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原创 LeetCode478. Generate Random Point in a Circle

Given the radius and x-y positions of the center of a circle, write a functionrandPointwhichgenerates a uniform randompoint in the circle.Note:input and output values areinfloating-point. r...

2020-01-18 09:16:00 144

原创 LeetCode477. Total Hamming Distance

TheHamming distancebetween two integers is the number of positions at which the corresponding bits are different.Now your job is to find the total Hamming distance between all pairs of the given n...

2020-01-17 10:20:08 100

原创 LeetCode476. Number Complement

Given a positive integer, output its complement number. The complement strategy is to flip the bits of its binary representation.Note:The given integer is guaranteed to fit within the range of a 3...

2020-01-16 09:10:10 145

原创 LeetCode475. Heaters

Winter is coming! Your first job during the contest is to design a standard heater with fixed warm radius to warm all the houses.Now, you are given positions of houses and heaters on a horizontal li...

2020-01-15 10:37:59 132

原创 LeetCode474. Ones and Zeroes

In the computer world, use restricted resource you have to generate maximum benefit is what we always want to pursue.For now, suppose you are a dominator ofm0sandn1srespectively. On the other ...

2020-01-14 08:53:02 133

原创 LeetCode473. Matchsticks to Square

Remember the story of Little Match Girl? By now, you know exactly what matchsticks the little match girl has, please find out a way you can make one square by using up all those matchsticks. You shoul...

2020-01-11 10:48:22 107

原创 LeetCode469 Convex Polygon


2020-01-09 14:58:26 241

原创 LeetCode472. Concatenated Words

Given a list of words (without duplicates), please write a program that returns all concatenated words in the given list of words.A concatenated word is defined as a string that is comprised entirel...

2020-01-09 14:55:51 130

原创 LeetCode471 Encode String with Shortest Length


2020-01-09 14:05:38 210

原创 470. Implement Rand10() Using Rand7()

Given a functionrand7which generates a uniform random integer in the range 1 to 7, write a functionrand10which generates a uniform random integer in the range 1 to 10.Do NOT use system'sMath.ra...

2020-01-08 12:38:09 112

原创 LeetCode468. Validate IP Address

Write a function to check whether an input string is a valid IPv4 address or IPv6 address or neither.IPv4addresses are canonically represented in dot-decimal notation, which consists of four decima...

2020-01-07 09:22:51 120

原创 LeetCode467. Unique Substrings in Wraparound String

Consider the stringsto be the infinite wraparound string of "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", soswill look like this: "...zabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcd....".Now we have a...

2020-01-06 11:33:31 97

原创 LeetCode466. Count The Repetitions

DefineS = [s,n]as the string S which consists of n connected strings s. For example,["abc", 3]="abcabcabc".On the other hand, we define that string s1 can be obtained from string s2 if we can re...

2020-01-03 17:58:33 129

原创 LeetCode465 Optimal Account Balancing


2020-01-03 15:57:41 202

原创 LeetCode464. Can I Win

In the "100 game," two players take turns adding, to a running total, any integer from 1..10. The player who first causes the running total to reach or exceed 100 wins.What if we change the game so ...

2020-01-02 19:32:23 131

原创 LeetCode463. Island Perimeter

You are given a map in form of a two-dimensional integer grid where 1 represents land and 0 represents water.Grid cells are connected horizontally/vertically (not diagonally). The grid is completely...

2020-01-01 16:09:34 106

原创 LeetCode462. Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements II

Given anon-emptyinteger array, find the minimum number of moves required to make all array elements equal, where a move is incrementing a selected element by 1 or decrementing a selected element by ...

2020-01-01 15:44:01 91





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