Sprint Summary Essay

The course of Alpha Sprinthttps://bbs.csdn.net/topics/617606376
Team Name MUYU


I. Project Expected Plan

Days 1-2: Technology Selection and Environment Setup

Days 3-4: Front-end Development

Days 5-7: Back-end Development

Days 8-9: Testing and Optimization

Day 10: Documentation, Demo, and Alpha Release Preparation

Additional Notes

II. Actual Progress

   1. Function display 

Sign up

Main page product showcase and ordering

Search functionality

Release idle goods

Personal page feature showcase

Backstage management system (ruoyi)

   2. Actual progress

III. Team Members' Work and Gain

IV. Contribution Form

V. Vision for the Next Phase

I. Project Expected Plan

Days 1-2: Technology Selection and Environment Setup
  1. Technology Stack:

    • Finalize the most suitable front-end and back-end technology stack based on the requirements.

    • Choose an appropriate framework for developing the WeChat Mini Program.

  2. Project Structure Setup:

    • Set up project structures for both front-end and back-end.

    • Initialize version control systems (e.g., Git).

  3. Environment Setup:

    • Install the WeChat Mini Program development tools.

    • Configure development environments for both front-end and back-end.

Days 3-4: Front-end Development
  1. Page Development:

    • Implement main pages of the Mini Program according to the prototype, including the home page, product details page, and user profile.

  2. Interface Optimization:

    • Enhance user experience, ensuring smooth page interactions.

    • Implement basic data display and user interactions.

Days 5-7: Back-end Development
  1. Back-end API Development:

    • Implement user registration and login APIs.

    • Develop APIs for displaying product lists, product details, and user transactions.

    • Implement APIs for users to publish products.

  2. Data Interaction:

    • Ensure correct invocation of back-end APIs by the front-end, achieving seamless data interaction.

Days 8-9: Testing and Optimization
  1. Functionality Testing:

    • Conduct functional testing to ensure core functionalities work correctly.

    • Address and fix identified issues to ensure smooth user workflows.

  2. Performance Optimization:

    • Optimize front-end page loading speeds.

    • Enhance back-end API performance.

Day 10: Documentation, Demo, and Alpha Release Preparation
  1. Documentation:

    • Write a user manual detailing the user registration process, product publishing flow, etc.

    • Document technical details for future maintenance.

  2. Alpha Release Preparation:

    • Package front-end and back-end code.

    • Deploy on a server or cloud platform, ensuring accessibility in a testing environment.

  3. Project Demo and Submission:

    • Conduct a demo of the Alpha version, collecting feedback.

    • Submit the project, preparing for the next iteration.

Additional Notes

  • Team Collaboration:

    • Ensure effective collaboration among team members through regular meetings and communication to address potential issues.

  • Version Control:

    • Use version control systems (e.g., Git) to track code changes, enabling collaborative work among team members.

  • Flexibility:

    • Maintain flexibility during the project, adjusting plans based on actual progress and needs.

II. Actual Progress

   1. Function display 

Sign up

Main page product showcase and ordering

Search functionality


Release idle goods

Personal page feature showcase


   2. Actual progress

    This task has been largely in line with the planned objectives, and we have successfully developed a second-hand trading platform tailored for college students—Muyu. The app encompasses a variety of features such as login, personal profile management, item listing, detailed product pages, ordering, and search functionality. However, due to unforeseen circumstances beyond our control, we were unable to implement the in-app chat payment feature, and the after-sales service has also not been fully realized yet. We appreciate your understanding and support as we work to address these challenges.

III. Team Members' Work and Gain

  • 化少巍
    Through regular meetings, we established an open and efficient communication channel. When faced with challenges, we promptly addressed and took action through team discussions and decision-making.
    In backend development:
    1. I delved into learning the Spring Boot framework, including its core principles and best practices.
    2. Designed clear, flexible, and easily scalable APIs to meet the data interaction needs between frontend and backend.
    3. Improved interface maintainability and readability through RESTful design principles.
    4. Enhanced issue identification efficiency through the use of debugging tools and a robust logging system.
    5. Recognized the importance of collaboration in promoting the overall progress of the project.
    I learned to make informed decisions, especially in urgent situations, while balancing the overall interests of the team.
  • 傅安

    Through the development of the project, I have enhanced my application skills in both frontend and backend technology stacks, including frontend frameworks such as Vue.js, backend development using Node.js, and database design. I gained a deep understanding of the business logic of a second-hand goods platform, including aspects like product listing, search functionality, and order management, thereby improving my comprehension of e-commerce operations.
    Throughout the development process, I encountered various challenges, ranging from frontend style adjustments to backend logic optimization. This experience has honed my ability to quickly identify and solve problems.
    I learned how to efficiently collaborate with team members, collectively driving project progress, emphasizing effective communication, and recognizing the importance of teamwork and collaboration. I believe this project is not just a technical practice; it is a comprehensive improvement of various skills, including teamwork, user experience, and business understanding.

  • 陈奕晖
    During the Alpha sprint, I gained the following insights and experiences:
    Practical Learning: Through this project, I delved deeper into understanding the usage of Vue.js and uni-app. Witnessing the application of these technologies in a real-world project provided me with valuable learning experiences.
    Significance of Frontend Development: This project underscored the importance of frontend development in my perspective. A well-designed frontend not only enhances user experience but also effectively showcases backend data.
    Overall, this project deepened my understanding of frontend development and highlighted the powerful features of Vue.js and uni-app. I believe these experiences will be beneficial for my future learning and work.

  • 郑宇翔
    During the Alpha sprint, I achieved significant learning gains by delving into the syntax and theoretical knowledge of Vue directives. Vue directives such as v-bind, v-model, v-for, v-if, and others were thoroughly studied. By judiciously applying these directives, I gained greater flexibility in controlling page element rendering, attribute binding, and user input handling. This flexibility not only improved development efficiency but also enhanced the interactivity of the pages.
    In-depth learning of Vue directives and theoretical knowledge during the Alpha team collaboration not only elevated my frontend development skills but also deepened my understanding of teamwork and the management of large-scale projects. This learning experience stands as a valuable asset for technical enhancement and professional development.

  • 魏灵菲
    Through the Alpha sprint process, I gained valuable experiences and insights. Firstly, I deeply realized the importance of frontend development in shaping user experience, emphasizing the need to focus on details and continually optimize and improve. Utilizing Vue, I discovered it to be a flexible and efficient JavaScript framework. Vue's data binding and component capabilities streamlined the development process, making it more concise and maintainable. I could effortlessly build interactive shopping cart interfaces and achieve dynamic data updates.
    Secondly, I became aware of the crucial role of teamwork and collaboration in the success of a project. Our team members collaborated closely, assisted each other, communicated effectively, laying a solid foundation for the smooth progress of the project.

  • 吕辉煌
    During the Alpha sprint, I learned about the significance and flexibility of Vue.js in practical applications. This project particularly emphasized the importance of component-based development, teaching me how to break down pages into reusable components, significantly improving development efficiency and code maintainability. Through data binding and template syntax, Vue.js greatly simplified the display and updating of dynamic data. I also gained insights into Vue.js lifecycle hooks, which proved to be invaluable during page loading and updates. Additionally, the handling of HTTP requests in the code showcased the process of frontend and backend interaction, providing a crucial understanding of data processing in modern web applications.

  • 邱淳彦
    Throughout the Alpha sprint, my experience and insights in frontend development and user interaction expanded. Utilizing the Vue framework, I aimed to provide users with a smoother and more interactive experience, while the cross-platform nature of UniApp enhanced development efficiency. I successfully built highly interactive interfaces, capable of real-time data updates, offering users a more intelligent and convenient experience.
    The teamwork and collaboration during the Alpha phase deepened my understanding that the success of a project relies not only on individual performance but also on the close coordination of the entire team. In my role as a frontend developer, collaboration with the backend team and other relevant teams was crucial. Through effective communication and timely issue resolution, we ensured the project's efficient progress. This experience has given me a profound appreciation for the value and importance of teamwork.

  • 林佳柽
    During the Alpha sprint, I learned the operational aspects of frontend project workflows, including Vue framework, uni-app, and gained concepts in asynchronous operations and lifecycle hooks.
    In terms of teamwork, we overcame communication barriers and formed an efficiently coordinated team. Each member took responsibility for specific modules or functionalities, establishing a clear division of labor and an efficient collaborative working model. The mutual support and collaboration among team members not only ensured the orderly progress of the entire project but also deepened the understanding and synergy within the team.
    The Alpha sprint not only brought technical gains but also strengthened our practical experience in teamwork and project management. I understand that a successful project requires not only technical expertise but also a well-structured and rational team collaboration framework.

  • 郑培炎
    Throughout this project, I gained a deep understanding of backend system development, particularly the application of C++ language and the Master-Slave Reactor pattern. This architectural design not only includes three main resource pools—ThreadPool, RedisPool, and MySQLPool—but also demonstrates the significance of resource pool design patterns in practical applications.
    Through this project, I learned how to efficiently manage and optimize backend resources. For instance, the use of ThreadPool made task processing more efficient, while RedisPool and MySQLPool provided robust support for data caching and database operations, respectively. The combination of these resource pools not only optimized system performance but also enhanced system scalability and stability.
    Additionally, I delved into real-time communication technologies, including WebSocket and HTTP protocols, which are crucial for ensuring effective network interaction with the Vue.js-based frontend application. The application of real-time communication technologies made the interaction between frontend and backend more seamless and efficient.

  • 林泽煌
    Through this Alpha sprint, I acquired the ability to rapidly build Java applications using Spring Boot, leveraging its convenient features such as automatic configuration, user-friendly interfaces, and embedded servers. I mastered the usage and management of MySQL databases, including creating and managing databases, tables, and indexes, as well as performing data operations and optimizing performance using SQL.
    Additionally, I learned to use the lightweight persistence framework MyBatis, configuring mapping files, executing CRUD operations, and advanced queries. While solving various challenges during the development process, I honed my skills in quickly identifying and resolving technical issues. Collaborating with team members reinforced the importance of efficient communication and well-defined roles.
    In summary, this project was not just a technical practice; it also enhanced my abilities in teamwork, user experience, and business understanding.

  • 陈怡萱
    During the Alpha sprint, I gained valuable insights:
    1. Clear Objectives: It's crucial to have clear goals, especially at the beginning of the Alpha sprint. Knowing exactly what you want to achieve helps guide the team's learning and work direction.
    2. Planning: Detailed planning, including daily and weekly tasks and goals, is essential. This helps improve efficiency and ensures that necessary work is completed within the specified time frame.
    3. Time Management: Precise time management is critical during the Alpha phase. Properly allocating time ensures that each task has enough time for in-depth understanding and mastery of Vue.js and uni-app usage.
    4. Reflection and Summarization: Regular reflection and summarization are important. Reviewing progress and lessons learned helps identify weaknesses and allows for timely adjustment of learning strategies.
    These insights provide a solid foundation for effective project management and personal development.

  • 徐抒杰

    1. Team Collaboration: In our team collaboration, we have clear divisions of labor and efficient cooperation, deepening the synergy among team members.
    2. UI Design and User Information: Elegant and well-crafted UI design enhances user experience, while comprehensive user information improves the accuracy of product recommendations in our mini-program.
    3. UI Frameworks and Component Encapsulation: When dealing with diverse headers in a list, we approach the use of UI frameworks and component encapsulation by considering the page's requirements. This allows for a rational encapsulation strategy and flexible handling of different page scenarios.
    4. Vuex Actions in Home Page: In the Vuex store of our home page, actions are used for both synchronous and asynchronous operations. During practical implementation, some data obtained from HTTP requests needs to be shared with other component pages. Coordinating these HTTP requests involves a considerable amount of code, and incorporating them into methods is done to better suit the appropriate method calls.

  • 吴新宇
    Through this Alpha sprint, I learned how to create a component-based page using Vue.js, building pages through a combination of templates, scripts, and styles. I gained an understanding of Vue.js data binding, the application of template syntax, and the use of lifecycle hooks. In this context, I learned how to initiate HTTP requests, render data returned from the backend onto the page, and explored methods for component-based development and reuse.
    Furthermore, I delved into page styling and applied frontend route management, implementing the functionality of navigating to product detail pages. Finally, by implementing a waterfall layout and dynamically rendering list content, I gained insights into some techniques for frontend performance optimization. This experience has made me more familiar with the usage of the Vue.js framework, providing significant assistance for future frontend development.

IV. Contribution Form

Student IDWork DescriptionContribution
832101102 化少巍Back-end Development15%
832101129 傅安Back-end Development15%
832101103 吕辉煌Front-end Development15%
832101119 郑培炎Back-end Development8%
832101115 林崇正Back-end Development8%
832101107 邱淳彦UI interface design and Interaction Design7.5%
832101130 魏灵菲UI interface design and Interaction Design7.5%
832101110 陈怡萱UI interface design and Interaction Design6%
832101111 陈奕晖Front-end Development2.57%
832101118 郑宇翔Front-end Development2.57%
832101114 林泽煌Front-end Development2.57%
832101101 王文锐Front-end Development2.57%
832101113 林佳柽Front-end Development2.57%
832101122 徐抒杰Back-end Development 2.57%
832101106 吴新宇Back-end Development 2.57%

V. Vision for the Next Phase

     Further optimize the matching degree between the interface and the actual front end. We will work on improving the user interface to make it more intuitive, easy to use, and more aligned with the needs of front-end development. Front-end developers will work closely together to investigate and understand user needs and issues, and make improvements based on their feedback.
     Optimize query accuracy and fuzzy matching capabilities. We will adopt a series of strategies, such as improving search algorithms, optimizing keyword matching, etc., to improve the accuracy and relevance of query results. It will also consider introducing more filtering options and sorting features to help users find the information they need faster.
     Perfect after-sales function, detailed buyer and seller communication solutions. In terms of after-sales functions, we will focus on improving the communication solution between users and buyers and sellers. We will provide as many communication channels and tools as possible, such as online calls, so that users can easily communicate with buyers and sellers and solve problems. In addition, we will also establish a reliable complaint handling mechanism to ensure that users can get timely resolution and satisfactory answers when they encounter problems.
    Through these improvements, we hope to be able to provide a better user experience, help users use our platform more efficiently, and be able to meet their needs and solve their problems. We will continue to pay attention to the feedback and needs of our users and continue to improve and optimize our products and services.

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