
23 篇文章 1 订阅
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/calib3d/calib3d.hpp"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "OpenNI.h"
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>    
#include <iostream>    
#include <string>   
#include <fstream> 
#include <unistd.h>
#include <vector>
#include "mtcnn.hpp"
#include "utils.hpp"

#include <math.h>
#include "RGBDCamera.h"
#include "RGB-D_calibration_sample_code.h"

using namespace std;

using namespace cv;
using namespace openni;
static VideoCapture capture;
static Device device;
static VideoStream depth;
static VideoStream color;
static VideoStream ir;
static VideoFrameRef depthFrame;
static VideoFrameRef colorFrame;
static VideoFrameRef irFrame;

#define CAMERA_PARAMS_INI   "./camera_params.ini"
#define CONFIG_INI          "./config.ini"

const static int MAX_DEPTH_VALUE = 0xffff;

const static int OPENNI_READ_WAIT_TIMEOUT = 500;

static int mirrorColor = 0;
Mat depthImg(480, 640, CV_8UC3);
Mat depthRaw(480, 640, CV_16UC1, Scalar(0));
Mat irImg(480, 640, CV_8UC3, Scalar(0));
Mat colorImg(480, 640, CV_8UC3);

Mat  CaliDepth(480, 640, CV_8UC3);
float   mat[16] = { 0 };
static bool quit = false;
static int openAllStream = 0;
static bool isUvcCamera = true;

int num = 0;
string dirname = "./";

const char *type = "tensorflow";
mtcnn * p_mtcnn = mtcnn_factory::create_detector(type);
std::vector<face_box> face_info;
int save_chop = 0;

typedef struct {
	float x;
	float y;
	float z;
} vector3f;

void screenshot(vector<vector3f> point,string dirname,string filenames)
	ofstream outfile (dirname +"/"+ filenames + ".txt");
	//string file = dirname +"/"+ filenames + ".xyz";
	// outfile.open(file);
	if (outfile.is_open()) 

		for (int ii = 0; ii < 640 * 400; ii++)
			if (point[ii].z != 0 && point[ii].z < 800)
				outfile << point[ii].x << " " << point[ii].y << " " << point[ii].z << std::endl;
	cout << dirname << "/" <<filenames << ".xyz ,save successful!"<<endl;

int load_model() //加载mtcnn模型
	std::string model_dir = "../models";

    if (p_mtcnn == nullptr) {
        std::cerr << type << " is not supported" << std::endl;
        std::cerr << "supported types: ";
        std::vector<std::string> type_list = mtcnn_factory::list();

        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < type_list.size(); i++)
            std::cerr << " " << type_list[i];
        std::cerr << std::endl;
        return 1;

int   do_mtcnn()//检测人脸
	if (!colorImg.data) {
        std::cerr << "failed to read image file "<< std::endl;
        return 1;


    if (face_info.size() > 0)
    	return 1;
    return 0;

void FramFace(Mat &rgbImg,int mode,int move_x,int move_y)//显示人脸边框及关键点
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < face_info.size(); i++) {
        face_box& box = face_info[i];

        printf("face %d: x0,y0 %2.5f %2.5f  x1,y1 %2.5f  %2.5f conf: %2.5f\n",i,
                box.x0,box.y0,box.x1,box.y1, box.score);
        printf("landmark: ");

        for(unsigned int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
            printf(" (%2.5f %2.5f)",box.landmark.x[j], box.landmark.y[j]);


        if (save_chop) {
            cv::Mat corp_img=rgbImg(cv::Range(box.y0,box.y1),cv::Range(box.x0,box.x1));
            char title[128];

        /*draw box */
        cv::rectangle(rgbImg, cv::Point(box.x0 + move_x, box.y0 + move_y), cv::Point(box.x1 + move_x, box.y1 + move_y), cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), 1);

        /* draw landmark */
        for (int l = 0; l < 5; l++) {
            cv::circle(rgbImg,cv::Point(box.landmark.x[l],box.landmark.y[l]),1,cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255),1.8);

    // if (mode == 0)
    // {
    // 	cv::imwrite("color.jpg",rgbImg);
    // }
    // else 
    // {
    // 	cv::imwrite("depth.jpg",rgbImg);
    // }   

int waitForColorFrame()//获取彩色照片
	capture >> colorImg;
	cv::flip(colorImg, colorImg, 1);
	if (colorImg.empty()){
		printf("Capture UVC color failed.\n");
		return -1;

	return 0;

int waitForOpenNIFrame()//获取深度图片
	int streamIndex;
	VideoFrameRef frame;

	VideoStream* pStream[] = {&depth, &color, &ir};
	Status rc = OpenNI::waitForAnyStream(pStream, 3, &streamIndex, OPENNI_READ_WAIT_TIMEOUT);
	if (rc != STATUS_OK)
		printf("Wait failed! (timeout is %d ms)\n%s\n", OPENNI_READ_WAIT_TIMEOUT, OpenNI::getExtendedError());
		return 1;

	// printf ("streamIndex = %d\n",streamIndex);
	switch(streamIndex) {
		case 0:
			rc = depth.readFrame(&depthFrame);
		case 1:
			rc = color.readFrame(&colorFrame);
		case 2:
			rc = ir.readFrame(&irFrame);
			printf("Wait frame error. Stream index:%d\n", streamIndex);
			return 1;

	if (rc != STATUS_OK)
		printf("Read failed!\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError());
		return 2;

	// printf ("depthFrame.isValid() = %d\n",depthFrame.isValid());
	if(depthFrame.isValid()) {
		if (depthFrame.getVideoMode().getPixelFormat() != PIXEL_FORMAT_DEPTH_1_MM && depthFrame.getVideoMode().getPixelFormat() != PIXEL_FORMAT_DEPTH_100_UM)
			printf("Unexpected depthFrame format\n");
			return 3;

		DepthPixel* pDepth = (DepthPixel*)depthFrame.getData();

		// vector3f xyzdata;
		// vector<vector3f> point;
		// float x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0, depthv = 0.0;
		// float i, j;
		// for (i = 0; i < depthFrame.getHeight(); i++)
		// {
		// 	for (j = 0; j < depthFrame.getWidth(); j++)
		// 	{
		// 		int k = i;
		// 		int m = j;
		// 		depthv = pDepth[k*depthFrame.getWidth() + m];
		// 		CoordinateConverter::convertDepthToWorld(depth, j, i, depthv, &x, &y, &z);
		// 		xyzdata.x = x;
		// 		xyzdata.y = y;
		// 		xyzdata.z = z;
		// 		point.push_back(xyzdata);
		// 	}
		// }

		string filenames = std::to_string(num);
		// screenshot(point,dirname,filenames);

		//printf ("pDepth = %s\n",*pDepth);
		depthRaw = Mat(depthFrame.getVideoMode().getResolutionY(), depthFrame.getVideoMode().getResolutionX(), CV_16UC1, (unsigned char*)pDepth);

		float* pDepthHist = NULL;
		if (pDepthHist == NULL) {
			pDepthHist = new float[MAX_DEPTH_VALUE];
		memset(pDepthHist, 0, MAX_DEPTH_VALUE * sizeof(float));

		int numberOfPoints = 0;
		openni::DepthPixel nValue;

		int totalPixels = depthFrame.getVideoMode().getResolutionY() * depthFrame.getVideoMode().getResolutionX();

		for (int i = 0; i < totalPixels; i ++) {
			nValue = pDepth[i];
			if (nValue != 0) {
				pDepthHist[nValue] ++;
				numberOfPoints ++;

		for (int i = 1; i < MAX_DEPTH_VALUE; i ++) {
			pDepthHist[i] += pDepthHist[i - 1];

		for (int i = 1; i < MAX_DEPTH_VALUE; i ++) {
			if (pDepthHist[i] != 0) {
				pDepthHist[i] = (numberOfPoints - pDepthHist[i]) / (float)numberOfPoints;
		// printf ("pDepthHist = %s\n",pDepthHist);
		int height = depthFrame.getVideoMode().getResolutionY();
		int width = depthFrame.getVideoMode().getResolutionX();
		for (int row = 0; row < height; row++) {
			DepthPixel* depthCell = pDepth + row * width;
			uchar * showcell = (uchar *)depthImg.ptr<uchar>(row);
			for (int col = 0; col < width; col++)
				char depthValue = pDepthHist[*depthCell] * 255;
				*showcell++ = 0;
				*showcell++ = depthValue;
				*showcell++ = depthValue;

	// // printf ("irFrame.isValid() = %d\n",irFrame.isValid());
	// if(irFrame.isValid()) {
	// 	int height = irFrame.getVideoMode().getResolutionY();
	// 	int width = irFrame.getVideoMode().getResolutionX();
	// 	const openni::RGB888Pixel* pImageRow = (const openni::RGB888Pixel*)irFrame.getData();
	// 	memcpy(irImg.data, pImageRow, height * width * 3);
	// }

	// // printf ("colorFrame.isValid() = %d\n",colorFrame.isValid());
	// if(colorFrame.isValid()) {
	// 	int height = colorFrame.getVideoMode().getResolutionY();
	// 	int width = colorFrame.getVideoMode().getResolutionX();
	// 	const openni::RGB888Pixel* pImageRow = (const openni::RGB888Pixel*)colorFrame.getData();
	// 	memcpy(colorImg.data, pImageRow, height * width * 3);
	// 	cv::cvtColor(colorImg, colorImg, COLOR_RGB2BGR);
	// }

	return 0;

long long current_timestamp() {
    struct timeval te; 
    gettimeofday(&te, NULL); // get current time
    long long milliseconds = te.tv_sec*1000LL + te.tv_usec/1000; // calculate milliseconds
    return milliseconds;

void captureImage(int flag, Mat& img, int num)
	std::vector<int> png_params;
	png_params.push_back(0);    // 无损
	char csName[512];
	char fileName[64] = {0};
	if (flag == 0) {
		strcpy(fileName, "Depth");
	else if (flag == 1){
		strcpy(fileName, "Color");

	else {
		strcpy(fileName, "IR");

	sprintf(csName, "./Capture/%s_%d.png", fileName, num);
	cv::imwrite(csName, img, png_params);

int isLiveFace()
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < face_info.size(); i++) 
        face_box& box = face_info[i]; 

        // float x = box.x0 - 9  > 0 ? box.x0 - 9 : 0;
        // float y = box.y0 - 10 > 0 ? box.y0 - 10 :0;
        float x = box.x0  > 0 ? box.x0 : 0;
        float y = box.y0  > 0 ? box.y0 : 0;
        float w = box.x1 - box.x0 > 0 ? box.x1 - box.x0 : box.x0 - box.x1;
        float h = box.y1 - box.y0 > 0 ? box.y1 - box.y0 : box.y0 - box.y1;

        w =  x + w < depthImg.cols ? w : depthImg.cols - x;

        h =  y + h < depthImg.rows ? h : depthImg.rows - y;
        Mat out = depthImg(Rect(x, y, w, h));
        Mat means, stddev, covar;
		meanStdDev(out, means, stddev);
		double stddev_sum = 0;
		double stddev_avg = 0;
		for (int row = 0; row < means.rows; row++)
			stddev_sum = stddev_sum + stddev.at<double>(row);
		stddev_avg = stddev_sum / means.rows;
		stringstream ss,sss;
		ss << "real_" << stddev_avg;
		sss << "unreal_" << stddev_avg;
		int font = cv::FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX;
		if (stddev_avg > 58)
			printf("真人!标准差 = %.3f\n", stddev_avg);
			cv::rectangle(depthImg, cv::Point(box.x0 , box.y0 ), cv::Point(box.x1, box.y1 ), cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), 1);
			cv::putText(depthImg, ss.str(), cvPoint(box.x0, box.y0),font,1.5, cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0),2);
			printf("假人!标准差 = %.3f\n", stddev_avg);
			cv::rectangle(depthImg, cv::Point(box.x0, box.y0), cv::Point(box.x1, box.y1 ), cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), 1);
			cv::putText(depthImg, sss.str(), cvPoint(box.x0, box.y0), font, 1.5, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0),2);

int waitForFrame(Mat& previewImg)
	if(isUvcCamera) {

	int is_has_face = do_mtcnn();
	if (is_has_face)
		return 0;
	static long long lastTimeStamp = 0;
	long long currentTimeStamp = current_timestamp();
	long timepast = currentTimeStamp - lastTimeStamp;
	static int num = 0;
	if (mirrorColor != 0) {
		cv::flip(colorImg, colorImg, 1);

	// printf("timepast = %ld \n",timepast);
	// if (timepast > 100.0) {
	// 	captureImage(0, depthRaw, num);
	// 	captureImage(1, colorImg, num);
	// 	if(irFrame.isValid()) {
	// 		captureImage(2, irImg, num);
	// 	}
	// 	lastTimeStamp = currentTimeStamp;
	// 	num ++;
	// }

	previewImg = colorImg.clone();
	hconcat(previewImg, depthImg, previewImg);

	int is_live_face = isLiveFace();
	if (is_has_face && is_live_face)
		/* code */
	if(irFrame.isValid()) {
		hconcat(previewImg, irImg, previewImg);
	return 0;

int keyboardEvent(int key)
	if(key == 27) {
		quit = true;
	return 0;

bool checkFile(char * file)
    bool r = false;

    if (access(file, 0) != -1)
        cout << "-- find " << file << endl << endl;
        r = true;
        cout << "-- Didn't find " << file << endl << endl;
    cout<<"r   "<<r<<endl;
    return r;
int main(int argc, char*argv[])
	int camNum = 1;

	if(argc >= 2) {
		sscanf(argv[1], "%d", &openAllStream);

	if(argc >= 3) {
		sscanf(argv[2], "%d", &camNum);

	if(argc >= 4) {
		sscanf(argv[3], "%d", &mirrorColor); 

	Status rc;
	rc = openni::OpenNI::initialize();
	if(rc != STATUS_OK) {
		printf("init failed:%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError());
		return 1;

	rc = device.open(ANY_DEVICE);
	if(rc != STATUS_OK) {
		printf("Couldn't open device\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError());
		return 2;

	if (device.getSensorInfo(SENSOR_DEPTH) != NULL)
		rc = depth.create(device, SENSOR_DEPTH);
		if (rc != STATUS_OK)
			printf("Couldn't create depth stream\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError());
			return 3;
	rc = depth.start();
	if (rc != STATUS_OK)
		printf("Couldn't start the depth stream\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError());
		return 4;

	// printf("isUvcCamera = %d \n",isUvcCamera);
	// printf("openAllStream = %d \n",openAllStream);
	//bool hasOpenNIColor = device.hasSensor(openni::SENSOR_COLOR);
	const SensorInfo* colorSensorInfo = device.getSensorInfo(openni::SENSOR_COLOR);
	if (colorSensorInfo != NULL){

		isUvcCamera = false;
		rc = color.create(device, SENSOR_COLOR);
		if (rc != STATUS_OK)
			printf("Couldn't create ir stream\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError());
			return 3;

		rc = color.start();
		if (rc != STATUS_OK)
			printf("Couldn't start the ir stream\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError());
			return 4;

	if (isUvcCamera && openAllStream) {

		if (device.getSensorInfo(SENSOR_IR) != NULL)

			rc = ir.create(device, SENSOR_IR);
			if (rc != STATUS_OK)
				printf("Couldn't create ir stream\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError());
				return 3;

		rc = ir.start();
		if (rc != STATUS_OK)
			printf("Couldn't start the ir stream\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError());
			return 4;


	if (isUvcCamera) {

		capture.set(6, CV_FOURCC('M', 'J', 'P', 'G'));
		if (!capture.open(1))

		if (!capture.isOpened())
			return -1;

	Status result = STATUS_OK;

    cout << " *********** Astra Viewer v1.1*********" << endl << endl;
    cout << " O - RGBD Over display" << endl;
    cout << " R - toggle register" << endl;
    cout << " C - increase the Color proportion (after 'O')" << endl;
    cout << " D - increase the Depth proportion (after 'O')" << endl;
    cout << " Esc - Exit" << endl << endl;

    int REC_WIDTH = 640;
    int REC_HEIGHT = 480;

    if (checkFile(CONFIG_INI))
        int Scale = 2;//GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Resolution"), TEXT("RES"), 2, TEXT(CONFIG_INI));

        if (Scale == 2)
            REC_WIDTH = 640;
            REC_HEIGHT = 480;
        if (Scale == 3)
            REC_WIDTH = 1280;
            REC_HEIGHT = 1024;

    cout<<"REC_WIDTH: "<<REC_WIDTH<<"REC_HEIGHT: "<<REC_HEIGHT<<endl;
    // Mat     cvRGBImg(REC_HEIGHT, REC_WIDTH, CV_8UC3);
    // Mat     cvBGRImg(REC_HEIGHT, REC_WIDTH, CV_8UC3);
    // Mat     cvIRImg(REC_HEIGHT, REC_WIDTH, CV_16UC1);
    // Mat     c24bitIR(REC_HEIGHT, REC_WIDTH, CV_8UC3);
    // Mat     cvDepthImg(REC_HEIGHT, REC_WIDTH, CV_16UC1);
    // Mat     registerMat;

    // Mat     CaliDepthHistogram(REC_HEIGHT, REC_WIDTH, CV_16UC1);
    bool    rgbMode         = true;
    bool    isCameraParamsExist = true;
    bool    IsOver          = true;
    bool    IsRegister      = false;

    IplImage    IplColor, IplDepth, IplReg;
    char        temp_alpha[32] = {0};
    char        key = 0;
    CvFont      font;
    cvInitFont(&font, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 1, CV_AA);
    uint16_t alphaC = 5, alphaD = 5;

    // CRGBDCamera camera(REC_WIDTH, REC_HEIGHT);
    // camera.InitializeDevice();
    // camera.OpenDevice();
    // camera.InitializeRGBorIRStream(rgbMode, REC_HEIGHT, REC_WIDTH);
    // camera.StartRGBorIRStream();
    // camera.StartDepthStream();  

    // cout<<"------------------222222222222222-----------------"<<endl;
    // isCameraParamsExist = checkFile(CAMERA_PARAMS_INI);
    // cout<<"isCameraParamsExist :  "<<isCameraParamsExist<<endl;
    // if (isCameraParamsExist)
    // {
    //     CameraParameter camera;
    //     camera.loadCameraParams(CAMERA_PARAMS_INI);
    //     CalcALLMat(mat, camera);
    // }

    // float *p;
    // for( p = mat; p < (mat+16) ;p++ )
    // {
    //    printf("%f ",*p);

    // }
    // printf("\n\n");

if (isCameraParamsExist)
        IsRegister = !IsRegister;
        if (device.isImageRegistrationModeSupported(openni::IMAGE_REGISTRATION_DEPTH_TO_COLOR))
    		printf("ImageRegistrationModeSupported 222222222222222222222222\n");
        	if (IsRegister)
	const char* title = "UVC Color";
	cvNamedWindow(title, 1);

	char fpsStr[64] = "30.0";
	while (!quit)

		Mat previewImg(480, 640, CV_8UC3);
		IplImage image = previewImg;
		cvShowImage(title, &image);

		int key = cvWaitKey(10);
		if(key >= 0) {

		// num++;

	if (isUvcCamera) {

	return 0;


评论 5




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


