10 个Team Leader应该具备的特质(The 10 Effective Qualities of a Team Leader)

(原文链接:The 10 Effective Qualities of a Team Leader | Small Business - Chron.com

An effective team leader has a variety of traits and characteristics that encourage team members to follow him. Team leaders naturally possess certain qualities, such as compassion and integrity, or learn leadership skills through formal training and experience. The qualities of an effective team leader inspire the trust and respect of the team and stimulate production within the workplace. (比较牛的团队领导者有各种各样的能力或气质能够让团队愿意跟随他。团队领导一般都会自然的显示一些品质,比如同理心和诚信,也有通过一些正规的培训或者经历学习如何提高领导能力。比较好的团队领导者在工作中可以激发团队的潜力并做出比较有优质的产品)

1. A Clear Communicator (清晰的沟通能力)

Effective team leaders communicate clearly. Quality verbal and written communication skills allow leaders to present expectations to team members in a way workers can understand. Effective communication skills also allow team leaders to listen to the input of others.(优秀的领导可以清晰的进行沟通,比较好的语言组织能力和写作能力可以让领导者以大家能够理解的方式给大家安排活,同样也可以比较轻松的理解其他人给的反馈)

2. Strong Organization Skills (比较强的组织能力)

Effective team leaders possess exceptional organizational skills. Organizational skills help team leaders plan objectives and strategies, which allow team members to perform optimally. Organized team leaders put systems in place that maintain order and guide team members toward meeting company goals and objectives.(优秀的领导会展现出超强的组织能力,组织能力能够很好的帮助领导者制定计划和战略,从而保证队员能够最好的完成。有管理能力的领导者有自己的体系使得队员能够有条不紊的朝着公司的目标前进)

3. Confident in the Team (对团队的信心)

An effective team leader is confident in his abilities, as well as confident in the abilities of his team members. A confident leader is secure in the decisions he makes that affect his team. A self-confident team leader also reassures team members of his authority within the organization.(好的领导者对自己的能力及组员的能力都非常的有信心。一个有信心的老板做出的影响到员工的决定也是比较可靠的。自信的团队领导者反过来也会让组员感受到他组织能力的权威性。)

4. Respectful to Others (对他人的尊重)

A quality team leader is respectful of his team members. A respectful leader empowers employees by encouraging them to offer ideas about decisions that affect them. This lets team members know that the leader respects their input and opinions.(一个好的领导者对自己的组员是很尊重的。对于影响到组员的决定,他们会让员工提供一些自己的想法,这样可以让组员感受到领导还是比较尊重他们的说辞和想法的。)

5. Fair and Kind (公平且和蔼)

A quality team leader treats team members fairly. He is consistent with rewards and recognition, as well as disciplinary action. A fair leader ensures all employees receive the same treatment. (一个好的团队领导喆对于团队的所有成员都应该一视同仁,奖惩统一,保证每个员工都受到同样的对待。)

6. An Example of Integrity (正直的榜样)

An effective team leader is honest and open with his team members. Leaders who possess integrity gain the trust of team members because he does what he says he will do and treats others the same way he wants to be treated. (有效率的团队领导者对于自己的团队比较真诚并且开放的,就像他要求组员一样,通常会完成自己承诺的事情,以此来获得团队的信任)

7. Influential in Core Areas (关键领域的影响力)

Influential leaders help inspire the commitment of team members to meet company goals and objectives. Influential leaders also help manage change in the workplace by gaining the confidence of workers through effective decision making and communication. (有影响力的老板通常可以激发员工的工作热情完成公司的目标。有影响力的老板同样可以通过平时制定决策及交流获取下属的信任,从而对工作环境可以产生一些影响。)

8. Willing to Delegate (愿意放权)

Effective team leaders know how to share leadership through delegation. Delegating certain tasks to trustworthy team members allows the leader to focus on improving workplace functions and production. (有效率的领导者知道怎么放权给自己的组员,相信自己的组员并且给予他们一定权利,可以节约更多的时间关注自己想做的事情。)

9. Powerful Facilitator (强有力的引导力)

Effective team leaders are powerful facilitators. As a facilitator, team leaders help workers understand their goals. They also help organize an action plan to ensure team members meet their goals and objectives more efficiently. (有能力的团队领导往往都是很有引导力的,他们会让员工知道自己的目标是什么,而且也会制定一些方案让员工有效的完成自己的目标。)

10. A Skilled Negotiator (谈判高手)

Team leaders utilize negotiation skills to achieve results and reach an understanding in the event of a workplace conflict. Team leaders who negotiate effectively streamline the decision-making process, as well as solve problems for the best interest of everyone involved. (老板通过谈判技巧可以获得他们想要的结果,或者在有工作冲突的情况下达成一致,一般都会在做决定或者解决问题时起到很大的作用。)






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