CVPR 2012 papers

本文汇总了CVPR 2012大会的口头报告(Orals)和海报展示(Posters)内容,涵盖了当年计算机视觉领域的前沿研究和技术,包括深度学习、图像识别等多个方向。


Micro Phase Shifting ( PDFproject)
Mohit Gupta, Shree Nayar
On Multiple Foreground Cosegmentation ( PDFsupplementary materialproject)
Gunhee Kim, Eric Xing
Face detection, pose estimation, and landmark localization in the wild ( PDF)
Xiangxin Zhu, Deva Ramanan
Supervised Hashing with Kernels ( PDF)
Wei Liu, Jun Wang, Rongrong Ji, Yu-Gang Jiang, Shih-Fu Chang
A Closed-Form Solution to Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo via Diffuse Maxima ( PDFtechnical report,project,code)
Paolo Favaro,  Thoma Papadhimitri
Camera Spectral Sensitivity Estimation from a Single Image under Unknown Illumination by using Fluorescence ( PDF)
Shuai Han, Yasuyuki Matsushita, Imari Sato, Takahiro Okabe, Yoichi Sato
Street-to-Shop: Cross-Scenario Clothing Retrieval via Parts Alignment and Auxiliary Set ( PDF)
Si Liu, Zheng Song, Guangcan LIU, Changsheng Xu, Hanqing Lu, Shuicheng YAN
Detecting activities of daily living in first-person camera views ( PDF)
Hamed Pirsiavash, Deva Ramanan
Weakly Supervised Structured Output Learning for Semantic Segmentation ( PDF)
Alexander Vezhnevets, Vittorio Ferrari, Joachim Buhmann
Progressive Graph Matching: Making a Move of Graphs via Probabilistic Voting ( PDFproject)
Minsu Cho, Kyoung Mu Lee
From Pixels to Physics: Probabilistic Color De-rendering ( PDF)
Ying Xiong, Kate Saenko, Trevor Darrell, Todd Zickler
Discriminative Illumination: Per-Pixel Classification of Raw Materials based on Optimal Projections of Spectral BRDF ( PDFproject,videos,results,software,dataset)
Jinwei Gu, Chao Liu
Contextual Boost for Pedestrian Detection ( PDF)
Yuanyuan Ding, Jing Xiao
Face Alignment by Explicit Shape Regression ( PDF)
Xudong Cao,  Yichen Wei, Fang Wen, Jian Sun
Accidental pinhole and pinspeck cameras: revealing the scene outside the picture ( PDF) - formely: Accidental images within indoor scenes
Antonio Torralba, William T. Freeman
On Template-Based Reconstruction from a Single View: Analytical Solutions and Proofs of Well-Posedness for Developable, Isometric and Conformal Surfaces ( PDF)
Adrien Bartoli, Yan Gérard, François Chadebecq
Jigsaw Puzzles with Pieces of Unknown Orientation ( PDF)
Andrew Gallagher
Understanding Collective Crowd Behaviors:Learning Mixture Model of Dynamic Pedestrian-Agents ( PDFprojectdataset)
Bolei ZhouXiaogang Wang
Learning Rotation-Aware Features: From Invariant Priors to Equivariant Descriptors ( PDF)
Uwe Schmidt, Stefan Roth
Are we ready for Autonomous Driving? ( PDFdataset)
Andreas Geiger, Philip Lenz, Raquel Urtasun
General and Nested Wiberg Minimization ( PDFsupplementary material)
Dennis Strelow
Decomposing Global Light Transport using Time of Flight Imaging ( PDF)
Di Wu, Ramesh Raskar, Amit Agrawal, Andreas Velten, Matthew O'Toole
Curvature-Based Regularization for Surface Approximation ( PDF)
Carl Olsson, Yuri Boykov
Max-Margin Early Event Detectors ( PDF)
Minh Hoai, Fernando DelaTorre
Geodesic Flow Kernel for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation ( PDF)
Boqing Gong, Yuan Shi, Fei Sha, Kristen Grauman
Teaching 3D Geometry to Deformable Part Models ( PDF)
Bojan Pepik, Michael Stark, Peter Gehler, Bernt Schiele
Surface Regions of Interest for Viewpoint Selection ( PDF)
George Leifman, Elizabeth Shtrom, Ayellet Tal
The Shape Boltzmann Machine: a Strong Model of Object Shape ( PDFprojectvideoscode)
S. M. Ali EslamiNicolas HeessJohn Winn
Query Sensitive Binary Code Ranking
Xiao Zhang, Lei Zhang, Heung-Yeung Shum
A-Optimal Non-negative Projection for Image Representation
Zheng Yang, Haifeng Liu
Finding Animals: Semantic Segmentation using Regions and Parts ( PDF)
Pablo Arbelaez, Bharath Hariharan, Chunhui Gu, Saurabh Gupta, Lubomir Bourdev, Jitendra Malik
A Unified Approach to Salient Object Detection via Low Rank Matrix Recovery ( PDF)
Xiaohui Shen, Ying Wu
Pedestrian detection at 100 frames per second ( PDFproject)
Rodrigo Benenson ( VISICS),  Markus Mathias ( VISICS),  Radu Timofte ( VISICS),  Luc Van Gool ( VISICS)
Video from Nearly Still: an Application to Low Frame-rate Gait Recognition
Naoki Akae, Al Mansur, Yasushi Makihara, Yasushi Yagi
Stream-based Joint Exploration-Exploitation Active Learning ( PDFprojectcode)
Chen Change Loy, Timothy Hospedales, Tao Xiang, Shaogang Gong
Affine-Invariant, Elastic Shape Analysis of Planar Contours
Darshan Bryner, Eric Klassen, Anuj Srivastava
Robust Visual Tracking via Multi-Task Sparse Learning ( PDF)
Tianzhu Zhang, Bernard Ghanem, Narendra Ahuja
Discriminative Virtual Views for Cross-View Action Recognition
Ruonan Li, Todd Zickler
Nonrigid Structure-from-Motion Factorization Made Easy
Yuchao Dai, Hongdong Li, Mingyi He
Autonomous Cleaning of Corrupted Scanned Documents - A Generative Modeling Approach ( PDFproject)
Zhenwen Dai, Jörg Lücke
Stochastic Gradient on the Grassmannian for Online Foreground and Background Separation in Subsampled Video ( PDF)
Laura Balzano, Arthur Szlam, Jun He
Beyond Spatial Pyramids: Receptive Field Learning for Pooled Image Features ( PDF)
Yangqing Jia, Chang Huang, Trevor Darrell
A Theory of Flat Refractive Geometry ( PDFprojectsupplementary material)
Amit Agrawal, Visesh Chari, Srikumar Ramalingam, Yuichi Taguchi
An Online Learned CRF Model for Multi-Target Tracking
Bo Yang, Ram Nevatia
What Are We Looking For: Towards Statistical Modeling of Saccadic Eye Movements and Visual Saliency
Xiaoshuai Sun, Hongxun Yao, Rongrong Ji, xianming Liu, Pengfei Xu
We are not Contortionist: Coupled Adaptive Learning for Head and Body Orientation Estimation in Surveillance Video ( PDF)
Cheng Chen,  Jean-Marc Odobez
Connected Contours: a Contour Completion Model that respects Closure-Effect ( PDF)
Yansheng Ming, Hongdong Li, Xuming He
Large-scale image classification with trace-norm regularization ( PDF)
Zaid Harchaoui, Matthijs Douze, Mattis Paulin, Miko Dudik, Jerome Malick


Multi-View Latent Variable Discriminative Models For Action Recognition ( PDF)
Yale Song, Louis-Philippe Morency, Randall Davis
Aligning Images in the Wild ( PDF)
Daniel Lin, Linlin Liu, Yasuyuki Matsushita, Kok Lim Low, Siying Liu
Detection by Detections: Non-parametric Detector Adaptation for a Video ( PDF)
Xiaoyu Wang, Gang Hua, Tony Han
Recognizing Scene Viewpoint using Panoramic Place Representation ( PDFDataset, source code, more results, analysis and project webpage)
Jianxiong Xiao (MIT), Krista A. Ehinger (MIT), Aude Oliva (MIT), Antonio Torralba (MIT)
Boosting Bottom-up and Top-down Visual Features for Saliency Estimation
Ali Borji
Three things everyone should know to improve object retrieval ( PDF)
Relja Arandjelovic, Andrew Zisserman
Multi-Target Tracking by Online Learning of Non-linear Motion Patterns and Robust Appearance Models ( PDF)
Bo Yang, Ram Nevatia
Learning Attention Map from Images
Yao Lu
Learning Robust and Discriminative Multi-Instance Distance for Cost Effective Video Classification
Hua Wang, Feiping Nie, Heng Huang
See All by Looking at A Few: Sparse Modeling for Finding Representative Objects ( PDF)
Ehsan Elhamifar, Guillermo Sapiro, Rene Vidal
Towards Compact Topical Descriptors
Ling-Yu Duan, Rongrong Ji, Jie Chen, Wen Gao
Sharing Features in Multi-class Boosting via Group Sparsity ( PDF)
Sakrapee Paisitkriangkrai, Chunhua Shen, Anton van den Hengel
Conditional Regression Forests for Human Pose Estimation ( PDF)
Min Sun, Pushmeet Kohli, Jamie Shotton
Multi-Class Cosegmentation ( PDF)
Armand Joulin, Francis Bach, Jean Ponce
Discrete-Continuous Optimization for Multi-Target Tracking ( PDFproject,videos,code)
Anton Andriyenko (TU Darmstadt), Konrad Schindler (ETH Zürich), Stefan Roth (TU Darmstadt)
A Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Globally Optimal Hand-Eye Calibration
Jan Heller, Michal Havlena, Tomas Pajdla
An Efficient Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Optimal Human Pose Estimation ( PDFproject)
Min Sun, Murali Telaprolu, Honglak Lee, Silvio Savarese
Pose Pooling Kernels for Sub-category Recognition ( PDF)
Ning Zhang, Ryan Farrell, Trevor Darrell
A Database for Fine Grained Activity Detection of Cooking Activities
Marcus Rohrbach, Sikandar Amin, Micha Andriluka, Bernt Schiele
A Physically-based Approach to Reflection Separation ( PDF)
Naejin Kong, Yu-Wing Tai, Sung Yong Shin
Isogeometric Finite-Elements Methods and Variational Reconstruction Tasks in Vision - A Perfect Match
Jonathan Balzer, Thomas Moerwald
Modulation Transfer Function of Patch-Based Stereo Systems+C26
Ronny Klowsky, Arjan Kuijper, Michael Goesele
Evaluation of Super-Voxel Methods for Early Video Processing ( PDFproject)
Chenliang Xu (SUNY at Buffalo),  Jason J. Corso (SUNY at Buffalo)
Contour-based Recognition
Yong Xu, Yuhui Quan, Zhuming Zhang, Morimichi Nishigaki, Hui Ji, Cornelia Fermuller, Daniel Dementhon
Motion-aware noise filtering for deblurring of noisy and blurry image
Yu-Wing Tai, Stephen Lin
Improved Subspace Clustering via Exploitation of Spatial Constraints
Duc-Son Pham, Budhaditya Saha, Dinh Phung, Svetha Venkatesh
Scalable Action Recognition with a Subspace Forest
Stephen O'Hara, Bruce Draper
The Vitruvian Manifold: Learned Dense Correspondences for 3D Human Pose Estimation
Jonathan Taylor, Jamie Shotton, Andrew Fitzgibbon
Edge-Preserving Photometric Stereo via Depth Fusion ( PDF)
Qing Zhang, Mao Ye, Ruigang Yang, Yasuyuki Matsushita, Bennett Wilburn, Huimin Yu
Identigram/Watermark removal using cross-channel correlation ( PDF)
Jaesik Park, Yu-Wing Tai, InSo Kweon
General Trajectory Prior for Non-Rigid Reconstruction ( PDF)
Jack Valmadre, Simon Lucey
An Optimized DBN-Based Mode-Focussing Particle fi




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