TAPA-MVS: Textureless-Aware PAtchMatch Multi-View Stereo阅读笔记

1 Introduce

• a metric to define the textureness of each image pixel; it serves as a proxy to understand how much the photoconsistency metric is reliable.
• to subdivide the image into superpixels and, for each iteration of the optimization procedure, to fit one plane for each superpixel; for each pixel, a new depth-normal hypothesis together with the textureness defined before, is evenly integrated in the optimization considering the likelihood of the plane fitting procedure.
• a novel depth refinement method that filters the depth and normal maps and fills each missing estimates with an approximate bilateral weighted median of the neighbors

2 Patch-Match for Multiview Stereo

定义两图的patch的像素级一致性: use a collaborative(协同、合作) search exploiting local coherency(一致性),即initial→prop→update。
Heise produce smoother depth estimates while preserving edges discontinuities, by regularizing(正则化) the estimate with quadratic relaxation(二次松弛)。


Shen estimates a depth map for the selected subset of camera pairs. The algorithm refines the depth maps by enforcing consistency among multiple views, and it finally merges the depth maps into a point cloud. Galliani aggregate, for each reference camera, a set of matching costs computed from different source images. One of the major drawbacks of these approaches is the decoupled depth estimation and camera pairs selection.

Q1: 为啥说 depth estimation and camera pairs selection耦合是缺点?
A1:the decoupled depth estimation and camera pairs selection才是缺点

Rather than considering the whole set of images to compute the matching costs, Zheng et al. [31] proposed an elegant method to deal with view selection. They framed the joint depth estimation and pixel-wise view selection problem into a variational approximation framework. Following a generalized Expectation Maximization paradigm, they alternate between depth update with PatchMatch, keeping the view selection fixed, and pixel-wise view inference with the forward-backward algorithm, keeping the depth fixed.虽然没看懂,但是这个方法只估计了深度。所以Schonberger 引入了法线估计 to avoid the fronto-parallel assumption.
Then they add view-dependent priors to select views that more likely induce robust matching cost computation.

we propose two proxies to improve the reconstruction where untextured areas appear. 1 extend the probabilistic framework to explicitly detect and handle untextured regions by extending the set of PatchMatch hypotheses. 2 complete the depth estimation with a refinement procedure to fill the missing depth estimates.

3 Review of the COLMAP framework

KL散度 https://www.cnblogs.com/hxsyl/p/4910218.html

4 Textureness-Aware Joint PatchMatch and View Selection

segment images into superpixels such that each superpixel would span a region of the image with a texture mostly homogeneous and it likely stops in correspondence to an image edge . 将边缘周围光度一致性稳定区域的深度/法线估计传播到整个超像素。我们假设执行第3节中提出的框架的第一次迭代,这样我们就有了深度图的第一次估计,这只有在高度纹理区域对应的情况下才是可靠的。

A2: M. Van den Bergh, X. Boix, G. Roig, and L. Van Gool.
Seeds: Superpixels extracted via energy-driven sampling.
International Journal of Computer Vision, 111(3):298–314,2015
seeds算法概要 https://blog.csdn.net/qq_36386112/article/details/77851111
超像素分割 https://www.zhihu.com/question/27623988

4.1 Piecewise(分段) planar Hypotheses generation

method: to augment the set of PatchMatch depth hypotheses
step1 extract the superpixels Sk of each image by means of the algorithm SEEDS
step2 在运行深度估计的第一次迭代后,我们滤除得到的深度图中的孤立小斑点。滤除完的图的Sk所在的区域内往往包含以下reliable 3d points Pinl, 如果是弱纹理区域,那么这些点往往是区域的边缘。
step3 计算内点(距离超像素对应的平面小于10cm)占Pinl的比例,如果内点比例大于Vran,就用tentative depth hypothesis更新当前hypothesis,即从具有较好内点比例的超像素中传播假设到neighbors。

Q3: we sample from Nk proportionally to the Bhattacharya distance among the RGB histograms of sk and the elements of Nk( the neighboring
superpixels set)

小的超像素个数(coarse),大面积的图像被很好的覆盖,但同时,弱纹理区域是不适当的融合。反之亦然,超像素个数多,会underestimating large areas。所以引入两个新的假设:coarse和fine的深度和法向估计。

4.2 Textureness-Aware Hypotheses Integration

用方差表示纹理的强弱 弱纹理tx接近1
弱纹理w+接近1.0 强纹理w+接近0.8
弱纹理w-接近0.8 强纹理w-接近1.0

5 Joint Depth and Normal Depth Refinement

step1 apply a classical speckles filter to remove small blobs containing non-continuous depths values
step2 recoverb中的黑点点。bilateral NCC computation 中采用双边加权平均,系数与邻像素的图像和颜色空间与miss的像素的相似度相关(更好的方法是using a weighted median of depth)

Q4 上面这段话

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