Real-Time Rendering——9.9 BRDF Models for Subsurface Scattering地下散射的BRDF模型9.9.1 Subsurface Albedo地下反照


In the previous section we discussed surface, or specular, reflection. In this section we will discuss the other side of the issue, namely what happens to light refracted under the surface. As we discussed in Section 9.1.4, this light undergoes some combination of scattering and absorption, and part of it is re-emitted back out of the original surface. We will focus here on BRDF models for local subsurface scattering, or diffuse surface response, in opaque dielectrics. Metals are irrelevant, since they do not have any significant subsurface light interaction. Dielectric materials that are transparent or exhibit global subsurface scattering will be covered in Chapter 14.


We start our discussion of diffuse models with a section on the property of diffuse color and the possible values this color can have in real-world materials. In the following subsection we explain the effect of surface roughness on diffuse shading, and the criteria for choosing whether to use a smooth-surface or rough-surface shading model for a given material. The last two subsections are devoted to the smooth-surface and rough-surface models themselves.


9.9.1 Subsurface Albedo地下反照率

The subsurface albedo ρss of an opaque dielectric is the ratio between the energy of the light that escapes a surface compared to the energy of the light entering into the interior of the material. The value of ρss is between 0 (all light is absorbed) and 1 (no light is absorbed) and can depend on wavelength, so ρss is modeled as an RGB vector for rendering. For authoring, ρss is often referred to as the diffuse color of the surface, just as the normal-incidence Fresnel reflectance F0 is typically referred to as the specular color. The subsurface albedo is closely related to the scattering albedo discussed in Section 14.1.


Since dielectrics transmit most incoming light rather than reflecting it at the surface, the subsurface albedo ρss is usually brighter and thus more visually important than the specular color F0. Since it results from a different physical process than the specular color—absorption in the interior instead of Fresnel reflectance at the surface—ρss typically has a different spectral distribution (and thus RGB color) than F0. For example, colored plastic is composed of a clear, transparent substrate with pigment particles embedded in its interior. Light reflecting specularly will be uncolored, while light reflecting diffusely will be colored from absorption by the pigment particles; for example, a red plastic ball has a white highlight.


Subsurface albedo can be thought of as the result of a “race” between absorption and scattering—will the light be absorbed before it has had a chance to be scattered back out of the object? This is why foam on a liquid is much brighter than the liquid itself. The process of frothing does not change the absorptivity of the liquid, but the addition of numerous air-liquid interfaces greatly increases the amount of scattering. This causes most of the incoming light to be scattered before it has been absorbed, resulting in a high subsurface albedo and bright appearance. Fresh snow is another example of a substance with a high albedo. There is considerable scattering in the interfaces between snow granules and air, but little absorption, leading to a subsurface albedo of 0.8 or more across the visible spectrum. White paint is slightly less, about 0.7. Many substances encountered in daily life, such as concrete, stone, and soil, average between 0.15 and 0.4. Coal is an example of a material with extremely low subsurface albedo, close to 0.0.


The process by which many materials become darker when wet is the inverse of the liquid froth example. If the material is porous, water penetrates into spaces formerly filled with air. Dielectric materials have an index of refraction that is much closer to water than to air. This decrease in the relative index of refraction decreases the scattering inside the material, and light travels longer distances (on average) before escaping the material. This change causes more light to be absorbed and the subsurface albedo becomes darker [821].


It is a common misconception (even reflected in well-regarded material authoring guidelines [1163]) that values of ρss should never go below a lower limit of about 0.015–0.03 (30–50 in 8-bit nonlinear sRGB encoding) for realistic material authoring. However, this lower limit is based on color measurements that include surface (specular) as well as subsurface (diffuse) reflectance, and is thus too high. Actual materials can have lower values. For example, the Federal specification for the “OSHA Black” paint standard [524] has a Y value of 0.35 (out of 100). Given the measurement conditions and surface gloss, this Y corresponds to a ρss value of about 0.0035 (11 in 8-bit nonlinear sRGB encoding).


When acquiring spot values or textures for ρss from real-world surfaces, it is important to separate out the specular reflectance. This extraction can be done via careful use of controlled lighting and polarization filters [251, 952]. For accurate color, calibration should be performed as well [1153].


Not every RGB triple represents a plausible (or even physically possible) value for ρss. Reflectance spectra are more restricted than emissive spectral power distributions: They can never exceed a value of 1 for any wavelength, and they are typically quite smooth. These limitations define a volume in color space that contains all plausible RGB values for ρss. Even the relatively small sRGB color gamut contains colors outside this volume, so care must be taken when setting values for ρss to avoid specifying unnaturally saturated and bright colors. Besides reducing realism, such colors can cause over-bright secondary reflections when precomputing global illumination (Section 11.5.1). The 2015 paper by Meng et al. [1199] is a good reference for this topic.






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