


  1. 选择器
  2. 盒子模型
  3. 背景和边框
  4. 文字特效
  5. 2d、3d转换
  6. 动画
  7. 多列布局
  8. 用户界面
  9. 圆角
  10. 盒阴影
    例如box-shadow:10px 10px 5px #888;
    水平 垂直 扩散的模糊范围 颜色
  11. css边界图片
    source slice width outset repeat|initial|inherit
    路径 宽度 重复方式round平铺重复 stretch拉伸


1. 指定每个圆角4个值
2. 椭圆边框border-radius:


  1. ①background-image
    背景叠加 不同图片之间用逗号隔开,第一张为最上层
    ②Background-position:right bottom, left top;从左向右设置图片位置
    以上两种合并background: url(img_flwr.gif) right bottom no-repeat, url(paper.gif) left top repeat;
    content-box, padding-box,和 border-box
  2. background-clip
    背景裁剪content-box, padding-box,和 border-box裁剪的剩下


  1. 线性渐变(Linear Gradients)- 向下/向上/向左/向右/对角方向
    径向渐变(Radial Gradients)- 由它们的中心定义
    background-image: linear-gradient(#e66465, #9198e5);
    background-image: linear-gradient(to right, red , yellow);
    background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom right, red, yellow);
    background-image: linear-gradient(-90deg, red, yellow);
  2. 透明度
  3. 重复的线性变化
    background-image: repeating-linear-gradient(red, yellow 10%, green 20%);
  4. radial-gradient径向变换
    可以指定渐变的中心、形状(圆形或椭圆形)、大小。默认情况下,渐变的中心是 center(表示在中心点),渐变的形状是 ellipse(表示椭圆形),渐变的大小是 farthest-corner(表示到最远的角落)
    语法:background-image: radial-gradient(shape size at position, start-color, …, last-color);
    ① 颜色均匀分布
    background-image: radial-gradient(red, yellow, green);
    ② 颜色分布不均匀
    background-image: radial-gradient(red 5%, yellow 15%, green 60%);
    Shape circle 表示圆形,ellipse 表示椭圆形。默认值是 ellipse。
    size 参数定义了渐变的大小。它可以是以下四个值:
    background-image: repeating-radial-gradient(red, yellow 10%, green 15%);


  1. text-shadow
    3.text-overflow clip|ellipsis| string(给定字符显示)

4.word-wrap css3的换行
p {word-wrap:break-word;}
5. word-break
word-break: keep-all; 不变不拆 word-break: break-all打破


  1. CSS3 @font-face 规则 当你发现您要使用的字体文件时,只需简单的将字体文件包含在网站中,它会自动下载给需要的用户
  2. 使用方法
    ① 首先定义字体的名称(比如 myFirstFont)

    ② 然后指向该字体文件,引用
  3. 粗体文本
    ![] ](https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/20200524201521538.png)


transform: translate(50px,100px);
transform: rotate(30deg);
transform:scale(2,3); 宽度为原来的大小的2倍,和其原始大小3倍的高度
transform: skew(30deg,20deg) X轴和Y轴上倾斜20度30度

* Css33d转换


  • Css3过度
    Transition:过度属性 时间;

* Css3动画

CSS3 @keyframes 规则

① 规定动画的名称时长animation: myfirst 5s;
② 实现变化


指定了需要分割的列数column-count: 3; 文本分为三列
指定了列与列间的间隙指定了列与列间的间隙为 40 像素column-gap: 40px;
列与列间的边框样式 column-rule-style: solid;
列与列间的边框样式 column-rule-style: solid;
指定了两列的边框颜色 column-rule-color: lightblue;
设置了列直接的边框的厚度,样式及颜色 column-rule: 1px solid lightblue;

h2 {column-span: all;}
指定列的宽度column-width: 100px;每一栏都是100px,把页面分成总宽/100个


{ resize:both;
以确切的方式定义适应某个区域的具体内容 box-sizing:border-box;


  1. 圆角图片px 椭圆图片 50%
  2. 创建缩略图 border属性 结合padding形成
  3. 在a下设置图片,给a设置属性产生缩略图为链接
  4. 响应式图片
    max-width: 100%;
    height: auto;
  5. 图片文本 设置外侧为相对文本为绝对
  6. 设置图片滤镜
    CSS filter 属性用为元素添加可视效果 (例如:模糊与饱和度)
    filter: grayscale(100%);设置灰度,此时为黑白


  1. 设置颜色background-color
  2. 设置大小通过font-size改变
  3. 圆角border-radius
  4. 边框颜色border:2px solid 颜色
  5. 悬停hover
  6. 阴影box-shadow
  7. 禁用按钮①通过opacity设置透明度看起来像呗禁用②cursor设置为not-allowed
  8. 按钮组设置floatleft使看起来像是组按钮(设置border属性使看起来带边框按钮组)


  1. pagination
  2. 简单分页

设置变化存在过度使用transition: 例如background-color .3s;

  • 0
  • 0
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0
10.1 何为Qt样式表 由于Qt样式表的引入,定制Qt部件的外观样式变得非常简单。 Qt样式表的思想很大程度上是来自于HTML的层叠式样式表(CSS), 通过调用QWidget::setStyleSheet()或QApplication::setStyleSheet(), 你可以为一个独立的子部件、整个窗口,甚至是整个个应用程序指定一个样式表。 样式表是通过QStyle的一个叫做QStyleSheetStyle的特殊子类来实现的。 这个特殊的子类实际上是其他的系统特定风格类的包裹类,它会把通过样式表指定的自定义外观风格应用在底层的系统特定风格之上。 10.2 样式表语法基础 Qt样式表与CSS的语法规则几乎完全相同,如果你已经了解了CSS,完全可以跳过本节。 一个样式表由一系列的样式规则构成。每个样式规则都有着下面的形式: selector { attribute: value } 选择器(selector)部分通常是一个类名(例如QComboBox),当然也还有其他的语法形式。 属性(attribute)部分是一个样式表属性的名字, 值(value)部分是赋给该属性的值。 为了使用方便,我们还可以使用一种简化形式: selector1, selector2, ..., selectorM { attribute1: value1; attribute2: value2; ... attributeN: valueN; } 这种简化形式可以同时为与M个选择器相匹配的部件设置N种属性。 例如: QCheckBox, QComboBox, QSpinBox { color: red; //字体颜色:红 font: bold; } 这个规则设置了所有的QCheckBox、QComboBox和QSpinBox的前景色、背景色和字体。 10.3 方箱模型 在样式表中,每个部件都被看作是一个由四个同心相似的矩形组成的箱体: 空白(margin)、边框(border)、填充(padding)和内容(content)。 对于一个平面部件——例如一个空白、边框和填充都是0像素的部件——而言,这四个矩形是完全重合的。 空白区域位于边框外,并且总是透明的。 边框为部件提供了四周的框架,其border-style属性可以设置为一些内置的框架风格,如inset、outset、solid和ridge。 填充在边框和内容区域之间提供了空白间隔。 10.4 前景与背景 部件的前景色用于绘制上面的文本,可以通过color属性指定。 背景色用于绘制部件的填充矩形,可以通过background-color属性指定。 背景图片使用background-image属性定义,它用于绘制由background-origin指定的矩形区域(空白、边框、填充或内容)。背景图片在矩形区域内的对齐和平铺方式可以通过background-position和background-repeat属性指定。 QFrame { margin: 10px; border: 2px solid green; padding: 20px; background-image: url(qt.png); background-position: top right; background-origin: content; background-repeat: none; } 在这个例子中,QFrame四周的空白、边框和填充值都是一样的。 实际上margin属性可以在上下左右四个方向分别指定我们需要的不同值,例如: QFrame { margin: 14px 18px 20px 18px; } 同时,我们也可以分别指定margin-top、margin-right、margin-bottom、margin-left四个属性。 QFrame { margin-top: 14px; margin-right: 18px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-left: 18px; } 虽然目前我们仅仅使用了QFrame作为例子,但是我们也可以同样的将这些属性应用于任何一个支持方箱模型的Qt部件,例如:QCheckBox、 QLabel、QLineEdit、QListView、QMenu、QPushButton、QTextEdit、和QToolTip。 10.5 可缩放样式 在默认情况下,通过background-image指定的背景图片会自动重复平铺,以覆盖部件的整个填充矩形(即边框里面的那个区域)。 ///注意区别: 如果我们想创建能够随着部件大小自动缩放而不是平铺的背景,我们需要设置一种称之为“边框图片”的东东。 注意 “边框图片”可以通过border-image属性指定,它同时提供了部件的背景和边框。 一个“边框图片”被分为九个部分(九宫格),有点向tic-tac-toe游戏的棋盘。 当一个部件的边框被填充时,四角的格子通常不会发生变化,而其余的五个格子则可能被拉伸或平铺以填充可用空间。 当指定一个“边框图片”时,除了图片本身,我们还必须指定用来分割九宫格的四条分割线。同时我们还必须指定非边角的格子是应该平铺还是拉伸,以及边框的宽度(用来确定边角格子的大小,防止边角被缩放变形)。 例如,下面的样式表定义了上图中的button: QPushButton { border-width: 4px; border-image: url(button.png) 4 4 4 4 stretch stretch; } 另外,“边框图片”还应该含有alpha通道,以使背景能够在边角处露出来。 10.6控制大小 min-width和min-height两个属性可以用来指定一个部件的内容区域的最小大小。 这两个值将影响部件的minimumSizeHint(),并在布局时被考虑。 例如: QPushButton { min-width: 68px; min-height: 28px; } 如果该属性没有被指定,最小大小将从部件的内容区域和当前样式中继承。 10.7 伪状态 部件的外观可以按照用户界面元素状态的不同来分别定义,这在样式表中被称为“伪状态”。例如,如果我们想在一个push button在被按下的时候具有sunken的外观,我们可以指定一个叫做 :pressed 的伪状态。 QPushButton { border: 2px outset green; } QPushButton:pressed { background: gray; }
Version: ImageMagick 6.7.6-7 2012-04-20 Q16 http://www.imagemagick.org Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2012 ImageMagick Studio LLC Features: OpenMP Usage: convert.exe [options ...] file [ [options ...] file ...] [options ...] file Image Settings: -adjoin join images into a single multi-image file -affine matrix affine transform matrix -alpha option activate, deactivate, reset, or set the alpha channel -antialias remove pixel-aliasing -authenticate password decipher image with this password -attenuate value lessen (or intensify) when adding noise to an image -background color background color -bias value add bias when convolving an image -black-point-compensation use black point compensation -blue-primary point chromaticity blue primary point -bordercolor color border color -caption string assign a caption to an image -channel type apply option to select image channels -colors value preferred number of colors in the image -colorspace type alternate image colorspace -comment string annotate image with comment -compose operator set image composite operator -compress type type of pixel compression when writing the image -define format:option define one or more image format options -delay value display the next image after pausing -density geometry horizontal and vertical density of the image -depth value image depth -direction type render text right-to-left or left-to-right -display server get image or font from this X server -dispose method layer disposal method -dither method apply error diffusion to image -encoding type text encoding type -endian type endianness (MSB or LSB) of the image -family name render text with this font family -fill color color to use when filling a graphic primitive -filter type use this filter when resizing an image -font name render text with this font -format "string" output formatted image characteristics -fuzz distance colors within this distance are considered equal -gravity type horizontal and vertical text placement -green-primary point chromaticity green primary point -intent type type of rendering intent when managing the image color -interlace type type of image interlacing scheme -interline-spacing value set the space between two text lines -interpolate method pixel color interpolation method -interword-spacing value set the space between two words -kerning value set the space between two letters -label string assign a label to an image -limit type value pixel cache resource limit -loop iterations add Netscape loop extension to your GIF animation -mask filename associate a mask with the image -mattecolor color frame color -monitor monitor progress -orient type image orientation -page geometry size and location of an image canvas (setting) -ping efficiently determine image attributes -pointsize value font point size -precision value maximum number of significant digits to print -preview type image preview type -quality value JPEG/MIFF/PNG compression level -quiet suppress all warning messages -red-primary point chromaticity red primary point -regard-warnings pay attention to warning messages -remap filename transform image colors to match this set of colors -respect-parentheses settings remain in effect until parenthesis boundary -sampling-factor geometry horizontal and vertical sampling factor -scene value image scene number -seed value seed a new sequence of pseudo-random numbers -size geometry width and height of image -stretch type render text with this font stretch -stroke color graphic primitive stroke color -strokewidth value graphic primitive stroke width -style type render text with this font style -synchronize synchronize image to storage device -taint declare the image as modified -texture filename name of texture to tile onto the image background -tile-offset geometry tile offset -treedepth value color tree depth -transparent-color color transparent color -undercolor color annotation bounding box color -units type the units of image resolution -verbose print detailed information about the image -view FlashPix viewing transforms -virtual-pixel method virtual pixel access method -weight type render text with this font weight -white-point point chromaticity white point Image Operators: -adaptive-blur geometry adaptively blur pixels; decrease effect near edges -adaptive-resize geometry adaptively resize image using 'mesh' interpolation -adaptive-sharpen geometry adaptively sharpen pixels; increase effect near edges -alpha option on, activate, off, deactivate, set, opaque, copy transparent, extract, background, or shape -annotate geometry text annotate the image with text -auto-gamma automagically adjust gamma level of image -auto-level automagically adjust color levels of image -auto-orient automagically orient (rotate) image -bench iterations measure performance -black-threshold value force all pixels below the threshold into black -blue-shift factor simulate a scene at nighttime in the moonlight -blur geometry reduce image noise and reduce detail levels -border geometry surround image with a border of color -bordercolor color border color -brightness-contrast geometry improve brightness / contrast of the image -cdl filename color correct with a color decision list -charcoal radius simulate a charcoal drawing -chop geometry remove pixels from the image interior -clamp restrict pixel range from 0 to the quantum depth -clip clip along the first path from the 8BIM profile -clip-mask filename associate a clip mask with the image -clip-path id clip along a named path from the 8BIM profile -colorize value colorize the image with the fill color -color-matrix matrix apply color correction to the image -contrast enhance or reduce the image contrast -contrast-stretch geometry improve contrast by `stretching' the intensity range -convolve coefficients apply a convolution kernel to the image -cycle amount cycle the image colormap -decipher filename convert cipher pixels to plain pixels -deskew threshold straighten an image -despeckle reduce the speckles within an image -distort method args distort images according to given method ad args -draw string annotate the image with a graphic primitive -edge radius apply a filter to detect edges in the image -encipher filename convert plain pixels to cipher pixels -emboss radius emboss an image -enhance apply a digital filter to enhance a noisy image -equalize perform histogram equalization to an image -evaluate operator value evaluate an arithmetic, relational, or logical expression -extent geometry set the image size -extract geometry extract area from image -fft implements the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) -flip flip image vertically -floodfill geometry color floodfill the image with color -flop flop image horizontally -frame geometry surround image with an ornamental border -function name parameters apply function over image values -gamma value level of gamma correction -gaussian-blur geometry reduce image noise and reduce detail levels -geometry geometry preferred size or location of the image -identify identify the format and characteristics of the image -ift implements the inverse discrete Fourier transform (DFT) -implode amount implode image pixels about the center -lat geometry local adaptive thresholding -layers method optimize, merge, or compare image layers -level value adjust the level of image contrast -level-colors color,color level image with the given colors -linear-stretch geometry improve contrast by `stretching with saturation' -liquid-rescale geometry rescale image with seam-carving -median geometry apply a median filter to the image -mode geometry make each pixel the 'predominant color' of the neighborhood -modulate value vary the brightness, saturation, and hue -monochrome transform image to black and white -morphology method kernel apply a morphology method to the image -motion-blur geometry simulate motion blur -negate replace every pixel with its complementary color -noise geometry add or reduce noise in an image -normalize transform image to span the full range of colors -opaque color change this color to the fill color -ordered-dither NxN add a noise pattern to the image with specific amplitudes -paint radius simulate an oil painting -polaroid angle simulate a Polaroid picture -posterize levels reduce the image to a limited number of color levels -profile filename add, delete, or apply an image profile -quantize colorspace reduce colors in this colorspace -radial-blur angle radial blur the image -raise value lighten/darken image edges to create a 3-D effect -random-threshold low,high random threshold the image -region geometry apply options to a portion of the image -render render vector graphics -repage geometry size and location of an image canvas -resample geometry change the resolution of an image -resize geometry resize the image -roll geometry roll an image vertically or horizontally -rotate degrees apply Paeth rotation to the image -sample geometry scale image with pixel sampling -scale geometry scale the image -segment values segment an image -selective-blur geometry selectively blur pixels within a contrast threshold -sepia-tone threshold simulate a sepia-toned photo -set property value set an image property -shade degrees shade the image using a distant light source -shadow geometry simulate an image shadow -sharpen geometry sharpen the image -shave geometry shave pixels from the image edges -shear geometry slide one edge of the image along the X or Y axis -sigmoidal-contrast geometry increase the contrast without saturating highlights or shadows -sketch geometry simulate a pencil sketch -solarize threshold negate all pixels above the threshold level -sparse-color method args fill in a image based on a few color points -splice geometry splice the background color into the image -spread radius displace image pixels by a random amount -statistic type geometry replace each pixel with corresponding statistic from the neighborhood -strip strip image of all profiles and comments -swirl degrees swirl image pixels about the center -threshold value threshold the image -thumbnail geometry create a thumbnail of the image -tile filename tile image when filling a graphic primitive -tint value tint the image with the fill color -transform affine transform image -transparent color make this color transparent within the image -transpose flip image vertically and rotate 90 degrees -transverse flop image horizontally and rotate 270 degrees -trim trim image edges -type type image type -unique-colors discard all but one of any pixel color -unsharp geometry sharpen the image -vignette geometry soften the edges of the image in vignette style -wave geometry alter an image along a sine wave -white-threshold value force all pixels above the threshold into white Image Sequence Operators: -append append an image sequence -clut apply a color lookup table to the image -coalesce merge a sequence of images -combine combine a sequence of images -composite composite image -crop geometry cut out a rectangular region of the image -deconstruct break down an image sequence into constituent parts -evaluate-sequence operator evaluate an arithmetic, relational, or logical expression -flatten flatten a sequence of images -fx expression apply mathematical expression to an image channel(s) -hald-clut apply a Hald color lookup table to the image -morph value morph an image sequence -mosaic create a mosaic from an image sequence -print string interpret string and print to console -process arguments process the image with a custom image filter -separate separate an image channel into a grayscale image -smush geometry smush an image sequence together -write filename write images to this file Image Stack Operators: -clone indexes clone an image -delete indexes delete the image from the image sequence -duplicate count,indexes duplicate an image one or more times -insert index insert last image into the image sequence -reverse reverse image sequence -swap indexes swap two images in the image sequence Miscellaneous Options: -debug events display copious debugging information -help print program options -list type print a list of supported option arguments -log format format of debugging information -version print version information By default, the image format of `file' is determined by its magic number. To specify a particular image format, precede the filename with an image format name and a colon (i.e. ps:image) or specify the image type as the filename suffix (i.e. image.ps). Specify 'file' as '-' for standard input or output. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 0000796: DBGrid: Render bug when Column color is clWindow and project is created with 0.82 - 0000795: Grid: Cell background color change poor render performance - 0000791: UniDBGrid, UniStringGrid: Option to disable custom renderer to speed-up render time. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 0000789: UniDBComboBox, UniDBListBox: Edit mode is not set when changed - 0000784: TUniStringGrid: Data not restored after decreasing/increasing Row count - 0000788: Bug in Grid Row/Col translation - 0000787: UniDBGrid: Broken CellSelect behavior - 0000786: MessageDlg and mtInformation bug. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 0000781: UniDBGrid: Row selection bug when no data is in dataset - 0000779: UniStringGrid: OnClick event implemented - 0000780: UniDBGrid: OnCellClick bug - 0000777: TUniDBGridColumn.ReadOnly property - 0000778: UniStringGrid: Assigning HTML content to cells - 0000776: UniDBLookUpXXX: ListSource cursor position does not follow Lookup value - 0000773: UniDBGrid: Column.Title.Font/Color - 0000771: UniDBGrid: Column.Font property - 0000772: UniDBGrid: Column.Color property - 0000775: UniFont: [fsUnderline, fsStrikeOut] implemented - 0000774: TUniStringGrid: OnDrawCell event - 0000769: UniDBGrid: Row position is ignored if row is immediately changed after a call to Open() - 0000673: UniDBGrid: OnDrawColumnCell event - 0000768: Better "ext\" folder translation - 0000766: TUniCalender.FirstDayOfWeek property - 0000767: TUniDateTimePicker.FirstDayOfWeek property - 0000765: UniImage: Bug when both Proportional and Stretch are true - New Demo: DrawCell +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 0000764: KeyValue property for UniDBLookupXXX - 0000763: UniDBGrid doesn't handle TDataSet.Refresh() - 0000762: UniListBox and Items.Delete bug - 0000760: UniDBLookupXXX: KeyField value submit bug - 0000761: UniEdit and KeyXXX event bug - 0000759: UniDBLookupXXX: KeyField value problem +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 0000756: MenuItem.Enabled property - 0000755: MenuItem.Visible not working in web mode. - 0000754: UniPageControl: UniTabSheet design time editor - 0000661: enabled/disabled property of TUniToolbarButton - 0000751: UniRadioButton value submission bug - 0000749: Changing ReadOnly := False in UniDateTimePicker & UniDbLookupComboBox raises AV - 0000721: Set ReadOnly := False on UniDB controls on runtime raises AV - 0000445: Customizable Timeout and Terminate pages. - 0000558: Customizable End of Session - 0000748: Field property for DB aware controls - 0000747: AV when trying to access the property TUniDBEdit.Field - 0000746: SessionManager: Bug when there is an Exception in session.Destroy - 0000745: TUniMemo.Clear bug - 0000740: UniTreeView: Node.Data not implemented - 0000744: UniDBMemo.Lines property - 0000743: UniDBMemo.Text porperty is not published - 0000739: UniTreeView: Items.Clear not implemented - 0000736: UniPageControl: Runtime assignment of OnChange event - 0000737: UniDBLookupXXX: Bug when there is " in string - 0000738: UniTreeView: GetFirstNode not implemented - 0000485: TUniButton renders non-themed! - 0000698: Toolbar Button Image/Text alignment - 0000732: TUniPageControl: Bug while setting designtime ActivePage - 0000716: Change Tab title in runtime - 0000507: Direct filename or image URL for TUniImage - 0000733: TUniScreenMask with a TUniPageControl does not work - 0000734: AutoScroll property for UniHTMLFrame - 0000680: The Alignment taRightJustify of a TUniDBGrid column - 0000610: TabOrder for dynamically created controls - 0000627: Unpublish OnChange in TUniComboBox web mode - 0000601: New Event in ServerModule to handle exceptions - 0000728: Disabled UniEdit does not receive values assigned with Control.Text := Value - 0000720: Tag property for DBGrid Columns - 0000723: DBGrid: numeric column is not aligned to right - 0000722: Setting Align := alCenter on DBGridColumns does not work - 0000715: OmniHTTPD and UniGUI ISAPI - 0000724: Runtime assignment for Align/Alignment property of UniDbGrid column - 0000714: UniDBGrid: Implement StripeRows property - 0000712: raise error if Form owner is not either TUniGUIApplication or TApplication - 0000609: TUniTimer: Attach to TUniScreenMask - 0000703: TUniDBLookUpxxx bug when datasource and datafield are not assigned - 0000731: Broken TabOrder in 0.82.0 - 0000708: UniGroupBox: Caption assignment when created dynamically - 0000706: UniEdit: Password char bug - 0000707: UniSplitter: ScreenMask doesn't work - 0000709: Changes in Form layout not reflected correctly - 0000437: AV when creating inherited forms when no projectgroup is available - 0000413: Maximized ExtWindow can't return to normal size - 0000697: UniPanel: Caption Alignment - 0000696: UniPanel: Caption - 0000699: UniPageControl: TabSheet is visible when TabVisible=False - New Demo: CustomException - New Demo: UniImage +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 0000630: Big images in buttons - 0000692: Runtime creation and modification of DBLookup components - 0000693: UniDBLookup bug - 0000695: UniDBGrid: Broken OnCellSelect in 0.82.0 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 0000668: UniDBGrid with data Memory leak - 0000686: New TUniHTMLFrame Component - 0000570: New TUniDBLookupComboBox and TUniDBLookupListBox Components - 0000689: CustomFiles property for ServerModule to add custom CSS and JS files - 0000688: Bug in installer Environment setter - 0000687: "Script" property for TUniForm for adding Custom JS - 0000665: Compatibility with multiple IP systems - 0000685: UniDBGrid: Ellipsis in first column bug (IE) - 0000690: UniDBGrid: OnTitleClick event - 0000684: UniEdit: Text alignment - 0000683: UniScreenMask bug with Maximized Form and mfPage set - 0000682: UniStringGrid: OnSelectCell bug - 0000679: Common DB Controls bug - 0000641: UniTabSheet.TabVisible property - 0000678: Core bug: Setting Align property at runtime - 0000677: Hiding or showing controls doesn't apply alignment/anchoring correctly - 0000675: Setting position of a UniTrackbar at run time - 0000671: UniDBListBox: Dataset is not set to edit mode after change - New Demo: DBLookup - New Demo: HTMLFrame - New Demo: Basic jQuery +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - TUniScreeMask issue with borderless MainForm - Installer: Bug resolved when selected Delphi version is not installed - XE DCU files compiled with Update 1 - Borderless MainForm bug fix +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - UniDBGrid: Critical bug in ISAPI mode - Critical bug in AssignGlobalDateParams +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - New Component UniDBText - Ability to create a windowless borderless MainForm - UniTreeView: Node dynamic add/delete support - UniTreeView: Several Memory leak issues - UniDBGrid: DBGrid.Column.Visible bug - PageControl: Render problem in invisible tabs - TUniListBox: Items are not rendered if placed on UniPageControl invisible Tab - ISAPI: Bug when pathInfo contains Unicode chars - TUniLabel Text alignment - UniDBGrid: _OnDataLoaded may be called before Grid is rendered - UniPageControl: TabIndex doesn't return correct index - UniComboBox in hidden TabPage bug in Chrome browser - UniApplication: New ClientInfo property - New Demo: TreeView - New Demo: ClientInfo - New Demo: Windowless +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - TUniChart moved to UniGUIEx package - TUniSplitter: Runtime create problem - Memory Leak in TUniForm +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Apache web server and CoInitialize issue - UniSplitter Color in Web mode - UniSplitter broken and Ext JS 3.3.0 issue - New Component: TUniChart Component first preview - UniDateTimePicker: OnEnter, OnExit Events - UniGroupBox: CSS frame margin bug (IE) - TUniLabel: AutoSize problem - UniFileUpload: several changes - UniFileUpload: File names containing Unicode chars are returned correctly - Change color of label at runtime - Various runtime property assignment bugs - DataStores and AutoDestroy - Changing Server Port at runtime. - TabOrder and TabStop for Web - Upgraded to Latest Ext JS release (3.3.0) - UniTrackBar: Set Max at runtime - UniDBGrid: DataSet AfterEdit: Reload grid only when needed - New Demo: Chart Demo +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - UniRadioGroup: Render bug when control is disabled - Style:"color:#000000" in FontStyle bug - FileUpload bug - New TUniScreenMask component - Add startup "Loading..." message - Server Bindings property implemented - OwnerForm.IsDestroying: When owner is TUniFrame - DB Controls: Check IsDestroying - Allow suppressing "Ajax" and "Object not found" Errors - SynEdit: some unicode widechars cause problem in D2009+ (removed) - InsertControl/RemoveControl internal bug - TUniToolButton: Dynamic creation - UniDBGrid: Grid row doesn't change when table row changes - UniDBGrid: Master/Detail Support - uniDBGrid: Assigning ReadOnly property in runtime - uniDBGrid: Assigning Options.dgEditing property in runtime - UniForm: Event OnScreenResize implemented - UniForm: Event OnResize implemented - UniApplication: ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight Property - UniTreeView: AutoExpand Property - A mean to determine dimensions of the browser window - ExtPascal: Param Place Holders problem - TreeView: Full Tree load on first call - UniTreeView: TTreeNode.MakeVisible implemented - uniDBGrid: After opening grid row is set to real Dataset cursor location - UniGroupBox: Caption not visible bug - UniRadioGroup: Caption not visible bug - UniRadioButton: OnClick event implemented - UniLabel: Allow HTML Content - ServerModule: Implement Temp Folder Property - Unicode bug in ISAPI module - New Demo: Screen Size - New Demo: UI Mask - New Demo: Download Demo +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Lots of changes and bug fixes in Unicode and codepage handling - Ajax Core: Queue process improvement - Don't respond Alert() to data requests - UniExtTimer.Stopall: check for null object - ExtJS: Test for "undefined" before destroy - UniDBGrid bug: FColumnsChanged is True after ConfigureExtColumns - A customized version of Indy included (10.5.7) - Unicode data transfer and IIS ISAPI bug - TUniTimer runtime enable bug - ExtPascal: StrToJS problem: Strings containing %nn - Unicode conversion bug - UniToolBar: ShowCaptions implemented - Inherited form Reader bug - Delphi XE: Unicode conversion problem - UniPageControl: Dynamic create: Initial ActiveTab bug? - New Demo: Unicode Demo (for D2009 and later) +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - D2009+ UniFrame creation problem - Other Project Wizard related bugs fixed +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - uniEdit, uniDBEdit: CharEOL property added - Buttons: Click Method implemented - New WebOptions property for uniDBGrid (Paged, PageSize) - CodeMirror: Missing Pascal keywords added - New Demo: CharEOL Demo +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Delphi XE Support - uniTreeView: AddChild() Implemented - uniTreeNode: IsFirstNode() Implemented - ExtPascal: VarToJSON: WideString conversion bug - uniTreeView: D2009+ resource compatibility issue - In web mode some controls aren't assigned a default Width/Height - In StrToJs <CR> is not interpreted correctly. - UniSyntaxEdit: CodePress replaced with CodeMirror (CodePress files removed from installer) - Standalone server will display application name - Control parent assignment bug when parent is TUniForm - UniRadioGroup: runtime OnClick event assignment bug - Other minor changes and fixes - New Demo: SQL Demo ( Requires DBISAM http://www.elevatesoft.com/download?category=dbisam ) +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Internal Bug fix in TUniExtWinControl.SetComponentsLoaded() - Internal Bug fix in TUniExtWinControl.RemoveControl() - UniEdit: MaxLength Property implemented - UniSplitter improved - Several bug fixes in UniSplitter - UniSyntaxEdit improved - UniSyntaxEdit bug fixes - Now SynEdit Packages are included in the installer +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - New: Inheritable Frames - New: Inheritable DataModules - New: In "Object Inspector" properties that are not implemented in web mode are displayed in gray - Bug in inherited form implementation - Improved exception handling - UniDBGrid: OnCellClick passes wrong Column - TUniDBGridColumn: Implement Field public property - When wsMaximized some components may render in wrong placed (IE8) - TUniForm: OnDestroy() implemented - DB Controls: Dynamic DataSource assignment - Workaround for WindowState wsMaximized problem +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - New: Service Application implemented - Async request mode is default mode now - Several Bug fixes and changes in AJAX Core - DB Controls: Internal improvements and fixes +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Several internal core changes and bug fixes +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Sync mode partially disabled +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - New Component TUniFileUpload - KeyEvents internal bug - TUniDBNavigator: VisibleButtons Property implemented - TUniEdit: Clear Method implemented - Bug: Showing a Window in another Window's OnShow event - uniMainMenu: Top level menus OnClick event not implemented - KeyEvents Bug - AJAX Core problem - Now Close tool button on Window can be removed - New Sync/Async modes implemented - Bug: Calling DataSet.Refresh in OnClose event may raise Ajax Error - When no project is active creating a new Form or DataModule fails - TUniImage: PNG Images are not shown in Web Mode - PNG/GIF type Images will not be converted to other formats - AV when calling FullExpand method of TUniTreeView - TUniTreeView: FullCollapse implemented - Internal Bug in DB Control DataChange - TUniForm: OnActivate implemented - Bug in ShowMessage - New Demo: FileUpload +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - New Component TUniDBListBox - New Component TUniDBComboBox - New Component TUniURLFrame - Form Inheritance implemented - OnEnter and OnExit Events implemented - TUniRadioGroup: OnClick Event implemented - Bug in UniTabControl - URL Parameters Implemented - New method: UniApplication.Terminate() - TUniEdit CharCase property implemented - TUniDateTimePicker "Visible" bug fixed - SetFocus bug fixed - TuniRadioGroup: ItemIndex implemented - TUniPageControl: Property ActivePage implemented - TUniListBox: ItemIndex bug fixed - DB Controls: internal Bug fixed - StandAloneServer Control Panel imporved - Improved Project Wizard - UniDateTimePicker: OnChange event implemented - Forms divided into two categories: Application Forms and normal Forms - KeyDown, KeyUp, KeyPress implemented - ExtRoot bug in ServerModule fixed - ClientHeight problem in XP theme fixed - 4 new demos: URLFrame, FormInheritance, Dynamic, URLParameters 0.70.0 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Beta
这个是学习css 必须要有的手册,里面包含了大部分css的属性,规则,下面是大纲 CSS Properties Reference 样式表属性 字体 Font font color font-family font-size font-size-adjust font-stretch font-style font-weight text-decoration text-underline-position text-shadow font-variant text-transform line-height letter-spacing word-spacing 文本 Text text-indent text-overflow vertical-align text-align layout-flow writing-mode direction unicode-bidi word-break line-break white-space word-wrap text-autospace text-kashida-space text-justify ruby-align ruby-position ruby-overhang ime-mode layout-grid layout-grid-char layout-grid-char-spacing layout-grid-line layout-grid-mode layout-grid-type 背景 Background background background-attachment background-color background-image background-position background-positionX background-positionY background-repeat layer-background-color layer-background-image 定位 Positioning position z-index top right bottom left 尺寸 Dimensions height max-height min-height width max-width min-width 布局 Layout clear float clip overflow overflow-x overflow-y display visibility 外补丁 Margins margin margin-top margin-right margin-bottom margin-left 轮廓 Outlines outline outline-color outline-style outline-width 边框 Borders border border-color border-style border-width border-top border-top-color border-top-style border-top-width border-right border-right-color border-right-style border-right-width border-bottom border-bottom-color border-bottom-style border-bottom-width border-left border-left-color border-left-style border-left-width 内容 Generated Content include-source quotes content counter-increment counter-reset


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