Real-Time Rendering——9.1.3 Surfaces表面

From an optical perspective, an object surface is a two-dimensional interface separating volumes with different index of refraction values. In typical rendering situations, the outer volume contains air, with a refractive index of about 1.003, often assumed to be 1 for simplicity. The refractive index of the inner volume depends on the substance from which the object is made.


When a light wave strikes a surface, two aspects of that surface have important effects on the result: the substances on either side, and the surface geometry. We will start by focusing on the substance aspect, assuming the simplest-possible surface geometry, a perfectly flat plane. We denote the index of refraction on the “outside” (the side where the incoming, or incident, wave originates) as n1 and the index of refraction on the “inside” (where the wave will be transmitted after passing through the surface) as n2.


We have seen in the previous section that light waves scatter when they encounter a discontinuity in material composition or density, i.e., in the index of refraction. A planar surface separating different indices of refraction is a special type of discontinuity that scatters light in a specific way. The boundary conditions require that the electrical field component parallel to the surface is continuous. In other words, the projection of the electric field vector to the surface plane must match on either side of the surface.This has several implications:


1. At the surface, any scattered waves must be either in phase, or 180◦ out of phase, with the incident wave. Thus at the surface, the peaks of the scattered waves must line up either with the peaks or the troughs of the incident wave. This restricts the scattered waves to go in only two possible directions, one continuing forward into the surface and one retreating away from it. The first of these is the transmitted wave, and the second is the reflected wave.


2. The scattered waves must have the same frequency as the incident wave. We assume a monochromatic wave here, but the principles we discuss can be applied to any general wave by first decomposing it into monochromatic components.


3. As a light wave moves from one medium to another, the phase velocity—the speed the wave travels through the medium—changes proportionally to the relative index of refraction (n1/n2). Since the frequency is fixed, the wavelength also changes proportionally to (n1/n2).


The final result is shown in Figure 9.9. The reflected and incident wave directions have the same angle θi with the surface normal. The transmitted wave direction is bent (refracted) at an angle θt, which has the following relation to θi:


 This equation for refraction is known as Snell’s law. It is used in global refraction effects, which will be discussed further in Section 14.5.2.


Figure 9.9. A light wave striking a planar surface separating indices of refraction n1 and n2. The left side of the figure shows a side view with the incident wave coming in from the upper left. The intensity of the red bands indicate wave phase. The spacing of the waves below the surface is changed proportionally to the ratio (n1/n2), which in this case is 0.5. The phases line up along the surface, so the change in spacing bends (refracts) the transmitted wave direction. The triangle construction shows the derivation of Snell’s law. For clarity, the upper right of the figure shows the reflected wave separately. It has the same wave spacing as the incident wave, and thus its direction has the same angle with the surface normal. The lower right of the figure shows the wave direction vectors. 


Although refraction is often associated with clear materials such as glass and crystal,it happens at the surface of opaque objects as well. When refraction occurs with opaque objects, the light undergoes scattering and absorption in the object’s interior.Light interacts with the object’s medium, just as with the various cups of liquid in Figure 9.8. In the case of metals, the interior contains many free electrons (electrons not bound to molecules) that “soak up” the refracted light energy and redirect it into the reflected wave. This is why metals have high absorption as well as high reflectivity.


Figure 9.8. Containers of liquids that exhibit varying combinations of absorption and scattering. 


The surface refraction phenomena we have discussed—reflection and refraction—require an abrupt change in index of refraction, occurring over a distance of less than a single wavelength. A more gradual change in index of refraction does not split the light, but instead causes its path to curve, in a continuous analog of the discontinuous bend that occurs in refraction. This effect commonly can be seen when air density varies due to temperature, such as mirages and heat distortion. See Figure 9.10.


Figure 9.10. An example of light paths bending due to gradual changes in index of refraction, in this case caused by temperature variations. (“EE Lightnings heat haze,” Paul Lucas, used under the CC BY 2.0 license.) 

图9.10。折射率逐渐变化导致光路弯曲的一个例子,在这种情况下是由温度变化引起的。(“EE Lightnings heat haze”,Paul Lucas,在CC BY 2.0许可下使用。)

Even an object with a well-defined boundary will have no visible surface if it is immersed in a substance with the same index of refraction. In the absence of an index of refraction change, reflection and refraction cannot occur. An example of this is seen in Figure 9.11.


Figure 9.11. The refractive index of these decorative beads is the same as water. Above the water,they have a visible surface due to the difference between their refractive index and that of air. Below the water, the refractive index is the same on both sides of the bead surfaces, so the surfaces are invisible. The beads themselves are visible only due to their colored absorption. 


Until now we have focused on the effect of the substances on either side of a surface. We will now discuss the other important factor affecting surface appearance: geometry. Strictly speaking, a perfectly flat planar surface is impossible. Every surface has irregularities of some kind, even if only the individual atoms comprising the surface. However, surface irregularities much smaller than a wavelength have no effect on light, and surface irregularities much larger than a wavelength effectively tilt the surface without affecting its local flatness. Only irregularities with a size in the range of 1–100 wavelengths cause the surface to behave differently than a flat plane, via a phenomenon called diffraction that will be discussed further in Section 9.11.


In rendering, we typically use geometrical optics, which ignores wave effects such as interference and diffraction. This is equivalent to assuming that all surface irregularities are either smaller than a light wavelength or much larger. In geometrical optics light is modeled as rays instead of waves. At the point a light ray intersects with a surface, the surface is treated locally as a flat plane. The diagram on the bottom right of Figure 9.9 can be seen as a geometrical optics picture of reflection and refraction, in contrast with the wave picture presented in the other parts of that figure. We will keep to the realm of geometrical optics from this point until Section 9.11, which is dedicated to the topic of shading models based on wave optics.


As we mentioned earlier, surface irregularities much larger than a wavelength change the local orientation of the surface. When these irregularities are too small to be individually rendered—in other words, smaller than a pixel—we refer to them as microgeometry. The directions of reflection and refraction depend on the surface normal. The effect of the microgeometry is to change that normal at different points on the surface, thus changing the reflected and refracted light directions.


Even though each specific point on the surface reflects light in only a single direction,each pixel covers many surface points that reflect light in various directions.The appearance is driven by the aggregate result of all the different reflection directions.Figure 9.12 shows an example of two surfaces that have similar shapes on the macroscopic scale but significantly different microgeometry.


Figure 9.12. On the left we see photographs of two surfaces, with diagrams of their microscopic structures on the right. The top surface has slightly rough microgeometry. Incoming light rays hit surface points that are angled somewhat differently and reflect in a narrow cone of directions. The visible effect is a slight blurring of the reflection. The bottom surface has rougher microgeometry.Surface points hit by incoming light rays are angled in significantly different directions and the reflected light spreads out in a wide cone, causing blurrier reflections. 


For rendering, rather than modeling the microgeometry explicitly, we treat it statistically and view the surface as having a random distribution of microstructure normals. As a result, we model the surface as reflecting (and refracting) light in a continuous spread of directions. The width of this spread, and thus the blurriness of reflected and refracted detail, depends on the statistical variance of the microgeometry normal vectors—in other words, the surface microscale roughness. See Figure 9.13.


Figure 9.13. When viewed macroscopically, surfaces can be treated as reflecting and refracting light in multiple directions. 

图9.13。从宏观上看,表面可以被视为反射和折射光 在多个方向。

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