Demand Analysis from team MuYu


I Introduction

I.I   Information Table

I.II Link of material

II Divison of labor for each team

III. Challenges

IV: Team organization

I Introduction

I.I   Information Table

Which course does this assignment belong toEE301
Where are the requirements for this assignment?Demand Analysis
Team NameMuYu
The objective of this assignmentShow the team project demand analysis and defense ppt and explain the division of labor of team members
Other Reference Documents...

I.II Link of material

1.Requirements Analysis Report Description (pdf)

2.Demand analysis explanation PPT (for defense)

II Divison of labor for each team

Student IDWork DescriptionContribution
832101107Text and reporting PPT productionppt beautification
832101130Text and reporting PPT productionppt beautification
832101110Text and reporting PPT productionppt beautification
832101111Text and reporting PPT productionppt content production
832101113Text and reporting PPT productionppt content production
832101129Text and reporting PPT productionppt content production
832101102Defense speechreview powerpoint and presentations
832101118Defense speechwritingWrite the speech according to the ppt content
832101103Requirements analysis manual productionThe "introduction" part is written
832101114Requirements analysis manual productionThe "introduction" part is written
832101101Requirements analysis manual productionThe "introduction" part is written
832101115Requirements analysis manual productionThe "Overall Description" part is written
832101119Requirements analysis manual productionThe "Overall Description" part is written
832101122Requirements analysis manual productionThe "Requirements" part is written
832101106Requirements analysis manual productionThe "Requirements" part is written

III. Challenges


  • Integrating smoothly with WeChat's mini program platform and conforming to their standards and limitations.
  • Handling large volumes of concurrent users and transactions efficiently while maintaining good performance.
  • Implementing robust security measures like encryption, input validation and authorization to protect user data.
  • Designing an intuitive user interface optimized for mobile devices, with multi-language support.
  • Ensuring compatibility across diverse mobile devices, browsers and future enhancements.
  • Building a modular, maintainable codebase using Vue.js and Django.
  • Providing seamless integration with multiple payment gateways.
  • Developing an effective admin dashboard for managing listings, users, disputes etc.

IV: Team organization

Under the Spiral Development Framework, we will implement the following strategies:

Iterative development: The project is divided into iterations, each of which typically lasts 1 to 2 weeks, to ensure continuous delivery of a usable product.

Risk Oriented: At the beginning of each iteration, special attention is given to risk identification and management. We consider all possible risks to the project and take steps to mitigate them.

Progressive Improvement: The project is improved incrementally through each iteration, with new features or improvements added at each round of iterations, until the project reaches the desired level.

Phase Review: At the end of each iteration, a review and assessment is conducted to ensure that the project is meeting expectations in terms of quality and goals.

Continuous Improvement: Teams are encouraged to make continuous improvements throughout the duration of the project, improving workflow and product quality based on feedback and lessons learned from each iteration.

Membership Collaborative Approach:

Teamwork: Encourage positive teamwork to share knowledge and experience, solve problems, and support each other to achieve project goals.

Communication Channels: Establish effective communication channels, including email, instant messaging, team chat, and online collaboration tools, so that members can be in touch with each other at all times.

Problem Solving: Address problems and obstacles in a timely manner, encourage members to propose solutions, and ensure the team's continued progress.

Learning culture: Encourage learning and continuous improvement, including attending trainings, workshops and sharing best practices.

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