【论文笔记】Learning Latent Dynamics for Planning from Pixels

论文及代码解读:Learning Latent Dynamics for Planning from Pixels

3. Recurrent State Space Model

For planning, we need to evaluate thousands of action sequences at every time step of the agent. Therefore, we use a recurrent state-space model (RSSM) that can predict forward purely in latent space, similar to recently proposed models


This model can be thought of as a non-linear Kalman filter or sequential VAE.


Instead of an extensive comparison to prior architectures, we highlight two findings that can guide future designs of dynamics models: our experiments show that both stochastic and deterministic paths in the transition model are crucial for successful planning.


Latent dynamics

We consider sequences { o t , a t , r t } t = 1 T \{o_t, a_t , r_t \}^{T}_{t=1} {ot,at,rt}t=1T with discrete time step t t t, image observations o t o_t ot , continuous action vectors a t a_t at , and scalar rewards r t r_t rt .

考虑序列: { o t , a t , r t } t = 1 T \{o_t, a_t , r_t \}^{T}_{t=1} {ot,at,rt}t=1T,离散时间步 t t t、图片观测信息 o t o_t ot、连续动作向量 a t a_t at 和标量奖励 r t r_t rt

A typical latent state-space model is shown in Figure 2b and resembles the structure of a partially observable Markov decision process.


It defines the generative process of the images and rewards using a hidden state sequence { s t } t = 1 T \{s_t\}^{T}_{t=1} {st}t=1T ,where we assume a fixed initial state s 0 s_0 s0 without loss of generality.

图2b定义了一个一般情况下的使用隐藏状态序列 { s t } t = 1 T \{s_t\}^{T}_{t=1} {st}t=1T 的图片和奖励过程,不是一般性,可以假设存在一个固定初始状态 s 0 s_0 s0



Latent dynamics model designs. In this example, the model observes the first two time steps and predicts the third. Circles represent stochastic variables and squares deterministic variables. Solid lines denote the generative process and dashed lines the inference model.


Transition model: s t ∼ p ( s t ∣ s t − 1 , a t − 1 ) s_t \sim p(s_t | s_{t−1} , a_{t−1} ) stp(stst1,at1)
Observation model: o t ∼ p ( o t ∣ s t ) o_t \sim p(o_t | s_t ) otp(otst)
Reward model: r t ∼ p ( r t ∣ s t ) r_t \sim p(r_t | s_t ) rtp(rtst)

我的理解是,根据论文提出的三个模型,我们先不看虚线。遮住虚线后,可以看出两个特点:(1)状态 s 1 s_1 s1 s 2 s_2 s2 s 3 s_3 s3 都可以生成对应时间步的观测信息 o i , i = 1 , 2 , 3 o_{i},i=1,2,3 oi,i=1,2,3 和奖励信息 r i , i = 1 , 2 , 3 r_{i},i=1,2,3 ri,i=1,2,3 。(2)状态 s 1 s_1 s1 到状态 s 2 s_2 s2 需要动作信息 a 1 a_{1} a1 的参与,动作信息 a 1 a_{1} a1 可以想象成施加的“外力”。

The transition model is Gaussian with mean and variance parameterized by a feed-forward neural network, the observation model is Gaussian with mean parameterized by a deconvolutional neural network and identity covariance, and the reward model is a scalar Gaussian with mean parameterized by a feed-forward neural network and unit variance.



class ObservationModel(nn.Module):
    p(o_t | s_t, h_t)
    Observation model to reconstruct image observation (3, 64, 64)
    from state and rnn hidden state
    def __init__(self, state_dim, rnn_hidden_dim):
        super(ObservationModel, self).__init__()
        self.fc = nn.Linear(state_dim + rnn_hidden_dim, 1024)
        self.dc1 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(1024, 128, kernel_size=5, stride=2)
        self.dc2 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(128, 64, kernel_size=5, stride=2)
        self.dc3 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(64, 32, kernel_size=6, stride=2)
        self.dc4 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(32, 3, kernel_size=6, stride=2)

    def forward(self, state, rnn_hidden):
        hidden = self.fc(torch.cat([state, rnn_hidden], dim=1))
        hidden = hidden.view(hidden.size(0), 1024, 1, 1)
        hidden = F.relu(self.dc1(hidden))
        hidden = F.relu(self.dc2(hidden))
        hidden = F.relu(self.dc3(hidden))
        obs = self.dc4(hidden)
        return obs

接下来这部分代码是奖励模型。与观测模型比较相似。只是奖励数值为标量,只用线性神经网络表示就行,不用涉及图像的显示处理。编程时,hidden_dim 是网络的元素数量,而非论文的相关变量值。

class RewardModel(nn.Module):
    p(r_t | s_t, h_t)
    Reward model to predict reward from state and rnn hidden state
    def __init__(self, state_dim, rnn_hidden_dim, hidden_dim=300, act=F.relu):
        super(RewardModel, self).__init__()
        self.fc1 = nn.Linear(state_dim + rnn_hidden_dim, hidden_dim)
        self.fc2 = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, hidden_dim)
        self.fc3 = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, hidden_dim)
        self.fc4 = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, 1)
        self.act = act

    def forward(self, state, rnn_hidden):
        hidden = self.act(self.fc1(torch.cat([state, rnn_hidden], dim=1)))
        hidden = self.act(self.fc2(hidden))
        hidden = self.act(self.fc3(hidden))
        reward = self.fc4(hidden)
        return reward

反卷积神经网络,顾名思义,其性能与卷积神经网络相反。DNN 并不是通过卷积来降低来图像的维数,而是利用反卷积来创建图像,一般是从噪声中生成的。DNN 还经常用于寻找丢失的特征或信号,这些特征或信号以前可能被认为对卷积神经网络的任务并不重要。一个信号可能由于与其他信号卷积而丢失。信号的Deconvolution可以用于图像合成和分析。


Note that the log-likelihood under a Gaussian distribution with unit variance equals the mean squared error up to a constant.


Variational encoder

Since the model is non-linear, we cannot directly compute the state posteriors that are needed for parameter learning.


Instead, we use an encoder q ( s 1 : T ∣ o 1 : T , a 1 : T ) = ∏ t = 1 T q ( s t ∣ s t − 1 , a t − 1 , o t ) q(s_{1:T} |o_{1:T} , a_{1:T} ) = \prod_{t=1}^{T} q(s_t | s_{t−1} , a_{t−1} , o_t ) q(s1:To1:T,a1:T)=t=1Tq(stst1,at1,ot) to infer approximate state posteriors from past observations and actions, where q ( s t ∣ s t − 1 , a t − 1 , o t ) q(s_t | s_{t−1} , a_{t−1} , o_t ) q(stst1,at1,ot) is a diagonal Gaussian with mean and variance parameterized by a convolution neural network followed by a feed-forward neural network.

我们使用一个编码器来推断从过去观测信息和动作的近似的状态后验,其中 q ( s t ∣ s t − 1 , a t − 1 , o t ) q(s_t | s_{t−1} , a_{t−1} , o_t ) q(stst1,at1,ot) 是对角高斯分布,其均值和方差均由前馈神经网络+卷积神经网络参数化得到。

为什么需要后验分布,我的理解是:我们知道了上一个潜在空间的状态 s t − 1 s_{t-1} st1 、当前时刻的观测 o t o_{t} ot 和上一时刻的动作信息 a t − 1 a_{t-1} at1,如果是先验过程,那么应该是 o t ∼ p ( o t ∣ s t − 1 , a t − 1 , s t ) ≈ p ( o t ∣ h t − 1 , s t ) o_{t}\sim p(o_{t}|s_{t-1},a_{t-1},s_{t})\approx p(o_{t}|h_{t-1},s_{t}) otp(otst1,at1,st)p(otht1,st) 其中 h t − 1 h_{t-1} ht1 融合了过去的状态、动作和隐藏信息(有代码),这是一种前向的、先验的过程。但是现在当前潜在空间的状态 s t s_{t} st 未知,而我们的观测信息 o t o_{t} ot 已知,是后验信息,那么求出的 s t s_{t} st 的分布 p ( h t − 1 , o t ) p(h_{t-1},o_{t}) p(ht1,ot) 就是后验分布。

def posterior(self, rnn_hidden, embedded_obs):
Compute posterior q(s_t | h_t, o_t)
hidden = self.act(self.fc_rnn_hidden_embedded_obs(
torch.cat([rnn_hidden, embedded_obs], dim=1)))
mean = self.fc_state_mean_posterior(hidden)
stddev = F.softplus(self.fc_state_stddev_posterior(hidden)) + self._min_stddev
return Normal(mean, stddev)

在代码中,后验分布的获得代码表示如上。embedded_obs 是通过卷积编码后的观测信息;embedded_obsrnn_hidden 共同结合然后输入到一个全连接神经网络。再通过线性全连接转到均值和方差的相应维度。

We use the filtering posterior that conditions on past observations since we are ultimately interested in using the model for planning, but one may also use the full smoothing posterior during training.


Training objective

Using the encoder, we construct a variational bound on the data log-likelihood. For simplicity, we write losses for predicting only the observations — the reward losses follow by analogy.


这个公式的推到在文章附录部分。但是根据不等式可以定性看出,这个变分下界是在最大化隐藏空间状态 s t s_t st 推断观测 o t o_t ot 的概率同时,尽量让序列的推断后验分布尽可能与状态转移概率一致。

Estimating the outer expectations using a single re-parameterized sample yields an efficient objective for inference and learning in non-linear latent variable models that can be optimized using gradient ascent.


Deterministic path

Despite its generality, the purely stochastic transitions make it difficult for the transition model to reliably remember information for multiple time steps. In theory, this model could learn to set the variance
to zero for some state components, but the optimization procedure may not find this solution.


This motivates including a deterministic sequence of activation vectors { h t } t = 1 T \{h_t\}^{T}_{t=1} {ht}t=1T that allow the model to access not just the last state but all previous states deterministically.

这个模型存在一个确定性的激活向量 { h t } t = 1 T \{h_t\}^{T}_{t=1} {ht}t=1T 不仅能访问到上一时刻的状态还能访问到先前所有的状态。

Deterministic state model: h t = f ( h t − 1 , s t − 1 , a t − 1 ) h_t=f(h_{t-1},s_{t-1},a_{t-1}) ht=f(ht1,st1,at1) ; Stochastic state model: s t ∼ p ( s t ∣ h t ) s_t\sim p(s_{t}|h_{t}) stp(stht)

Observation model: o t ∼ p ( o t ∣ s t , h t ) o_t\sim p(o_{t}|s_t,h_{t}) otp(otst,ht) ; Reward model: r t ∼ p ( r t ∣ s t , h t ) r_t\sim p(r_t|s_t,h_t) rtp(rtst,ht)


相比与图2b的模型,这个模型变成以确定性激活向量 { h t } t = 1 T \{h_t\}^{T}_{t=1} {ht}t=1T 为主导,他衍生出了随机性的状态信息、观测模型和奖励模型。确定性激活向量 { h t } t = 1 T \{h_t\}^{T}_{t=1} {ht}t=1T 序列的发展是确定性的,也就是通过函数输出一个准确的确定性激活向量,而非用概率分布采样。

f ( h t − 1 , s t − 1 , a t − 1 ) f(h_{t-1},s_{t-1},a_{t-1}) f(ht1,st1,at1) is implemented as a recurrent neural network (RNN). Intuitively, we can understand this model as splitting the state into a stochastic part s t s_t st and a deterministic part h t h_t ht , which depend on the stochastic and deterministic parts at the previous time step through the RNN.

f ( h t − 1 , s t − 1 , a t − 1 ) f(h_{t-1},s_{t-1},a_{t-1}) f(ht1,st1,at1) 采用了循环神经网络RNN,实际上我们可以把这个模型切分成随机性的部分 s t s_t st 和确定性部分 h t h_t ht ,这取决于先前时间步的RNN的确定性和随机性部分。

We use the encoder q ( s 1 : T ∣ o 1 : T , a 1 : T ) = ∏ t = 1 T q ( s t ∣ h t , o t ) q(s_{1:T} | o_{1:T} , a_{1:T} )=\prod_{t=1}^{T} q(s_t | h_t , o_t ) q(s1:To1:T,a1:T)=t=1Tq(stht,ot) to parameterize the approximate state posteriors.

这部分描述主要是介绍图2c里面的虚线部分。这里通过序列观测信息序列动作信息来获得随机性状态 s 1 : T s_{1:T} s1:T 的分布。

Importantly, all information about the observations must pass through the sampling step of the encoder to avoid a deterministic shortcut from inputs to reconstructions.


上述代码表示的就是编码器网络。每层卷积后面用 relu() 激活函数,最后一层对数据重排列。

class Encoder(nn.Module):
    Encoder to embed image observation (3, 64, 64) to vector (1024,)
    def __init__(self):
        super(Encoder, self).__init__()
        self.cv1 = nn.Conv2d(3, 32, kernel_size=4, stride=2)
        self.cv2 = nn.Conv2d(32, 64, kernel_size=4, stride=2)
        self.cv3 = nn.Conv2d(64, 128, kernel_size=4, stride=2)
        self.cv4 = nn.Conv2d(128, 256, kernel_size=4, stride=2)

    def forward(self, obs):
        hidden = F.relu(self.cv1(obs))
        hidden = F.relu(self.cv2(hidden))
        hidden = F.relu(self.cv3(hidden))
        embedded_obs = F.relu(self.cv4(hidden)).reshape(hidden.size(0), -1)
        return embedded_obs

4. Latent Overshooting

This objective function contains reconstruction terms for the observations and KL divergence regularizes for the approximate posteriors.

(3) 的目标函数的重构项包含了观测信息、和估计后验的KL散度。

A limitation of this objective is that the stochastic path of the transition function p ( s t ∣ s t − 1 , a t − 1 ) p(s_t | s_{t−1} , a_{t−1} ) p(stst1,at1) is only trained via the KL-divergence regularizes for one-step predictions: the gradient flows through p ( s t ∣ s t − 1 , a t − 1 ) p(s_t | s_{t−1} , a_{t−1} ) p(stst1,at1) directly into q ( s t − 1 ) q(s_{t−1}) q(st1) but never traverses a chain of multiple p ( s t ∣ s t − 1 , a t − 1 ) p(s_t | s_{t−1} , a_{t−1} ) p(stst1,at1).

这个目标的不足之处是,状态转移的随机性路径在一步预测中只通过KL散度正则化训练:梯度流经过 p ( s t ∣ s t − 1 , a t − 1 ) p(s_t | s_{t−1} , a_{t−1} ) p(stst1,at1) 直接达到了 q ( s t − 1 ) q(s_{t−1}) q(st1) 但是没有遍历多步状态转移链。

In this section, we generalize this variational bound to latent overshooting, which trains all multi-step predictions in latent space.

在这部分中,我们泛化这个变分界,形成 latent overshooting 概念,在潜在空间中训练多步预测。

Limited capacity

If we could train our model to make perfect one-step predictions, it would also make perfect multi-step predictions, so this would not be a problem. However, when using a model with limited capacity and restricted distributional family, training the model only on one-step predictions until convergence does in general not coincide with the model that is best at multi-step predictions.


Therefore, we take inspiration from Amos et al. (2018) and earlier related ideas (Krishnan et al., 2015; Lamb et al., 2016; Chiappa et al., 2017), and train the model on multi-step predictions of all distances. We develop this idea for latent sequence models, showing that multi-step predictions can be improved by a loss in latent space, without having to generate additional images.


Multi-step prediction

We start by generalizing the standard variational bound (Equation 3) from training one-step predictions to training multi-step predictions of a fixed distance d d d.

作者开始泛化这个变分界从单步预测到固定距离 d d d 的多步预测。

For ease of notation, we omit actions in the conditioning set here; every distribution over s t s_t st is conditioned upon a < t a_{<t} a<t .

为了简化表达,在条件中的序列动作做了一些省略。每个 s t s_t st 的分布以 a < t a_{<t} a<t 为条件。

We first define multi-step predictions, which are computed by repeatedly applying the transition model and integrating out the intermediate states.


当且仅当 d = 1 d=1 d=1 时候表示单步预测。


根据琴声不等式子:这样的目标可以用两个方面表达:1) 最大化当前随机状态预测当前观测的概率;2) 最小化多步过程中的预测。

Maximizing this objective trains the multi-step predictive distribution. This reflects the fact that during planning, the model makes predictions without having access to all the preceding observations.


Since the latent state sequence is Markovian, for d ≥ 1 d ≥ 1 d1 we have I ( s t ; s t − d ) ≤ I ( s t ; s t − 1 ) I(s_t ; s_{t−d} ) ≤ I(s_t ; s_{t−1} ) I(st;std)I(st;st1) and thus E [ ln ⁡ p d ( o 1 : T ) ] ≤ E [ ln ⁡ p ( o 1 : T ) ] E[\ln p_{d} (o_{1:T} )] ≤ E[\ln p(o_{1:T} )] E[lnpd(o1:T)]E[lnp(o1:T)]. Hence, every bound on the multi-step predictive distribution is also a bound on the one-step predictive distribution in expectation over the data set.

因为在潜在空间上的状态序列也具有马尔可夫性,因此在距离值 d ≥ 1 d ≥ 1 d1 存在 I ( s t ; s t − d ) ≤ I ( s t ; s t − 1 ) I(s_t ; s_{t−d} ) ≤ I(s_t ; s_{t−1} ) I(st;std)I(st;st1) 互信息的差异,由此可以推导出 E [ ln ⁡ p d ( o 1 : T ) ] ≤ E [ ln ⁡ p ( o 1 : T ) ] E[\ln p_{d} (o_{1:T} )] ≤ E[\ln p(o_{1:T} )] E[lnpd(o1:T)]E[lnp(o1:T)] 。因此在数据集上,多步预测的分布下界也是单步预测的下界。

Latent overshooting

We introduced a bound on predictions of a given distance d d d. However, for planning we need accurate predictions not just for a fixed distance but for all distances up to the planning horizon. We introduce latent overshooting for this, an objective function for latent sequence models that generalizes the standard variation abound (Equation 3) to train the model on multi-step predictions of all distances 1 ≤ d ≤ D 1 ≤ d ≤ D 1dD.

作者引入了给定距离 d d d 的预测界。然而,为了进行规划,不仅需要对固定距离进行准确预测,还需要对规划范围内的所有距离进行精确预测。为此,我们引入了 Latent overshooting,这是潜在序列模型的一个目标函数,它推广了大量的标准变化(方程3),以训练模型对所有距离 1 ≤ d ≤ D 1≤d≤D 1dD 的多步预测。


Latent overshooting can be interpreted as a regularizer in latent space that encourages consistency between one-step and multi-step predictions, which we know should be equivalent in expectation over the data set.

Latent overshooting 可以被解释为潜在空间中的正则化子,它鼓励一步和多步预测之间的一致性,我们知道这在数据集上的期望应该是相等的。

We include weighting factors { β d } d = 1 D \{β_d\}^{D}_{d=1} {βd}d=1D analogously to the β β β-VAE. While we set all β > 1 β >1 β>1 to the same value for simplicity, they could be chosen to let the model focus more on long-term or short-term predictions.

我们包括加权因子 { β d } d = 1 D \{β_d\}^{D}_{d=1} {βd}d=1D,类似于 β β β-VAE。虽然为了简单起见,我们将所有的 β > 1 β>1 β>1 设置为相同的值,但可以选择它们来让模型更多地关注长期或短期预测。

In practice, we stop gradients of the posterior distributions for overshooting distances d > 1 d > 1 d>1, so that the multi-step predictions are trained towards the informed posteriors, but not the other way around.

在实践中,对于超调距离 d > 1 d>1 d>1,我们停止后验分布的梯度,以便多步骤预测朝着知情的后验进行训练,而不是相反。

接下来的代码就是 RSSM 类模型代码。方便表示,再把这张图拿出来 _


  • __init__ 函数:初始化了确定性状态随机性状态以及动作信息的维度。定义了一些网络和常量。

  • forward 函数:返回了用于前向推理的 p ( s t + 1 ∣ h t + 1 ) p(s_{t+1} | h_{t+1}) p(st+1ht+1) 和后验计算 p ( s t + 1 ∣ h t + 1 , o t + 1 ) p(s_{t+1} | h_{t+1}, o_{t+1}) p(st+1ht+1,ot+1)

  • prior 函数:计算前向推理 p ( s t + 1 ∣ h t + 1 ) p(s_{t+1} | h_{t+1}) p(st+1ht+1) ,首先这个函数先用 self.fc_state_action() 方法将随机性信息和动作信息结合起来,生成一个“临时”的隐藏层变量 hidden 。然后再和 rnn_hidden 张量结合,输入到 self.rnn 方法中,获得新的 rnn_hidden 张量,最后通过线性网络+激活函数还原为确定性的张量 hidden。完成了论文里面的 h t + 1 h_{t+1} ht+1 的产生。最后将这个确定性的张量 hidden 输入到 self.fc_state_mean_priorself.fc_state_stddev_prior 方法中,获得这个分布 p ( s t + 1 ∣ h t + 1 ) p(s_{t+1} | h_{t+1}) p(st+1ht+1)

    这个函数最后返回了正态分布 p ( s t + 1 ∣ h t + 1 ) p(s_{t+1} | h_{t+1}) p(st+1ht+1) 以及循环网络的变量 rnn_hidden

  • posterior 函数:将循环网络的变量 rnn_hidden 与通过卷积编码器降维成的图像向量相结合,生成中间层变量 hidden ,最后通过 self.fc_state_mean_posteriorself.fc_state_stddev_posterior 输出后验的分布。

  • 小细节:softplus 函数的数学表达式为 y = log ⁡ ( 1 + e x ) y=\log(1+e^{x}) y=log(1+ex)softplus 可以看作是 ReLu 的平滑。根据神经科学家的相关研究,softplusReLu 与脑神经元激活频率函数有神似的地方。也就是说,相比于早期的激活函数,softplusReLu 更加接近脑神经元的激活模型。


class RecurrentStateSpaceModel(nn.Module):
    This class includes multiple components
    Deterministic state model: h_t+1 = f(h_t, s_t, a_t)
    Stochastic state model (prior): p(s_t+1 | h_t+1)
    State posterior: q(s_t | h_t, o_t)
    NOTE: actually, this class takes embedded observation by Encoder class
    min_stddev is added to stddev same as original implementation
    Activation function for this class is F.relu same as original implementation
    def __init__(self, state_dim, action_dim, rnn_hidden_dim,
                 hidden_dim=200, min_stddev=0.1, act=F.relu):
        super(RecurrentStateSpaceModel, self).__init__()
        self.state_dim = state_dim
        self.action_dim = action_dim
        self.rnn_hidden_dim = rnn_hidden_dim
        self.fc_state_action = nn.Linear(state_dim + action_dim, hidden_dim)
        self.fc_rnn_hidden = nn.Linear(rnn_hidden_dim, hidden_dim)
        self.fc_state_mean_prior = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, state_dim)
        self.fc_state_stddev_prior = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, state_dim)
        self.fc_rnn_hidden_embedded_obs = nn.Linear(rnn_hidden_dim + 1024, hidden_dim)
        self.fc_state_mean_posterior = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, state_dim)
        self.fc_state_stddev_posterior = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, state_dim)
        self.rnn = nn.GRUCell(hidden_dim, rnn_hidden_dim)
        self._min_stddev = min_stddev
        self.act = act

    def forward(self, state, action, rnn_hidden, embedded_next_obs):
        h_t+1 = f(h_t, s_t, a_t)
        Return prior p(s_t+1 | h_t+1) and posterior p(s_t+1 | h_t+1, o_t+1)
        for model training
        next_state_prior, rnn_hidden = self.prior(state, action, rnn_hidden)
        next_state_posterior = self.posterior(rnn_hidden, embedded_next_obs)
        return next_state_prior, next_state_posterior, rnn_hidden

    def prior(self, state, action, rnn_hidden):
        h_t+1 = f(h_t, s_t, a_t)
        Compute prior p(s_t+1 | h_t+1)
        hidden = self.act(self.fc_state_action(torch.cat([state, action], dim=1)))
        rnn_hidden = self.rnn(hidden, rnn_hidden)
        hidden = self.act(self.fc_rnn_hidden(rnn_hidden))

        mean = self.fc_state_mean_prior(hidden)
        stddev = F.softplus(self.fc_state_stddev_prior(hidden)) + self._min_stddev
        return Normal(mean, stddev), rnn_hidden

    def posterior(self, rnn_hidden, embedded_obs):
        Compute posterior q(s_t | h_t, o_t)
        hidden = self.act(self.fc_rnn_hidden_embedded_obs(
            torch.cat([rnn_hidden, embedded_obs], dim=1)))
        mean = self.fc_state_mean_posterior(hidden)
        stddev = F.softplus(self.fc_state_stddev_posterior(hidden)) + self._min_stddev
        return Normal(mean, stddev)


这个项目里面的网络参数都是集合好然后统一优化的。学习率是 0.001,eps (float, optional):为了提高数值稳定性而添加到分母的一个项(默认: 1 e − 8 1 e-8 1e8)。

all_params = (list(encoder.parameters()) +
              list(rssm.parameters()) +
              list(obs_model.parameters()) +
optimizer = Adam(all_params, lr=args.lr, eps=args.eps)



1. Initialize dataset D with S random seed episodes.
# collect initial experience with random action
for episode in range(args.seed_episodes):
	obs = env.reset()
	done = False
	while not done:
		action = env.action_space.sample()
		next_obs, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)
		replay_buffer.push(obs, action, reward, done)
		obs = next_obs
2. Initialize model parameters θ randomly.
# define models and optimizer
device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
encoder = Encoder().to(device)
rssm = RecurrentStateSpaceModel(args.state_dim,
obs_model = ObservationModel(args.state_dim, args.rnn_hidden_dim).to(device)
reward_model = RewardModel(args.state_dim, args.rnn_hidden_dim).to(device)
all_params = (list(encoder.parameters()) +
              list(rssm.parameters()) +
              list(obs_model.parameters()) +
optimizer = Adam(all_params, lr=args.lr, eps=args.eps)
3. 开始做循环迭代

这里补充 CEMAgent() 类。下面这个代码是图像预处理函数,此外增加了一些噪声。

def preprocess_obs(obs, bit_depth=5):
    Reduces the bit depth of image for the ease of training
    and convert to [-0.5, 0.5]
    In addition, add uniform random noise same as original implementation
    obs = obs.astype(np.float32)
    reduced_obs = np.floor(obs / 2 ** (8 - bit_depth))
    normalized_obs = reduced_obs / 2**bit_depth - 0.5
    normalized_obs += np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0 / 2**bit_depth, normalized_obs.shape)
    return normalized_obs

def __call__(self, obs) 的含义是:在类实例化之后,可以把实例当作函数直接调用这个方法。



class CEMAgent:
    Action planning by Cross Entropy Method (CEM) in learned RSSM Model
    def __init__(self, encoder, rssm, reward_model,
                 horizon, N_iterations, N_candidates, N_top_candidates):
        self.encoder = encoder
        self.rssm = rssm
        self.reward_model = reward_model

        self.horizon = horizon # 12
        self.N_iterations = N_iterations # 10
        self.N_candidates = N_candidates # 1000
        self.N_top_candidates = N_top_candidates # 100

        self.device = next(self.reward_model.parameters()).device
        self.rnn_hidden = torch.zeros(1, rssm.rnn_hidden_dim, device=self.device)

    def __call__(self, obs):
        # Preprocess observation and transpose for torch style (channel-first)
        obs = preprocess_obs(obs)
        obs = torch.as_tensor(obs, device=self.device)
        obs = obs.transpose(1, 2).transpose(0, 1).unsqueeze(0)

        with torch.no_grad():
            # Compute starting state for planning
            # while taking information from current observation (posterior)
            embedded_obs = self.encoder(obs)
            # 先根据RNN隐藏层信息和编码后的观测信息计算状态的后验分布。
            state_posterior = self.rssm.posterior(self.rnn_hidden, embedded_obs)

            # Initialize action distribution
            # 对应于论文的伪代码"Initialize factorized belief over action sequences q(a t:t+H 			 # ) ← Normal(0, I)."
            action_dist = Normal(
                torch.zeros((self.horizon, self.rssm.action_dim), device=self.device),
                torch.ones((self.horizon, self.rssm.action_dim), device=self.device)

            # Iteratively improve action distribution with CEM
            for itr in range(self.N_iterations):
                # Sample action candidates and transpose to
                # (self.horizon, self.N_candidates, action_dim) for parallel exploration
                action_candidates = \
                    action_dist.sample([self.N_candidates]).transpose(0, 1)

                # Initialize reward, state, and rnn hidden state
                # The size of state is (self.N_acndidates, state_dim)
                # The size of rnn hidden is (self.N_candidates, rnn_hidden_dim)
                # These are for parallel exploration
                total_predicted_reward = torch.zeros(self.N_candidates, 				device=self.device)
                state = state_posterior.sample([self.N_candidates]).squeeze()
                rnn_hidden = self.rnn_hidden.repeat([self.N_candidates, 1])

                # Compute total predicted reward by open-loop prediction using prior
                for t in range(self.horizon):
                    next_state_prior, rnn_hidden = \
                        self.rssm.prior(state, action_candidates[t], rnn_hidden)
                    # 此处 state 一直被赋值,因此是多步开环的预测
                    state = next_state_prior.sample()
                    total_predicted_reward += self.reward_model(state, rnn_hidden).squeeze()

                # update action distribution using top-k samples
                top_indexes = \
                    total_predicted_reward.argsort(descending=True)[: self.N_top_candidates]
                top_action_candidates = action_candidates[:, top_indexes, :]
                mean = top_action_candidates.mean(dim=1)
                stddev = (top_action_candidates - mean.unsqueeze(1)
                          ).abs().sum(dim=1) / (self.N_top_candidates - 1)
                action_dist = Normal(mean, stddev)

        # Return only first action (replan each state based on new observation)
        action = mean[0]

        # update rnn hidden state for next step planning
        with torch.no_grad():
            _, self.rnn_hidden = self.rssm.prior(state_posterior.sample(),
        return action.cpu().numpy()

    def reset(self):
        self.rnn_hidden = torch.zeros(1, self.rssm.rnn_hidden_dim, device=self.device)

接下来是训练过程。通过 cem_agent 方法获得一个确定的动作,然后再加了随机噪声。与环境交互的数据放在经验池中。

    # main training loop
    for episode in range(args.seed_episodes, args.all_episodes):
        # collect experiences
        start = time.time()
        cem_agent = CEMAgent(encoder, rssm, reward_model,
                             args.horizon, args.N_iterations,
                             args.N_candidates, args.N_top_candidates)

        obs = env.reset()
        done = False
        total_reward = 0
        while not done:
            action = cem_agent(obs)
            action += np.random.normal(0, np.sqrt(args.action_noise_var),
            next_obs, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)
            replay_buffer.push(obs, action, reward, done)
            obs = next_obs
            total_reward += reward

        writer.add_scalar('total reward at train', total_reward, episode)
        print('episode [%4d/%4d] is collected. Total reward is %f' %
              (episode + 1, args.all_episodes, total_reward))
        print('elasped time for interaction: %.2fs' % (time.time() - start))


# update model parameters
start = time.time()
for update_step in range(args.collect_interval):
	observations, actions, rewards, _ = \
		replay_buffer.sample(args.batch_size, args.chunk_length)

# preprocess observations and transpose tensor for RNN training
observations = preprocess_obs(observations)
observations = torch.as_tensor(observations, device=device)
observations = observations.transpose(3, 4).transpose(2, 3)
observations = observations.transpose(0, 1)
actions = torch.as_tensor(actions, device=device).transpose(0, 1)
rewards = torch.as_tensor(rewards, device=device).transpose(0, 1)

# embed observations with CNN
embedded_observations = encoder(
observations.reshape(-1, 3, 64, 64)).view(args.chunk_length, args.batch_size, -1)

# prepare Tensor to maintain states sequence and rnn hidden states sequence
states = torch.zeros(
args.chunk_length, args.batch_size, args.state_dim, device=device)
rnn_hiddens = torch.zeros(
args.chunk_length, args.batch_size, args.rnn_hidden_dim, device=device)

# initialize state and rnn hidden state with 0 vector
state = torch.zeros(args.batch_size, args.state_dim, device=device)
rnn_hidden = torch.zeros(args.batch_size, args.rnn_hidden_dim, device=device)

# compute state and rnn hidden sequences and kl loss
# 计算先验分布和后验分布的KL散度,而且是平均散度
kl_loss = 0
for l in range(args.chunk_length - 1):
	next_state_prior, next_state_posterior, rnn_hidden = \
		rssm(state, actions[l], rnn_hidden, embedded_observations[l + 1])
	state = next_state_posterior.rsample()
	states[l + 1] = state
	rnn_hiddens[l + 1] = rnn_hidden
	kl = kl_divergence(next_state_prior, next_state_posterior).sum(dim=1)
	kl_loss += kl.clamp(min=args.free_nats).mean()
kl_loss /= (args.chunk_length - 1)

# compute reconstructed observations and predicted rewards
# 前向计算观测模型和奖励模型
flatten_states = states.view(-1, args.state_dim)
flatten_rnn_hiddens = rnn_hiddens.view(-1, args.rnn_hidden_dim)
recon_observations = obs_model(flatten_states, flatten_rnn_hiddens).view(
	args.chunk_length, args.batch_size, 3, 64, 64)
predicted_rewards = reward_model(flatten_states, flatten_rnn_hiddens).view(
	args.chunk_length, args.batch_size, 1)

# compute loss for observation and reward
obs_loss = 0.5 * mse_loss(
	recon_observations[1:], observations[1:], reduction='none').mean([0, 1]).sum()
reward_loss = 0.5 * mse_loss(predicted_rewards[1:], rewards[:-1])

# add all losses and update model parameters with gradient descent
loss = kl_loss + obs_loss + reward_loss
clip_grad_norm_(all_params, args.clip_grad_norm)

# print losses and add tensorboard
print('update_step: %3d loss: %.5f, kl_loss: %.5f, obs_loss: %.5f, reward_loss: % .5f'
	% (update_step + 1,
	loss.item(), kl_loss.item(), obs_loss.item(), reward_loss.item()))
total_update_step = episode * args.collect_interval + update_step
writer.add_scalar('overall loss', loss.item(), total_update_step)
writer.add_scalar('kl loss', kl_loss.item(), total_update_step)
writer.add_scalar('obs loss', obs_loss.item(), total_update_step)
writer.add_scalar('reward loss', reward_loss.item(), total_update_step)

print('elasped time for update: %.2fs' % (time.time() - start))


# test to get score without exploration noise
if (episode + 1) % args.test_interval == 0:
	start = time.time()
	cem_agent = CEMAgent(encoder, rssm, reward_model,
		args.horizon, args.N_iterations,
		args.N_candidates, args.N_top_candidates)
	obs = env.reset()
	done = False
	total_reward = 0
	while not done:
		action = cem_agent(obs)
		obs, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)
		total_reward += reward

writer.add_scalar('total reward at test', total_reward, episode)
print('Total test reward at episode [%4d/%4d] is %f' %
(episode + 1, args.all_episodes, total_reward))
print('elasped time for test: %.2fs' % (time.time() - start))
### 回答1: DebiasingRecommendationbyLearningIdentifiableLatentConfounders是一篇论文,该论文探讨了推荐系统中存在的偏见问题,并提出了一种解决偏见问题的方法。该方法的关键在于通过学习可识别的潜在混淆变量来降低推荐系统的偏见。具体来说,该方法通过在推荐系统中引入潜在混淆变量,将观察到的用户行为分解为潜在混淆变量和推荐系统行为的影响,从而降低了推荐系统的偏见。 该方法不仅可以应用于推荐系统,还可以应用于其他机器学习任务中存在偏见的问题。该论文的贡献在于提出了一种新的方法来降低推荐系统的偏见,并在多个数据集上进行了实验证明了该方法的有效性。 ### 回答2: 《通过学习可识别的潜在混淆因素进行去偏推荐》是一篇有关推荐系统的论文。推荐系统的目标是根据用户的兴趣和偏好,为其提供个性化的推荐。然而,推荐系统往往会受到潜在的混淆因素的影响,导致推荐结果产生偏差。 这篇论文提出了一种新的方法,通过学习可识别的潜在混淆因素来解决推荐系统中的偏差问题。该方法的核心思想是将推荐问题转化为因果推理问题,并将混淆因素作为因果推理中的干扰变量来处理。 具体而言,该方法首先通过对已有数据进行分析,找到与推荐结果相关的潜在混淆因素。然后,使用机器学习算法来学习这些混淆因素,并将其纳入模型中。通过考虑混淆因素,模型可以更准确地评估用户的兴趣和偏好,并为其提供更加准确的推荐。 在实验中,研究人员使用了真实世界的数据集来验证他们的方法。结果表明,该方法在解决推荐系统中的偏差问题上表现出了良好的效果。与传统的推荐模型相比,该方法能够更好地区分用户的兴趣和混淆因素,从而提供更加准确和个性化的推荐。 总的来说,该论文提出了一种新的方法来解决推荐系统中的偏差问题,即通过学习可识别的潜在混淆因素。该方法的创新之处在于将推荐问题转化为因果推理问题,并将混淆因素纳入模型中。通过实验证明,该方法在提高推荐准确性和个性化水平方面取得了良好的效果。 ### 回答3: 《通过学习可识别的潜在混淆因素来消除偏见的推荐系统》是一篇关于消除推荐系统偏见的研究论文。这篇论文主要介绍了一种通过学习潜在混淆因素来消除推荐系统中的偏见的方法。 推荐系统常常基于用户行为数据来生成个性化推荐结果。然而,用户行为数据中可能存在偏见,例如性别、种族、年龄等因素会影响用户的行为选择,从而导致推荐偏见。为了解决这个问题,本文提出了一种使用可识别的潜在混淆因素来进行去偏的方法。 首先,研究者通过分析用户行为数据,发现了一些与混淆因素相关的模式。这些混淆因素是指可能导致偏见的因素,比如在购买电视节目时,用户可能更倾向于选择与自己相同性别的节目。 接下来,研究者提出了一种学习和消除混淆因素的方法。他们通过建立一个模型来同时学习用户行为和混淆因素之间的关系。这个模型可以根据用户的行为数据以及混淆因素的特征来预测用户的行为选择。 然后,研究者使用这个模型来进行去偏。他们引入了一个干预机制,即改变混淆因素的取值,在推荐过程中实现对潜在混淆因素的干预。通过人为地改变混淆因素的取值,可以减少混淆因素对推荐结果的影响,从而实现去偏。 最后,研究者通过实验验证了他们的方法的有效性。结果表明,与传统的方法相比,使用潜在混淆因素进行去偏的推荐系统能够显著减少推荐结果的偏见,并提高个性化推荐的质量。 总的来说,《通过学习可识别的潜在混淆因素来消除偏见的推荐系统》提出了一种新的方法来解决推荐系统中的偏见问题。该方法通过学习用户行为与混淆因素的关系,并通过引入干预机制来消除偏见。这项研究对于优化推荐系统并提高个性化推荐的准确性具有重要的指导意义。




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