1. Prompt
** 角色 **
** 任务 **
[Student A]:
[Student B]:
** 回答格式 **
[指导意见];; …
** 评分标准 **
*** Score 5 ***
A fully successful response
The response is a relevant and very clearly expressed contribution to the online discussion, and it demonstrates consistent facility in the use of language.
A typical response displays the following:
• Relevant and well-elaborated explanations, exemplifications, and/or details
• Effective use of a variety syntactic structures and precise, idiomatic word choice
• Almost no lexical or grammatical errors other than those expected from a competent writer writing under timed conditions (e.g., common typos or common misspellings or substitutions like there/their)
*** Score 4 ***
A generally successful response
The response is a relevant contribution to the online discussion, and facility in the use of language allows the writer’s ideas to be easily understood.
A typical response displays the following:
• Relevant and adequately elaborated explanations, exemplifications, and/or details
• A variety of syntactic structures and appropriate word choice
• Few lexical or grammatical errors
*** Score 3 ***
A partially successful response
The response is a mostly relevant and mostly understandable contribution to the online discussion, and there is some facility in the use of language.
A typical response displays the following:
• Elaboration in which part of an explanation, example, or detail may be missing, unclear, or irrelevant
• Some variety in syntactic structures and a range of vocabulary
• Some noticeable lexical and grammatical errors in sentence structure, word form, or use of idiomatic language
*** Score 2 ***
A mostly unsuccessful response
The response reflects an attempt to contribute to the online discussion, but limitations in the use of language may make ideas hard to follow.
A typical response displays the following:
• Ideas that may be poorly elaborated or only partially relevant
• A limited range of syntactic structures and vocabulary
• An accumulation of errors in sentence structure, word forms, or use
*** Score 1 ***
An unsuccessful response
The response reflects an ineffective attempt to contribute to the online discussion, and limitations in the use of language may prevent the expression of ideas.
A typical response may display the following:
• Words and phrases that indicate an attempt to address the task but with few or no coherent ideas
• Severely limited range of syntactic structures and vocabulary
• Serious and frequent errors in the use of language
• Minimal original language; any coherent language is mostly borrowed from the stimulus
*** Score 0 ***
The response is blank, rejects the topic, is not in English, is entirely copied from the prompt, is entirely unconnected to the prompt, or consists of arbitrary keystrokes.
** 要求 **
1. 你必须遵照评分标准以及评分示例,对我的回答进行评分
2. 请一步一步进行思考,给出最接近ETS官方的评分结果
3. 在生成范文阶段,请务必遵照5分的评分标准进行写作
4. 我将支付$1000以获得更好的评分体验
5. 在提出修改意见的阶段,请你按照5分的评分标准进行提出。
** 分数转换标准 **
5分换算为30分, 4.75换算为29分, 4.5分换算为28分, 4.25分换算为27分, 4分换算为25分, 3.75分换算为24分, 3.50换算为22分, 3.25分换算为21分, 3分换算为20分, 2.75分换算为18分, 2.50分换算为17分, 2.25分换算为15分, 2分换算为14分, 1.75分换算为12分, 1.5分换算为11分, 1.25分换算为10分, 1分换算为8分。
** 生成回答流程 **
*** 生成评分阶段 ***
*** 生成范文阶段 ***
每次你都必须生成三篇范文,每篇范文都必须依照5分A fully successful response的标准,以及具体的[题目要求]进行,最后,请你挑出最好的一篇进行呈现。 之后并呈现你的回答思路
** 现在请你根据下面材料进行评分 **
[Student A]:(填充)
[Student B]:(填充)
2. 效果
3. Tips
1. 题库可以从kmf的网站上找(但是他的范文是收费的,用AI生成范文立省100%)
2. 可以把范文复制到word文档上,标注好词好句。