Gamma} \nabla_{\Gamma} U \cdot \nabla_{\Gamma}(v-V)+\int_{\Gamma} F(v-V) \\ I_{2} &=\int_{\gamma} \nabla_{\gamma} \widetilde{U} \cdot \mathbf{E} \nabla_{\gamma} \widetilde{v} \\ I_{3} &=\int_{\gamma} \widetilde{f} \tilde{v}-\int_{\Gamma} F v \end{aligned}}\end{array} (105)γγ(u U )γv =I1+I2+I3 with I1I2I3=ΓΓUΓ(vV)+ΓF(vV)=γγU Eγv =γf v~ΓFv
只不过这时候, I 3 I_3 I3不再等于0,而是:
( 106 ) I 3 = ∫ γ f ~ ( v ~ − v ~ ∘ P d ∘ P − 1 ) (106) \quad I_{3}=\int_{\gamma} \widetilde{f}\left(\widetilde{v}-\widetilde{v} \circ \mathbf{P}_{d} \circ \mathbf{P}^{-1}\right) (106)I3=γf (v v PdP1)
I 3 ≲ β T ( Γ ) ∥ f ~ ∥ L 2 ( γ ) ∥ ∇ γ v ~ ∥ L 2 ( γ ) I_{3} \lesssim \beta_{\mathcal{T}}(\Gamma)\|\tilde{f}\|_{L_{2}(\gamma)}\left\|\nabla_{\gamma} \tilde{v}\right\|_{L_{2}(\gamma)} I3βT(Γ)f~L2(γ)γv~L2(γ)

 Theorem  44  (a-posteriori lower bound for  C 2  surfaces). Under the same condi-   tions as Theorem  43  (a-posteriori upper bound for  C 2  surfaces), we have  η T ( U , T ) 2 ≲ ∥ ∇ γ ( u ~ − U ~ ) ∥ L 2 ( ω ~ T ) 2 + osc ⁡ T ( F , ω T ) 2 + μ T ( ω T ) 2  where  μ T ( ω T ) = max ⁡ T ′ ⊂ ω T μ T ′ \begin{array}{l}{\text { Theorem } 44 \text { (a-posteriori lower bound for } C^{2} \text { surfaces). Under the same condi- }} \\ {\text { tions as Theorem } 43 \text { (a-posteriori upper bound for } C^{2} \text { surfaces), we have }} \\ {\qquad \eta_{\mathcal{T}}(U, T)^{2} \lesssim\left\|\nabla_{\gamma}(\widetilde{u}-\widetilde{U})\right\|_{L^{2}\left(\widetilde{\omega}_{T}\right)}^{2}+\operatorname{osc}_{\mathcal{T}}\left(F, \omega_{T}\right)^{2}+\mu \mathcal{T}\left(\omega_{T}\right)^{2}} \\ {\text { where } \mu_{\mathcal{T}}\left(\omega_{T}\right)=\max _{T^{\prime} \subset \omega_{T}} \mu_{T^{\prime}}}\end{array}  Theorem 44 (a-posteriori lower bound for C2 surfaces). Under the same condi-  tions as Theorem 43 (a-posteriori upper bound for C2 surfaces), we have ηT(U,T)2γ(u U )L2(ω T)2+oscT(F,ωT)2+μT(ωT)2 where μT(ωT)=maxTωTμT





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