Real-Time Rendering——9.1.4 Subsurface Scattering地下散射

Refracted light continues to interact with the interior volume of the object. As mentioned earlier, metals reflect most incident light and quickly absorb the rest. In contrast,non-metals exhibit a wide variety of scattering and absorption behaviors, which are similar to those seen in the cups of liquid in Figure 9.8. Materials with low scattering and absorption are transparent, transmitting any refracted light through the entire object. Simple methods for rendering such materials without refraction were discussed in Section 5.5, and refraction will be covered in detail in Section 14.5.2. In this chapter we will focus on opaque objects, in which the transmitted light undergoes multiple scattering and absorption events until finally some of it is re-emitted back from the surface. See Figure 9.14.


Figure 9.14. The refracted light undergoes absorption as it travels through the material. In this example most of the absorption is at longer wavelengths, leaving primarily short-wavelength blue light. In addition, it scatters from particles inside the material. Eventually some refracted light is scattered back out of the surface, as shown by the blue arrows exiting the surface in various directions. 


This subsurface-scattered light exits the surface at varying distances from the entry point. The distribution of entry-exit distances depends on the density and properties of the scattering particles in the material. The relationship between these distances and the shading scale (the size of a pixel, or the distance between shading samples) is important. If the entry-exit distances are small compared to the shading scale, they can be assumed to be effectively zero for shading purposes. This allows subsurface scattering to be combined with surface reflection into a local shading model, with outgoing light at a point depending only on incoming light at the same point. However, since subsurface-scattered light has a significantly different appearance than surfacereflected light, it is convenient to divide them into separate shading terms. The specular term models surface reflection, and the diffuse term models local subsurface scattering.


If the entry-exit distances are large compared to the shading scale, then specialized rendering techniques are needed to capture the visual effect of light entering the surface at one point and leaving it from another. These global subsurface scattering techniques are covered in detail in Section 14.6. The difference between local and global subsurface scattering is illustrated in Figure 9.15.


Figure 9.15. On the left, we are rendering a material with subsurface scattering. Two different sampling sizes are shown, in yellow and purple. The large yellow circle represents a single shading sample covering an area larger than the subsurface scattering distances. Thus, those distances can be ignored, enabling subsurface scattering to be treated as the diffuse term in a local shading model, as shown in the separate figure on the right. If we move closer to this surface, the shading sample area becomes smaller, as shown by the small purple circle. The subsurface scattering distances are now large compared to the area covered by a shading sample. Global techniques are needed to produce a realistic image from these samples. 


It is important to note that local and global subsurface scattering techniques model exactly the same physical phenomena. The best choice for each situation depends not only on the material properties but also on the scale of observation. For example, when rendering a scene of a child playing with a plastic toy, it is likely that global techniques would be needed for an accurate rendering of the child’s skin, and that a local diffuse shading model would suffice for the toy. This is because the scattering distances in skin are quite a bit larger than in plastic. However, if the camera is far enough away,the skin scattering distances would be smaller than a pixel and local shading models would be accurate for both the child and the toy. Conversely, in an extreme close-up shot, the plastic would exhibit noticeable non-local subsurface scattering and global techniques would be needed to render the toy accurately.


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