2020上半年的sequential recommendation论文整理01——概述

由于老师让我整理今年的序列推荐论文,然后我就下载了这么多,包含KDD2020 SIGIR2020 WWW2020还有一些去年的但是没看的。一共是23篇,如下图所示:



KDD2020Jointly Learning to Recommend and Advertise (字节跳动的)


Online recommendation and advertising are two major income channels for online recommendation platforms (e.g. e-commerce and news feed site). However, most platforms optimize recommend-ing and advertising strategies by different teams separately via different techniques, which may lead to suboptimal overall performances. To this end, in this paper, we propose a novel two-level reinforcement learning framework to jointly optimize the recommending and advertising strategies, where the first level generates a list of recommendations to optimize user experience in the long run; then the second level inserts ads into the recommendation list that can balance the immediate advertising revenue from advertisers and the negative influence of ads on long-term user experience. To be specific, the first level tackles high combinatorial action space problem that selects a subset item from the large item space; while the second level determines three internally related tasks, i.e., (i) whether to insert an ad, and if yes, (ii) the optimal and (iii) the optimal location to insert. The experimental results based on real-world data demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework. We have released the implementation code to ease reproductivity.

在线推荐和广告是在线推荐平台(如电子商务和新闻订阅网站)的两大收入来源。然而,大多数平台对不同团队的推荐和广告策略分别进行优化,采用不同的技术,可能导致整体表现不佳。为此,本文提出了一种新型的二级强化学习框架来联合优化建议修补和广告策略,其中一级生成推荐列表来优化用户体验;然后第二级在推荐列表中插入广告,以平衡来自广告商的即时广告收入和广告对长期用户体验的负面影响。具体地说,第一个层次解决了高组合操作空间问题,即从大的项目空间中选择子集项目;而第二层决定了三个内部相关的任务,即(i)是否插入广告,如果是,(ii)最优广告 (iii)插入的最优位置。基于实际数据的实验结果验证了该框架的有效性。

ClKM19Session-based Recommendation with Hierarchical Memory Networks


The task of session-based recommendation aims to predict users’future interests based on anonymous historical sessions. Recent works have shown that memory models, which capture user preference from previous interaction sequence with long short-term or short-term memory, can lead to encouraging results in this problem. However, most existing memory models tend to regard each item as a memory unit, which neglects n-gram features and is insufficient to learn the user’s feature-level preferences. In this paper, we aim to leverage n-gram features and model users’ feature-level preferences in an explicit and effective manner. To this end, we present a memory model with multi-scale feature memory for session-based recommendation. A densely connected convolutional neural network (CNN) with short-cut path between upstream and downstream convolutional blocks is applied to build multi-scale features from item representations, and features in the same scale are combined with memory mechanism to capture users’ feature-level preferences. Furthermore, attention is used to adaptively select users’ multi-scale feature-level preferences for recommendation. Extensive experiments conducted on two benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model in comparison with competitive baselines.


WSDM18Sequential Recommendation with User Memory Networks


User preferences are usually dynamic in real-world recommender systems, and a user’s historical behavior records may not be equally important when predicting his/her future interests. Existing recommendation algorithms – including both shallow and deep approaches – usually embed a user’s historical records into a single latent vector/representation, which may have lost the per item- or feature-level correlations between a user’s historical records and future interests. In this paper, we aim to express, store, and manipulate users’ historical records in a more explicit, dynamic, and effective manner. To do so, we introduce the memory mechanism to recommender systems. Specifically, we design a memory-augmented neural network (MANN) integrated with the insights of collaborative filtering for recommendation. By leveraging the external memory matrix in MANN, we store and update users’ historical records explicitly, which enhances the expressiveness of the model. We further adapt our framework to both item- and feature-level versions and design the corresponding memory reading/writing operations according to the nature of personalized recommendation scenarios. Compared with state-of-the-art methods that consider users’ sequential behavior for recommendation, e.g., sequential recommenders with recurrent neural networks (RNN) or Markov chains, our method achieves significantly and consistently better performance on four real-world datasets.


WWW2020Intention Modeling from Ordered and Unordered Facets for Sequential Recommendation


Recently, sequential recommendation has attracted substantial attention from researchers due to its status as an essential service for e-commerce. Accurately understanding user intention is an important factor to improve the performance of recommendation system. However, user intention is highly time-dependent and flexible, so it is very challenging to learn the latent dynamic intention of users for sequential recommendation. To this end, in this paper, we propose a novel intention modeling from ordered and unordered facets (IMfOU) for sequential recommendation. Specifically, the global and local item embedding (GLIE) we proposed can comprehensively capture the sequential context information in the sequences and highlight the important features that users care about. We further design ordered preference drift learning(OPDL) and unordered purchase motivation learning (UPML) to obtain user’s the process of preference drift and purchase motivation respectively. With combining the users’ dynamic preference and current motivation, it considers not only sequential dependencies between items but also flexible dependencies and models the user purchase intention more accurately from ordered and un-ordered facets respectively. Evaluation results on three real-world datasets demonstrate that our proposed approach achieves better performance than the state-of-the-art sequential recommendation methods achieving improvement of AUC by an average of 2.26%.


WWW2020Future Data Helps Training- Modeling Future Contexts for Session-based Recommendation


Session-based recommender systems have attracted much attention recently. To capture the sequential dependencies, existing methods resort either to data augmentation techniques or left-to-right style auto regressive training. Since these methods are aimed to model the sequential nature of user behaviors, they ignore the future data of a target interaction when constructing the prediction model for it. However, we argue that the future interactions after a target interaction, which are also available during training, provide a valuable signal on user preference and can be used to enhance the recommendation quality. Properly integrating future data into model training, however, is non-trivial to achieve, since it disobeys machine learning principles and can easily cause data leakage. To this end, we propose a new encoder-decoder framework namedGap-filling based Recommender(GRec), which trains the encoder and decoder by a gap-filling mechanism. Specifically, the encoder takes a partially-completed session sequence (where some items are masked by purpose) as input, and the decoder predicts these masked items conditioned on the en-coded representation. We instantiate the general GRec framework using convolutional neural network with sparse kernels, giving consideration to both accuracy and efficiency. We conduct experiments on two real-world datasets covering short-, medium-, and long-range user sessions, showing that GRec significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art sequential recommendation methods. More empirical studies verify the high utility of modeling future contexts under our GRec framework.


WWW2020A Contextualized Temporal Attention Mechanism for Sequential Recommendation 


Predicting users’ preferences based on their sequential behaviors in history is challenging and crucial for modern recommender systems. Most existing sequential recommendation algorithms focus on transitional structure among the sequential actions, but largely ignore the temporal and context information, when modeling the influence of a historical event to current prediction.In this paper, we argue that the influence from the past events on a user’s current action should vary over the course of time and under different context. Thus, we propose a Contextualized Temporal Attention Mechanism that learns to weigh historical actions’influence on not only what action it is, but also when and how the action took place. More specifically, to dynamically calibrate the relative input dependence from the self-attention mechanism,we deploy multiple parameterized kernel functions to learn various temporal dynamics, and then use the context information to determine which of these reweighing kernels to follow for each input. In empirical evaluations on two large public recommendation datasets, our model consistently outperformed an extensive set of state-of-the-art sequential recommendation methods。


WWW2020Attentive Sequential Model of Latent Intent for Next ltem Recommendation


Users exhibit different intents across e-commerce services (e.g. dis-covering items, purchasing gifts, etc.) which drives them to interact with a wide variety of items in multiple ways (e.g. click, add-to-cart,add-to-favorites, purchase). To give better recommendations, it is important to capture user intent, in addition to considering their historic interactions. However, these intents are by definition latent, as we observe only a user’s interactions and not their underlying intent. To discover such latent intents, and use them effectively for recommendation, in this paper we propose anAttentiveSequentialmodel ofLatentIntent (ASLI in short). Our model first learns item similarities from users’ interaction histories via a self-attention layer, then uses a Temporal Convolutional Network layer to obtain a latent representation of the user’s intent from her actions on a particular category. We use this representation to guide an attentive model to predict the next item. Results from our experiments show that our model can capture the dynamics of user behavior and preferences, leading to state-of-the-art performance across datasets from two major e-commerce platforms, namely Etsy and Alibaba


WWW2020Adaptive Hierarchical Translation-based Sequential Recommendation


We propose an adaptive hierarchical translation-based sequential recommendation called HierTrans that first extends traditional item-level relations to the category-level, to help capture dynamic sequence patterns that can generalize across users and time. Then unlike item-level based methods, we build a novel hierarchical team-poral graph that contains item multi-relations at the category-level and user dynamic sequences at the item-level. Based on the graph, Hier Trans adaptively aggregates the high-order multi-relations among items and dynamic user preferences to capture the dynamic joint influence for next-item recommendation. Specifically, the user translation vector in HierTrans can adaptively change based on both a user’s previous interacted items and the item relations in-side the user’s sequences, as well as the user’s personal dynamic preference. Experiments on public datasets demonstrate the proposed model HierTrans consistently outperforms state-of-the-art sequential recommendation methods


SIGIR2020Next-item Recommendation with Sequential Hypergraphs


There is an increasing attention on next-item recommendation systems to infer the dynamic user preferences with sequential user interactions. While the semantics of an item can change over time and across users, the item correlations defined by user interactions in the short term can be distilled to capture such change, and help in uncovering the dynamic user preferences. Thus, we are motivated to develop a novel next-item recommendation framework empowered by sequential hypergraphs. Specifically, the framework:(i) adopts hypergraph to represent the short-term item correlations and applies multiple convolutional layers to capture multi-order connections in the hypergraph; (ii) models the connections between different time periods with a residual gating layer; and (iii)is equipped with a fusion layer to incorporate both the dynamic item embedding and short-term user intent to the representation of each interaction before feeding it into the self-attention layer for dynamic user modeling. Through experiments on datasets from the e-commerce sites Amazon and Etsy and the information sharing platform Goodreads, the proposed model can significantly outperform the state-of-the-art in predicting the next interesting item for each user.


SIGIR2020Group-Aware Long- and Short-Term Graph Representation Learning for Sequential Group Recommendation


Sequential recommendation and group recommendation are two important branches in the field of recommender system. While considerable efforts have been devoted to these two branches in an independent way, we combine them by proposing the novel sequential group recommendation problem which enables modeling group dynamic representations and is crucial for achieving better group recommendation performance. The major challenge of the problem is how to effectively learn dynamic group representations based on the sequential user-item interactions of group members in the past time frames. To address this, we devise a Group-aware Long- and short-term Graph Representation Learning approach, namely GLS-GRL, for sequential group recommendation. Specifically, for a target group, we construct a group-aware long-term graph to capture user-item interactions and item-item co-occurrence in the whole history, and a group-aware short-term graph to contain the same information regarding only the current time frame. Based on the graphs, GLS-GRL performs graph representation learning to obtain long-term and short-term user representations, and further adaptively fuse them to gain integrated user representations. Finally, group representations are obtained by a constrained user-interacted attention mechanism which encodes the correlations between group members. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that GLS-GRLachieves better performance than several strong alternatives com-ing from sequential recommendation and group recommendation methods, validating the effectiveness of the core components inGLS-GRL


SIGIR2020Time Matters- Sequential Recommendation with Complex Temporal Information


Incorporating temporal information into recommender systems has recently attracted increasing attention from both the industrial and academic research communities. Existing methods mostly reduce the temporal information of behaviors to behavior sequences for subsequently RNN-based modeling. In such a simple manner, crucial time-related signals have been largely neglected. This paper aims to systematically investigate the effects of the temporal information in sequential recommendations. In particular, we firstly discover two elementary temporal patterns of user behaviors: “absolute time patterns” and “relative time patterns”, where the former highlights user time-sensitive behaviors, e.g., people may frequently interact with specific products at certain time point, and the latter indicates how time interval influences the relationship between two actions. For seamlessly incorporating this information into a unified model, we devise a neural architecture that jointly learns those temporal patterns to model user dynamic preferences. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate the superiority of our model,comparing with the state-of-the-arts.


SIGIR2020Global Context Enhanced Graph Nerual Networks for Session-based Recommendation


Session-based recommendation (SBR) is a challenging task, which aims at recommending items based on anonymous behavior sequences. Almost all the existing solutions for SBR model user preference only based on the current session without exploiting the other sessions, which may contain both relevant and irrelevant item-transitions to the current session. This paper proposes a novel approach, calledGlobalContextEnhancedGraph NeuralNetworks(GCE-GNN) to exploit item transitions overall sessions in a more subtle manner for better inferring the user preference of the current session. Specifically, GCE-GNNlearns two levels of item embed-dings from session graph and global graph, respectively: (i)Sessiongraph, which is to learn the session-level item embedding by modeling pairwise item-transitions within the current session; and (ii)Global graph, which is to learn the global-level item embedding by modeling pairwise item-transitions overall sessions. In GCE-GNN,we propose a novel global-level item representation learning layer, which employs a session-aware attention mechanism to re-cursively incorporate the neighbors’ embeddings of each node on the global graph. We also design a session-level item representation learning layer, which employs a GNN on the session graph to learn session-level item embeddings within the current session. More-over,GCE-GNN aggregates the learnt item representations in the two levels with a soft attention mechanism. Experiments on three benchmark datasets demonstrate that GCE-GNN outperforms the state-of-the-art methods consistently.

基于会话的推荐(Session-based recommendation,简称SBR)是一项具有挑战性的任务,它基于匿名行为序列推荐项目。几乎所有现有的SBR模型用户偏好解决方案都只基于当前会话,而没有利用其他会话,其中可能包含到当前会话的相关和不相关的项转换。本文提出了一种新的方法,称为globalContextenhancedGraph NeuralNetworks(GCE-GNN),以更精细的方式利用所有会话中的项转换,从而更好地推断用户对当前会话的偏好。具体来说,GCE-gnn从Sessiongraph和globalgraph中获得两个层次的项目嵌入,分别是:(i)会话图,即通过在当前会话中修改成对的项目转换来学习会话级的项目嵌入;和(ii)全局图,通过对成对项目转换的建模来学习全局级的项目嵌入在所有的会议上。GCE-GNN提出了一种新的全局级项目表示学习层,它采用一种会话感知的注意机制,在全局图上重新粗略地合并每个节点的邻居嵌入。我们还设计了一个会话级项目表示学习层,它使用会话图上的GNN来学习当前会话中会话级项的嵌入。此外,GCE Gnn通过软注意机制在两个层次上对所学项目的表征进行了调整。在三个基准数据集上的实验表明,GCE-GNN始终优于现有的方法。

SIGIR2020Sequential Recommendation with Self- attentive Multi-adversarial Network


Recently, deep learning has made significant progress in the task of sequential recommendation. Existing neural sequential recommenders typically adopt a generative way trained with MaximumLikelihood Estimation (MLE). When context information (called factor) is involved, it is difficult to analyze when and how each individual factor would affect the final recommendation performance. For this purpose, we take a new perspective and introduce adversarial learning to sequential recommendation. In this paper, we present a Multi-Factor Generative Adversarial Network (MFGAN)for explicitly modeling the effect of context information on sequential recommendation. Specifically, our proposed MFGAN has two kinds of modules: a Transformer-based generator taking user behavior sequences as input to recommend the possible next items, and multiple factor-specific discriminators to evaluate the generated sub-sequence from the perspectives of different factors. To learn the parameters, we adopt the classic policy gradient method, and utilize the reward signal of discriminators for guiding the learning of the generator. Our framework is flexible to incorporate multiple kinds of factor information and is able to trace how each factor contributes to the recommendation decision over time. Extensive experiments conducted on three real-world datasets demonstrate the superiority of our proposed model over the state-of-the-art methods, in terms of effectiveness and interpretability.


SIGIR2020Sentiment-guided Sequential Recommendation


The existing sequential recommendation methods focus on model-ing the temporal relationships of user behaviors and are good at using additional item information to improve performance. However, these methods rarely consider the influences of users’ sequential subjective sentiments on their behaviors—and sometimes the temporal changes in human sentiment patterns plays a decisive role in users’ final preferences. To investigate the influence of temporal sentiments on user preferences, we propose generating preferences by guiding user behavior through sequential sentiments.Specifically, we design a dual-channel fusion mechanism. The main channel consists of sentiment-guided attention to match and guide sequential user behavior, and the secondary channel consists of sparse sentiment attention to assist in preference generation. In the experiments, we demonstrate the effectiveness of these two sentiment modeling mechanisms through ablation studies. Our approachoutperforms current state-of-the-art sequential recommendation methods that incorporate sentiment factors.


SIGIR2019A Collaborative Session-based Recommendation Approach with Parallel Memory Modules


Session-based recommendation is the task of predicting the next item to recommend when the only available information consists of anonymous behavior sequences. Previous methods for session-based recommendation focus mostly on the current session, ignoring collaborative information in so-called neighborhood sessions, sessions that have been generated previously by other users and reflect similar user intents as the current session. We hypothesize that the collaborative information contained in such neighborhood sessions may help to improve recommendation performance for the current session. We propose a Collaborative Session-based RecommendationMachine (CSRM), a novel hybrid framework to apply collaborative neighborhood information to session-based recommendations.CSRMconsists of two parallel modules: an Inner Memory En-coder (IME) and an Outer Memory Encoder (OME). TheIMEmodelsa user’s own information in the current session with the help of current Neural Networks (RNNs) and an attention mechanism.The OME exploits collaborative information to better predict the intent of current sessions by investigating neighborhood sessions.Then, a fusion gating mechanism is used to selectively combine information from theIMEandOMEso as to obtain the final representation of the current session. Finally, CSRM obtains a recommendation score for each candidate item by computing a bilinear match with the final representation. Experimental results on three public datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of CSRM compared to state-of-the-art session-based recommender systems. Our analysis ofCSRM’s recommendation process shows when and how collaborative neighborhood information and the fusion gating mechanism positively impact the performance of session-based recommendations

基于会话的推荐是指当唯一可用的信息是由匿名行为序列组成时,预测下一次推荐的任务。以往的基于会话的推荐方法主要集中在当前会话上,忽略所谓邻居会话中的协作信息,忽略其他用户先前生成的会话中的协作信息,并反映与当前会话相似的用户意图。我们假设这些邻里会话中包含的协作信息可能有助于提高当前推荐性能会议。我们提出了一种基于协作会话的推荐机(CSRM),它是一种将协作邻域信息应用于基于会话的推荐机制的混合框架建议.CSRM组成两个并行模块:一个内部存储器编码器(IME)和一个外部存储器编码器(OME)。用当前的神经网络帮助用户掌握当前的信息机制。OME通过调查邻里关系来更好地预测当前会话的内容会话。然后呢, 采用融合选通机制,有选择地组合来自所述会话的信息,以获得当前会话的最终表示。最后,CSRM获得通过计算与最终结果的双线性匹配来获得每个候选项的推荐分数表现力。实验性在三个公共数据集上的结果表明,与最先进的基于会话的通信系统相比,该方法是有效的。我们对SRM推荐过程的分析表明,协作邻域信息和融合选通机制何时以及如何对基于会话的推荐产生积极影响

SIGIR2020An Intent-guided Collaborative Machine for Session-based Recommendation


Session-based recommendation produces item predictions mainly based on anonymous sessions. Previous studies have leveraged collaborative information from neighbor sessions to boost the recommendation accuracy for a given ongoing session. Previous work of-ten selects the most recent sessions as candidate neighbors, thereby failing to identify the most related neighbors to obtain an effective neighbor representation. In addition, few existing methods simultaneously consider the sequential signal and the most recent interest in an ongoing session. In this paper, we introduce an intent-guided collaborative Machine for Session-based Recommendation(ICM-SR).ICM-SR encodes an ongoing session by leveraging the prior sequential items and the last item to generate an accurate session representation, which is then used to produce initial item predictions as intent. After that, we design an intent-guided neighbor detector to locate the correct neighbor sessions. Finally, the representations of the current session and the neighbor sessions are adaptively combined by a gated fusion layer to produce the final item recommendations. Experiments conducted on two public benchmark datasets show that ICM-SR achieves a significant improvement in terms of Recall and MRR over the state-of-the-art baselines


RECSYS19Predictability Limits in Session-based Next ltem Recommendation


Session-based recommendations are based on the user’s recent actions,for example,the items they have viewed during the current browsing session or the sightseeing places they have just visited.Closely related is sequence-aware recommendation,where the choice of the next item should follow from the sequence of previous actions.We study seven benchmarks for session-based recommendation,covering retail,music and news domains to investigate how accurately user behavior can be predicted from the session histories. We measure the entropy rate of the data and estimate the limit of predictability to be between 44% and 73% in the included datasets.We establish some algorithm-specifc limits on prediction accuracy for Markov chains,association rules and k-nearest neighbors methods. With most of the analyzed methods,the algorithm design limits their performance with sparse training data.The session based k-nearest neighbors are least restricted in comparison and have room for improvement across all of the analyzed datasets


CIKM19Rethinking the ltem Order in Session-based Recommendation with Graph Neural Networks


Predicting a user’s preference in a short anonymous interaction session instead of long-term history is a challenging problem in the real-life session-based recommendation, e.g., e-commerce and media stream. Recent research of the session-based recommender system mainly focuses on sequential patterns by utilizing the attention mechanism, which is straightforward for the session’s natural sequence sorted by time. However, the user’s preference is muchmore complicated than a solely consecutive time pattern in the transition of item choices. In this paper, therefore, we study theitem transition pattern by constructing a session graph and propose a novel model that collaboratively considers the sequence order and the latent order in the session graph for a session-based recommender system. We formulate the next item recommendation within the session as a graph classification problem. Specifically, we propose a weighted attention graph layer and a Readout function to learn embeddings of items and sessions for the next item recommendation. Extensive experiments have been conducted on two benchmark E-commerce datasets, Yoochoose and Diginetica, and the experimental results show that our model outperforms other state-of-the-art methods.


SIGIR2020Rethinking ltem Importance in Session-based Recommendation


Session-based recommendation aims to predict a user’s actions at the next timestamp based on anonymous sessions. Previous work mainly focuses on the transition relationship between items that the user interacted with during an ongoing session. They generally fail to pay enough attention to the importance of the items involved in these interactions in terms of their relevance to user’s main intent. In this paper, we propose a Session-based Recommendationapproach with an Importance Extraction Module, i.e., SR-IEM, that considers both a user’s long-term and recent behavior in an ongoing session. We employ a modified self-attention mechanism to estimate item importance in a session, which is then used to predict user's long-term preference. Item recommendations are produced by combining the user’s long-term preference and their current interest as conveyed by the last item they interacted with. Comprehensive experiments are conducted on two publicly available benchmark datasets. The proposed SR-IEM model outperforms start-of-the-art baselines in terms of Recall and MRR for the task of session-based recommendation. In addition, compared to state-of-the-art models, SR-IEM has a reduced computational complexity

SIGIR2020Sequential-based Adversarial Optimisation for Personalised Top-N ltem Recommendation


Personalised top-N item recommendation systems aim to generate a ranked list of interesting items to users based on their interactions (e.g. click, purchase and rating). Recently, various sequential-based factorized approaches have been proposed to exploit deep neural networks to effectively capture the users’ dynamic preferences from their sequences of interactions. These factorized approaches usually rely on a pairwise ranking objective such as the bayesian Personalised Ranking (BPR) for optimization. However, previous works have shown that optimising factorised approaches with BPR can hinder the generalization, which can degrade the quality of item recommendations. To address this challenge, we propose a Sequential-based Adversarial Optimisation (SAO) framework that effectively enhances the generalisation of sequential-based factorised approaches. Comprehensive experiments on six public datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the SAO framework in enhancing the performance of the state-of-the-art sequential-based factorised approach in terms of NDCG by 3-14%


CIKM2019Session-based Recommendation with Hierarchical Memory Networks


The task of session-based recommendation aims to predict users’future interests based on anonymous historical sessions. Recent works have shown that memory models, which capture user preference from previous interaction sequence with long short-term or short-term memory, can lead to encouraging results in this problem. However, most existing memory models tend to regard each item as a memory unit, which neglects n-gram features and is insufficient to learn the user’s feature-level preferences. In this paper, we aim to leverage-gram features and model users’ feature-level preferences in an explicit and effective manner. To this end,we present a memory model with multi-scale feature memory for session-based recommendation. A densely connected convolutional neural network (CNN) with short-cut path between upstream and downstream convolutional blocks is applied to build multi-scale features from item representations, and features in the same scale are combined with memory mechanism to capture users’ feature-level preferences. Furthermore, attention is used to adaptively select users’ multi-scale feature-level preferences for recommendation. Extensive experiments conducted on two benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model in comparison with competitive baselines


SIGIR2020Session-based Recommendation with Hierarchical Leaping Networks


Session-based recommendation aims to predict the next item that users will interact based solely on anonymous sessions. In real-life scenarios, the user’s preferences are usually various, and distinguishing different preferences in the session is important. However previous studies focus mostly on the transition modeling between items, ignoring the mining of various user preferences. In this paper, we propose a Hierarchical Leaping Network (HLN) to explicitly model the users’ multiple preferences by grouping items that share some relationships. We first design a Leap Recurrent Unit (LRU)which is capable of skipping preference-unrelated items and accepting knowledge of previously learned preferences. Then we introduce a Preference Manager (PM) to manage those learned preferences and produce an aggregated preference representation each time LRU reruns. The final output of PM which contains multiple preferences of the user is used to make recommendations. Experiments on two benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of HLN. Furthermore, the visualization of explicitly learned subsequences also confirms our idea


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