Retargeting Paper List(研一)





The Computation of Disparity and Depth in Stereograms.


A Model of Saliency-Based Visual Attention for Rapid Scene Analysis. IEEE PAMI


Automatic Image Retargeting. Conference(ICMUM)


Automatic Image Retargeting with Fisheye-View Warping. ACM SUIST


FAT】Feature-aware Texturing. EACG

Video Retargeting:Automating Pan and Scan. ACM Multimedia


SC2D】Seam Carving for Content-Aware Image Resizing. ACM Siggraph

Dynamosaicing: Mosaicing of Dynamic Scenes. IEEE PAMI


ISC】Improved Seam Carving for Video Retargeting. ACM TOG

SNS】Optimized Scale-and-Stretch for Image Resizing. ACM Siggraph Asia

Stereo Processing by Semiglobal Matching and Mutual Information. IEEE PAMI

Summarizing Visual Data Using Bidirectional Similarity. IEEE CVPR

Shrinkability Maps for Content-Aware Video Resizing. Computer Graphics Forum

The Patch Transform and Its Applications to Image Editing. IEEE CVPR

Make3D: Learning 3D Scene Structure from a Single Still Image IEEE PAMI


SM】Shift-Map Image Editing. IEEE ICCV

MULTIOP】Multi-operator Media Retargeting. ACM TOG

Image Retargeting Using Mesh Parametrization. IEEE TMM

SV】A System for Retargeting of Streaming Video. ACM Siggraph Asia

Visual Media Retargeting. ACM Siggraph Asia

Adaptive Image and Video Retargeting Technique Based on Fourier Analysis. IEEE CVPR

Optimized Image Resizing Using Seam carving and Scaling. ACM TOG

A Shape-Preserving Approach to Image Resizing. Computer Graphics Forum

Optimizing Structure Preserving Embedded Deformation for Resizing Images and Vector Art. Computer Graphics Forum


A Comparative Study of Image Retargeting. ACM Siggraph Asia

A Survey of Image Retargeting Techniques. SPIE

DSC】Discontinuous Seam-Carving for Video Retargeting. IEEE CVPR

SC-LB】Scene Carving: Scene Consistent Image Retargeting. ECCV

Nonlinear Disparity Mapping for Stereoscopic 3D. ACM TOG

Content-aware Image Resizing by Quadratic Programming. IEEE CVPR workshop

Automatic Image Retargeting Evaluation Based on User Perception. ICIP


Content-Aware Display Adaptation and Interactive Editing for Stereoscopic Image. IEEE TMM

Fast Retargeting with Adaptive Grid Optimization. ICME

Grid-Based Retargeting with Transformation Consistency Smoothing. Springer

SIFT Flow: Dense Correspondence Across Scenes and Its Applications. IEEE PAMI

MGS】Maintaining Temporal Coherence in Video Retargeting Using Mosaic-Guided Scaling. IEEE TIP


Saliency Detection in the Compressed Domain for Adaptive Image Retargeting. IEEE TIP yumingfang

SLIC Superpixels Compared to State-of-th-art Superpixel Methods. IEEE PAMI

Multi-layered Image Retargeting. ICIP

A Line-Structure-Preserving Approach to Image Resizing. IEEE CVPR

Robust Image Retargeting via Axis-Aligned Deformation. Computer Graphics Forum

SW-LB】Scene Warping:Layer-based Stereoscopic Image Resizing. IEEE CVPR

Image Retargeting Quality Assessment: A Study of Subjective Scores and Objective Metrics. IEEE Journal STSP


SC3D】Stereo Seam Carving A Geometrically Consistent Approach. IEEE PAMI

Content-Driven Retargeting of Stereoscopic Images. IEEE SPL

Patch-based Image Warping for Content-Aware Retargeting. IEEE TMM

Depth Mapping for Stereoscopic Videos. IJCV


Stereoscopic Image Retargeting Based on 3D Saliency Detection. IEEE ICASSP yumingfang

Learning Visual Saliency for Stereoscopic Images. IEEE ICMEW yumingfang

Video Saliency Incorporating Spatiotemporal Cues and Uncertanity Weighting. IEEE TIP yumingfang

A Study of Image Retargeting Based on Seam Carving. Conference (ICMTMA)

A Performance Analysis for Seam Carving Algorithm. Journal IJASCSE

WARP】Non-homogeneous Content-driven Video-retargeting. IEEE ICCV

Region-Based Depth-Preserving Stereoscopic Image Retargeting. IEEE ICIP

Spatiotemporal Grid Flow for Video Retargeting. IEEE TIP

Objective Quality Assessment for Image Retargeting Based on Structural Similarity. IEEE ESTCS yumingfang

Multi-operator Retargeting Based on Perceptual Structural Similarity. ChinaSIP yumingfang

Saliency Detection for Stereoscopic Images. IEEE TIP yumingfang

Object-Coherence Warping for Stereoscopic Image Retargeting. IEEE CSVT


Analysis of Seam Carving Techniques for Image and Video Retargeting. Journal IJCA

Seam Searching-Based Pixel Fusion for Image Retargeting. IEEE CSVT

Depth-Preserving Warping for Stereo Image Retargeting. IEEE TIP

Pixel Fusion Based Stereo Image Retargeting. IEEE ICME

Retargeting Semantically-Rich Photos. IEEE TMM


Saliency-Based Stereoscopic Image Retargeting. Information Science yumingfang

A Performance Analysis of Seam Carving Alogrithm based on Energy Function.

Image Retargeting by Texture-Aware synthesis. IEEE TVCG

Optimized Multioperator Image Retargeting Based on Perceptual Similarity Measure. IEEE SMCS yumingfang

Efficient Content-based Cropping Using Visual Saliency and SLIC for Image Retargeting. IEEE ICCE

Fast Patch-wise Image Retargeting. IEEE ICIP

Stereoscopic Visual Attention Guided Seam Carving for Stereoscopic Image Retargeting. Journal of DisplayTechnology

Novel Evaluation Metrics for Seam Carving Based Image Retargeting IEEE ICIP


Depth-Preserving Stereo Image Retargeting Based on Pixel Fusion. IEEE TMM

QoE-guided Warping for Stereoscopic Image Retargeting. IEEE TIP

Asymmetrically Compressed Stereoscopic 3D Videos: Quality Assessment and Rate-distortion Performance Evaluation. IEEE TIP

Codebook Guided Feature-Preserving for Recognition-Oriented Image Retargeting. IEEE TIP

Fast Genetic Mult-operator Image Retargeting. VCIP

Learning to Rank Retargeted Images. IEEE CVPR

Mesh-based Image Retargeting with Spectral Graph Filtering. APSIPA

Weakly- and Self-Supervised Learning for Content-aware Deep Image Retargeting. IEEE ICCV

A Full Reference Quality Assessment Approach for Screen Content Images Based on High Order Derivative Variation Model. IEEE ISPACS

Toward the Perceptual Quality Evaluation of Compressed Light Field Images. IEEE TOB

Image Retargeting via Beltrami Representation. prprint

Perceptually Guided Photo Retargeting. IEEE TCYB


Image Retargetability. IEEE CVPR

Depth-Aware Stereo Video Retargeting. IEEE CVPR

A2-RL Aesthetics Aware Reinforcement Learning for Image Cropping. IEEE CVPR

Multiple-level Feature-based Measure for Retargeted Image Quality. IEEE TIP

Perceptually Aware Image Retargeting for Mobile Devices. IEEE TIP

评论 1




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