《An Intrusion-Detection Model》翻译


An Intrusion-Detection Model



Abstract-A model of a real-time intrusion-detection expert system capable of detecting break-ins, penetrations, and other forms of computer abuse is described. The model is based on the hypothesis that security violations can be detected by monitoring a system’s audit records for abnormal patterns of system usage. The model includes profiles for representing the behavior of subjects with respect to objects in terms of metrics and statistical models, and rules for acquiring knowledge about this behavior from audit records and for detecting anomalous behavior. The model is independent of any particular system, application environment, system vulnerability, or type of intrusion, thereby providing a framework for a general-purpose intrusiondetection expert system.

Index Terms-Abnormal behavior, auditing, intrusions, monitoring, profiles, security, statistical measures.





This paper describes a model for a real-time intrusionI detection expert system that aims to detect a widerange of security violations ranging from attempted breakins by outsiders to system penetrations and abuses by insiders. The development of a real-time intrusion-detection system is motivated by four factors:

1)most existingsystems have security flaws that render them susceptible to intrusions, penetrations, and other forms of abuse;finding and fixing all these deficiencies is not feasible fortechnical and economic reasons; 2) existing systems with known flaws are not easily replaced by systems that are more secure-mainly because the systems have attractive features that are missing in the more-secure systems, or else they cannot be replaced for economic reasons; 3) developing systems that are absolutely secure is extremely difficult, if not generally impossible; and 4) even the most secure systems are vulnerable to abuses by insiders who misuse their privileges.






The model is based on the hypothesis that exploitation of a system’s vulnerabilities involves abnormal use of the system; therefore, security violations could be detected from abnormal patterns of system usage. The following examples illustrate:


· Attempted break-in: Someone attempting to break into a system might generate an abnormally high rate of password failures with respect to a single account or the system as a whole.


· Masquerading or successful break-in: Someone log-ging into a system through an unauthorized account and password might have a different login time, location, or connection type from that of the account’s legitimate user.In addition, the penetrator’s behavior may differ considerably from that of the legitimate user; in particular, he might spend most of his time browsing through directories and executing system status commands, whereas the legitimate user might concentrate on editing or compiling and linking programs. Many break-ins have been discovered by security officers or other users on the system who have noticed the alleged user behaving strangely.


· Penetration by legitimate user: A user attempting to penetrate the security mechanisms in the operating system might execute different programs or trigger more protection violations from attempts to access unauthorized files or programs. If his attempt succeeds, he will have access to commands and files not normally permitted to him.


· Leakage by legitimate user: A user trying to leak sensitive documents might log into the system at unusual times or route data to remote printers not normally used.


· Inference by legitimate user: A user attempting to obtain unauthorized data from a database through aggregation and inference might retrieve more records than usual.


·Trojan horse: The behavior of a Trojan horse planted in or substituted for a program may differ from the legitimate program in terms of its CPU time or I/O activity.


·Virus: A virus planted in a system might cause an increase in the frequency of executable files rewritten, storage used by executable files, or a particular program being executed as the virus spreads.


· Denial-of-Service: An intruder able to monopolize a resource (e.g., network) might have abnormally high activity with respect to the resource, while activity for all other users is abnormally low.Of course, the above forms of aberrant usage can also be linked with actions unrelated to security. They could be a sign of a user changing work tasks, acquiring new skills, or making typing mistakes; software updates; or changing workload on the system. An important objective of our current research is to determine what activities and statistical measures provide the best discriminating power;that is, have a high rate of detection and a low rate of false alarms.




The model is independent of any particular system, application environment, system vulnerability, or type of intrusion, thereby providing a framework for a general-pur-pose intrusion-detection expert system, which we have called IDES. A more detailed description of the design and application of IDES is given in our final report [1].


The model has six main components:

* 该模型有六个主要组成部分:

* Subjects: Initiators of activity on a target systemnornally users.

* 主体:在目标系统用户上活动的发起者。

* Objects: Resources managed by’ the system-files,commands, devices, etc.

* 对象:由系统文件、命令、设备等管理的资源。

* Audit records: Generated by the target system in response to actions performed or attempted by subjects on objects-user login, command execution, file access, etc.

* 审计记录:目标系统对主体对对象执行或尝试的操作(用户登录、命令执行、文件访问等)所产生的响应。

* Profiles: Structures that characterize the behavior or subjects with respect to objecfs in terms of statistical metrics and models of observed activity. Profiles are automatically generated and initialized from templates.

* 概要文件:根据观察到的活动的统计指标和模型,描述行为或主体与目标的关系的结构。配置文件从模板自动生成并初始化。

* Anomaly records: Generated when abnormal behavior is detected.

* 异常记录:检测到异常行为时产生。

* Activity rules: Actions taken when some condition is satisfied, which update profiles, detect abnormal behavior, relate anomalies to suspected intrusions, and produce reports.

* 活动规则:在满足某些条件时采取的动作,这些动作更新配置文件,检测异常行为,将异常与可疑入侵联系起来,并生成报告。

The model can be regarded as a rule-based pattern matching system. When an audit record is generated, it is matched against the profiles. Type information in the matching profiles then determines what rules to apply to update the profiles, check for abnormal behavior, and report anomalies detected. The security officer assists in establishing profile templates for the activities to monitor,but the rules and profile structures are largely system-independent.


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