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原创 element-ui的upload组件的使用

场景:导入Excel文件,然后传File调用后台接口,解析出工单信息json。不需要展示文件列表,每次上传一个文件。<el-upload ref="uploadOrderInfo" action="#" :show-file-list="false" accept=".xlsx" :http-request="importOrderInfo"> <el-button size="mini" type="primary">导入</e

2022-01-10 16:39:10 905

原创 15、nginx之杂项名称


2021-11-20 12:48:23 1593

原创 14、nginx的正则表达式名称-(server_name为正则表达式)

官网:Server names翻译部分:Regular expressions names开始!The regular expressions used by nginx are compatible with those used by the Perl programming language (PCRE).nginx用的正则表达式和那些被PCRE用的正则表达式是可共用的。To use a regular expression, the server name must s..

2021-11-19 23:20:59 3648

原创 13、服务器名称之通配符名称

官网:Server names翻译部分:Wildcard names开始!A wildcard name may contain an asterisk only on the name’s start or end, and only on a dot border.一个通配符名称只包含在名字开头或者在名字结尾的星号,且只能在.的边界上。The names “www.*.example.org” and “w*.example.org” are invalid.www...

2021-11-19 22:09:38 546

原创 12、Server names-服务器名称

官网:Server names翻译开始!Server names are defined using theserver_namedirective and determine whichserverblock is used for a given request.nginx通过server_name指令来定义服务器名称,且server_name决定哪个server块被给定的请求使用。See also “How nginx processes a request”.也...

2021-11-19 21:55:14 1996

原创 11.nginx之混合基于名称和基于IP的虚拟服务器

Let’s look at a more complex configuration where some virtual servers listen on different addresses:让我们看一个更复杂的配置文件,它的一些虚拟服务器监听不同的地址,如下:分别监听了192.168.1.1:80和192.168.1.2:80server { listen; server_name example.org www.exa..

2021-11-15 00:15:15 817

原创 10.如何防止未定义的服务器名处理请求

官网:How nginx processes a request翻译部分:How to prevent processing requests with undefined server names开始!If requests without the “Host” header field should not be allowed, a server that just drops the requests can be defined:如果不允许请求没有host头字段,可以定义一..

2021-11-14 23:53:01 1574

原创 9.nginx如何处理一个请求--基于名称的虚拟服务器

官网:How nginx processes a request翻译部分:Name-based virtual servers(基于名称的虚拟服务器)开始!nginx first decides whichservershould process the request.nginx首先决定哪个server块应该处理请求。Let’s start with a simple configuration where all three virtual servers listen ...

2021-11-14 23:37:17 1635

原创 8、动态升级可执行文件-阅读官方文档

官网:Controlling nginx#upgrade翻译部分:Upgrading Executable on the Fly开始!前提条件:当前已经启动了nginx,否则logs目录下没有nginx.pid文件!In order to upgrade the server executable, the new executable file should be put in place of an old file first.为了升级服务器的可执行文件(即sbin/ngi..

2021-11-07 22:48:52 825

原创 平滑升级nginx


2021-11-07 16:50:01 984

原创 7、旋转日志文件-阅读官方文档

In order to rotate log files, they need to be renamed first.为了旋转日志文件,需要首先重命名它们。After that USR1 signal should be sent to the master process.之后,USR1信号应发送至主进程。The master process will then re-open all currently open log files and assign them an ...

2021-11-06 13:56:10 739

原创 6、通过更改配置文件来控制nginx-阅读官方文档

官网:Controlling nginx开始!In order for nginx to re-read the configuration file, a HUP signal should be sent to the master process.The master process first checks the syntax validity, then tries to apply new configuration, that is, to open log files a

2021-11-06 13:41:59 266

原创 5、控制nginx-阅读官方文档

官网:Controlling nginx翻译部分:Controlling nginx开始!nginx can be controlled with signals.nginx可以被信号控制。例如: ./nginx -s reload 中的s就是signal的缩写。The process ID of the master process is written to the file/usr/local/nginx/logs/nginx.pidby default.主...

2021-11-06 13:25:55 182

原创 4、nginx设置FastCGI代理-阅读官方文档

官网:Beginner’s Guide翻译部分:Setting Up FastCGI Proxyingtips:FastCGI是一个协议开始!nginx can be used to route requests to FastCGI servers which run applications built with various frameworks and programming languages such as PHP.nginx可以用来路由请求到用各种各样的框架和编程..

2021-11-05 23:32:47 1028

原创 3、nginx设置简单的代理服务器-阅读官方文档

官网:Beginner’s Guide翻译部分:Setting Up a Simple Proxy Server开始!One of the frequent uses of nginx is setting it up as a proxy server, which means a server that receives requests, passes them to the proxied servers, retrieves responses from them, and send

2021-11-05 22:17:57 499

原创 2、nginx提供静态内容-阅读官方文档

官方网址:Beginner’s Guidehttp://nginx.org/en/docs/beginners_guide.html#static翻译部分:Serving Static Content#An important web server task is serving out files (such as images or static HTML pages).web服务器 的一个重要任务是提供文件(例如 照片或者静态html文件)#You will implement...

2021-11-05 02:26:14 943

原创 1、nginx配置文件的结构-阅读官方文档

官网链接:Beginner’s Guide翻译部分:Configuration File’s Structure# nginx consists of modules which are controlled by directives specified in the configuration file.nginx由模块构成,这些模块由指令控制,指令定义在nginx配置文件中# Directives are divided into simple directives and block

2021-11-04 22:31:02 121

原创 用命令检查nginx配置文件语法是否正确

nginx -tc 你要检测的配置文件的路径D:\software\nginx\nginx-1.20.1>nginx -tc ./conf/nginx.confnginx: the configuration file ./conf/nginx.conf syntax is oknginx: configuration file ./conf/nginx.conf test is successful正确的情况:有误的情况有:...

2021-11-04 21:28:59 3630



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