CPT208以人为本的计算 Human-Centric Computing

Lec 2

1. Interaction Design

       1.1 Interaction design is the umbrella term covering all of these aspects:                    Fundamental to all disciplines, fields, and approaches concerned with researching and designing computer- based systems for people.

        1.2 Core characteristics :

                ① Users should be involved throughout the development of the project

                ② Specific usability and user experience goals need to be identified, clearly documented, and agreed to at the beginning of the project. 可用性目标指效率,安全性等等;用户体验目标是满足用户的娱乐,社交需求等等。

                ③ Iteration is needed through the core activities

        1.3 Importance of involving users

                ① Understanding of users’ goals leading to better products

                ② Expectation management ➔ 现实的期望,及时培训,平稳进行,正常交流

                ③ Ownership ➔ 用户成为积极的利益相关者,更好接受问题,提升产品接受和成功率

        1.4 Degrees of user involvement

                ① Member of the design team

                ② Face-to-face group or individual activities

                ③ Online contributions from thousands of users

                ④ User involvement after product release

        1.5 Usability and user experience goals


               Usability is more objective,从系统自身角度出发

               User experience is more subjective,用户从自己的角度出发

2. The Process of Interaction Design 

        2.1 Four basic activities of Interaction Design

                ①. Discovering requirements for the interactive product.

                ②. Designing alternatives that meet those requirements.

                ③. Prototyping the alternative designs so that they can be communicated and assessed.

                ④. Evaluating the product and the user experience it offers throughout the process.

        2.2 The double diamond of design

                第一个钻石(问题空间): 在这个阶段,设计团队与利益相关者合作,努力理解问题的本质,发现需求,收集信息,并且确保对问题有深入的理解。这个阶段强调的是挖掘和定义问题,并确定真正需要解决的核心问题。先探索Explore,后明确Articulating

                第二个钻石(解决方案空间): 在这个阶段,设计团队将问题空间中收集到的信息和洞察力转化为具体的解决方案,这个阶段强调的是创造性地生成和实验解决方案,以解决之前阶段所确定的问题。

        2.3 What is involved in Interaction Design :Focused on users and their goals

3. Practical Issues in Interaction Design

        3.1 User-centered approach  3 principles

                ①. Early focus on users and tasks: directly studying cognitive, behavioral, anthropomorphic, and attitudinal characteristics

                ②. Empirical measurement: users’ reactions and performance to scenarios, manuals, simulations, and prototypes are observed, recorded, and analysed

                ③. Iterative design: when problems are found in user testing, fix them and carry out more tests

        3.2 Early focus on users and tasks 

                ①. Users’ tasks and goals are the driving force behind the development.

                ②. Users’ behaviour and context of use are studied, and the system is designed to support them.

                ③. Users’ characteristics are captured and designed for.

                ④. Users are consulted throughout development from earliest phases to the latest.

                ⑤. All design decisions are taken within the context of the users, their activities, and their environment.

        3.3 What are the users’ needs

                Users rarely know what is possible, so  you should focus on peoples’ goals, usability, and user experience goals

4. Discovering Requirements

        4.1 需求活动的目的 : explore the problem space , descrip what will be developed

        4.2 What are requirements  :

                ➔ A statement about an intended product that specifies what it is expected to do or how it will perform

                ➔ Different forms and different levels of abstraction :

                        ① Atomic requirement shell :原子需求壳是指需求描述的最小单元,通常是对一个特定功能或特性的简单、清晰、具体的描述。它通常包括需求的名称、ID、描述、优先级等信息,能够独立地被理解和实现

                        ② User stories :Format ⇾ As a <role> , I want <behavior>so that <benefit>


        4.3 Different kinds of requirements

                ① Functional requirements 系统应做什么  eg :游戏应该有挑战性

                ② Non-functional requirements 产品的特征  eg :该游戏可以在哪些平台运行

        4.4 Six most common types of requirements

                ① Functional requirements 上面的那个

                ② Data requirements :要存哪些数据,怎么存储

                ③ Environment requirements or context of use :物理意义上的环境,技术等等

                ④ Users characteristics :不同国家的人,对象人群特点,用户配置文件

                ⑤ Usability goals 

                ⑥ User experience goals 

        4.5 Data gathering for requirements

                ① Interviews, observations, and questionnaires

                Studying documentation

                Researching similar product

        4.6 Contextual Inquiry is part of Contextual Design

                *Four main principles :

                        ① Context 走到用户身边看他们怎么做

                        ② Partnership 用户和访谈者一起探索用户生活

                        ③ Interpretation 用户和访谈者一起解释观察结果

                        ④ Focus 了解项目重点

        4.7 Bringing requirements to life :

                * Augmenting the basic requirements expressed as user stories

                * Personas :对普遍典型的用户进行丰富描写

                * Scenarios :非正式的叙事故事,简单自然,特定情境

5. Person and Scenario

        5.1 人物角色 :Capture a set of user characteristics (user profile),通过用户数据合成典型的a small set of personas with one primary.

        5.2 情景就是定义角色发生的事情,描述了角色在一系列事件的行为。

6. Use Cases

        6.1 Focus on functional requirements and capture interaction

        6.2 Two styles:  ①Essential use cases: division of tasks, no implementation detail

                                  ②Use case with normal and alternative courses: more detail



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