Real-time programming applied to the FreeRTOS operating system
First Day
RTOS Introduction
Cortex-M resources used by RTOS
  • Cortex-M Architecture Overview
    • Two stacks pointers
    • Different Running-modes and Privileged Levels
    • MPU Overview
    • Systick Timer Description
  • Exception / Interrupt Mechanism Overview
    • Interrut entry and return Overview
    • SVC / PendSV / Systick Interrupt Presentation
  • Developing with the IDE
Exercice :  Interrupt Management on Cortex-M4
Introduction to Real Time
  • Base real time concepts
  • The Real Time constraints
  • Multi-task and real time
Thread safe data structures
  • Need for specific data structures
  • Thread safe data structures
    • Linked lists
    • Circular lists
    • FIFOs
    • Stacks
  • Data structures integrity proofs
    • Assertions
    • Pre and post-conditions
Exercice :  Build a general purpose thread safe linked list
Second Day
Element of a real time system
  • Tasks and Task Descriptors
    • Content of the task descriptor
    • List of task descriptors
  • Context Switch
  • Task Scheduling and Preemption
    • Tick based or tickless scheduling
  • Scheduling systems and schedulability proof
    • Fixed priorities scheduling
    • RMA and EDF scheduling
  • Scheduling through FReeRTOS
    • Deterministic preemptive scheduling
    • Scheduling strategies
    • Cooperative scheduling
    • Hybrid scheduling
Exercice :  Analyse a Context Switch
Task Management
  • The Task life-cycle
    • Creating tasks
    • Deleting tasks
    • The Endless-loop pattern
  • Task Priorities
    • Assigning task priorities
    • Changing task priorities
  • The idle task
    • Idle task hooks
  • Timing
Exercice :  Managing tasks
Memory Management
  • Memory management algorithms
    • Buddy System
    • Best fit / First Fit
    • Pools Management
  • FreeRTOS-provided memory allocation schemes
    • Allocate-only scheme
    • Best-fit without coalescing
    • Thread-safe default malloc
  • Checking remaining free memory
  • Adding an application-specific memory allocator
  • Memory management errors
  • Stack monitoring
Exercice :  Write a simple, thread safe, buddy system memory manager
Exercice :  Write a generic, multi-level, memory manager
Exercice :  Enhance the memory manager for memory error detection
Exercice :  Detect stack overflow
Third Day
Synchronization Primitives
  • Introduction
    • Waiting and waking up tasks
    • Semaphores
    • Events
    • Mailboxes
  • Binary Semaphores through FreeRTOS
    • Give a Binary Semaphore
    • Take a binary Semaphore
  • Queue Management through FreeRTOS
    • Creation
    • Sending on a queue
    • Receiving from a queue
    • Data management
    • Sending compound types
    • Transfering large data
Exercice :  Synchronizing a task with another one through binary semaphores
Exercice :  Synchronizing a task with another one through queues
Resource Management
  • Mutual Exclusion
    • Spinlocks and interrupt masking
    • Mutex or Semaphore
    • Recursive or not recursive mutexes
    • Priority inversion problem
    • Priority inheritance (the automatic answer)
    • Priority ceiling (the design centric answer)
  • Mutual exclusion through FreeRTOS
    • Mutexes and binary semaphores
    • Deadlocks
    • Priority inversion
    • Priority inheritance
  • Critical sections
    • Critical sections
    • Suspending (locking) the scheduler
  • Gatekeeper tasks
Exercice :  Implement mutual exclusion between two tasks
Fourth Day
Parallelism Problems Solution
  • Parallel programming problems
    • Uncontrolled parallel access
    • Deadlocks
    • Livelocks
    • Starvation
Exercice :  The producer-consumer problem, illustrating (and avoiding) concurrent access problems
Exercice :  The philosophers dinner problem, illustrating (and avoiding) deadlock, livelock and starvation
Interrupt Management
  • Need for interrupts in a real time system
    • Software Interrupt
    • Time Interrupts
    • Device Interrupts
  • Level or Edge interrupts
  • Hardware and Software acknowledge
  • Interrupt vectoring
  • Interrupts and scheduling
  • Deferred interrupt processing through FreeRTOS
    • Tasks with interrupt synchronization
    • Using semaphores within an ISR
    • Counting semaphores
    • Using queues within an ISR
  • FreeRTOS interrupt processing
    • Writing ISRs in C
    • Interrupt safe functions
    • Interrupt nesting
Exercice :  Synchronize Interrupts with tasks
Software Timer
  • The Timer Daemon Task
  • Timer Configuration
  • One-shot / Auto-reload Timer
  • Software Timer API
Exercice :  Implement Soft Timers
Trouble Shooting
  • Checking for stack problems
  • Common pitfalls
  • The Cortex/M MPU
    • User and privileged modes
    • Access permissions
  • Defining MPU regions
    • Overlapping regions
    • Predefined regions
    • Programmer-defined regions
  • Needed linker configuration
  • Practical usage tips
Exercice :  Implement protected memory regions

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